Season one Episode fourteen: Scorching Vixen Heat

The Adventures of tod and Copper

Season one Episode fourteen: Scorching Vixey Heat


The page of a book was shown with two fox's, one red and one blue, fighting to death in a brutal fashion. "Many years ago. Two races of fox's were at war. (The page expanded to show the rest of the army fighting each other) The red colored foxes, and the blue colored foxes. (The page turns to show the red foxes prevailing) The red fox army succeeded in the end. (A blue fox is shown running away with a red fox) But little did they know that one of each of their clans grew quite fond of each other. The red one, Alia. The blue one, Farius."

Alia and Farius were shown on the next page as the blue fox tried to negotiate with his King. "Farius thought since he was the most well renowned members of his clan due to everything he's done, which is told in other stories by the way, that he could reason with his leader, but the leader refused. (The King of Farius's people clan is shown spreading darkness over a town) The King spread darkness all over the land and forced his minions to fight back, forcing Farius to do something drastic."

Farius was shown in the next page with him placing a sword into some kind of rock. "So Farius did what he had to do, and sent the ones who refused to listen to reason away. (Farius was shown kissing the Alia goodbye with both of them crying) Although he had to leave his wife, and their children, he was willing to do what he knew would hurt him for the sake of his family. (Alia is shown looking over a book of all the amazing things her husband's done) To protect her children, Alia hid the truth of their father from them for the time being."

A page showed the Alia looking at her children as they were in some kind of farm house, with the oldest reading, the second oldest carrying a hay stack, and the youngest two, supposedly being twins, sitting on the haystacks, with the red fox holding a basketball and spinning it on her finger and the blue one laying on the hay stack the second oldest was carrying. "She'd hoped the truth would come someday. When they were ready. And that truth...has now come" The screen faded to black, ending the backstory.


Soft rock music played as a young Tod woke up in his bedroom and looked outside at the vast open world awaiting him as a male voice sang Vast Open World. "Hello there, why ya crying? It'll be, okay I promise. (Tod is shown with optimistic smile as he jumps out the window) I'm sure you'll someday find your fa-ted bliss." Tod was shown running through the forest as he looks around and enjoys the scenery, catching a vine in his mouth and swinging on it. As he landed perfectly, he saw Copper sniffing and became curious.

Tod is shown on the top of the log with the Copper coming on the other end and sniffing some more. "Hey there. (The Copper sniffs up to Tod and sees that what he was sniffing was him) I think our newfound friendship was destiny. (Tod and Copper are shown walking around the forest and getting to know each other) Hey there. (Copper laughs at a joke from Tod) Even though we aren't the same, you and me."

Tod and Copper are shown climbing a tree with the fix kit saving the Bloodhound as he's about to fall off. "Hey there. (Copper continues climbing with Tod helping him do so easier) I just know this friendship will never fade away. (Tod and Copper arrive at the top of the tree and sit on the top branch) Hey there. Hey there."

Tod was shown riding a horse with the assistance of Tyler. "Even though we don't have the same lifestyles. (Terra is shown skating away from a Hairless Mexican Dog while holding a sausage and blowing a raspberry at them) I would travel with you alone for miles. (Danny is shown looking at a cookie jar while on top of the fridge with a mischievous look on his face) We'll always be here so we'll share our laughter."

Alia was shown grabbing Danny from the fridge and scolding him softly as he tries to break free. "I know all of us can take anything and (Tod is shown sneaking Copper out of his bedroom while standing on a ladder) I know, we can strive, for our peace and harmony thrive (The fox kit is shown running into a dark force with Copper and they walk up to it) Even if, it gets tough, we'll survive, and save them all, (Tod and Copper are shown running away from the dark force) Hello there, why ya crying? It'll be, okay I promise."

Tod is shown protecting Copper from the dark force and striking it in the heart with a rock. "I'm sure you'll someday find your fa-ted bliss. (Tod sees that there's a Vixey in there and pulls them out) Yeah, yeah, yeah. (Vixey is shown to be crying with the male fox kit wiping her tear) Don't say goodbye." Tod is shown with his friends and siblings as they group up with a gray wolf pup shown leaning on a tree and looking at them from a high point in a tree, seeming to be rather lonely as the music ends.


Terra was leaning against the lockers while looking at something that she wasn't approving of in the slightest. "No Sophie, I can't use any of these." A female Chocolate Labrador wearing glasses closed her locker to look at Terra as she criticized her work. "This is a baseball game, not a math test. Not everyone on my team is gonna be able to read this."

