Chapter 3 I Was a Teenage Abomination

*Boiling isle-morning*

*It was very early in the morning eda told David and luz that she was going to take them  somewhere exciting today.....well it wasn't very exciting for them*

Eda:well kiddos did you ever in your life think you'd see something as breathtaking as this!

*There a dead worm creature thing laying on the beach surrounded by pile of garbage David felt like he was going to be sick from that horrible smell and luz had a face of discomfort*

Luz:I don't like this

Dave:same here this is sick and wrong

*Eda walk over to the Giant dead worm grabbing trash to see if it any valuable*

Eda:yes it doesn't get much more inspiring than the trash slug it make a home a life from what the others have thrown by the wayside......until BAM it gets blasted by a wave one day and croaks from all the salt and then we to sell all this stuff it ate

*She take out a pickaxe and handing it over to them but David and luz didn't want to grab it and didn't want to do it*

Luz: please don't make me

Dave:I already took a bath in the morning and I'm not planning to bath again and also I don't want to smell something that already died

*King was setting his beach towel on the ground*

King:aw come on you two it not everyday you get to go to the dump and pick apart a garbage carcass

Eda:aw nuts to you three

*She swings her pickaxe at the dead worm David and luz look at each other then turn to eda*

Luz:so eda what if we tried some new lessons for our apprenticeship

Dave:like reading ancient scrolls

Luz:or mix potions together


*David was cut off by eda stilling looking at the piles of garbage and trashed*

Eda:uh that sounds like a bunch of magic school stuff

*That got their interests when every heard eda say magic school for witches and wizards*

Dave:wait there a magic school here

Luz:like winding towers cute uniforms dark plot that threaten your life kind of magic school

Dave:why didn't I think of that going to school would help me learn these spells

Eda:mmm-hmmmmm what worse is they force you to learn magic in the proper way*she turn to them*but magic isn't proper it's wild and unpredictable and that's why it so beautiful*David was in awe of eda told them about magic he pull out his necklace and look at it he felt a power bonding from his father he smiled and look back up at eda*I didn't finish school and look at me*she was surrounded by trash and fly's an be heard from the background*who wouldn't that be where I am right now

*David had the face of disgust when eda was surrounded by smelly trash and garbage*

Dave: anyway where Liz?

Eda:she at that school so she can learn her spell in her book that belongs her parents*luz looked down looking very upset David place his hand on her shoulder and eda noticed their expression and she came up to them*uh hey here a learn a great witch and wizard is resourceful like this

*She grab David arm and putting his hand in a nasty green gloop he moves his arms around and pulls something out making him almost puked his breakfast out but swallowing it back*

Dave:oh hey a greasy slime ball yay

*Eda hold David hand making them close his hand together*

Eda:use your slime ball wisely wizard*she let out of his hands and goes back to the piles*back at it we'll hit the stink nose first

Luz: actually if it's okay we think we'll head back him to look at pictures of creature and animals that are still alive

*Luz grab David hand and pull him along with her and they stop to pet King*

Luz:love you King you little beach peach

Dave: don't have too much fun okay little buddy

*They walk away into the woods

Eda:suit yourself more for me than

*She goes back to digging more stuff for her human shop*

*Tiny time skip*

*They have been walking for 15 minutes David was looking at his slime ball then placed it in his pocket he noticed luz sad*

Dave:hey what wrong luz

Luz:it just*she sigh*if magic is all about digging for slime ball and all maybe I don't have the stomach for it

*David put his hand on her shoulder*

Dave:cheer up luz we'll find a way to learn magic and I'll help you though it cause that's what friends for they help each other

*Luz smiled at him she was really glad that David was here to cheer her up*

Luz:aw thanks Dave

*David give her a big smile close eye grin they stop when they heard someone voice*

??????:you can do it you can

Luz: mysterious voice of encouragement?

*They both followed where they heard a voice luz moves the bushes away and gasp they both seeing is a shorter-than-average, plus-sized teenage witch with fair skin, pointed ears, olive-green eyes, and short navy-blue hair with a few loose strands she wears a pair of round gold-framed (originally black-framed) glasses and the typical Hexside student uniform, consisting of a gray tunic, a dark gray cowl and belt with a gold pin, and gray-black short-heeled shoes. Originally, her sleeves and tights were orchid as part of her enrollment in the abomination track*

Luz: little witch girl

??????:you can do it even if you get a bad grade it's not a reflection of you as a witch and my parents are right there are better opportunities on this track now get to school!*she stop when she heard something being crushed she lift up her foot and sees she accidentally step on a flower she gasp*oh no my little friend I'm so sorry!

