
Wild Card Pov

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Haly's international circus!" The ringmaster, Haly said. I swung high up in the air as I threw a fire card and fire came out of it. I started falling down and Robin successfully grabbed my ankles as he held unto the trapeze handle using his feet. Red Arrow joined the team last night and he volunteered to join this mission since he suspects Superboy, Miss M, and Artemis as moles of the team.

"You good?" He asked and I nodded.

"Fine." I said as he threw me to my trapeze handle and I grabbed them.

"The great Dangers!" Haly exclaimed and the crowd went wild as Rob and I landed on the platform. Him at the left and me at the right.

"Dan Danger!" Rob swung and flipped.

"Dwin Danger!" I swung and flipped at the same time with Rob as I threw ice cards on top of us and snowflakes fell down.

"Don Danger!" Miss M balanced a katana on each hand. The blade on her palm.

"Den Danger! Diane Danger!" Artemis and Red Arrow shot firework arrows.

"And Ding Danger!" Superboy threw barrels with holes on each side. Rob and I went through the barrels and formed our hands like wings. I caught the handle and swung with my feet holding unto it as Rob reached for my hands when he flipped. He missed and started falling.

"Rob!" I said via telepathy as he started falling.

"Supeboy! Throw a barrel!" I commanded and he did as I said.

"We can't blow our cover!" Rob said and he was lifted up with the barrel and I grabbed his hands. We both landed on the platform and we waved at the crowd. I threw three colorful cards in the middle of the circus and it exploded into fireworks.

"You two really are acrobats!" Miss M exclaimed

"Not the acrobat and magician I once was." I said

"Neither am I. The circus have bugs, but the show must go on." Rob smiled at me as beads of sweat rolled down his cheek and I chuckled. We're all wearing white and red uniforms with white and red masks. Rob and my eyes are so exposed.

"Just like old times." I said


Robin explained about stolen parts and Haly's circus being a suspect. We'll have to capture the thieves and go undercover.

"This cart still has room for one more?" Red Arrow asked as he walked towards me and Rob as I typed the plan on my wrist computer.

"Uhh, w-we've got this covered." Rob said and Red Arrow leaned towards us.

"You two got the mission covered. But who's gonna cover the three potential mole suspects you're bringing along?" He said and I stopped typing.

"Red, just give them a chance." I said and he scoffed.

"Just watch your back, Wild." He said and I sighed.

~Flashback end~

"Put your hands up for the Daring Dangers!" Haly said and all of us waved. Rob and I are already on the ground with the others and I noticed Rob looking a little lousy.

"Rob?" I called

"I'm fine. Just, help me backstage." He said and I wrapped his arm around my shoulder as I helped him back to the backstage with the others following behind.

I was talking with Rob when we heard someone spoke up.

"New act?" We all faced in frint of us and saw a guy holding out a badge.

"Yeah, just joined the tour." Rob said

"Watch your backs, Haly's going down for this." The man said as he walked off and I looked at Haly in concern. He's like a grandfather to me when we were younger.


We're hiding on a roof top of a building as we observed the warehouse. We splitted up unto teams. Me and Rob, Artemis and Red, then Miss M and Superboy.

"How will we know the thieves will get here?" Artemis asked as I typed into my wrist com.

"There are more obvious targets." Red said

"I have already analyzed everything and the pattern says that this is the place." I said as I stopped typing and looked at Rob who looks sick.

"How are you feeling?" I asked

"Lousy actually, but I'll manage." He smiled at me and I sighed.

"Rob, you know you shouldn't push yourself." I said

"But we're on a mission, Wild." He said back and I lifted a eyebrow.

"Really?" I asked and he looked away.

"Contact, north-east quadrant." Superboy informed and I nodded as I looked back on my com.

"Looks like we know why Carlo missed the performance." Superboy said

"Could be Carlo. Could be his brother." Rob said and I made sure the coast is clear.

"Move in." I said and we all jumped down the buildings.