"That's why I plan on explaining it to them before the game." Sophie chimed in with a smile as she pointed to specific features. "See, if we hit a home run early on then everyone will give it their A game too soon, and if we do it at the end of the game it'll be too late. So the best we can do is time a home run for right in the middle."

Terra took a liking to the idea as a bunch of jocks came by as she commented on it. "But what if someone gets a home run in the beginning anyway?" One of the jocks grabbed Sophie's notes, much to her annoyance and Terra's anger. "Hey, hand those over loser! We need them for the game!"

"Yeah, YOU need them to win the baseball game, but WE need a plan to win the football game, and you took our way of winning!" The leader jock retorted, much to Terra's frustration as the jock ripped up Sophie's notes, much to the latters despondence as the jock looked down at Sophie. "And you thought you could help your friend instead of helping us."

The jocks continued laughing as a rage flared inside of Terra, who dashed at the jock leader and pinned him against the wall with fire coming from her paws. "Listen up Andy! I don't care if your precious football game matters to you! MESS WITH SOMEONE I CARE ABOUT AGAIN AND I'LL KILL YOU!" Terra noticed the flame on her paws and the aura surrounding her, backing up a bit as she questioned it. "Where did that come from?"

"I don't know, but I don't wanna see it again!" Andy cried as he ran off with the others behind him as Sophie looked at Terra with amazement.

"That was incredible!" Sophie hugged Terra, only to get burned a bit by her flaming aura. "Oh, aura burns." Terra chuckled a bit, not sure how to explain what just happened.


Terra was in the gym with Sophie as she explained to her what her power was all about and where she thought it came from. "So I think this has something to do with me being the daughter of Farius. I know Tod only goes nerd mode for THOSE lessons too, so he has to have a lot of knowledge on him already."

Sophie found the reasoning being Terra's power to be fastinating, having heard quite a bit about Farius in the past. "Yes, I know about Farius. I think I could develop something that could get him out of the world he got sent to."

"Okay, that'd be awesome." Terra responded, knowing it would be really cool to see her father. "We should keep a low profile about this though. I don't know how public Tod and Danny made their powers yet, and I don't feel like being the stand out until I know it's okay to reveal them." Terra then got to thinking about one detail regarding her power that she didn't quite get. "But hold up. Tod and Danny need something that relates to their power to be nearby for it to work. Why did mine activate without any fire or hot objects around?"

"Perhaps it's because you tend to be a walking rage machine yourself." Sophie suggested, and then Terra suddenly released a five second fart, one that let out a green cloud and reeked of protein shakes (pfffffffffft). Terra whiffed the fart proudly as Sophie scooted a bit away while covering her nose. "The fact that you're a walking fart bomb could also have something to do with it. Do you think you'll be able to control it?"

Terra felt a slight burn on the butt from her fart, hoping she wasn't gonna start farting fire. "If I keep my temper under control then yeah. (Rubs butt a bit) Though, my butt hurts a bit, so that could be a sign that I'm gonna fart fire." Sophie looked at the possibilities of Terra farting fire and found the concept of it to be dangerous.


Terra was in the backyard shooting basketball hoops as talked to Sophie about her power and how she could control it. "It's not gonna be easy Sophie. You and I both know how easy it is to make me mad." Terra shot for a three pointer and scored, having the ball bounce over to her before she continued. "I don't think there's been a single week where I haven't gotten into a fight with Danny, or smashed something in rage."

Sophie was sketching something as she gave Terra some advice on controlling her power. "Perhaps you could take up meditation. The activity is fairly calming to anyone who participates in it, and it's always holding a peaceful aura to whoever does it. (Terra opens her mouth) And no it's not gas."

Terra scoffed at the idea, shooting another three pointer and scoring with the ball bouncing back over to her. "I highly doubt any meditation group would take me in. Some people might ask me to stay calm at all times, or never be mad again. I wanna surpress my anger, not get rid of it."

"I could teach you." Sophie suggusted, leaving Terra surprised as sophie explained. "I do meditation myself, and it helps a lot with my daily routine."

Terra thought for a moment and figured meditation would help if someone she knew was teaching her. "Yeah, that could work. (Walks up to Sophie) I'm not gonna become a hippie or anything, right?"

"I can assure you that you'll keep your personality the way it is Terra. Everyone deserves to grow naturally." Sophie replied, much to Terra's relief.


