Special chapter(yandere event 2)
we zoom in the azur lane base where the three boys are going to the training room to train as they finished eating their breakfasted and taking a shower they went to the training area
and each of them choosed what type of training they will be doing federation was testing his aviation and speed along with his
shooting skills thunder was testing his guns on full power while also shooting the targets with his plasma gun and rail gun on top of his shoulder which destroyed the target
meawhile rizky was doing the samething with his mini guns and missile packs was wipeing out many of the targets as they finished their
training they were returning to their ships to take a break only for them to hear a sinister yandere laugh
as they looked in front of them were the shipgirls including federation and thunder girlfrieunds jean bart and enteprise having a yandere
look for federation his girfrieund looked hot with that look but knowing that she became a yandere
is something he doesnt like to happened to him as they are surronded they are trying to figure out how to lose them
federation:we need to split up and go in inside our ships that way we wont be followeed
thunder:commentary:i dont think thats such a good idea they will find us
rizky:we split up and lose them make sure you are fasted
jean bart:hehehehehehe love just surrender there is no escape
enteprsie:same for you thunder just give up
federation:thunder throw your flashbangs
thunder:commentary as you wish as he throws his grenades blinding the shipgirls
they begun to run across the base to lose them as the shipgirls pursue them federation went to his ship and locked the door while thunder and rizky lost them while hiding in a nearby cave
jean bart:girls we need to split up and find the three boys
enteprise:that could work i will look for thunder and rizky
bismarck:im also coming with you that boy can hide but he wont escape
belfast:same enteprise anata can run but he cant hide
jean bart:then lets go girls
as the girls begun to hunt the boys we zoom in federation ship where he is on the flight deck as he heared a yandere laugh and looked to see jean bart being
there before she can catch him he got in his mi 35 hind and took off losing her
while at the sametime both rizky and thunder were found out before they can be captured they were rescued by federation as they got aboard his helicopter losing them as the day was
closing they were entering their ships as federation looked to see jean bart and richeilu along with washington and north carolina before
he can activate his demon form he was shot by a tranqluizer dart and he was resisting on
not falling asleep the samething happened to rizky as he was captured by bismarck along with tirpitz and baltimore along with belfast were preventhing him from escaping as the night was filled
with moanings and screamings the only one that survived being captured was thunder as he remained hidden in his ship quarteres that are
locked to prevented escape as the next day came federation and rizky thoughted what happened to them and they promised next time they wont fall so easily to the yanderes
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