*The witch girl kneeling down and she pointed her finger in the flower she does a circle motion creating a glowing green circle line making the flower come back to life David and luz gasp after seeing what they have witnessed seeing real life magic David gasp then took our his father journal and look through the pages then stop*

Dave:*he whispered*oh my God she is doing the plant magic from the plant coven

Luz:*she gasp then look at him then whispered*no way really what is coven

Dave:*he nodded his head mean yes then sigh*yes luz and take a look*she went next to him to see the page*the magic use it from The Plant Coven specializes in the various flora on the Boiling Isles. Plant Coven witches can command the flora around them as well as manipulate vines and accelerate plant growth. They can also make flowers bloom and unleash poisonous plants.
Color: Green
Sigil: Flower
Leader: Terra Snapdragon

Luz:wow so cool but wait if she good at plant then why her clothes isn't green

Dave: because luz she in the Abomination Coven focuses on the creation and utilization of purple ooze golems known as abominations. Witches in the Abomination Coven can create, summon, and control abominations to do their bidding, and more powerful witches can even use abomination matters to create constructs or even assume an abomination-based form. While stranded on earth, Amity was able to substitute mud for abomination goo the abomination track has been noted for opening more opportunities for a witch's future
Color: Orchid
Sigil: Abomination head
Leader: Darius Deamonne
But that weird she supposed to do Abomination not plant that super weird

Luz:yeah that is weird so what the plant and abomination sigil look like

Dave:this what they look like the plant coven

*He show the picture of plant coven*

Dave:and the abomination coven

*He turn the pages then stop and show her the abomination coven*

Luz:wow they look so amazing I wonder which coven is Liz in

Dave:I don't know will ask her when we see her

*He put his father's journal back in his bag  then continued watching the witch girl to continue her spell but the moment was interrupted by a cart moving by itself and there was another girl she is a thin, teenage witch with pale skin, bright golden eyes and pointed ears. Initially, she had chin-length hair dyed in two shades of aquamarine-green with brown hair, her natural hair color,visible at the roots. She also originally had her hair into a small ponytail pulling the front hair out of her face, and with an undercut that is mostly covered but are visible at the temples she wears a gray tunic with a dark gray belt, cowl, and boots. As part of the abomination track, her sleeves and leggings are a magenta color. The rest of her attire includes wearing triangle-shaped black earrings and black nail polish. In her debut appearance she had a star pin on her cowl, which showed that she was the top student. She also wears dark-gray heeled boots with a light gray top, and red and white socks underneath*

*she was sitting on top of a pot reading her book a d turn to look at the other girl she close her book and get herself down*

?????: Willow wow your so unnoticeable I almost rolled into you

*The girl known as Willow got up looking at her with a little glare*

Willow:hi Amity

Amity: shouldn't you get to class early to prep your*she stop when they turn around seeing that Willow pot fell off the cart and spilled purple slime goo on the ground*oh Willow you don't have anything to show do you?

*Back to where David and luz their hiding witnessed the whole thing*

Luz:witch drama

Dave: I'm starting to hate that bitch she reminds me of my ex sister

*Back to Willow and Amity Willow got very embarrassed she pulled her hood up*

Amity:this is why people called you half a witch Willow*her pot started shaking*oh look like someone want to say something to you*she open the pot lid and she snap her finger*abomination rise!*it came out a big purple slime monster it came close to Willow and drew a star on her forehead*oh it just like mine but much smaller and meaningless as a top student it's my duty to tell you to keep at it even you could get a passing grade someday*she turn to her abomination*abomination cower!*the slime monster return back into the pot and Amity put the lid back on and pushed her cart*see you in class Superstar

*When she left David and luz wasn't happy they glared at Amity behind her back and luz sticker tongue out at her and David think moment to teach her lesson then he have an idea he smirks took out his staff and whispered spell spell and hit inside the pot they turn back to Willow seeing that she is all alone again

Willow:oh see you in class Superstar*she wipe off the goop off her forehead*I hate when she does that*David and luz felt really bad for her and even now exactly how he felt cause when he used to go to camp lake bottom buttsquad always make fun of him and his friends along with one of his friend's sister he thought were interrupted when the wind blowing*I hate abomination I hate getting bad grades ugh I can't stand this anymore anymore!*She started to get really angry and her eyes glowing green then big vines burst out from the ground surrounding Willow suddenly two Vines aim towards them and grab them by their legs then pulling them to willow they were really scared of all the vines surrounding Willow turn around to face them David was trying to get the vine off him and trying to reach his back to grab his knife but everything stopped when Willow seed what she has done*oh no no no I am so sorry!

*She makes the vine untied them having a few scratches*

Luz: it's okay the thorns only went through a few layer of skin

Dave: it's okay accident happen

*Willow closer to David and luz looking at their ears*

Willow:so..... circly?*luz yep uncover her ears and she realised what they are*you're both humans this is astounding two humans on the boiling Isle how'd you get here what are you doing here?*they both heard a school bell ringing Willow sigh*uh I'm sorry I can't say I have to go disappoint my teacher it was nice meeting you humans

*She start to leave but David stop her*

Dave: wait I'm David and this is my friend luz and your Willow right we saw what you did to the flower it was amazing

Luz: he's right what you did with the flower and those plants it

*David nodded his head agreed with luz Willow smile at them but drop it*

Willow: thanks but I'm not even supposed to be doing plant magic my parents put me in the abomination track at school

Dave: if you're not good abomination why don't you ask your parents to put you in the plant coven

Willow: I tried but they thought it would be best for me for the future

Luz:*she squealing and grab Willow by the shoulder*like magic School? *Willow look at luz and nod her head means yes David smile even more*that's so cool I'm so jealous we have a teacher

Dave: but unfortunately her lessons are a bit how am I supposed to say this...... untraditional I heard she put her step daughter in their school and I bet she won't an even like us enroll but I wish we could spend one day there

Luz:same here

Willow: I wish I could get a passing grade for once then people would stop calling me half of which willow

*She kick the purple glue on the ground and David had an idea*

Dave: hey wait I know we can both get what we wanted let luz be your abomination you'll get you a good grade and you let us in the school and I could transform my clothes into a school uniform going to your magic School

Luz:*she gasp*David your genius it's fiendishly clever

Willow:..... what!

