hybrid sister (part 5)

Clouds POV

I woke up in a bad mood, my stomach, and head both hurt. My body acted. I refused to leave my bed.

Dashie came in as usual to get me awake.

"Cloud time to wake up" She said

I whimpered

"You ok sis?" She said and came over.

I said nothing

She felt my forehead, "oh baby" She picked me up, "let's getcha a bath and all cozy ok"

I nodded

She carried me to the bathroom and turned on the bath, she got me undressed and put me in.

My tail wasn't moving and my ears were flat on my head.

Dashie gave me a bath and I layed on the side of the tub with a small smile on my face.

When dashie got me out she wrapped me in a towel. I layed on her shoulder.

"You poor thing" Dashie said and carried me back to bed. She got me in my footies. I had Pengilly in my arms and layed normally cause I was too tired to move. "I'm gonna be right back ok" She said and kissed my forehead before leaving.

I just layed there... I watched my mouse friend Gary run by on the windowsill. We usually play on the weekend but I couldn't... I was so exhausted... Gary ran over and got into my pocket and just went back to sleep... I guess he wasn't feeling well either.

Dashie then came back with soarin and a bottle of something. "I'm telling you rainbow she won't take it" Soarin said

"If she doesn't then she's not gonna get better" Dashie replied, she then put something in a small tube thing, it was like what they used on us when we got sick in the lab for medicine,I never minded it, "you're gonna let me give this to you like a big girl now ok"

I nodded

Dashie then gave me the medicine, it tasted yucky.

"There all done," She kissed my forehead then gave me her tablet, "try to rest but you can watch a show ok"

I nodded with a cough.

Soarin then put something next to the bed, "rest up now cloud I'll be home later and you can come sit on the couch" He said before getting up and leaving

Dashie tucked me into bed, "I'm gonna be in mine and Soarins bedroom doing school, if you need me just yell ok, or come get me," She kisses my forehead again before getting up, shutting the curtains and lights, then turning on my nightlight. Then left my room but didn't shut the door.

I laid there chewing on pengi. Gary came out and put something on the tablet. I picked it up and put it on its stand.

He had put on Animaniacts, his favorites we're pinky and the brain, I like Dot.

We watched it as I grew more tired with each episode. I soon fell asleep deeply.


I woke up as I heard the door open

I saw Dashie and Soarin

"Hi baby" She smiled

"Hey cloud" Soarin said

They came in and soarin picked me up.

"Wanna come downstairs" He asked

I nodded

Dashie wrapped the blanket around me then gave me pengi, "there"

We went downstairs and Soar laid me on the couch.

I laid there and just watched them... I felt terrible... Dashie then brought over something weird...

"Sis... Just relax for me ok" She said

I nodded and felt Gary on my hand under the blanket.

Dashie puts the thing on my forehead and moved it back and forth as it beeped.

Soar and Dashie looked at the little screen and soar immediately picked me up in the blanket and Dashie bolted upstairs I was so confused and scared I just started crying.

Dashie came back down a few minutes later and put my jacket over my head hiding my ears and had s beanie covered in stars in her hand, a bag and the tablet.

I continued to cry as Soarin put me in the back on my booster seat and he got in front, Dashie got in the back with my and took the blanket and jacket off me then buckled me in, she then covered me again and put the beanie on my head.

I cried, I was scared, they hadn't told me what was going on!

Soarin drove to a building that they immediately brought me into.

Dashie explained to me what was going on. I had a 104°f fever (40°c) and it was bad for me.

A person came and brought us to a exam room, it was a nurse.

I got laid on the exam table and she checked my fever. I cried and just wanted to go home!

I was later taken to a room where dashie changed me into a hospital gown and my beanie still on.

A doctor came in a started to talk to me. "Hey squart," He said he started to play with me a bit? I played with him, he had a toy dragon that was dressed in a doctors outfit, we played and I didn't even notice a nurse come in a put something in my arm, a tube, but I played using pengi.

I giggled and yawned

"It's time for Dr.Wheel to give you a check up" The doctor said using the dragon

I giggled and nodded "uh huh... Just make sure he doesn't hurt me"

"It won't hurt a bit" The doctor said through the dragon, "stuffy the brave doctor dragon and Dr.Wheel won't hurt you"

"Ok stuffy" I giggled more,

The doctor gave me a check up and laid me back down, "alright squart, you should be able to go home tomorrow morning, you're sissy is gonna go home and get some things and come back to stay with you overnight" He said in his normal voice.

