hybrid sister

Before I start let's just say that cloud is a hybrid, she lives with her sister who takes care of her, she was kidnapped when she was only 1 and ended up a hybrid. She was transferred from place to place for 6 years till her sister found her.

Cloud's POV

I've been living with my human sister for almost a year, apparently daddy sold me to the government and I was turned into a hybrid, half human half fox.

We live with her boyfriend soarin. Soarin is 18 and dashie is 17, I'm only 7 because they did something to my genes? I don't know.

Dashie's friends were going to meet me for the first time.

I'm actually really small so I liked to hide in the smallest places. Cabinets, under my bed, under the couch, inside boxes, and lots of other places.

"Cloud" I heard,

I was curled up under my blanket

The blanket was pulled down

"Hi baby" It was dashie!

"Sissy" I said my ears on the top of my head perk up

She stroked my hair, "you're gonna see my friends today, are you excited"

I curled up wrapping my orange with blue tip tail around me.

Dashie sighed, "it's ok baby," She scratched behind my ear, I smiled and leaned into the touch.

I got off the bed and curled up next to dashie.

She picked me up, let's go getcha a bath and changed.

She put me down and we went into my bathroom. I stood up and walked in behind her. She closed the door once I was inside.

Dashie turned on the tub and helped me get my night gown off and into the tub,

She helped me take a bath, I love it when she does for some reason.

Once I was out of the tub dashie helped me get dried and dressed, I got changed into a red skirt and a rainbow ice cream shirt, I also had red sneakers and and beanie.

I love my beanies, they're awesome.

Dashie carried me downstairs cause I wanted to be held. I was holding a rubbery, stuffed, penguin, it was always my favorite animal.

Soarin was making breakfast.

I started chewing on the rubbery parts of my toy. I just like chewing on things and they got me two rubbery toys, I'm still 7 and I don't know much about myself other than I'm called a Neko.

I heard dashie giggle as she put me down, I smiled and went to see soarin

"Hi cloud" He said,

"Hi!" I said

"Can you go sit down" He said

"Oops sorry" I ran to the other side of the counter. I'm not allowed to be in the kitchen when they're cooking.

When dashie came in she was texting someone.

Dashie put her phone next to me and I went to touch it, dashie then said, "cloud, no stealing" She took her phone, "what do you say if you want something"

"Can I please play train game on your phone" I said

She giggled, "yes you can" She handed me her phone and I immediately went onto subway surfers. She kissed my forehead.


After breakfast I decided to hide in my favorite spot the cabinet under the coffee pot, and chew my toy.

The door opened and I saw soarin, "I knew you were here" He chuckled, "come out cloud"

I climbed out on all fours.

Soarin pulled me up"your sister is getting worried, she's in the living room"

I smiled and ran into the living room

"Oh my gosh where were you" She hugged me

"She was in her cabinet, I told you she was teething somewhere" Soarin said

When she pulled away the doorbell rang.

I immediately ran and hid in my cabinet. I heard the door open and girl voices and then a few boys, probably 2 others not counting soarin and 5 girls not counting dashie.

"I'll go get her fluttershy, she likes to hide" I heard dashie come over and open the door, "hi baby, it's ok, they won't hurt you"

I slowly came out and dashie picked me up. I started chewing on my toy as she closed my cabinet door.

"Here she is" Dashie said walking in.

I saw 5 girls a all pink girl, one with purple hair, one with glasses, one with blonde hair and one with pink hair and yellow skin.

I then saw 2 boys one with orange-yellow skin and blue hair and one that has black hair gray skin and yellow and red eyes.

"Awwwww she's adorable" The girl with yellow skin said

"Why does she have a beanie on in summer" The glasses girl said, "and a tail"

I got tense.

"Well I told you, she's half fox" Dashie said

"COOL!" The pink girl said

I slipped out of dashie's grasp and hid under the couch.

Soarin came over and said, "it's ok kid," He pulled me out

He picked me up and held me,

We sat on the couches and I saw soarin's phone, I reached for it when it was grabbed before me, "cloud, we don't steal" Soarin said

"SWIPPER NO SWIPPING" The pinkie girl yelled

I looked back at soarin.

"what do you say" Soarin asked

"Can I please play temple run" I asked

He handed me the phone, "yes you can"

"Ya she likes to take things" Dashie said, "it's usually just to explore what it is tho"

I played the game as the others talked.

I suddenly heard "we haven't introduced ourselves!"

Someone stood up making my ears perk up

"I'm pinkie pie and these are Twilight Rarity Applejack and Fluttershy and those boys are Flash and Discord" The pink girl said, "what's your name!"

I whispered "cloud"

"That's a pretty name" Fluttershy said

They all started to move to the floor when I got off of soarin to lay on the ground and chew on my toy.

I heard someone sit in front of me, I looked up and saw fluttershy?

I slowly started crawling away.

"It's ok, I won't hurt you" She said, I slowly let her touch me, she took my beanie off as she rubbed behind my ears. I leaned into the touch, "how old are you cloud"

I looked at dashie, she giggled, "she's seven,"

"Awww she's still a kit"fluttershy said

"A what" Applejack said

Fluttershy stopped scratching my ear, "a kit, it's what a baby fox is called, also cub or pup"

"That's cool" Applejack said

I started chewing on my toy. Dashie sat next to me.

"Cloud can you tell the girls something's you like" Dashie asked

"Um... I like it when dashie reads to me, and chewing on my pengi" I said

They all awed,

"Can we play a game" Pinkie said

"Like what darling" Rarity said

"Truth or dare" Pinkie said

"No!" They all yelled making me get up and run and hide, I ran into the back room and jumped into a box, I scrapped my hand on the box when I got in.

