Season one Episode eight: Lurking Darkness

The Adventures of Tod and Copper

Season one Episode eight: Lurking Darkness


The page of a book was shown with two fox's, one red and one blue, fighting to death in a brutal fashion. "Many years ago. Two races of fox's were at war. (The page expanded to show the rest of the army fighting each other) The red colored foxes, and the blue colored foxes. (The page turns to show the red foxes prevailing) The red fox army succeeded in the end. (A blue fox is shown running away with a red fox) But little did they know that one of each of their clans grew quite fond of each other. The red one, Alia. The blue one, Farius."

Alia and Farius were shown on the next page as the blue fox tried to negotiate with his King. "Farius thought since he was the most well renowned members of his clan due to everything he's done, which is told in other stories by the way, that he could reason with his leader, but the leader refused. (The King of Farius's people clan is shown spreading darkness over a town) The King spread darkness all over the land and forced his minions to fight back, forcing Farius to do something drastic."

Farius was shown in the next page with him placing a sword into some kind of rock. "So Farius did what he had to do, and sent the ones who refused to listen to reason away. (Farius was shown kissing the Alia goodbye with both of them crying) Although he had to leave his wife, and their children, he was willing to do what he knew would hurt him for the sake of his family. (Alia is shown looking over a book of all the amazing things her husband's done) To protect her children, Alia hid the truth of their father from them for the time being."

A page showed the Alia looking at her children as they were in some kind of farm house, with the oldest reading, the second oldest carrying a hay stack, and the youngest two, supposedly being twins, sitting on the haystacks, with the red fox holding a basketball and spinning it on her finger and the blue one laying on the hay stack the second oldest was carrying. "She'd hoped the truth would come someday. When they were ready. And that truth...has now come" The screen faded to black, ending the backstory.


Soft rock music played as a young Tod woke up in his bedroom and looked outside at the vast open world awaiting him as a male voice sang Vast Open World. "Hello there, why ya crying? It'll be, okay I promise. (Tod is shown with optimistic smile as he jumps out the window) I'm sure you'll someday find your fa-ted bliss." Tod was shown running through the forest as he looks around and enjoys the scenery, catching a vine in his mouth and swinging on it. As he landed perfectly, he saw Copper sniffing and became curious.

Tod is shown on the top of the log with the Copper coming on the other end and sniffing some more. "Hey there. (The Copper sniffs up to Tod and sees that what he was sniffing was him) I think our newfound friendship was destiny. (Tod and Copper are shown walking around the forest and getting to know each other) Hey there. (Copper laughs at a joke from Tod) Even though we aren't the same, you and me."

Tod and Copper are shown climbing a tree with the fix kit saving the Bloodhound as he's about to fall off. "Hey there. (Copper continues climbing with Tod helping him do so easier) I just know this friendship will never fade away. (Tod and Copper arrive at the top of the tree and sit on the top branch) Hey there. Hey there."

Tod was shown riding a horse with the assistance of Tyler. "Even though we don't have the same lifestyles. (Terra is shown skating away from a Hairless Mexican Dog while holding a sausage and blowing a raspberry at them) I would travel with you alone for miles. (Danny is shown looking at a cookie jar while on top of the fridge with a mischievous look on his face) We'll always be here so we'll share our laughter."

Alia was shown grabbing Danny from the fridge and scolding him softly as he tries to break free. "I know all of us can take anything and (Tod is shown sneaking Copper out of his bedroom while standing on a ladder) I know, we can strive, for our peace and harmony thrive (The fox kit is shown running into a dark force with Copper and they walk up to it) Even if, it gets tough, we'll survive, and save them all, (Tod and Copper are shown running away from the dark force) Hello there, why ya crying? It'll be, okay I promise."

Tod is shown protecting Copper from the dark force and striking it in the heart with a rock. "I'm sure you'll someday find your fa-ted bliss. (Tod sees that there's a Vixey in there and pulls them out) Yeah, yeah, yeah. (Vixey is shown to be crying with the male fox kit wiping her tear) Don't say goodbye." Tod is shown with his friends and siblings as they group up with a gray wolf pup shown leaning on a tree and looking at them from a high point in a tree, seeming to be rather lonely as the music ends.


Tod was playing in the woods with Copper as the two of them were rolling down a hill, leading to Tod pinning Copper down with his paw. Copper tried to get up, only for Tod to keep him pinned down with a smirk on his face. "I'm still the King of the forest." Tod let Copper get up with Copper finding his self entitlement to be misleading. "I know, I know, I'm only seven. But I'll make it happen somehow. Just gotta figure out how to do it."