Terra and Sophie were at Sophie's locker as Sophie pulled out a paper to explain how her meditation worked. "The art of meditation is all in how you pose, and what you do during the meditation, like what you think about and what you use to surround yourself with peace." Sophie showed Terra the paper of what she did with her meditation time. "I use the most common of the poses with a criss cross applesauce, childish name I know, I wish I could change it, and I surround myself with candles that give off an ocean breeze scent."

Terra took a liking to Sophie's style, knowing that something like this could work for her. "Yeah, I can see this woring!" Terra handed Sophie her paper back, knowing she would be able to meditate easily now. "I probably won't use candles though. I think we both know why."

Sophie nodded in understanding, pulling out a list of things Terra could use to surround herself with a peaceful enviornment. "I've made this list of things you could use in case candles failed, or weren't at all an option. I recommend a musical method the most."

Terra thought over on what could work in terms of music, knowing that hardcore stuff would fail. "I should probably use classic rock music or something. I hate classical, and there's no way hardcore death metal is gonna help." Sophie nodded with approval and closed her locker. "I'll talk more about it later. I gotta talk to the principal about burning Andy yesterday."

Terra walked off with Sophie looking into her locker and taking a book out before closing it. "I think she could help me with my sceince project if she learns to control her power by then." Sophie walks off with a proud smile, knowing things would work out for everyone.


Terra was in the Principal's office as Andy explained what happened, leaving out the fact that he was picking on Sophie. "And for no reason at all, this chick pinned me against the wall and started burning me like crazy! I could see the fire scorching her eyes!" Terra rolled her eyes with a scoff, finding that Andy was being incredibly childish about this whole thing, especially since he was the one who started the confrontation. "I want this crazy fire chick suspended, and charged for the amount of money my football jersey was worth!"

Principal Modesty didn't by this story completely, knowing that Terra wasn't the type to attack someone without a reason. Not that she was allowed to attack someone at all, but he could still tell it was a false accusation. "Terra. Would you like to speak in our defense."

"Heck yeah I'd like to!" Terra stood up out of her chair and pointed to Andy with rage in her eyes. "That turd burglar was picking on Sophie. I wasn't just gonna sit there and let it happen. (Looks at Andy) And FYI, I didn't know whare that came from at the time. Now that I do, you can shut up, and wait for me to burn your pathetic face off again if you make me want to."

Andy backed up a bit with Principal Modesty speaking with a firm, but calm voice. "Terra, I know you couldn't have expected this power to just come to you, and that you obviously didn't intend on burning anyone, at least not physically. But you do understand that attacking someone, or threatening someone, is against the school rules, correct?"

"Tch. And that insecure try-hard trying to ruin my chances of winning the baseball game isn't?" Terra asked, and Principal Modesty reached a compromise.

"Andy, you'll have detention for a week for your actions." Andy groaned as Principal Modesty turned to Terra. "Terra, since you were unaware of your strange power at the time, I'll only give you one day of detention. But understand. I don't want this to happen again." Terra nodded in understanding and Principal Modesty dismissed them. "You're dismissed." Terra and Andy left the Principal's office with Terra punching the Bulldog in the face as soon as they were out of sight.


Terra was asleep in the detention room as the minutes passed by, being incredibly bored out of her mind. The detention teacher, who was a male Doberman walked up to her with a ruler and smacked it against her desk, waking her up instantly. "Stay awake during detention or I'll spank you!"

Terra ignored the detention teacher and faked going back to sleep, grabbing the detention teacher's ruler as he struck down. She then looked back up and pushed the detention teacher back without hesitation. "You think you can get away for this crud for long old timer, well let me tell you something. You'd better stick to hitting students who don't have the backbone to stand up to you or tell on you, because if you strike me with that, I'm gonna sent you into the Principal's office, through the wall of his office, and ruin your career."

The detention teacher didn't take kindly to Terra's threat and made her unhand the ruler, smacking her across the face with it, much to her anger. "Sit down and do your work! I'll inform the Principal of this undisguised threat."

Terra suddenly gained a flaming aura again and punched the detention teacher in the stomach, making the other students scared upon the sight of it. Terra grabbed the detention teacher's chest and looked into his eyes. "Don't you EVER smack me again you insecure, power abusing, one track minded FREAK!" Terra pushed the detention teacher back and her aura vanished as soon as she did, leading to Terry walking up to the detention teacher from afar. "What'd YOU get detention for?"