Dave: we saw that girl thing is just chunk of stuff that talk weird she's chunk of stop and talk weird and I'm 18 years old I looked like the age to go to school and think about a great grade to make your parents proud

Willow:.... That's true and I do need a good grade.... Okay it's the deal Dave and luz

*They shake each other hand to seal the deal*

Luz: this is a great plan

*They pull away David looks at luz*

Dave:hey Luz  there a spell from the book instead of putting the Goo on you I could do something better*he summoned his staff from his necklace*I can turn you into abomination

Luz:*she gasp excited*no way really you can do that!

Dave: sure I can

Willow:*she gasp*is there a staff you got a staff on your own I am so jealous I hope one day I get my own staff but Wait how did you get yours

Dave:oh this it belongs to my dad it been to our family for generation anyway hold still luz

*She did as she told he lift the goo and luz in the air with his staff he did the spell and blast it at luz and the goo together then there was a bright light they covered their eyes when the lights end they look at luz they gasp because she's this now*

Luz:*she look at herself then gasp*hot dog I'm abomination this is amazing

Willow:whoa this is incredible and amazing wait how long until the spell last

Dave: don't worry the spell only lasts until the school ends when the school ends luz will back to herself again now Willow look at your uniform for a bit if it's okay by you?

Willow:oh sure Dave

*David look at the uniform for a bit and circle around then nodded that he got all the details*

Dave: okay then here goes nothing

*He weaved his staff in the air around him and his clothes transform into his school uniform*

Dave: so how do I look?

*Luz and Willow had their mouth open gasping of what he did*

Luz:wow Dave that was so amazing

Willow:that's really amazing you're lucky to have a staff it must be really special for you

Dave:*he smiled*yeah it is special to me*he turned his staff back into a necklace and placed it on him and hid it in his uniform*now time to get to the magic School

*They made it to the building and it was really huge like if it came out from the fairy tale story*

Willow: welcome to hexide school of magic and demonics

Dave: now remember luz try to stay hidden ok and don't do anything stupid

*Luz nodded her head and squeals munchie sees the magic School and once they were inside it was more than they can ever imagine willow went to her locker to get her book while David was looking around taking in all the beautiful of this place

Dave:wow I've never seen this school so big and incredible*he take out his father's journal looking at it*maybe I can finally learn with these spells and finally to find out who I am and why Dad*not looking where he was going he accidentally bump into someone causing them to drop their books*shit I am so sorry I should have watched when I was going

*He bent down to grab his father's journal*

????????:hey it's alright accident happened

*The person picks up their book as well and he looks up to see who he accidentally bumps into it is a tall, hot pink-skinned succubus demon with an hourglass figure. She sports a long, black-tipped spade-shaped tail and a pair of black-tipped horns on top of her head with black star designs on them; the left one taller than the right. She also has a pair of wings on her back, with black markings that resemble heart shapes.
Her eyes have white-outlined light hot pink irises, yellow sclera, slit pupils, long and thick eyelashes protruding from them, and a small heart-shaped beauty mark under the right eye. She also has knee-length hair colored in ombre-white, with pink undertones from lighter to darker towards the tips, and a darker-colored stripe across her bangs.On her right arm is a red heart tattoo with Blitzo's name on it that has been crossed out by a thick black "X". Her mouth sports black lips and small fangs inside she wears a black choker necklace and a tightly-fitted, strapless, black and white minidress with a contrasting "X" and "O" shapes on the chest, as well as a star design at the abdomen. She also wore long black thigh-highs with three hot pink "X" designs down the sides, and black high-heels which sport a vague heart motif.She accessorizes with a set of white arm-length gloves with the right having the same "X" patterns as her thigh-highs (albeit thinner), a pale pink fur coat which vaguely matches her hair, and a pair of round gold-framed shades which have pink heart designs on each of their maroon lenses*

*when David looked at her he didn't realize how beautiful she was he blushes then rubbed it off*

Dave: again I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going and

*She interrupted him*

????????: hey it's okay big boy no big deal

Dave:oh okay then

*She took a good look at David seeing that he was very handsome and beautiful with those Chinese blue eyes like sapphire and he smiled and brought warmth to her heart*

????????: I'm Verosika Verosika Mayday

Dave: I'm David but my friend got me Dave for short

Verosika: are you new here I've never seen you here before

*David didn't likes to lie but then he'll never get to learn spells and find out who he is so he made up his choice*

Dave:um.yes yes I'm New here

Verosika:oh well welcome to hexside new student

*David chuckles at her silliness when she bowed down to him and he decided to ask if she can show him which classroom he's going first*

Dave:hey Verosika can you show me which classroom I'm going first

Verosika:oh since you're in the Bard Coven you and I got music first I was heading to the class right now oh I like you a warning our teacher it's like cannibal teacher and don't cut yourself he will bite you

*David followed Verosika to the classroom he didn't realize that luz saw the whole thing and she was very happy and had a smile on her face*