"Maybe try not saying it out loud for the adult animals that live out here to hear you." Copper suggested as he and Tod walked off, finding that Tod was getting a little too used to being out here. "I know you've played in this forest your whole life, but there's a difference between coming here, and living here."

Tod shrugged, feeling he couldn't argue with Copper's point there, while also feeling like it could still happen. "True I may have to have a death match with a deer in order to make it happen, but it's not impossible." Tod started picturing what would happen if he were to actually become the King of the forest. "Maybe I could convince them to stop fighting over everything."

Copper didn't think that was possible, seeing as just about every animal having one reason or another to hate each other. "I don't see that hapening. There's way too much fracture in every group to justify thinking that. If possible though, we could get enough sources to keep everyone from wanting to kill each other. That's better than them fighting at least."

Tod saw Copper's point as he then noticed some kind of glowing black fragment, walking over to it and catching Copper's attention. When the two of them came across the orb, Tod touched it, and it reacted to his paw. The two best friends looked at each other and then back at the fragment with Tod taking a picture of it.


Vixey was walking around Equality Bay as she overheard Chief giving someone a stern voice nearby. "You may think I don't know what you're capable of, but I do!" Vixey peeked over a fence and saw Chief getting in Nicole's face, snapping a quick picture with her phone and making sure it was ready. "I've got more than enough awareness of this world to show you what I can find. You understand me!?"

"Yes, I understand!" Nicole replied as Vixey put her camera and the photo away, clearly trying to defend herself. "I'm not planning anything!"

Vixey stepped in, furious to see Nicole being picked on like this and refusing to watch it go on any longer. "Hey! Why don't you leave her alone?"

Chief and Nicole saw Vixey standing tall, which Chief didn't take kindly to for a number of reasons. "Stay out of this Vixey. This is official school business."

"Excuse me, you shouldn't be harassing students outside school hours." Vixey pointed out, indicating that school wasn't in session yet. "Or bullying them. No matter what the reason is."

"No one's bullying anyone. I'm doing my job."

"Your job sure is creepy."

Chief growled softly, walking up to Vixey, who took a step back, but not another one further. "You're part of the problem missy. I won't forget this conversation."

Chief walked off with Nicole running up to Vixey and hugging her after Chief was out of sight. "Oh Vixey, that was awesome! (Pulls Vixey away) I think he got scared for once."

"No need to thank me." Vixey assured Nicole, knowing that she did all she had to do. "Why was he getting in your face anyway? Does it have something to do with the video?" Nicole sighed with a sorrow look on her face, knowing she couldn't avoid the video with Vixey then getting a text from Tod. She checked it and saw the black fragment, shocking her as she remembered what it was. Nicole was concerned as she looked at Nicole with a worried look. "Sorry Nicole, I gotta go. Official...whatever the name of Tod's team is."

"Okay, no problem. Thanks for standing up for me." Vixey nodded, running off with Nicole sitting down and looking at the ground, hoping this would pass soon.


Vixey was in her apartment as she inspected the black fragment with Tod and Copper shown to be watching from behind. When Vixey got really close to the fragment's energy with her microscope, she saw the exact same kind of energy from the barrier Tod saved her from. "Yep. It's the same kind of energy." Vixey took the fragment and showed it to Tod and Copper, knowing she could trust the two of them to look after it. "I know you two can keep it from those who'll use it for bad. I can't hide it here though; I've already been a victim of it."

"We understand Vixey. We'll do what we can." Tod put the fragment away and then questioned who put Vixey into that dark energy to begin with. "Who put you in that barrier by the way? (Vixey flinches) I never asked you when we first met because I thought you could use some time to cope before we got to the interrogation." Vixey understood she couldn't lie to Tod, seeing as he was smarter than most would think. "You don't have to worry. We've got your back."

Vixey smiled and nodded, and then she pulled out a picture of Signal, handing it to Tod and Copper, who were creeped out by her expression as Tod spoke up. "Whoa! I feel bad for her husband."

"You said it." Copper agreed, knowing that he wouldn't want to have a wife that looked so creepy. "Assuming she's old enough to be married."

"She is." Vixey assured Tod and Copper, knowing quite well that Signal was someone to be wary of. "That's Signal. She took over my home town and sent me here in that barrier you saved me from. I feel sick from just thinking about her." Tod put a paw on Vixey's shoulder for comfort as she continued. "I was hoping I'd be able to save my family, but I can't even think of what my first move is gonna be. And I don't even wanna think about what their fate is until we find them."

