
"The bed felt cold, so I knew you were out here. You always loved watching the sunrise."

"There's just something poetic about it, I guess. You do know that you didn't have to wake up, right?"

"I spent twelve years waking up without my beautiful sunshine next to me, I don't plan on spending any more." Sirius shrugged sitting behind me and wrapped a blanket around me. "You look freezing cold."

"Barely felt a thing." I mumbled and leaned back on his chest.

"Wanna tell me what's on that beautiful mind of yours? Or do I have to guess?" Sirius said wrapping his arms around me.

"Just everything, I guess. Downside of having anxiety, depression and possibly PTSD, every little thing makes you overthink." I shrugged

"And why didn't you wake me up, sunshine? We could've talked about this."

"You looked so peaceful sleeping and I don't want to interrupt your beauty sleep." I smirked.

"Well thank you for taking my beauty into fucking consideration. But I really don't mind, sunshine. I know how much your mind wanders sometimes. You wanna talk about it?"

"Do you think we did the right thing? Using dark magic to protect the kids? Especially the blood protection charm? That knife was laced with dark magic, y'know?" I shrugged and turned to face him.

"I kinda had the feeling that it was laced with dark magic the moment I looked at it." Sirius chuckled and pulled me closer to him. "And yes, we did the right thing. Hell, I expected something way darker like sacrificing a goat or something. But I know that you would do anything and everything to protect the twins. The charm will work, sunshine. We just have to wait and see."

"That hasn't been done since medieval times, Pads. And I'm not completely sure that the charm will work. I do have a bad reputation of jinxing myself." I mumbled.

"What happened to Prongs all those years ago was something that neither of us could control. And let's be honest, we both knew it was gonna happen. The dumbass fought Voldemort without his wand and he never understood wandless magic. What do you think was gonna happen, sunshine? Voldemort was gonna give him a hug and points for trying? Fucking dumbass." I laughed and shook my head. "You wanna try and get some sleep now or do you wanna stay up a while longer?"

"Can it be just like old times? I miss that." I said and Sirius nodded smiling softly.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."

"Awwwww! Wait- You fought Voldemort without a wand? And you didn't even think about turning into a stag!?"

"Shit happens and I act on instinct! This is why I'm a Gryff, Lily! I do stupid shit! And what about you Miss brightest witch of our year? What happened to you?"

"I had a full on conversation with him, dumbass. You didn't even get to the hellos before you were thrown to the floor like a fucking rag doll. Fucking dumbass."


"Oh let's be real honest here, James. Your sister would've socked and crucio'd Voldemort before he even took out his wand. That woman knows no fear."

"Jade fears a lot of things.Loss, rejection, love, etcetera. Death isn't one of them. She welcomed death with open arms three times in her lifetime. But it's true, she could look at Voldemort dead in the eye and not even flinch. I mean, she made fucking Umbitch tense up by just mentioning Sirius in a cold tone. If I wasn't dead, I'd dig my own grave right then and there."

"Wait, three times?"

"Fifth year, the months she was captured and the day she almost succeeded in killing herself. If I hadn't somehow made Moony wake up, she would be right here next to us. Moony too. They were the only ones keeping each other sane."

"You're a good brother, y'know?"

"I tried to be. But in the end, I broke my promise to her. That's the one thing I still haven't gotten over. And I never forgave myself for that."

"You couldn't avoid it. She understands that, James. She understands the sacrifices we made because she would've done the same for us given the chance. I mean, the woman used some of the darkest magic known to man to try and protect her children! If that doesn't scream motherly instincts, I don't know what does."

"Shit happens, I guess. At least she has Sirius to keep her grounded. But now that she knows how to do dark magic, should we worry?"

"We're dead, James. Bellatrix should be the one worrying."

"And Umbitch."

"Her too."




"MY WATER BROKE!" I heard Solis yell and I looked at Sirius and Remus wide-eyed.

"SHIT!" We all yelled in unison and ran up the stairs.

"St. Mungo's or Beastling?" Sirius asked helping Solis stand up.

"St. Mungo's. There's no way we can apparate to Beastling and by the time we get to Ireland, the baby will be crawling." I whacked Sirius in the head and grabbed her bags. "On a scale of one to ten?"

"Five hundred." She groaned as another contraction came in.

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go have a baby!" Remus yelled and I smiled at him. "What?"

"Haven't seen you this excited in years. It's refreshing."



"Remus, remind me to kill you when this is all over!"

"Love you too, Sunny." Remus said and looked at me. "You were way worse."

"I was having twins! What the hell did you expect, smiles and rainbows?" I rolled my eyes and held Solis' hand. "You ready to push?"

"Like I have a damn choice! Where's Pads?" She groaned.

"Outside with the twins, Bill, Tonks, Charlie, and Fleur. Want me to switch with him?" I asked moving her hair out of her face.

"No. Leave him there. You have way more experience in this than him." She smirked and I laughed.

"You're ready to push?" The head healer asked.

"As if I have a damn choice!"



"Hey. How was the birth?" Sirius asked walking towards me.

"Excruciating, but totally worth it. A healthy baby boy. Edward Remus Lupin, born April 10, 1998." I smiled and looked at Bill and Fleur who were also smiling. "What's up with the two of you?"

"We were going to tell you tonight, but Fleur here can't wait." Bill smirked and Fleur stood up holding my hands.

"I'm pregnant." She said and Sirius screamed. I hugged her and started crying.

"This is so great! How far along?"

"About three weeks today!" Fleur said excitedly.

"Congratulations you two!" Sirius yelled hugging Bill.

"What's with all the hugging?" Remus smiled walking outside.

"Fleur's pregnant!" Tonks said smiling.

"Well shit! Congratulations you two." Remus hugged Fleur and looked at Sirius and I. "Edward wants to meet his godparents and cousin."


"Oh yeah, we never told you! Well, a few nights ago, Sunny and I were talking and decided to make you two godparents. We know that you two never got to be godparents to Harry, so we thought it would be fitting and-"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Moony!" I cried hugging him. "Thank you so fucking much."

"It's the least you deserve, Little Vixen." Remus kissed my forehead and wiped my tears and looked at the twins. "You two wanna meet your cousin?"

"Can we!?" They looked at Sirius and i who laughed and nodded. "YAY!"

"Okay, but remember to not yell or anything. It's exciting, I know. But auntie Sunny needs to rest." Sirius said picking up Marlene and we walked inside. "Hey, Sunny."

"Well it's about time. Sit them on the bed, I want them to meet their cousin." Sirius and I placed the twins on either side of her. "Guys, meet Edward. Edward, this is everyone."

"Teddy." Marlene said looked at Edward.

"You think we should call him Teddy, Kit?" Solis asked smiling and she nodded. "Then Teddy it is."

"He's so cute!"

"You think he has the wolf gene?"

"No, at least I don't think so. And don't ruin a good moment, James!"

"Sorry! Lily look at Moony! He's so happy. We haven't seen him this happy in almost a decade!"

"Things are finally starting to look up for them, huh?"

"Yes. I hope it lasts."

"Me too."

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