"Ok, Mister Doctor Sir" I said

"Now get some rest we'll check on you in a hour bye bye cloud" He said through Stuffy

"Ok, bye bye mister Doctor Sir, bye bye stuffy" I said with a yawn

They left,

I know Gary was home since he crawled out of my pocket

I was alone...

The railings were up so I couldn't get out and I reached for the cotton balls but I couldn't reach... I found the remote and found out how to shut off the lights and turn the TV on. Doc McStuffins was on and I saw stuffy! The same dragon!

A hour passed when the doctor came back yet still no sign of Dashie but I know she would be back, Doc McStuffins was still on.

"Hi squart" The doctor said

"hi" I said "stuffy is on TV!"

"He is" The doctor said acting surprised

"Ya!" I nodded

"Well that is stuffy he wants to help kids like you feel better" He said and Booped my nose

I giggled,

The door opened and I saw Dashie! "Sissy!" I said

"Hi baby" She said

"Well it's time for bed, you need rest if you're gonna break this fever" He said

"Ok... Can I say goodnight to stuffy?" I asked with a smile

"Of course" He said and went over to his backpack and took stuffy out "why goodnight cloud" He said through stuffy.

"Goodnight stuffy night night mister Doctor Sir" I said

The door smiled and left.

I yawned and turned over.

Dashie came over and put pengi next to me, and gave me a kiss "how's my baby sister"

"Better... I feel like I'm going to throw up though..." I said

"that's ok" she said, she layed me down and tucked me in "good night baby"

"Night night sissy" I said with a yawn, and soon fell asleep


When I woke up I saw the doctor getting a thingy changed,

"Mister Doctor Sir?" I asked

"Hello squart, just changing your IV" He said

"What's a IV?" I asked

"It's a bag of blood or in your case medicine that's helping you break your fever" He said

"Ok..." I answered

"C'mere I wanna show you something" He said

I nodded

He picked me up in one arm and the other holding the IV stand and carried me to a room with other kids? Some had tails like me others didn't? He placed me in a chair, "if you wanna walk around you have to hold onto the IV stand, you can play with the kids and I'll come getcha when it's time to take a nap ok"

I nodded,

He then patted my head and left the room

I saw crayons and markers, I grabbed a purple one and a picture of a little girl with pigtails and a dress, she was reading a book

I colored her when another kid who didn't have a tail come over?

"Hey what's your name?" She said

"Um...Cloud...what's yours?..." I asked a little shy

"I'm Susie! What brings you to the hospital?!" She asked, I than realised that she wasn't wearing a hospital gown like the other kids? She had a dress and a couple pigtails, and dark brown skin and even darker brown hair.

"I have a fever" I said "why are you here?"

"Oh me? I'm here with my mommy, she said I can help you kids feel better!" She said and sat down in a chair

"Really?" I said "I didn't know you could come to work with your mom...? "

"Of course you can! It's the weekend and I love coming to the hospital and helping out!" She said, "do you like to color?"

I nodded, "ya it's really fun!"

"I do too! How about we color together? I get one half and you can do the other!" She suggested

I nodded

We each colored half of a butterfly, my side was purple and blue and orange hers was yellow and green and red

"How about I ask my mommy if I can use the copier and we each can have a page" She said

I nodded "ya and we're friends right?"

"Of course we are!" she said

"Cloud" I heard and looked it was the doctor "let's getcha back to your room"

"But I made a new friend" I said

"Hi Susie, and what's that you made" He said

"We colored a butterfly together" Susie said

"That's wonderful, how about we bring cloud back to her room and go copy it and when she wakes up you two can play I'm her room" He said

We nodded

He picked me up and grabbed the IV stand

We went back to my room and he laid me down tucking me in.

He put a different IV on and it started to make me sleepy

I yawned

"Nighty night cloud" Susie said

I smiled "night night" I fell asleep


When I woke up I saw Susie in a chair playing on a game

She looked and immediately put the game down, "cloud your awake"

"Uh huh" I said

We started playing games that Susie taught me, until the doctor and a lady came in a few hours later, "cloud, Susie, it's time for Susie to go home and get cloud a check up" The doctor said

"Oh but Dr.Wheel we were playing" Susie said

"Sweetie, I'll talk to cloud's guardian and maybe you can do school together, she's homeschooled too" The lady said,

"Ok mommy" Susie said and hugged me "hope to see you soon and feel better"

"Thank you... You too?" I hugged back with a giggle

They left and after the check up I was cleared to go home!

Dashie soon came in helped me get dressed and picked me up, I yawned, I couldn't wait to get home and rest.

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