Part 2
Sienna was indifferent about Alec's new position.
The Institute had always been her home but she trusted Alec to take care of it. She also doubted he would last long. He was destined for greater things than the small San Francisco Institute.
Sienna didn't believe she was destined for much.
Her childhood had been too eventful for her adult life to come to anything more than a retirement after a few decades of demon hunting (and dance, if destiny found it in her heart to give her some joy).
Quickly after their meeting in the library, the four Shadowhunters had returned to New York to gather their things and settle their affairs while Sienna and James spent the rest of the morning cleaning and preparing rooms.
"Do you think Jace and Clarissa will share a room?" Sienna asked James as they made up a bed.
"I think that would be highly improper," James said, striding across the room, soundlessly, to gather the pillow cases. He emphasized "highly."
Sienna had always been intrigued by Jace's good looks. But who wasn't? He could have any girl in the world and he chose a barely-trained Shadowhunter, with horrid posture, and red hair that seemed to fly out in every direction.
Sienna stood in front of the mirror inspecting her reflection. She was still wearing the black gear she had put on to impress her guests. Her bun was still neat. What did Clarissa have that she didn't? Sienna strived to be perfect. But there was no one to notice her.
"Is something the matter, miss?" James asked. Sienna snapped out of her stupid head-space.
"I just--" She sighed. "Do you ever think I'll leave San Francisco, James?"
"I'm sure you'd always be welcomed in Idris," James said. Idris. Shadowhunter homeland. It was like a mythical fairy land. There wasn't any landscape more beautiful in this dimension.
"I'm not talking about Idris," Sienna said. "I'm talking about going to other Institutes-- falling in love, James."
The older man stopped, straightening up. He looked at Sienna.
"You wish to be married?" James asked.
"I mean, yes," she said, frustrated with her own emotions. "I want a life beyond this Institute."
"You want Jace Lightwood," James concluded.
"Jace is taken," she said, shaking her head. The bun suddenly felt too tight, too stiff. With a few pulls, her hair came tumbling down. She shook it out. "I want a Jace, yes. I want a beautiful, brave Shadowhunter who would ride into battle for me and save the world. I want someone who looks at me the way he looks at Clarissa."
The butler remained silent.
Jace looked at Clary, skeptically.
There was nothing she could say to convince her mother to let her spend the summer with him in San Francisco.
Jocelyn came down the stairs and saw the two sitting on the couch. She immediately froze.
"I hope this isn't an intervention," she said. Jace smiled, looking down at his lap. He had to take his eyes off Clary.
"I want to ask you something," Clary said.
"Ask away," said a voice. Luke descended down the stairs, stopping beside Jocelyn. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close, as if he could lose her at any moment.
Clary took a deep breath.
"I'd like to go to San Francisco for the summer," she said.
"Uh, we," Jace corrected. His eyes darted back in forth between Jocelyn's absolute shock and Clary's dwindling hopefulness.
"Absolutely not," Jocelyn said.
"Hear them out, Jocelyn," Luke said. Jocelyn's face softened.
"You know Alec's the new head of the Institute over there," Clary said. "They wouldn't have given him the position if they didn't think he could handle it. San Fran is safe--"
"It's not the safety I'm worried about," Jocelyn said. "It's you two." She almost spat the words.
"We'd have separate rooms," Jace said. He knew that wouldn't help much but it had to be said.
"It's been a long year, Mom," Clary said. "We just want some rest and relaxation. You and Luke would have some time to yourself. We'd be out of the house and you wouldn't have to worry about us."
"Who else would be going?" Luke asked.
"Isabelle and Alec," Clary answered, quickly. She was getting her hopes up too quickly.
"And, uh, Sienna," Jace added.
"Sienna? Sienna Penhallow?" Jocelyn asked.
"You know her?" Jace asked. The Shadowhunter community was small now. It wouldn't be that surprising if she did.
"Her parents were a few years older than me," Jocelyn said. "I didn't know them that well but I saw them around occasionally. Her father was a member of the Clave during the Circle."
That was brave: serving on the Clave's council during the Circle's reign of terror. They must have been one of the few Shadowhunter families that didn't join Valentine.
The conversation had grown to a stop.
Jace wasn't a fan of the awkward silence. He clenched and unclenched the fingers not intertwined with Clary's.
"They have a butler," Clary added. "An adult."
"They'd be just a Portal away," Luke said. "I'm sure Magnus will be keeping one open to visit Alec."
Jocelyn still looked uneasy.
"Mom," Clary said. Jocelyn looked at her daughter with reluctant eyes.
"Go ahead," Jocelyn said. Clary jumped up faster than Jace had ever seen her move, tackling her mom in a hug. "You'll be home at the end of the summer though. And you'll keep in touch. And behave."
"I suppose you'll leave soon?" Luke asked, his eyes on Jace. The boy nodded.
"Go pack," Jocelyn said, pushing her daughter off of her.
"You're the best," Clary called as she ran up stairs.
Jace pushed himself off the couch.
Both Jocelyn and Luke were watching him with warning eyes. If anything happened to Clary this summer, it'd be on him.
"You don't have to go," Magnus Bane whispered. His eyes were closed, his forehead pressed desperately up against Alec's.
"I do what the Clave says," Alec said.
Magnus resisted the urge to smack Alec. Why couldn't he understand that he could really have whatever he wanted? He could stop being a Shadowhunter. . . Magnus would always provide for him.
"Alexander, I'm begging you," Magnus said.
"You can visit whenever you want," Alec said. But even he sounded uncertain.
"How long will you be gone?" Magnus said, pulling away.
"I don't know," Alec said.
"That's not good enough. Give me a date. I want to know when you're coming home."
"Why can't you move?" Alec said. "Come with me."
Magnus laughed, turning around to cool himself down.
"Because I am the High Warlock of Brooklyn, Alexander! Do you know how long it took me to get that position?"
Alec's face remained somber.
"Promise me you'll visit," the Shadowhunter whispered.
Magnus closed the gap between them, placing his hands gently, but with enough force to get the boy's attention, on the side of Alec's perfect, sharp face.
"I would truly die if I didn't," Magnus said. He kissed Alec.
"I don't want to go," Alec said.
"Life's not fair, Alexander," Magnus said. "There's no use in complaining about it."
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