Not Really a Tag
Lionstar, here!
Not sure what to call this. It has a bunch of Warriors questions in it, so I decided to post it, because, why not?
[I decided to do it since I saw TennelleFlowers did it, and it seemed fun... We'll just ignore the fact I wasn't actually tagged, XD]
20 Warriors Questions
1: How did you get into Warriors?
Well, my sister had started reading it in 2014, and she dropped them when she got to Rising Storm... So sad.
She wanted me to read them, because she still considered finishing them, so I gave it a shot. I started the first one, Into the Wild, and stopped for about four months after finishing chapter 1... It was so boring. I thought I was going to lose my mind! Four long months later, I continued it, and got addicted. Soon I finished the first arc, and even found someone in the library while I was reading Midnight who asked our teacher to find him Midnight.
I overheard like the person I am and snapped my attention and walked myself over to him and showed him where the entire series was.
Turns out, he was looking for actual first book, so I told him it was really Into the Wild, and well, we both were falling in love with the series like crazy after that, and now, I login daily to a website full of crazy fanfic authors and roleplay like those weird cosplayers who play kings and queens in the local park...
2: Favorite Arc?
Wow... I'd say The Prophecies Begin. Everything just is so well put together- no mary-sues, no just added stuff for plot devices, no "omg I love you I met you yesterday" (just ignore Fireleaf for now) and I absolutely loved Tigerstar's younger days, before ShadowClan, and how Fireheart, this cat who is so great and powerful later on, was once a bit of a hot-headed cat, and how he follows his path so righteously. And absolutely nothing repeated plots since it was in the first arc. Like seriously, there's two gigantic battles in PoT and OoTS and they seem so boring to me. Also- Graystripe and Sandstorm... That's all I have to say. AMAZING.
3: Favorite book [in an arc]?
Rising Storm.
I barely remember why- the last time I read it was like 2015... I just remember really liking it, and it was so enjoyable for some reason. I'll be reading EVERY book in 2017 for my new years resolution (using my new Warriors Ultimate Checklist!!) so I'll get back to this...
4: Favorite super edition, novella, or manga?
Well, one of each then!
Tallstar's Revenge... It's hard to explain. There's no "evil" or "good" because it's all about Tallstar's character. I really wish it showed us him being deputy... I think it would've been interesting... He seemed so different in this book, too. [BTW, was it just me, or did Firestar's Quest and SkyClan's Destiny kind of suck??]
Ummm, I'm going to go with I think will be really interesting- Thunder's Echo, Tigerclaw's Fury, and Goosfeather's Curse. I have never actually read any full novella, just because they're ebooks and impossible to find online, XD. (I just downloaded one a few days ago that I should probably start reading though, XD). I absolutely love Goosefeather's whole power thing- it's so different. Tigerclaw's P.O.V I think speaks for itself... And as for Thunder's Echo, if it's about Lightningtail, I'll love it just because I've seen so little about him and I think it'd be so cool. (No spoilers cause I just love the name mainly and really need to finish The First Battle...)
Yikes... Sasha's series with Tigerstar. Seeing Tigerstar from a totally different P.O.V. was nice, I guess. I'm not sure, really... I never really got into any of the mangas. [And yes, the reason I didn't really care for Graystripe's mini series was because of Millie.]
5: Favorite Clan?
ShadowClan- WindClan being close behind.
I used to be all for ThunderClan, but then I started taking quizzes... And then I started analyzing ShadowClan cats, and it just kind of tied with WindClan for a long time- then I decided I was half-clan, and well, I just always thought those two were so interesting. Go Tawnypelt! [And sometimes Tigerheart- as long as Dovewing isn't around.]
6: Favorite Character?
*Starts singing "Shot through the heart" randomly because OUCH*
For a long time, this was the hardest question in my life. But now, I know, or more of I just agreed to it, it's Graystripe.
He's funny, one of the first characters we met, and now, he's just there and amazing at doing it. He's actually probably my dream tom, or close to it... XD Actually mix him and Bramblestar and BOOM.