Luz: ship it

*David and Verosika walking to class together she looked at him and didn't realize how handsome he is when they got to music class they go take a seat together suddenly the professor walked in David Look and saw a slim, dapper sinner demon with beige-colored skin, and usually has a broad smile full of sharp, yellow teeth. He is standing at approximately 7 feet.He sports a pinkish-red cropped, angled bob-cut with black tips at the ends and two large, black tipped tufts of hair extending from the top of his head, evoking the ears of a deer. The style has an undercut at the back, and two small black antlers protruding from the crown his eyes have dark-red sclera, bright-red irises and thin black pupils. His forearms and lower legs fade to dark grey, and he has red hoofed toes and red fingers he wears a red pinstripe coat with dark-red lapels piped with white, which is ragged along the bottom hem. Underneath this he wears a bright red dress-shirt with a black cross on the chest, and long black dress pants with matching bright red cuffs. He also wears a dark-red oval-shaped monocle, rimmed with black, over his right eye.He accessorizes with a black knotted bowtie with a bright red center, black gloves with red at the fingertips, and black pointed-toe boots with red deer hoofprints emblazoned on the soles. He also carries a thin cane with a sentient vintage style microphone attached to it, which he uses to play sound effects and broadcast his voice*

*The professor looked at him David gulp then looked away then looked at Verosika then whispered to her*

Dave: isn't that the demon professor you warm me about

Verosika:*she looks at him and nods her head means yes*yes his name is Alastor also known as The Radio Demon, is a sinner demon and one of the many powerful Overlords of Hell whatever you do don't make a deal with him he was suck your soul right out of you

*David gulps then stare-front in the classroom meanwhile Alastor getting all the paperwork ready then look at David he look at him suspiciously*

Alastor:*his thoughts that very odd I never saw him round before I wonder if he....*he sniff in the air straight at David then gasp*his thoughts he's a human what a human like him doing here in the boiling Isle my sense telling me that owl lady must have something to do with it I'll deal with this later*he look front at the class with a big smile*good morning everyone what an special day for music class I think I spotted a new student setting next to miss mayday why don't you come up dear boy don't be shy *David gulps again stood up from his chair and walked up and stand in front of the class*my dear boy introduce yourself

Dave:*he sigh*hello everyone my name is David but my friends call me Dave short I'm new to hexside and I hope we get to know each other as friends*his thoughts really David are you trying to embarrass yourself in front of the class*

Alastor:okay then David*he stands up and goes in front of him*I see you choose the Bard coven red look suit on you so tell me my dear boy do you play instruments

Dave: I can play all the instruments

Alastor:good good but can you sing

Dave:sure I can sing

Alastor: oh really why don't you sing in front of the whole class but you have to sing classical music is that clear

Dave:*he looks at Verosika she nodded her head means no which means don't do it he sigh then look at Alastor*of course I will I can sing pop rock or any kind of music I can face with a demon like you

*Some went oooh and Some has a worry on their face Alastor chuckles then looks at David Straight to his face*

Alastor: well then prove it boy

*He gave him his microphone then went to sit on the side David look at the whole classroom then sigh and began to sing*

Dave:Perfect, perfect
Wouldn't change a thing about you
Perfect, perfect
You were made for me
Perfect, perfect
Never seen a thing just like like you
Perfect, perfect
You were made for me
You were made for me
Perfect, perfect
Wouldn't change a thing about you
Perfect, perfect
You were made for me
Perfect, perfect
Never seen a thing just like like you
Perfect, perfect
You were made for me
Coffee and cake
Lobster and steak
Apples and pie
Stars in the sky
Diamonds and pearls
Boys and girls
Pepper and salt
Jesse and walt
Jesse and Walt
A song and a dance
Paris and France
Crackers and cheese
A summer breeze
Perfect, perfect
Perfect! Perfect!
Perfect, perfect
You were made for me
Perfect, perfect
Never seen a thing just like like you
Perfect, perfect
You were made for me
Perfect, perfect
You make me crazy
You make me crazy
Oh, I gotta have ya
I gotta have ya
If there's more than one of you, I gotta' have them both
Gotta have them both
Oh, baby you're for me
Perfect, perfect
Everyone's gonna be jealous
Perfect, perfect
Ah, come back to my palace
Perfect, perfect
I wanna know
Perfect, perfect
Your perfect for me
Perfect, perfect
Perfect, perfect
Perfect, perfect
Perfect, perfect
Ah, you're perfect for me
Perfect, perfect
Perfect, perfect
I wouldn't change a thing you see
Perfect, perfect
Ah, you are
Perfect, perfect
You were made for me

*When he's singing comes to an end he looks at everyone and they look at him very shocked then everyone cheer and clap for him David bow down then walk up to Alastor then return his microphone while smiling*

Dave: proven enough  for you radio demon

*Suddenly a school bell rang then everyone left the class when everyone left Alastor was very shocked because he never saw human singing so perfectly and so classy then he smirks*

Alastor:this boy.... He's so perfectly I need to get to know him more often

*Time skip*

*Today was the best day of his life David learned so much about different spells and what he was do right now it's lunch time Verosika and David is at the lunch room*

Dave:wow I never knew hexside could be so amazing I learned so much here

Verosika: will I'm glad you'll like it here Dave and also what made you want to learn spells

*David look at her he need to be careful who he trusts around but he trusted Verosika so he decided to tell her*

Dave: the reason I want to learn spells is because I wanted to find out who I am I got a feeling that my dad is hiding something for me like hiding something from me and my mom and my brothers so that's what I want to study here so I can learn anything more about this past and to find out who I am

Verosika:man that must be hard and tough well I really hope you find out the truth about your father and yourself

Dave: well I hope so as well

Verosika: I know how to cheer you up

*He was about to ask how suddenly she came close and kiss his cheek he blushes then look at Verosika she smile at him then he smiled back at her then they heard the bell ring and they got up and David told her that he was going to look for his friends and said goodbye to each other and left he was looking around for them until someone grab him and pin him to the wall he was about to yell but he didn't because he saw Liz she wearing the same uniform but instead of red it blue*

Liz: David what are you doing here?