"I gave the cafeteria lady a fine for intentionally cooking my food wrong for giving her daughter a fine for spilling orange juice on my book." Terry explained, and then he walked up to the detention teacher. "And now you'll have to pay a fine for enraging my friend Tod's younger sister. You have ten seconds to pay up. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four," Terra took a liking to Terry's style, knowing she was gonna like him.


Terra was in Principal's Modesty's again with the detention teacher glaring at Terra, who gave him a blazing glare to make him stop. Principal Modesty looked at Terra with clear dissapointment, knowing she was better than this. Well, aside from the anger. "Terra, I do believe you understand that I told you I didn't want this to happen again."

"This jerkwad was abusing his power and even ditch slapped me across the face with a ruler!" Terra protested, finding this meeting to be completely ridiculous. "I should be in my current class right now, but instead I'm here taking the blame for this reject!"

Terry kicked the door open, walking up to Principal Modesty's desk as he took his phone out and showed him a video. "What Terra said is true Principal Modesty. Mr. Measurement was the one who instigated the argument, and the one who caused it to escelate. First he rudely woke Terra up from her detention nap, instead of kindly awaking her and telling her to do something else." Alia arrived to find Terry defending Terra, watching to see how this went. "Then when she told him to stop, he hit her across the face, as Terra said he did."

Terry played the video as Terra nodded with approval, glad to have someone having her back, even if she barely knew him at all. When the video finished, Terry took his phone back and put it away. "That is why the fight escelated to the degree that it did to the point of Terra gaining that strange flaming aura. I will now excuse myself, thank you for your time."

Terry left the Principal's office with Alia entering as soon as he left, giving him a thumbs up for approval and sitting down next to Terra. "I'm here as you requested."

"Thank you for coming on such short notice Ms. Diligentia." Principal Modesty responded, speaking to Terra about her punishment. "Before Terry showed me that video Terra, I was planning on suspending you for the rest of the month for assaulting a teacher, with assistance on all of your school assignments from whoever accepted the offer."

Terra smiled as she looked at the Principal, having a feeling that her punishment would be better than that. "And now?"

"You're only suspended for one week, and your work will be delivered to you every day by Danny." Terra nodded in understanding as Principal Modesty stood up. "I think you'll also be happy to know that Mr. Measurement is relieved from his duties, effective tomorrow. (Mr. Measurement crosses his arms in anger) You won't have to deal with him again. You are all dismissed." Terra and Alia left the Principal's office with Terra knowing she was gonna get it.


Terra was looking out of the passengers seat window with Alia driving her home before making a turn to the drive thru. Terra was surprised by this as Alia then smirked to her. "What? I'm not gonna punish you for defending yourself. Besides, you haven't eaten yet." Alia spoke to the person in the drive thru with Terra smiling. "Yeah, we'll take a Messhall meal with the triple mushroom bacon cheeseburger, two large fry, two large drinks, one cherry and one dr. pepper, and a regular cheeseburger with no onions please."

The person in the drive thru spoke up and told her what the cost would be. "Okay, that'll be ten ninty four, is that all?"

"Yeah, that's all." Alia confirmed, driving up to the window and taking the food, which was as ready as it could ever be. "Thank you, (Hands the employee the money) and here's your cash. Keep the chance." Alia drove off with Terra taking a sip of her dr. pepper with Alia grinning smugly at her. "But we will talk about your power after our lunch."

Terra shot soda out of her mouth and started laughing at how inconvinient the timing was. "I almost thought I was gonna get away with that!" Alia proudly ate one of her fries, knowing this was gonna be one talk she was gonna get out of easy.


Terra and Alia were talking in Terra's room with Terra taking a bite into her triple bacon cheeseburger with immense delight. Alia figured it wouldn't hurt to talk about her power now that she was feeling better than before. "Look Terra. I know you were probably nervous about your power, considering that it's something that some people pinpoint to a natural disaster, but you could've just told us and maybe we could've all sorted it out in an easier way than you assaulting a student and teacher. Though, I bet they both deserved it."

Terra sighed as she swallowed her burger bite, knowing her mom was trying to be reasonable. "Yeah, they did. But I know that's not the case mom. I know I have to change myself or something huge in order to be able to control my power, and it's not as easy as with Tod. All he has to do is control water, and anger issues don't make you think you're going to get everyone in your hometown killed with it."

