Jace sat on the spot that had once been the site of Alexander Lightwood's funeral pyre, staring out over the countryside.
He sighed, serenely.
This had been his spot, once a week, for the past year, usually at sunset but this time the sun was rising in the east.
"Good morning," Jace said. "Today's the day. This last week has been an actual hell. Did you know that Simon doesn't know how to tie a tie? I thought that was something everyone knew how to do. I've also realize that I don't have many male friends. Clary thinks I should try and warm up to Charlie."
"I'm not unkind, ya know? But it's awkward. You understand," Jace said. "Otherwise, I think I'm ready. I have to be back at the manor in an hour or so. Jocelyn almost didn't let me leave. She was afraid I'd get all muddy. It did rain last night."
Jace sighed.
"Have I seriously resorted to talking about the weather?"
The wind picked up in response.
"Tessa and Jem Carstairs are coming tonight," Jace said, fiddling with the new-ish ring on his finger. So much commitment in one piece of metal. But Clary had insisted. "I want to see them."
"I think Jem will help," Jace said. "I'm still not okay, Alec. There's still a hole inside me and I haven't forgotten you. Nor will I ever, but I think you'd want me to move on. I'd want you to. I'd want you to go on a grand adventure with Magnus and get banned from Russia or something."
The sun was getting brighter and losing it's pretty myriad of colors.
"I should go," Jace said. "Jocelyn will kill me if I'm not on her schedule."
Jace wandered over to the tree where his new horse, Lightbearer, was tied up. He mounted the silvery mare.
"Hail and farewell, brother," Jace whispered to the wind.
"Where is that boy?" Jocelyn snapped, pacing anxiously.
Clary was draped lazily over a settee.
There was a knock at the door to the master bedroom.
"Come in," Clary called. Simon entered. Clary jumped up, running to hug him.
"Don't rip your dress," Simon laughed as he picked her up easily. He set her back down seconds later. Jocelyn slipped out of the room, giving them privacy.
She looked him over. He was in a fine black suit and his hair was slicked back. He even seemed to be growing a little bit of a hipster beard, but it looked good.
"Don't you look dapper," Clary teased. He undid the top three buttons of his dress shirt. The grey T-shirt underneath read "screw your 'lab safety,' I want superpowers."
Clary smiled.
"All dressed up and nowhere to go," he said. "You look nice."
Isabelle entered from the bathroom, screeching when she saw him.
"Get out!" she shouted. "You can't see her in the dress."
"Actually, I believe that's the groom--"
Isabelle had a deadly look in her eyes. Simon backed out of the room, giving Clary a reassuring wink as he left.
"Those boys are awful," Isabelle said, slamming the door shut.
"Gah," Clary sighed, collapsing back down on the couch. "Is it noon yet?"
"Why? Anxious for something?" Isabelle laughed.
Clary didn't respond. She was nervous for some reason. She had no reason to be.
"Did Jace go see Alec?" Clary asked quietly.
"Yes," Isabelle said. "He should be back soon."
"Okay," Clary whispered. "That's good."
"The Carstairs arrived late last night," Isabelle said. "I happened to be up and saw them."
"Jace is going to talk to them, right?" Isabelle asked.
"He doesn't talk about them," Clary said. "But he invited them, so I'm sure they will."
"You don't leave for the cottage until eight tonight right?" Isabelle asked.
"Eight," Clary confirmed. The Lightwoods had a cottage along Lake Lyn that Clary and Jace had decided to honeymoon at. Clary hated the word honeymoon though. She much preferred "vacation."
"Are you nervous?" Isabelle asked. Clary sat up.
"I'm not nervous," she said, defensively.
"Everything will be fine," Isabelle reassured her. "I'm going to go talk to Jace."
"Jace? Why?"
"Because he's my brother and I can," Isabelle said. She flipped her hair as she left the room, leaving Clary alone to her thoughts.
Isabelle knocked on the door to the second largest room in the Herondale manor.
Charlie opened it, peeking his head out playfully.
"Miss Isabelle," he said. "How can I help you?"
"I'm here to see Jace," Isabelle said.
Charlie opened the door, letting her in. Jace was pacing on the far side of the room while Simon watched from an armchair.
"Jace," Isabelle said. He stopped, turning to face her.