Dave:um learn about myself and you choose illusion coven good choice because nine tails

*Before he could continue she interrupt him*

Liz: that's not a point David seriously what are you doing here and why are you hanging out with my Verosika

Dave:will you see ...wait a minute did you say your Verosika*he gasp then smirk at Liz*Liz are you jelly

Liz:*she gasp then pulled away while blushing*what me jelly why I never I.... Okay I am you see Verosika is my crush I first saw her when I came here the first time when I saw her she was so beautiful kind and her boobs are super hot

Dave:*he chuckles*I can tell don't worry Liz she's all yours because I do want disturb your first crush

Liz:*she looks at him smiling then blushing*thanks Dave okay seriously what are you doing here and how do you get here

Dave:will long story short me and luz we're about to head back to the owl House because we don't want to do anything disgusting like cutting a giant dead worm for garbage until we met Willow so we made a deal I hope her give her a perfect grade while she take me and luz to this school

Liz:wait WHAT seriously Dave*she sigh*we better find luz

Dave:oh don't worry she with Willow right abomination that I turn her into


*Before she could continue heard a bark in her bag*

Dave:what was that?

Liz: nothing*he sigh then went behind Liz and open her backpack and pulled out pochita out of a bag then look at her she chuckles nervous*oh how did he get in here

Dave:really Liz*he held him close to him*awww my cutie pie I'm glad you're safe*he kiss his head then glare at Liz*Liz what is he doing here start explaining now

Liz:*she sigh*remember you told us that he's the last of his kind I felt really bad for him because he has no one to play with and he got annoyed by hooty because he is so annoying and won't leave him alone soooo I decided to take him to school with me so I could check the beast coven to see if they got any of the demon chainsaw dogs left but unfortunately no luck sorry Dave and pochita

*Luz looked down and felt really guilty David sighed then place  his hand on her shoulder she look at him*

Dave: Liz I appreciate for what you did for pochita and you tried your best to see if there are any of his kinds here but next time please let me know okay

*She sigh then smiled at him*

Liz:sure Dave I promise

Dave:and you're right Liz we shouldn't be here let's go find luz and we'll get out of here*they both came out from the corner and started looking for them till they see the wall showing strange symbols and glowing red they knew what's going on*oh dear God luz what the hell did you do?

Liz:oh no principal bump put school lockdown he must have found out Willow sneak you and luz in here

Dave:oh no that means a spell I put on luz that turn her into abomination must have worn off*he take out his staff uses powers to turn the uniform back into his clothes*we gotta find them before he does

*Liz nodded her head agreed with him and they both run off to find luz they found luz with Willow surrounded by abomination David used his staff and created a giant wind to blow all the abomination on the side*

Dave:you two get out of here me and Liz will hold them off

Liz: no David I'll hold them off you get them to safety

Dave:but Liz they're like a lot of them you can't do this alone

*Suddenly Verosika appeared out of nowhere and came next to Liz*

Verosika: he's right I'm not going to let you do this alone I'll help you David you get them out of here we'll hold them off

*David sigh and nodded his head then went up to Luz and Willow he grabbed the hand then run off they run through the hallway before coming to a dead end they both gasp in shock has the bomination made their way at them they quickly run in the opposite direction and hit behind the pillar*

Willow:oh this is awful I don't know what to do*she grunt as she slide onto the ground pulling her knees to her chest*Amity is right I'm just a half a witch willow

Dave: your full  whitch willow and you're great as someone once told us a great witches and wizards are resourceful

*David grabbed junk from his pocket Willow immediately brighten when she slay her eyes on the Brown spherical object into David's hand*

Willow: that's it!

Luz: you mean the greasy slime ball

Dave:*he looked at the slime ball carefully then gasp*Luz this isn't a greasy slime Ball it's a seed

Willow: he's right thank goodness you had it on you

*When Willow said that David would smile at her then look down while smiling*

Dave: yeah thank goodness someone told me to hang on to it wait if we combine our spells we can divine so strong it will attack the abomination

Willow: Dave that's brilliant let's do this

*Luz watch David and Willow as they preformed their magic*

Dave and Willow: please grow!

*Like magic the seed burst to life wrapping vines around corridors the ceiling above them and attacking the abomination meanwhile Liz and Verosika kept on fighting against the abomination but they can't hold them off much longer until the whole place was shaking and the vine started to spread around the hallway destroying the bomination that's have them a chance to run off going where Luz David and Willow wind and found them in the entrance of the school blocked by Vine and stuck abomination they go up to them*

Liz: nice job guys

Luz:will it was all Willow and David

Dave:uh hey guys I want to be proud of what we did but we need to get out of here there's the exit

*David pointed out as they made a run for it however they were stopped as an angry Amity blocking their path*

Amity: not so fast I'm not letting you getaway so easily I.WANT.MY BADGE!