Tod and Copper looked at each other with a nod and Tod speaking up with a smile. "Tell us what you want us to do, and we'll be there." Vixey smiled and nodded with gratitude that Tod and Copper were willing to help her, even if it meant getting involved in some dangerous events.


Tod was up late at night researching some more about that dark fragment with Copper reading something with the cover being the fragement showing it's energy. The two best friends were ready to stay up all night if they had to, as long as it meant finding out more about this dark fragment. Copper wasn't sure if they would be able to find anything of use however, since they knew next to nothing about this power. "Are you sure we can do this Tod? We hardly know anything about this stuff."

"We have to at least try Copper." Tod reminded Copper, knowing that giving up before they tried would be way too soon to give up at all. "If this is what it takes to help Vixey reunite with her family then so be it. We have to find out as much about this fragment thing as possible." Copper saw Tod's point and looked back at the computer with a determined look, knowing he couldn't stop. "I know what it's like to be seperated from your family. At least now that I know who my dad is. I don't want Vixey to feel that way too."

Copper nodded in understanding with Alia coming into Tod's room and setting down some pizza for him and Copper. "Okay Sherlock and Watson, eat up to keep your strength up."

"If you want me to eat that joke then I'd rather starve to death." Tod replied, making Alia snicker as she held in her laughter, and then she started laughing for real after she left the room. Copper saw Tod taking a bite of his pizza and loving it, glad to see that Tod wasn't completely hooked on this sudden investigation. Tod saw Copper's relieved look and smirked a bit as he replied. "Even if I'm determined to help Vixey, I can still enjoy a good meal."

"I know, I know. I'm just glad to still see you being you." Copper responded, leaving him to start eating his own slice as the two enjoyed their pizza as they continued the investigation. The two of them knew they had a lot of work to do, and that they had to keep their strength up for it to work out for the best.


Vixey was sleeping in her room at midnight as she kept dreaming about Signal, unable to get her out of her mind. She heard Signals laugh and woke up suddenly as she grabbed her heart, showing clear shock and fear surrounding her eyes as she looked around. She was relieved to find that Signal wasn't there and held her forehead as she thought about seeing her again. She knew she'd have to go to her hometown, but she also knew she had to save them from Signal. Hopefully she would be able to break them out of the trance.

Vixey got up and walked over to a mirror and looking into it, finding that she looked like a complete joke. She knew she wouldn't be able to take Signal down on her own, but she didn't feel right getting Tod and Copper involved. It wasn't like she led them to the fragment though. Or did she? After all, it was their barrier they saved her from. She knew she had to get some rest, but she also knew she wouldn't be able to if she couldn't stay calm for one minute.


Vixey was in her living room making breakfast as she heard a knock on her door, taking a slice of bacon off of a pan before going to answer it. She went over to the door and opened it up to reveal Tod and Copper standing outside with Tod holding his phone out. "You knew I was coming as soon as you offered food." Vixey chuckled a bit and let Tod and Copper inside with Tod smelling the food from where he was standing. "I know I'm gonna love this already. Heck, just throw it into my mouth why don't ya? I'll be a crocodile for a day."

Vixey laughed a bit as she went to get the food, putting it on each individual plate and taking Tod and Copper theirs. As she set them down, Tod instantly started eating with Copper rolling his eyes while smiling as he started on his food at a much slower pace. "You can't really get in between Tod and food."

"You really can't Copper." Vixey went over to the counter to grab her plate, picking it up and bringing it over to the table. When she set it down and sat across from Tod, she felt like she was almost on a date with him and could barely hide her blush. "So...I know it's kinda random to bring this up during breakfast, but I was wondering if you guys were able to find anything out about that fragment."

Tod let out a small burp after finishing his breakfast and threw his hat over to the kitchen like a boomarang. "Only that the place (The hat hits the pan with the bacon on it) you mentioned is corrupted by it." Tod caught the bacon in his mouth, amazing Copper and Vixey with how well that went. "Bet no one ther can do that without getting hit with a face full of pork."

Tod went to get his hat with Vixey starting to eat her food as Copper spoke up. "Maybe we should head over there after-" Copper quickly covered his mouth, only for Tod to laugh as he came over with extra bacon.