"Hello," he said. He sounded as nervous as Clary. "What's up?"
"I came to give you something," Isabelle said.
"Do you two want a moment?" Simon asked.
"Yes please," Isabelle said. She heard the boys leave the room. Isabelle pulled a letter from the hidden pocket of her dress. It was short and an elegant gold with black trimming. Also in the pockets was a small knife and stele.
She handed the letter to Jace.
"I haven't read it," Isabelle said. "But I did find it."
Jace looked over the seal.
"Lightwood," he observed. "Do I want to read this now?"
"It's up to you," Isabelle said. "I found it in his sock drawer with your name on it. I think he would have wanted you to have it today. Whatever it is."
Jace sat down in a nearby armchair, ripping the seal, opening the letter. Isabelle remained standing.
His eyes scanned the page, his lips slightly parted. He looked confused.
It only took him seconds to read the letter, before he folded it up.
"Well," Jace said, standing back up. He straightened his suit. "That was enlightening."
Isabelle was dying to know what it said. But she restrained herself from asking.
"I hope that didn't ruin anything," Isabelle said.
Jace bit his lip. He exhaled heavily. Isabelle could see the tears in his eyes.
"Thank you for this," he said, holding the letter up. "I'm sure you want to know what it says."
"I do," Isabelle said. "But I won't pry anymore."
She turned to leave but Jace stepped in front of her and handed her the letter.
"Read," he said. He wiped his eyes.
Isabelle took the letter.
She immediately recognized Alec's hand writing.
If you've found this, you've either run out of socks and are stealing mine or I'm gone. And I don't know what I had in mind when I decided to start writing this but
A word was scratched out.
Forget that. I want you to move on, Jace. I want you to go on and be happy. Don't forget me but I want you to go and do all the stuff I wasn't able to. Go travel. Get married. Have a bunch of kids. Be happy. You know I'm with you no matter what you do, Jace. Just try not to do anything too stupid. You're not invincible. And take care of Izzy and Max for me.
I love you,
Isabelle handed the letter back. Jace immediately hugged her.
She fought back the urge to cry knowing that it would ruin her makeup and make Clary suspicious.
"Gah, he's awful," Isabelle said, wiping her eyes.
Jace kissed Izzy on the cheek.
"Thank you," he said. "For everything."
"Aw, Jace," Isabelle sniffled. "Stop. You know I haven't done anything for you."
"You don't know how wrong you are," he said.
Isabelle wiped the tears away from her eyes again.
"Is my mascara--"
"No," he said. His gold eyes were sparkling.
"I should go," Isabelle said. Jace nodded. "See you on the aisle!"
She could hear Jace laugh quietly as she slipped out of the room.
Noon came around slowly.
There was a knock at the door and Clary jumped up. Luke was leaning against the door frame.
"Are you ready?"
Clary nodded, hugging him. The suit felt soft.
"Is Jace ready?" Clary asked.
"He's out back so he's in position at least," Luke said.
"Is he nervous?"
"As nervous as you, kiddo," Luke said. He gave her a minute to compose herself. "We have to go before your mother kills us."
"I'd hate to be late to my own wedding," Clary said. He held her hand as they descended downstairs. They waited just inside the back door. Clary stared out the window.
Over two hundred people sat in white chairs. There were red flowers lying along the aisle.
Clary fiddled with the fabric of her dress.
"Clary," Luke said, getting her attention, "calm down."
She nodded, taking a deep breath.
"What are we waiting for?" Clary asked impatiently.
"Whenever you're ready," Luke said.
"Oh," Clary mumbled. She took a deep breath. "I'm ready."
Clary placed a hand in the crook of Luke's arm as he pushed a door open for her letting her out in to the cool summer air.
It was the perfect day for a wedding. There was a breeze and a few clouds in the blue sky. Otherwise it was sunny and warm.
Clary walked down the aisle, hyper-aware of everyone staring at her.
She wanted to look down at her feet, and maybe she would have, if Jace was at the end of the aisle, watching her with his beautiful eyes open wide.
When she finally reached the end of the aisle, Jace took her hands. His eyes never left her, even though Clary was looking around nervously.
The officiant, someone the Clave had selected, began speaking. His words were lost to Clary.
"You look stunning," Jace mouthed to her.