Terra bit into her burger again with Alia explaining why Tod's power wasn't as easy as you thought. "It's actually not that simple. Tod has to learn all kinds of ways to control his power. I hear about him practicing something with it all the time and he never gets it right the first attempt. Heck, he's still trying to learn how to surf on his manipulated water while making sure it can survive against waves. And if he DID have anger issues, he most likely would've created a hurricane without even being aware of it until it was too late."

Terra finished about half of her burger and let out a loud burp as she replied to Alia's words. "Still, he's the type to always stay cool and collected when something doesn't go his way. Not to mention HIS power doesn't burn stuff down. If I lose control fo my power then I could end up burning down the entire town. And that's the last thing any of us want, especially since I'll end up hurting you guys."

Alia put a paw on her daughter's shoulder, smiling as she told her everything was alright. "That's why you have to train yourself to be better at controlling your power. No power is easy to master, and it all takes a valiant effort to gain the most of it when you first get it. And Sophie told me about how she was going to help you by using meditation, so it's clear that you're trying too. You're doing much more than you think you are." Terra smiled as her mother rubbed her head with one more caring word of advice. "Just don't melt your brain."

Terra laughed a bit at her mother's joke as Alia left her room and allowed her to finish her food in peace just as Terra finished her burger. She then went for her fries and thought about what her mother said, believing that this power controlling thing would be easier than she thought. "Maybe...this power was given to me for more than just my temper." Terra ate the fries she grabbed, swallowing them whole and enjoying them immensely.


Terra was chatting with Sophie on her phone as they talked about what Alia said about her power. "And I found out that Tod's still trying to improve his power, and that even he could destroy an entire city if he gets mad enough." Terra took a sip of her soda, which she hadn't finished yet while allowing Sophie to talk. "I know, right? Just imagine if Tod actually did something like that. It'd have to be something huge in order to make him that mad."

Sophie was on the other end doing her homework while holding her phone up to her ear as she talked to Terra. "I know, right? It's a good thing he hasn't had any outbursts within the time I've known him too, or else he might've discovered his power in a similar way you did and drown someone. Assuming it would've been on the beach or near a pond."

"I don't think Tod's ever had to worry about that one." Terra assured Sophie, knowing her brother all too well to ever see him having a bad temper. "Though, one thing that confuses me about this whole power thing is why Tyler was the last to get his power. He's the oldest, so shouldn't he have gotten his first."

"Age isn't always a determining factor in when one gets their ability before another Terra." Sophie reminded Terra, feeling that it had to be something disregarding age that had an impact on why Tyler hasn't gotten his power yet. "It can't have anything to do with personality either, since Danny controls nature, and he's not exactly the most humble of beings."

Terra nodded in understanding, until she questioned how Sophie knew about Danny's power. "Hold up. Danny's never talked to you before. How do you know about his power?"

"Simple. (Grins smugly) You just told me." Terra flinched as Sophie giggled, knowing how easy Terra was to fool. "Anyway, your powers could have their own individual meaning. Tod's willingness to help everyone around him could be what gave him his water power, and Danny having lots of room to grow could be what gave him his nature power, as trees also have lots of room to grow."

Terra thought for a moment and figured that what Sophie was saying made sense. "Yeah, that actually makes a lot of sense. Maybe Tyler's power will have something to do with how much of a nerd he is."

Sophie rolled her eyes while smiling as she finished the last of her homework and then took out her laptop. "If I could make a request, I'd like to see Tyler if his power is time travel or object manipulation. It could do a great deal for my research." Terra took a liking to the sound of that, finding that Tyler having those kinds of powers would work great for testing.


Kevin was looking at a deer with his eyesight deadlocked onto it like a hawk, sneaking over to it to strike it down. When he got close enough, he dashed at it and bit it's neck, sinking his teeth into it and killing it. After doing so, Terra was shown walking through the forest as she ran up to him for some help with her power. "Hey, Kevin." Kevin saw Terra walking up to him and she hoped he wouldn't mind helping her. "So you know about Tod's power, right?"

"Yeah. What about it?" Kevin asked, not sure about what Terra was getting at with Terra breathing in through her nose and out from her mouth.

Terra spawned some kind of flame coating on her paw, much to Kevin's amazement as he looked at it. "I recently found out that my power's fire, and I have to learn how to control it. I came out here to see if I already had some control over it. You got anything not important around here I could use?