"Did you see where he went?" Rob asked as we met up with the others and hid by the wall. Superboy landed in front of us and I lifted a finger to my covered lips.

"The warehouse." He said and my wings appeared on my back. It's been a while since I used these bad boys.

"Climb up to the roof top." I said as I lifted Rob and Artemis up then flew towads the warehouse's roof top. I set them down gently and saw Superboy, Red, and Miss M on the other side of the roof top. We went inside and Rob and I cackled as we saw the circus thief pull the part out of a crate.

"Caught red handed." I said

"Acrobatics won't get you out of this." Artemis said as she and Red aimed their arrows on the thief. The thief blew fire at us and all of us jumped down. The warehouse is now on fire and I suddenly saw something. Oh no.

"Move! Those crates are filled with live amno!" Red and I yelled at the same time but the warehouse already exploded. I kicked the debris out of the way as I pulled out my black metal stick. It retracted into my fire scythe.

"That guy's dead." Superboy said as he started walking away but I swung my scythe in front of him. Making him stop.

"Dude, Miss M's weakness is fire, remember?" I said

"But he-" I cut him off.

"Is he more important than Miss M?" I asked and he sighed.

"Right." He said as he carried Miss M out.

"Artemis, Red Arrow, Wild go follow the --" Rob was cut off when he dropped to the floor.

"Because he's more important!?" I asked as Artemis and Red lifted him up.

"You need to rest. All of you." I said as they started walking away and I absorbed the fire with my scythe.


We watched as Haly lied to the man we met yesterday after the performance.

"Everyone in my troop was asleep on their bunks last night!" He said

"Well, we sure weren't." Miss M said

"And if he's lying about us?" Artemis said and I looked down.


"So two thieves, right? The fire breather and one of the acrobats." Artemis said. All of us are in our train car and I'm typing away on my com. My head leaning against the wall and my left knee is pulled up to my chest.

"Maybe not just two. Look at this security footage." Rob said and we all looked at his com.

"And now in Paris." He said as the footage changed and we saw someone walking by the wires.

"So the man in the clown suit, too. If the entire circus is involved, Haly himself might be the master mind." Arrow said

"You don't know that!" Rob and I said at the same time.

"It would explain his lies." Miss M said and I stood up.

"Tekcaj." I chanted and a black winter jacket appeared on me. I walked out of the train cart and walked by the train. The snow is getting more and more colder. I stopped in front of a poster beside the flying Graysons and stared at it. The soaring Crimsons. My family. I heard the cheers whenever my parents and I finish a performance. Chants about us being as good as the Graysons. Then my parents' screams when they died. I teared up but stopped myself from crying. I won't cry anymore. Not anymore. My earpiece rang and I answered.

"Uhh, yeah?" I asked as I looked back at the poster.

"Dudes, where are you?" I heard Wally ask.

"Confidential mission, from Batman." Rob answered as I saw him standing beside me. Staring at the flying Graysons poster.

"Wow! You know what I'm doing? Making a ballony sandwich. Kinda like you two did. Talked to Tornado you guys are not on a mission. Not an official one anyway." Wally said and Rob and I continued walking together.

"A friend, Jack Haly." I said

"The circus guy? The one from your flying Grayson and soaring Crimson days?" Wally asked

"Yeah. He's being blamed for this global crime spree. Someone has to step up and proove that he's clean or else the circus' going down." I said as I looked down on my feet.

"Then why not bring me along? I know your backstories. I know what that circus means to you two. It's where you grew up. It's where you watched your...." Wally said and we stopped walking.

"That's the thing, Wally." I said

"You know our backstories. We don't want our best pal, questioning our objectivity." Rob said and I looked away.

"Dudes, it's what a best pal's for." Wally said and I smiled a bit.

"Thanks, Wall." I said as I looked at the Haly's circus poster and continued walking.

"H-hey, Wild. Wait for me." I heard Rob said and I went faster.