Dave: okay seriously what's it's so important about that stupid silly badge it doesn't mean anything it's just a sticker that bears as useless titled there is no top student

*David point at Amity before swiftly turn to the set badge that lays on willow uniform he grabs the badge and rips it into pieces when Amity so that she was not happy about it*

Amity: that's none of your business human now you're going to pay abomination seize!

*At her command the abomination work towards them David punch in abomination and grab Liz and Verosika while luz grub Willow hand before balding to the exit an abomination block them causing them to gasp in shock Willow flick her waist she's summon the vines to encase the abomination while David uses staff to summon the vines as well and hold the abomination in the air*

Dave: you guys get out of here now we'll hold them off while you escape

Liz:what David no!

Luz: no way Willow we're not going to leave you guys behind

Willow: I might get detention you get distracted

Dave:Willow right I don't want you guys getting in trouble because of us so go now

*David use his staff causing a Vine to wrap the others around and throw them out to the school door as it closed behind them*


Verosika:wow I can't believe they did that for us

Liz: we can't save them right now but we know someone that can

*They all ran off straight back to the owl House meanwhile David and Willow did the best they could to fight off all the abomination but unfortunately they were captured and were taken to the principal bump they were carried by abomination that was created by Amity while they walking down the hall Amity look at them while smirking*

Amity:oooh just wait until the principal bump is going to give you a punishment because you both are in serious trouble especially you half of witch willow for sneaking the humans inside the school

Dave:HEY don't you dare talk to her like that if you haven't make fun of her then she wouldn't have done it*then he smirks*and by the way did you get really embarrassed when your abomination went out of control

Amity: how did you*she gasp then glare at him*it was you you're the one me my abomination goes crazy and haywire now because of you my teacher had to give me an f + because of it

Dave: well you got what you deserve karma just bit your ass*Amity growl in anger as her face turns red  he noticed it and started laughing at her face*I CAN'T BELIEVE IT YOUR FACE LOOKED LIKE A CHERRY TOMATO I SHOULD CALL YOU AMITY CHERRY BLIGHT!

* Amity got really angry then turned around and kept on walking when they got to the principal bump office she opened the door and let her abominations in then she closed the door and looked at her principal with a smirk*

Amity: principal bump I got the 2 troublemaker who started all this just like you said

*The abomination dropped them on the floor hard David glared at her then looked straight up he saw Alastor next to someone who is sitting by the chair when the chair moved its revealed to be is presumably an older man, judging from the wrinkles surrounding his upper lip, with light-beige skin. He has long black hair, brown eyes but with his left eye sewn shut, and a scar runs down from his upper right scalp. Most of the time, his upper face he wears a traditional academic dress consisting of a long black gown with a gold yoke, a black cape, gold trim at the sleeves and cape hem, plus a blue stole draped over his shoulders and black pointed shoes. He also has an orchid abomination coven sigil on the inside of his right wrist on his head, covers half of his face, giving him the appearance of being consumed*

Dave:*he gulp then whispered to Willow*some guessing this is your principle isn't it

Willow:*she whispered back to him*yep that's principal bump the principal of the school and abomination

*He stood up and went in front of his desk then glared at them*

Principal bump:*he glares at Willow*so you're the one who brought two humans into the school am I right young lady

Willow:*she sigh*yes sir

Dave: but it wasn't her fault we just wanted to help Willow to get a better grade notice what have happened if Miss perfect here wouldn't have made fun of her

Amity:*she glares at him*shut up human

Principal bump: please be quiet Ms blight*then he sees something that she's holding*what is that you're holding miss blight

Amity:oh this it came from this human sir I took it from him before he did something stupid

Principal bump:may I see it*she nodded then goes up to him and gives him the necklace he looked at it closely then turned to David*young man where do you get this necklace

Dave: it came from my father sir

Principal bump:hmmm what is your father's name

Dave: Francis Flynn sir

*Principal bump look at David closely then pull away then place the necklace on the table and turn back to Willow*

Principal bump:miss Willow what I saw today with your plant magic I must say

Willow: I know I know I'm not supposed to use other magic only abomination I'm sorry sir

Principal bump:sorry? That was a remarkable power I have ever seen you may not be a good abomination but you're amazing with plants say young lady how would you like the transfer from abomination to plant coven

Willow:*she gasp then smiled*oh my sir I'm honored

Amity:wait WHAT! But sir she brought two humans into the school she should be getting detention!

Dave:but if you haven't done something silly trying to oh I don't know trying to force her to kill luz then none of this would have happened if you can't control your jealousy

Principal bump:hmmm he is right you know and you did lose control of your anger so I'm giving you one day of detention starting tomorrow now leave my office


Principal bump:NOW!