Here's my top favorites since I'm so indecisive- 1. Graystripe; 2. Tawnypelt; 3. Shrewclaw; 4. Tallstar; 5. Lionheart; 6. Thornclaw; 7. Sandstorm; 8. Stormfur; 9. Crowfeather; 10. Ivypool; 11. Mousewhisker. (And Thistleclaw's in my top twenty for some odd reason, not to mention that Darkstripe somehow is too.)
Note- I love all these characters pretty closely- if one is one number above another, it's not by much, at all. Graystripe was literally just an answer for people who asked. [But he's still my Graybae.]
7: Least favorite character?
Another hard one... I really don't have a specific hated character. Here's a general list...
Ashfur- after the whole Squirrelflight stuff... He KNEW he was hurting Squirrelflight. Look at his quotes on the wiki. You'll see.
Rainflower- No explanation needed.
Sol- Snobby, obnoxious, and manipulative. Reminds me of certain people from a bit ago.
Millie- The whiny little mary-sued brat. I don't entirely hate her- just that she's whiny. Part of me holds a grudge because Graysilverforlife but I understand Millie had to fill (some of) that gap otherwise he wouldn't be happy... Ugh.
Breezepelt- He's just too snarky. I understood he was manipulated by Nightcloud and Crowfeather ignored him, but I just... I don't know.
Nightcloud- She just HAD to exist, didn't she?
Dovewing- I just- I just can't read her P.O.V.s... It's practically impossible for me. And just stay away from those toms! And your sister spies in the Dark Forest every night! But "Bumblebear or Tigerkins?"
8: Most aesthetically pleasing cat?
Well, we all like Hawkfrost's looks. Obviously. Look him up.
I also like dark gray pelts, like Stormfur and Graystripe's. I even find myself loving Whitestorm, Lionheart, Thistleclaw, Bramblestar, Brackenfur, and Thornclaw art. For she-cats- I like Ivypool's pelt a bit, and I really like Goldenflower's pelt ( *cough Lionstar cough*) and Sandstorm, as well. I love dark green eyes, too...
9: Favorite leader?
Whoa... Aghhhh.
Tallstar? Firestar? Rowanstar? Crookedstar? Heatherstar? Aghhhhh.
Wait- Tall Shadow.
No.... AGH. Wind Runner? Actually, no, didn't care for her much..
UGH. Let's just say Tallstar and move on...
10: Favorite villain?
Uh oh.
Well- here's a list again, with some general explanatins...
Thistleclaw- His relationship with Snowfur just makes me love him. He's smarter than Tigerstar, and that kind of makes me fond of him, too. The thing is, he didn't turn evil until after his death... Yes, I highly expect he would've been evil later if he'd became leader, but I just would like to see more of him to certain points. Like, would he visit Snowfur on the border of SC and the DF? Did he miss her?
Darkstripe- I have no idea why- but he seems so loyal, and loyalty is one thing I love for some huge reason... (#MyWindClanIsShowing)
Hawkfrost- I guess. I mean, he's in my top hated, but he's also one of those characters where once or twice there's something to just plain admire him about.
Blackstar- It's complicated. I like him in the last three books of the first arc.
11: Favorite medicine cat?
Yikes... I really don't care for a lot of the medicine cats... (#WarriorThroughAndThrough)
Well, we'll go with Yellowfang. Or Jayfeather... Barkface?
Yes, Barkface. He's cool. (I guess Cinderpelt is cool too though.)
And Littlecloud...
And I do not like Alderheart... he's too much of a worrier for me... sorry guys.
12: Overrated character?
My favorite would be...
Thistleclaw or Darkstripe.
But my least favorite would be Dovewing or Hollyleaf or even Scourge...
I don't hate Hollyleaf- no. I liked her until she blew the whole secret... But her fans just... "SHES AMAZANG LIKE HER WORSHIP HER OR DIEEE" and I don't like that...
13: Underrated character?
Uhhhhhh.... My favorite? Brackenfur... As TF said, everyone's noticing he's underrated, so... Now it's Thornclaw or Spiderleg, or Crowfeather, or Mousewhisker. They (not Crowfeather) all were just background characters- but all three were great mentors, and Thornclaw was just so good at being good. I can't explain it. Spiderleg, see him in Bramblestar's Storm, training Amberpaw. It was great. Mousewhisker just should be Ivypool's mate already...