"Just....leave me alone for a while, Rob." I said as I looked down and I felt him grab my shoulders. He turned me around and I kept my eyes on the ground.

"I know how it feels, Crim. But, life's never fair." He said and I sighed hesitantly.

"I-I know that. It's just.......I wish I could've atleast given them my anniversary present for them before they......" I trailed off as my hand went up to my neck. Feeling the cold metal necklace I always wore. My only memory of them left.

"Hey." He said as he grabbed my chin with two fingers and lifted my head up. Making me look at his deep blue eyes I fell in love with. I can't deny it anymore. I really am in love. With my bestfriend.

"It's going to be okay, Crimson. Things happen for a reason, remember? Your parents would always tell us that whenever we perform." He said and I smiled lightly.

"See? There's that smile." He smiled back as he hugged me and I hugged back.

"You always kept everyone happy, but you're hiding your pain from others. I can see through your eyes, it's my turn to make you happy, Crimson." He said and I buried my face to the crook of his neck.


We all started packing up for Geneva and I sighed as I threw the last sack in the train car.

"You good?" Rob asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said as I grabbed a case and felt someone's hand. I looked up and saw Ray.

"You need any help?" He asked and I lifted the case with ease.

"I'm good. Thanks." I said politely and he nodded.

"The flu's getting worse, huh?" He said and I nodded.

"Yeah, seems like more of them are getting it." I said

"Mhm, stay out of trouble." He said as he walked away and I looked at him with suspicion. I felt Rob placed a hand on my shoulder and I smiled.


"You feel better." Artemis said to Rob.

"A lot better. Sorry Wi-- I mean, Dwin. Hope you didn't catch it from me." Rob said as he looked at me. I'm laying on my bunk with a blanket. I caught the flu.

"I don't think it's from you, Dan. Though, I'm suspecting someone." I said as I looked at my hands.

"When did you first feel sick?" He asked

"When Ray asked if I need help. It just suddenly came." I said and coughed. I covered my mouth as I kept in coughing and Rob sat down beside me.

"Same with me the other night. Ray even rubbed my head for goodluck before we performed." He said

"He did touch me before we boarded." I said as I felt my eyelids getting heavy. He stood up and walked out of the room. I sighed and sat up as I gripped my hair. They all followed and I stood up. I walked towards Rob and he held my shoulders.

"You should stay in bed." He said

"As a childhood friend once said, I'll manage." I said and he looked at me in concern. I just smiled at him and grabbed his hand as we went to Ray's room. We looked around the room for anything.

"Does this circus own an elephant we don't know about?" Arrow asked

"Not on foreign tours." I said and he opened a crate.

"Empty. No, wait! Ash." He said as he dipped his finger and black dust stuck on it.

"From the warehouse." Rob said

"Uhh, guys I think I found Ray." She said when she pulled out a mask of Ray's face.

"Split up! Search the whole train!" Rob said and we all started getting out when Rob grabbed my hand.

"You're sick. You're coming with me." He said

"I can go on my own, Dan." I said

"I know you can. But a no is a no, Dwin. I don't want you to faint or something." He said and I just nodded. We roamed around the train when I heard nuffled noises.

"Uhh, Dan?" I said as I pointed at a door and he kicked it open. We saw Haly tied up with a cloth on his moth and I quickly pulled it down.

"Who did his to you?" I asked

"Ray!" He answered and Rob and I ran out. Superboy told us about the clown on the roof of the dining cart and Rob and I opened the door. We hopped up to the roof and I started shivering when the air hit me.

"That's no clown. He's the parasyte! The one who stole all Superman's powers!" Rob pointed out.

"As if you kids are who you claimed to be. Please!" Parasyte said as he turned into his true form. I pulled out a sharp card in my deck and hid it behind me.

"Stay out of his reach!" Rob said

"There's no flu going on. The weakness comes whenever he touches someone and he steals their strength!" I said as I kneeled down on one knee.