*Amity glare at them one more time before she rushed out from The office then looked at them*

Principal bump: no that's settle will you two leave us alone I need to talk to the human alone*they nodded their heads then they left the office when they left them alone he looked at David*please stand up young man*he did as he told he stood up then he walked up to David and places hand on his cheek then suddenly he smiled*it's really nice to see you again David

Dave:*he gasp*hang on how did you know my name

Principal bump:*he pulled away*how do I know your name and I know your father Francis fynn

Dave: wait you know my father

Principal bump: of course I do we used to come to school together back when we were kids

Dave:wait dad used to go to hexside wait a minute*he took out his father's journal and took out the picture of him and bump when they were kids*so this guy in the picture with my dad was you

Principal bump:*he took the picture from him and look at it he chuckles*I haven't seen his picture for a long time and I can't believe you kept your father's journal your almost look like your first grandmother well almost wait where your father now it will be nice to see him again*he look at David the notice he was looking down sad*what's wrong

Dave: so you didn't know*he nodded his head means no*I'm sorry to say this but he died in the fire when I was a kid

*When David said that Principal bump couldn't believe his eyes as he was shocked in horror*

Principal bump:o oh I can't believe it*he wiped a few of his tears*I can't believe he's gone he was like my only friend who understands me and what I've been through

Dave: again I'm so sorry

Principal bump: no no don't apologize you have nothing to do with it wait did your mother knew you're here

Dave:*he sigh*no no she didn't and the matter of fact she didn't know about this place

Principal bump:*he sigh*I told him you should tell her about this place wait she didn't know you're here

Dave: no it's because.... I ran away from home

Principal bump:*when he said that he was shocked*WHAT! Why would you run off away from home like that there must be a reason

Dave:*his tears come down*there is a reason remember I tell you now that dad died in the fire.... My own sister did this she started the fire by jealousy and because of it he sacrificed his life to save me and the burn and the mark of my eye that where the fire hit it

Principal bump:*when David said that he looked down in anger*so he's older daughter killed his own father just because she was jealous of you

Dave:*he wipes his tears*yes but please please don't send me home I really really want to know who I am and I want to know anything about my dad please Principal bump I wanted to know who I am

*Principal bump looked at David and he realized he was really serious he sigh then placed his hand on his shoulder*

Principal bump: of course David I understand but.... There's something I need to tell you and the reason why your father never wants you to come here in the first place

Dave:what is it?

*He sigh then grab David arm and he used the spell to reveal a coven brand of a Winged sword and shield in a triangle*

Dave:*he gasps*what the hell is this is some kind of birth mark or something?

Principal bump:no David that Coven brand

Dave: a coven brand I heard about it When a witch joins a coven, their arm is branded with the coven's sigil, and all of their magic is sealed off except the magic of their chosen coven.While a witch will be unable to perform magic outside their specialty, they will still be able to perform general spells such as levitation magic, albeit with greater difficulty. Some covens are more highly regarded than others, and the highest-ranking coven in the Coven but I never seen this kind of coven or in my father's journal what is this

Principal bump: that David is the emperor coven

Dave: emperor coven what the heck is that it wasn't in my father's journal only the nine coven except this one

Principal bump:*he sigh*will While not considered one of the "main nine" covens, the Emperor's Coven is considered to be the most prestigious and highly ranked coven in the coven system and its members serve as law enforcement on behalf of the emperor's will. Membership of the Emperor's Coven is made up of some of the most talented witches on the isles, and unlike other covens, those inducted into the emperor's retain all their magic when you were a baby you were captured by the emperor coven along with their leader emperor belos

Dave:wait a minute so the same dream I have a few days ago so that little baby was me?

Principal bump: unfortunately yes they took you to The emperor's Castle your father tried to save you and try his best to stop him but it was too late he marked you with the coven brand glove it's a glove that gives your mark like a tattoo but a glove but not needle

Dave:so why would emperor belos Mark me I mean I'm not that special

Principal bump: honestly David I don't know when your father got you out from the castle he said his last goodbye to us before he went back to the human realm to have a great life with your mom and your sister*he goes up to David and places his hand on his shoulder then please the necklace back on him*but you got a promise me one thing David promise me you keep that necklace on you and keep it safe from him promise me that

Dave:*he sigh*I promise

Principal bump:*then he took his hand off his shoulder and gave him the banned poster*good but unfortunately you and the human are banned coming to school just want to let you know

Dave: yeah that's fair soooo can I go now

Principal bump: yes and I don't want to see both of you near to my school again*David nod his head means he understood the left the office when he left Principal bump sad back in his chair then places hand on his face and started crying*oh Francis

*Meanwhile when David got back to the owl House he saw luz Liz Verosika Willow and a young boy, noticeably shorter than Luz, Amity and Willow, with brown skin and dark brown hair with lighter shades. His upper lip is curved, similar to Luz's. Like all the witches and demons on the Boiling Isles, he has pointy ears. His eyes are dark blue he wears a gray tunic with a dark gray belt, cowl, and boots. As he is part of the illusion track, the color of his sleeves and leggings are a light blue. Following witch puberty, his boots became ankle length*

*When they saw David Liz and Verosika rush up then hug him*

Liz: David thank goodness you're safe

Verosika: we thought something terrible happened to you*she pulled away and look at him*what happened did bump did something to you Willow came back and she was switching to plant magic track which we're proud of so what happened

Dave: nothing much we just talkin' all

Liz:*she sigh*that's good to hear Dave just don't do that again

Dave: there's no promising for that

*Then eda luz Willow and the boy who is next to her came up to him*

Eda: I agree with Liz don't do that again I don't want to lose my favorite student

Dave:*he chuckles*like I said there's no promise for that

Luz: will Dave we can wait for sneaking into that school again

Dave:*he chuckles nervously then took out two posters*uh luz about that we kinda sorta banned sorry luz