Per her request, Jace had worn a suit instead of traditional Shadowhunter gear.
She winked at him, making him smile even more.
"They will now exchange rings and runes," the officiant said. Clary turned around. Isabelle handed her a ring, a thick silver band with "perpetuo atque semper" engraved on the inside.
When she turned back around, Jace was holding one hand out. She placed her hand in his and he slipped on perhaps the exact opposite of her ring for him; tiny silver ring with little diamonds inlaid all around. It was beautifully simple.
Clary decided not to point out the engraving before placing it on his finger. She could see specks of dirt on his fingernails. She suppressed a laugh.
"And now the runes."
They were each handed a stele. Jace pushed Clary's hair aside to draw a wedded union rune on her collarbone.
"Don't mess up," Clary whispered. He laughed, warm breath hitting Clary's skin. Then he moved down to her wrist drawing a promise rune.
"What's that for?" Clary asked, quietly. Usually the second Mark exchanged was a love rune.
"It is a promise," Jace said, "to love you forever." He slipped the stele into his pocket and held out his wrist for her.
"Well, I had something different in mind as well," Clary said, pushing the sleeve of his suit up.
"It's a love rune with a twist," she explained. "It's similar to the parabatai rune in that you can draw upon your partner's strength but there's no heavenly bond." Jace nodded and she began to draw it, twisted lines and crooked ovals. She had been worried that he wouldn't like it since it was so similar to the parabatai rune.
When she finished that, Jace unbuttoned the top button of his dress shirt so that she could draw the rune on his collarbone. His eyes watched her intently.
Her hands were steady.
When she was done, she handed the stele to Jace who slipped it in his pocket.
"By the power invested in me by the Clave and the state of New York, I now pronounce Clarrisa Adele Fray and Johnathan Christopher Lightwood husband and wife."
Time seemed to almost freeze for a moment.
Jace's eyes shined bright with the midsummer day. He pulled her close and put his lips to her ear.
"You are more than I ever could have imagined, Clary," he whispered.
"Just kiss me please," Clary said. Jace laughed and stepped back, kissing her, gently, briefly.
The crowd began applauding. Clary stared up at Jace even as they walked down the aisle, hand in hand.
Someone was holding the door to the manor open. As soon as they were inside, the doors shut behind them.
Jace pulled her towards him, kissing her yet again in the middle of the ballroom.
It didn't last long before he began pulling her out of the ballroom and towards the grand staircase that lead upstairs.
"Jace, I'm quite certain we're supposed to socialize--"
"Clary, I'm quite certain I don't care about your mother's schedule," he said, flashing her a seductive look.
She allowed him to pull her up the stairs. They went into the master bedroom, the one they had been living in for the past ten months. Jace shut the door behind her.
"Don't ruin my hair," Clary warned. Isabelle had spent an hour on it.
Jace only laughed.
Isabelle was stuck at the door as guests entered, thanking them for coming since Jace and Clary had disappeared.
A girl with brown hair, who didn't look much older than Isabelle herself, and a boy with hair an even darker shade of brown were the last guests to enter the manor house.
"Mrs. Tessa Carstairs," Isabelle said. "How delightful to see you." The girls exchanged kisses on their cheeks. "And Jem, of course." Isabelle hugged him. "It's nice to see you two together."
"Thank you, Isabelle," Tessa said. "That was a beautiful ceremony. The best I've seen in years."
"It was very nice," Isabelle said. "I'm just glad it's over with."
"And where is the happy couple?" Jem asked.
"They're-- they're going to make a grand entrance," Isabelle said. Jem raised an eyebrow as if he knew what was really happening.
"I do hope to see them," Tessa said. "They were so adorable up on the altar."
"Well, if you don't see them tonight, this will be their permanent residence for awhile," Isabelle said. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind visitors."
"Yes, of course," Jem said. He bowed his head and left Tessa with Isabelle.
"Jem is eager to speak with Jace Lightwood," Tessa said. "He believes it will help them both."
"I think you could be right," Isabelle said.
"Well, I'll leave you with your thoughts," Tessa said.
There was applause from the ballroom. Isabelle looked up at the balcony and saw that Clary and Jace were descending the stairs.
Only Isabelle would have noticed that Clary's hair was slightly out of place.
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