"Don't get all paranoid dude. Vixey can know." Copper sighed of relief as Tod explained the situation. "See, me and my siblings are the children of the legendary Farius. Though, you already knew that. (Vixey nods) What we DIDN'T tell you is that we each got our own individual powers." Vixey found that information to be intriguing, not having a lot of familiarity on it until now.


Tod, Copper, and Vixey were in the living room as Tod demonstrated his power with a cup of water. He made the water into an eight with both of his paws, amazing Vixey with how he was able to control it. He also had the water float over her head, making her look in awe at it as he slowly descended it. Vixey then opened her mouth and had Tod put the water in, much to the Vixen's delight. She then questioned why Tod kept this power a secret. "Hold on. Why are you keeping this from everyone in town? I'm sure they'd understand."

Tod and Copper looked at each other and nodded with Tod starting the explination. "Chief wouldn't. He's totally paranoid and would take me having this power as if I was strangling Copper on a bed with chains and everything. And he knows I don't have a whip."

Vixey understood where Tod and Copper were coming from, already knowing who Chief was from an incident earlier today. "Was he that security guard at the school who I saw getting in Nicole's face earlier today?"

"Ugh, he does that all the time!" Copper complained, having quite a bit of knowledge on Chief's behavior at school. "I hate it when he gets like that."

"I know Nicole, she's cool." Tod revealed, and although he didn't hang out with Nicole, he knew enough about her to justify being upset about this. "Only that deadbeat would bully her. (Looks at Copper) No offence Copper."

Copper nodded in understanding, knowing all too well how vicious Chief could get with Vixey continuing the conversation. "I think we should get to planning a trip to my home town. Maybe I can get my family out of there and we can all live here together." Tod and Copper took a liking to that idea, knowing it would be fun to meet Vixey's family.


Tod, Copper, and Vixey were all walking over to Tod's house with Vixey feeling nervous about the eventual trip to her home town. She stopped Tod so she could talk to him, feeling like she could trust him. "Can I talk to you in private Tod?" Tod shrugged and signalled Copper to head on inside with Copper nodding as he did so, leaving Tod and Vixey all alone. "Are you sure I'll be able to do this? I won't blame you if you do. You don't know what happened to my town."

Tod could see the worry in Vixey's eyes and put his paws on her shoulders, knowing she needed the support. "I'll be right beside you until the end Vixey. And whatever this Signal chick has in store for us, I know we'll be able to take it." Vixey could see the bravery in Tod's eyes as the young fox kit gave her a smile. "And when we head out there to save your family, assuming that's the plan, we'll be ready."

Vixey smiled and hugged Tod, grateful for the support as she then kissed his cheek, surprising him and making him blush softly. "Thanks Tod. (Leans over to Tod's ear with a sly grin) Don't let me down."

Vixey pulled Tod away and walked off, waving goodbye to Tod, who waved goodbye as well. "You got it Vixey! Thanks for breakfast!" Tod went inside and started to think about Vixey kissing his cheek, wondering why he felt that it was right to feel the way he did, even if he was confused about it.


Tod and Copper were tying some dolls to a dynamite with Copper being worried about the consequences they would face from it. "Are you sure this is a good idea Tod? What if your mom hears us?"

"Pssh. Cmon Copper, it's Sunday. She's probably working on her desktop with loud rock music on right now to try and cover her farts." Tod lit the dynamite and jumped over to his bed with Copper, hiding behind it the best they could as they went downstairs. Alia was writing something as she lifted a leg and cut a three second fart that while it couldn't be heard, did reek of rotten eggs and let off a yellow cloud with her rock music playing, covering the sound of the explosion as well. Tod and Copper came out from behind the bed as Tod smirked. "Told ya."

Terra came into the room, having a question for Tod as the two of them came out from behind the bed. "Hey Tod, have you seen my-" Terra got a look at the small explosion mark Tod and Copper made, catching onto what they were doing. "Eh. I hated those dolls anyway. So you know where my basketball is?"

"Yeah, it should be in the garage."


Terra headed out with Copper wondering how loud the music Alia was playing was. "How loud do you think she puts it?" Tod shrugged, knowing Alia probably wouldn't be ashamed of her farts anyway.


Tod was watching Tv late at night as it suddenly turned off, leading to him looking over at the staircase to see Alia holding a remote. This caused Tod to whine a bit as he walked up to his mother, since his show was still going on. "Mooooom, my show was still on. Nora and Kiara just made up after being seperated for so long." Alia shrugged, tossing the remote over to the couch as Tod sighed while walking past her. "Guess I'll have to wait until it comes out on DVD. Or hope it airs again. Or that I can find it on my laptop."