And Crowfeather, well, just listen to what Tennelle says...
[See 19:20 for the Crowfeather explanation]
14: Favorite minor character?
Thornclaw, Mousewhisker, Lionheart, Shrewclaw, Oakheart, Crookedstar, Stonefur, Lionheart, and Whitestorm are all up there somewhere...
15: Favorite pairing?
Umm... Canon?....
Firestorm? Graystream? Talljake? Brambleflight? Crowtail? Crookedbreeze? Brackentail? Dustcloud? Berryfern? Thistlefur? Bluepelt? Tigerflower? Whitepelt? Ughhh.
Probably Thistelfur...
Minor and only hinted at?
Stormflight for sure... Shrewflight, maybe?
Probably Stormflight...
Probably none.
Just random?
And Thornclaw belongs to me.
16: Least favorite pairing?
GrayMillie, JayStick, Sandpelt (even though I think it'd be cute as frig), TigerSasha, Blackfur, and it kind of goes on...
17: Favorite friendship?
Either Graystripe, Sandstorm, Firestar, and Dustpelt's later friendship and loyalty to each other, or (most likely) Whitestorm, Tigerclaw, and Lionheart's friendship.
Those three would've died for each other in a heart beat, because all they had was each other (other than Lionheart's sister, Goldenflower..) for a while... but after Tigerclaw started scheming, I think it really hurt Lionheart and Whitestorm once they found out Tigerclaw was going kind of evil... I just hate it so much...
18: Favorite moment?
I'm turning this into a quote thing.
All of these, I've loved:
"I can't think of anything worse than being a kittypet. They're nothing but Twoleg toys! Eating stuff that doesn't look like food, making dirt in a box of gravel, sticking their noses outside only when the Twolegs allow them? That's no life! Out here it's wild, and it's free. We come and go as we please. Until you've tasted a fresh-killed mouse, you haven't lived."—Graypaw to Rusty upon their first meeting
Graystripe: "Thanks."
Silverstream: "You idiot! What are you doing on my territory?"
Graystripe: "Ummm...drowning?"
Silverstream: "Can't you drown yourself in your own territory?"Graystripe: "Ah, but who would rescue me there?"
—Silverstream after saving Graystripe from drowning in the river (Love this so much)
Millie: "I can't wait to tell everyone how my brave, tough warrior saved a little Twoleg... by acting cute."
Graystripe: "Wha-huh? You wouldn't!"
Millie: "Plus I'm sure the rest of your Clan would like to know."
Graystripe: "Millie...!"
—Millie teasing Graystripe after he rescues a Twoleg kit (I only sort of like Millie, remember?)
"I shall be watching all of you from the elders' den; you can be sure of that."—Graystripe before his elder ceremony
Darkstripe: "...Why is it always dark here? Where is the moon?...I thought we would be hunting across the sky with our warrior ancestors, and watching over our Clanmates."
Tigerstar: "That is not the way for us. But I don't need starlight to follow my path. If StarClan think they can forget about us, they're wrong."
—Tigerstar and Darkstripe in the Dark Forest (WOW Darkstripe's innocence!!)
"If it had only been my life at stake, I would have waited." --Firestar to Graystripe
"A prophecy? My first prophecy! I am a true StarClan cat!"
—Firestar's thoughts about receiving Cloudstar's prophecy
And then another time where Graystripe is called fat...XD
Oh, and the whole "Jaynoeyes" and "Berrystumpytail." XDDDDDD
19: Most tragic death?
WIll probably be updated when Graystripe dies...
So for now it's going to be Spottedleaf's, or Oakheart's... I cried during Firestar's because he was the first character and all and stuff... I cried for Whitestorm too XD. (my crying is just basically a bunch of watery eyes and a few tears- no sobbing XD).
Maybe Feathertail... STONEFUR. Omg the waterworks are coming. BreATh, Lion, BREATH. Just keep blinking....
20: Favorite battle/fight scene?
Ughhhhh, I vote BloodClan or for Eclipse's battle, just because ShadowClan was on the "good" side for once.
That's it! Thanks for reading, guys! (Took me two hours to do this. Wow.)
I Tag:
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