Kevin thought for a moment and ran off for a bit, leaving Terra to rip off a deer leg and focus really hard, scorching it up after five seconds. This satisfied her with Kevin coming back with a bunch of sticks, only to see what Terra did and finding it to be impressive. "Wow. Guess we didn't need these."

"No, keep those. This deer leg is overcooked a little." Terra informed Kevin, who nodded and ripped a deer leg off, wondering what Terra was gonna do with her power after she mastered it. "I honestly have no idea what I wanna do with my power after I get it under control. Maybe I could become a volcano guardian or a guard that burns trespasers in a castle."

Kevin thought about the latter suggestion Terra gave herself and felt it would be more logical for her. "If that's the job you get, make sure you don't scorch me, okay?" Terra shrugged, not wanting to promise Kevin anything as the two of them bonded over deer leg.

Terra lied down on the deer at the same time Kevin did, wondering what the reason for her power being given to her for. She then wondered what power Kevin would want if he could have one. "So what power would you have if you could pick one?"

Kevin thought about that question and landed on one that he thought would be the best one to have. "Probably life manipulation. Then I'd be able to bring my mom back." Terra was surprised by this as Kevin then went into a bit more detail. "I haven't left this forest since she died. (Clenches his fist) When I find out who killed her."

Terra decided to change the subject, finding that this one would be too emotional for her to make something good out of. "I think you should wait to talk about this with Tod. He's better at this than me."

"Alright, fair enough." Kevin replied with understanding, knowing Terra didn't want to make anything worse. "Just know that you're lucky to have your mom in your life. You never know what you're missing till ya don't have it." Terra thought about what Kevin said, not wanting to lose her mother, or any of her siblings now.


Terra was in her bed, conflicted as she thought about what Kevin told her with Danny coming into the room with a grape soda can. After taking a sip from it, he saw that Terra still had some homework to finish, chuckling a bit as he commented on it. "Yep. Nothing I didn't expect from you." Terra looked at the homework and shrugged as she continued to lie down, looking at the ceiling with Danny knowing something was up. "Okay, spill Terra." Terra looked at Danny as he took a sip from his soda. "You never sulk in your bed. What's this about?"

Terra sat up, feeling like she could trust Danny with this. "You know Tod's friend Kevin, right? The orphan wolf."

"Yeah. He's the dude who said my power sucked." Danny replied, hoping Kevin was still doing good in spite of that memory.

"Well...I talked to him earlier today, and he said something that hit me hard." Terra continued, knowing all too well that what Kevin said was the truth. "He said that I was lucky to have mom in my life. And I am, but he also said that I wouldn't know what I was missing until I lost it." Terra looked at Danny with pure confliction in her eyes, not wanting to lose Danny to any sort of disease or any kind of pain that would kill him. "I don't wanna lose you, or anyone else in this family. Not now, and not ever in way that isn't unnatural death."

Danny set his soda down and hugged Terra, who was surprised to see this form of affection from her twin brother. "I won't ever let that happen Terra. I love you too much to give you that kind of grief." Terra smiled and wrapped her arms around her brother as the two embraced each other with warmness in their auras. This wasn't a result of Terra's fire power or anything, but instead, it was a result of the strong bond the twins had with each other, an inseparable bond that every twin has inside of them for all eternity.


Terra and Danny were sleeping in their room with Danny waking up to find a less foul and smaller fart stentch than usual. It was still there, but it was noticably weaker and it didn't surround the entire room like it normally did. He then figured that Terra was cutting back on the amount of times she farted in her sleep, as to prevent herself from making a fire fart so big that it started a fire in the house. He smiled as he looked at her, leaving the room with Terra waking up right after that as always and getting up to stretch.

Terra got out of bed and looked around to find less of a fart stench than usual, same as Danny did, leaving the room with proudness in her eyes. As she walked through the hallway, she went into the bathroom to find Danny there with the latter brushing his teeth as Terra came in to do the same. "So I guess you decided to slow down on the constant farting, huh? Let me guess. You don't wanna burn the house down, so you decided to cut back on it to prevent it."

"That's right." Terra confirmed, standing up as she felt her stomach growl with Danny getting an idea of how much gas she was keeping inside. "I know, I know, I normally say better out than in, but this time's an exception. I'm not gonna make us homeless." Danny nodded in understanding with Terra's stomach growling even harder. "Though, I may need an extra minute or two in the bathroom from now on." Danny nodded in understanding as an illustration of the two siblings smiling at each other was shown as the screen faded to black, ending the episode off.


An instrumental version of the main theme played during the credits.

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