Alia walked over to the couch and picked up the remote, turing the Tv on with Tod watching it from there. He got to see the moment where Nora and Kiara hugged after everything, loving the moment before Alia changed the channel. This bummed Tod out, especially since the episode wasn't over yet. "Drat."

"Drat is right." Tod flinched, knowing his mother wasn't someone to mess with when caught, even with her free spirited tone. "And if your butt doesn't get into bed soon it's gonna face a lot of it." Tod was confused by that one by went to his room anyway, knowing he wouldn't be able to beat his mother on this one. "Good thing he listens. We only need ONE Danny in this house."

Tod climbed up into his bed and started thinking about when Vixey kissed his cheek, still wondering what it meant for him. 'Why did Vixey kiss me outside before she left? I know she's not my mom, so it couldn't have been a kiss of motherly affection.' Tod looked out the window and up at the moon, wondering if he and Vixey were more than just friends. 'Guess that's something I'll have to learn about in the future.' Tod went to sleep, feeling like he'd be able to figure out what that feeling was if he asked his mother in the morning.


Danny was shown to be gasping and wheezing as he climbed down the stairs to the attic, which is where he and Terra slept. As he arrived at the bottom of the stairs leading to said attic, Terra came down with a proud smile on her face, leading to Danny giving her a glare as he stood up. "The normal farts, I was fine with. The giant one minute fart, not so much." Danny walked off with Tod opening his door and stopping him from asking what the smell was all about. "Don't."

Tod shrugged and walked out, giving a peace sign to Terra and heading downstairs as she gave one back. When he headed downstairs, he went over to the couch and picked up Danny's backpack, calling over to him as he threw it to him. "Heads up!" Danny caught the backpack and he and Tod headed over to the door, heading outside with Alia waiting to drive them to school. "Time to begin another week in hell."

Danny laughed at Tod's joke and hopped in with Tyler spraying Danny with some kind freshness spray, which Danny swatted at. "Dude, don't waste it on me. Terra's the walking fart factory." Terra hopped into the car with Danny grabbing the spray and taking the cap off, splashing it right in Terra's face and blinding her. She was able to hide her scream with Alia giving a blunt look into the windshield. "Butt cannon over here started it!"

Terra wiped her eyes and punched Danny smack right in his nose, making him bleed from it as Terra held her back. "Whoa, take it easy sis. You already turned him into a ketchup bottle, no need to make him a pancake.

"Thank you Tod. And I'll be talking to you two when we get home." Alia spoke up from the front as Tyler looked at Danny's nose with Alia driving off after everyone strapped their seatbelts in.


Alia drove up to Equality Bay Elementary as Tod and the others got out as Terra and Danny glared at each other with Tod looking at Terra's eyes. "Just making sure we don't have to buy a seeing eye dog. Especially since we'd have to use a town inhabitant for that." Terra gave Tod a blunt look before walking off, leading to Tod walking over to Copper, who caught eye of the situation. "Terra surrounded her's and Danny's room with fart gas again, and then Danny blinded her with Tyler's freshness spray and got punched in the nose."

Copper nodded in understanding and walked with Tod as he saw Terra and Danny glaring at each other. "Seeing them fight makes me glad Cindy's my only sibling. Sometimes I wonder if Terra and Danny outright hate each other."

Tod shrugged, not knowing how to answer that as he and Copper entered the school building. "Honestly, a part of me knows they'd just fight over it if I told them about the darkness fragment too early. We gotta learn more about it before we tell anyone else so we know for sure we can do something about it."

"I was planning on doing that anyway. It's what Vixey would want." Tod nodded, having thought the exact same thing with Copper noticing him smiling as he mentioned Vixey. This gave Copper a hint as to what Tod was thinking about at the moment and he smiled to Tod.

Tod then got an idea and knew Copper would be on board for it. "Maybe sometime soon we can get my siblings together and see if we can figure out another one of their powers. After Terra and Danny's weekly fued ends of course, no need for them to try to kill each other during the session." Copper nodded in agreement, knowing that would be too dangerous to risk.


Vixey was still reading on the darkness fragments in the libarary as she tried to get her own info, being dedicated to learning more about them. While she was reading about that, she heard Nicole's voice, catching her attention instantly. "Hi Vixey." Nicole was smiling at Vixey, who instantly hit the book behind her back, confusing Nicole a bit as she shrugged it off. "I just wanted to thank you again for standing up for me yesterday. I don't think a lot of people would do that."