Eda:*she cheers for them*whoo that's my kids

Verosika: but we can still hang out together and we can help you teach what we learn

Dave:aww that's really nice of you guys but*he look at eda with a smile*we have a pretty great teacher already

*Eda was shocked to hear David wanted her to be her teacher and she smiled*

Eda:yea that's right these are my student back off academy geeks *they all laughed as eda took the two wanted posters of David and luz*aw my two babies first wanted poster*she walk up to them and pat their head*good job kids look like I taught you guys something after all

*The Moment was interrupted by the little witch boy who was next to Willow*

???:uh you high five with your hands not your head

Dave:um... I'm sorry who are you

???:I'm gus

Willow:say David I also want to say thank you for embarrassing Amity in class it was the most hilarious prank ever

Eda:*she gasp*a prank did I hear a prank David what you do

Dave:will before Amity left Willow in the forest alone I kind of used the spell to make the abomination go crazy and haywire and make it pull its own professors underwear straight to his head

*When David said that Eda stared at him for a moment and started laughing then wiped her tears*

Eda:oh my God kid that is pure gold oh I wish I could have seen it in close that is so hilarious you know it kind of reminds me of an old friend of mine who did a hilarious prank

Dave: really then who is it

Eda:his name is Francis fynn

*When she said his father's name he was shocked*

Dave:uh eda that was my dad

*When she stopped laughing she gasp then look at David*

Eda:no way really*he nodded his head means yes*holy cow I knew that last name sound familiar I guess I forgot I can't believe it you look exactly like him but more hotter

*When she said that she started to laugh again while David blushed embarrassing*

Dave: okay then I don't need to know that*he turn back to see Verosika*well I hope I'll see you soon

Verosika: sure we can hang out sometime

Dave: sounds great

Verosika:same here oh and Dave I'm really glad to meet you I hope we can hang out sometime just you me and Liz

*David and Liz blush at the same time of what he said then smiled*



Verosika:great .... Well see you soon guys bye

Dave and liz:bye

*Verosika left and David and Liz were  left standing with a blush on their face then they both smiled at each other then at night Willow and Gus both say goodbye to luz the Head Straight home David already told eda what happened to his father she was really upset that he's gone and didn't have a chance to see him one more time then they both hug each other so they don't feel alone then afterwards David is in his bedroom while his pochita sleeping on his lap he place his banned poster on the wall luckily his mom didn't see this or else she won't be happy about it then he noted a little writing on the poster he looked at it closely and it said*

I hope we get to know each other soon my dear boy see you soon from

Alastor the radio demon

*When you finish reading David blush then smiled but if fade away when he look at the coven brand on his arm he felt worried of what the emperor going to do to him in the future whatever it is is going to be bad when it does David will be ready for it he Lay in his bed then fall asleep along with pochita meanwhile in The emperor's Castle belos is in his throne room sitting on his throne while watching David falling asleep in his bed he smirks evil*

Emperor belos:so he wants to know who he well he will find out the truth soon enough and soon when he find out the truth about who he is*he chuckles*I will get rid of him even though I didn't get rid of his father but I will get rid of him and takeaway his powers and his necklace and the last of his kind DIED!

Emperor belos:In the dark of the night I was tossing and turning
And the nightmare I had was as bad as can be
It scared me out of my wits
A corpse falling to bits!
Then I opened my eyes
And the nightmare was, me
I was once the most mystical man on the boiling Isle and the human realm
When my brother betrayed me he made a mistake
My curse made each of them pay
But one little boy got away
Little David beware
Belos awake
In the dark of the night evil will find him
In the dark of the night just before dawn!
Revenge will be sweet
When the curse is complete
In the dark of the night
he'll be gone
I can feel that my curses are slowly controlling
Tie my sash and a dash of cologne for that smell
As the Pieces fall into place
I'll see her crawl into place
Do Svidaniya, David, Your Grace
In the dark of the night terror will strike him!
Terror's the least I can do!
In the dark of the night evil will brew.
Soon he will feel that her nightmares are real.
In the dark of the night
he'll be through!
In the dark of the night
Evil will find him
Find him!
In the dark of the night terror comes true.
Doom him!
My dear boy, here's a sign
It's the end of the line
In the dark of the night
In the dark of the night
In the dark of the night
Come my minions
Rise for your master
Let your evil shine
Find him now
Yes, fly ever faster
In the dark of the night
In the dark of the night
In the dark of the night
he'll be mine!

*When the song ended belos chuckles and laugh evil*

Emperor Belos: I hope I'll see you soon David and this time you won't escape from me and your father won't save you this time

*But what he didn't know that someone was watching him behind the shadow then growls in anger*

???????: whatever you up to bitch it won't work I won't let you hurt him I may have lost her but I won't lose him as well and don't worry David I'm going to protect you and this time I will be there for you

*He disappeared into the shadows*

To be continue

In the dark of the night by Anastasia

Perfect by 11 acorn Lane

(Before I could continue my next chapter I want to give you very sad news if you didn't know the actor Maggie Smith who played professor McGonagall from Harry Potter who sadly passed away at the age of 89 at London hospital she was amazing actor and always be remembered and never be replaced thank you Maggie Smith for everything rest in peace)

28 December 1934-Died 27 Sept 2024

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