"Hide and seek!" I heard pinkie yell

I heard everyone moving around till I heard someone open the box I was in. It was the Discord?

"Hello kido" He said, "I know you're scared of me, but look," He made a cotton candy cloud appear and disappear.

I looked at him and smiled,

"Same fate kido, now c'mon out" He said

I got out of the box and looked at my hand, I left pengi in the living room when I ran.

"Found her" Discord said

I ran to dashie and she picked me up, I started whimpering, "what's wrong baby"

I showed her my hand.

"Awwwwww baby" She said using her free hand to hold my hand still,

"What happened rainbow" Applejack asked

"She cut herself" Dashie said

"Poor thing" Rarity said

"You want me to take a look" Fluttershy said coming over

I hid my face.

"It's ok baby," Dashie said,

I flattened my ears ontop of my head, I felt someone touching my cut, I started whimpering, I felt someone start rubbing my ear, I calmed down.

I felt something wrap around my hand,

I looked to see a white bandage wrapped my hand and wrist.

I heard something and my ears perked up, the sound went away and I leaned on dashie's shoulder.

I heard the others giggle.

We all soon sat down and watched a movie, I don't remember what movie because I was too busy chewing on my toy.

I soon fell asleep on dashie's lap,


"Cloud, baby, wake up" I heard dashie

I opened my eyes and looked up at dashie. My tail was wrapped around me.

"Sorry sissy" I said

"It's ok baby, you did nothing wrong" She said

I yawned.

Soon the others were getting ready to leave.

When we were saying bye I ran over to discord, "yes" He said

I hugged him,

He slowly hugged me back.

When we pulled apart I smiled and ran back over to dashie.

Everyone left, it was now 5 o'clock.

I was curled up on the couch. I saw soarin kneel in front of me, "are you sleepy"

I nodded,

"You wanna go take a nap" He asked

I nodded, I reached for him to hold me

He picked me up, he carried me to find dashie, once we found her in the kitchen.

"Hey dashie, I'm bringing cloud upstairs" Soarin said

"Alright soarin" Dashie said, "is she sleepy or something"

"Ya she's sleepy" Soarin said

A couple minutes later we went upstairs soarin put me too bed with Pengi, once he left I curled up under the blankets, wrapping my tail around myself folding my ears ontop of my head. I chewed on my toy till I fell asleep.


I woke up the same way I fell asleep, I looked at the clock it was 6:30, I got up and went downstairs. I was holding my toy.

I saw dashie in the living room and I don't know where soarin was.

"Sissy" I said

"Hi baby" She said

I sat next to her she was watching something, I suddenly saw her phone... She had a missed call from daddy...

I frowned wrapped my tail around myself.

"What's wrong baby" Dashie asked

"Why is daddy mean to me" I asked

"Baby, he was a bad man" She said

"Dashie, why do I feel like crying" I asked

"I don't know baby," She said

I started crying and dashie pulled me into her lap, I soon calmed down but stayed laying on dashie's chest.

I think I feel asleep cause I woke up on the couch.

I had forgotten about what me and dashie talked about,

I looked for pengi, but I couldn't find her, I went to find dashie, I found dashie.

"Sissy," I said, "where's pengi"

"Your little penguin," She said

"Ya" I said

"It's in the kitchen" She said, "it fell on the ground,"

"Thank you sissy" I said and ran to the kitchen and heard dashie chuckle.

I found pengi on the table, I picked her up and looked up, I saw cookies ontop of the fridge.

I got up on the counter and stood up, I opened the jar and grabbed a cookie, I went to get down and slipped off the counter. I ran into my cabinet, trembling. Dashie came in.

"Cloud are you ok, where are you" She said

I stayed silent chewing on pengi,still trembling, the cabinet door opened and dashie saw me.

"Hi baby what happened," She said rubbing my ear,

I stayed silent, my body achey and my head now hurting.

"It's ok, come out," She said

I crawled out and she picked me up.

I hid my face in her shirt.

She placed me on the counter, "I'm going to get the first aid kit alright"

I nodded,

She went into a cabinet and got out something, I noticed that my leg was bleeding.

Dashie came back over. She opened the box, "this might sting a bit ok" She said,

I nodded

"Ready" She said

I nodded slightly.

She cleaned up the blood and put this liquid on, I winced,

"Sorry" She said, "there"

She wrapped my scraped area and put the stuff away.

She came back over and picked me up, she rubbed the back of my head.

I leaned on her chest, "my head hurts" I mumbled

"Alright," She sat me back on the counter, I leaned on her, I felt her move my hair and check my head, she soon picked me up again and gave me a purple pill, "here, can you take that" She said

I nodded and put it in my mouth.

She got out a ice pack and wrapped a paper towel around it. She placed it on the back of my head.

"Now how did you get hurt" She asked

"I wanted a cookie" I said

She giggled, "I've done the same thing, but you just have to ask alright"

I nodded,

"You still want a cookie" She said

I nodded

She reached ontop of the fridge and pulled out a cookie for herself and one for me,

"Thank you" I said

"You're welcome" She said

I started eating the cookie as we went into the living room. She held the ice pack on the back of my head.

I leaned on dashie and yawned. She put the ice pack down.

She picked me up and sat me on her lap, "you ready to go upstairs" She asked

I nodded,

She carried me upstairs, and I nuzzled into her chest.

She helped me get into pajamas, it was 9 o'clock

She layed me in bed with my toy and tucked me in.

"Good night baby" She said and kissed my forehead

"Night sissy" I said with another yawned

She turned off the big lights and turned on my little penguin nightlight and left, closing the door only halfway.

I soon fell asleep, another day in my life.

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