"I know my friend Tod would." Vixey replied with a smile, surprising Nicole a bit with the mention that Tod was her friend. "And no problem, really. That dude has some serious issues."

"For sure." Nicole agreed with a head nod, and then she brought up another reason she came over. "By the way, I was hoping we could talk sometime at my house, say...this Saturday?"

Vixey was more than happy to head over to Nicole's house, knowing she'd need the comfort after catching some glimpses of what was happening to her. "Of course. If we're gonna be friends then there's nothing to be ashamed about when inviting someone over."

"Great; thanks." Nicole responded, being more than glad that Vixey invited her invitation. "Maybe bring your camera over too? It'd be awesome if we could have a selfie together."

"Sure thing. I love bringing my camera with me anyway." Nicole smiled and walked off, waving goodbye to Vixey, who did the same before taking her book back out. 'Okay Vixey, that was a close one. If you want to be safe when researching this stuff, you have to know who can get involved.'

Vixey went back to her reading as she then heard Kyrie's voice, making her intrigued when she heard what Kyrie was saying. "Hey Nicole. Have fun at the last Portal club party?" Vixey put her book down and went over to where Kyrie was, seeing her bully Nicole with Veronica. "Must've been loads of fun kissing all those guys."

"You're gonna be sorry one day Kyrie." Nicole walked off, speaking up again as she did. "You're gonna be sorry."

Kyrie and Veronica laughed with Nicole finding it useless for her to defend herself as Vixey came by. "Back off Kyrie. Whatever happened couldn't have been Nicole's fault."

"That video of her clubbing didn't look like it wasn't her fault." Kyrie retorted, leading to Vixey rolling her eyes and walking off as Kyrie and Veronica did the same with Vixey looking at her scarf. "Yuck! I still have paint stuck in my scarf. What did that brat put in here?" Kyrie sighed, calling Veronica out for how long she and Juliet took. "Good thing my faithful minions took their sweet time bringing me a towel."

Veronica felt hurt by that statement, speaking up for her and Juliet. "We ran as fast as we could, and librarys only have so many-"

"Give it a rest Veronica." Kyrie replied as she and Veronica left the library. "Now I know I won't ask you or Juliet for help when I'm stuck in a jam. You can go hang out with Nicole. Or Vixey."

Veronica felt even more hurt by those words, bringing Vixey to the gossiping as she and Kyrie entered the bathroom. "She's such a weirdo with that dumb camera."

"I hate that 'I'm so quirky' crap." Kyrie replied, and then she looked at a mirror with a sly grin on her face. "Anyway, let's leave a link to Nicole's video so everyone can see her in action."

"You are so evil. I'm in!" Veronica responded, knowing this was going to be an amazing one, especially for Kyrie.


Vixey was in the bathroom as she was texting Nicole, indicating that the two of them exchanged phone numbers. She was giving her a text as she left the stall after flushing the toilet, schedueling a specific time they could meet. They settled on ten in the morning, and she put her phone away just as she saw the link, which made her furious. 'How did I miss that? Ugh. Kyrie!' Vixey erased the link and washed her hands before walking out of the bathroom, feeling disgusted by the kind of behavior Kyrie was showing right now regarding Nicole.

Vixey was heading to her next class as she saw Tod by his locker and walked over to him, needing someone to talk to after seeing the link in the bathroom. "Hey Tod." Tod waved to Vixey, who then started talking about the link to Nicole's video that she saw in the bathroom. "You'll obviously believe this. Kyrie put a link to Nicole's video of her getting wasted on the bathroom mirror. Just when you think someone couldn't get any more cold."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Nicole doesn't deserve any torment like that." Tod responded as he closed his locker with some kind of poster, showing it to Vixey as he changed to subject. "Anyway, on a note unrelated to drama, there's this movie thing happening late at night in the park in the next town over. I was wondering if you'd maybe want to go with me."

Vixey saw the couples only part on the poster and smiled, deciding to keep that part hidden for now. "Yes, that's exactly what I need right now. From the nightmares about Signal and this whole Darkness fragment thing messing with my head, I need a break from all the edge."

"I know what you mean." Tod replied with a chuckle, knowing quite well that Vixey would enjoy this night. It would also give him a chance to explore these sudden new feelings he had recently gained for Vixey. "And my mom will be driving, so there won't be any fancy drinks or anything like that." Vixey nodded in understanding with an illustration of her and Tod walking together being shown as the screen faded to black, ending the episode off.


An instrumental version of the main theme played during the credits.

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