"Dwin." Rob said as he pulled me up with my arm around his shoulders.

"Dan, I don't think I'll....." I trailed off and he nodded.

"Can you go back inside on your own?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yes. I'll be fine." I said as I climbed down the cart using the ladder and went in the dining cart. The furniture shattered into pieces. I grabbed a chair that is not really that broken and sat on it as I sighed.

"Uhhh, I feel so useless." I muttered


We're all back in our cart and wearing our suits. My head still aches but I'll manage.

"Wait wait wait wait, you picked parasyte's pocket before he got away?" I asked Rob and he nodded as he downloaded the flashdrive on his wrist com.

"He almost fell off the train." Miss M said and I widened my eyes. The vision. I totally forgot.

"You idiot! Why are you so reckles!? Do NOT do that again. Haven't you learned anything when we first fought Twister?" I scolded as I hit his shoulder and he grunted.

"Ow. I had to do that, Wild." He said and I sighed.

"You would always say that." I said

"Look, let's just focus on the mission. We'll talk about it at home." He said

"You know what? Fine. Go die for Zeus' sake." I said as I hacked through his wrist com and downloaded the flashdrive on my com. I stood up when I finished and opened the door.

"Where are you going?" Artemis asked and I didn't answer as I climbed up to the roof. I sat on the edge as I watched the trees pass by. The cold air hitting my figure. I'm feeling so much better now but, Rob's too reckless for his own sake. I listened to their conversation as they talked about a weapon that generates blackholes. I opened my wrist com and read the files. A weapon that generates blackholes, huh?

"What do we do?" Artemis asked

"Wild's the strategist." Superboy said

"Go talk to her, Robin. She's pretty upset." Miss M said and I heard footsteps.

"I'll talk to.......but....... because of the......" I couldn't hear better since the train got faster. I quickly stood up and hopped to the other roof.

"Hey, Wild!" I heard him call out but I ignored him as I kept in walking from roof-to-roof.

"Wait up!" He yelled

"You can go and plan out for yourself Robin!" I yelled back as I kept on walking. My hands balled into fists.

"That's not why I'm here chasing you!" He yelled and I ignored him. I started to lose balance and almost fell off when I felt someone grab my wrist and pulled me back up.

"You're pretty careless yourself." He smirked and I pulled my arm away as I kept in walking.

"Come on, Wild. You can't be mad at me forever." He said as he walked beside me and I went faster but he just followed. I reached the end and stopped.

"Wild, I--" I cut him off when I faced him.

"What? I told you to go die for Zeus' sake, right? Go save Geneva and if you get injured, go to the infirmary not to me." I spat and he widened his eyes. He would always come to me when he's injured, not the hospital, Batman, or the infirmary. Just me. But, he can go now, right?

"You know I was just focusing on the mission." He said with a sad look.

"This isn't even a mission to begin with, Robin!" I growled as I walked pass him and walked to the other side of the train.

"Come on, Wild. You know you want to help Haly, too." He said as he followed me.

"I know that! But you can't just go act carelessly and die!" I yelled as I kept walking.

"But, Wild!" He said as he grabbed my wrists and turned me around.

"You know you almost fell off the train, too." He said

"I can fly." I said back.

"But what if you forgot?" He asked

"Then I'll land on my feet." I said

"Then you'll miss the train." He said

"No. I'll jump up on the roof again." I said

"Wild...." He said

"Look, I came here because Haly needs help. You need help for this mission. I came here to help you two. To make sure you two won't get in jail or freaking die!" I said as tears started forming in my eyes when I thought about him or Haly going to jail or dying.

"Wild, I get that you want to protect us but you'll never know when we're actually supposed to die." He said and I pulled my wrist away from him. I have to tell him.

"I received a vision." I said as I balled my hands into fists.

"What vision?" He asked

"Of you and the team dying this year. I'm trying to prevent that. The gods told me about it. That it will happen if I didn't do anything." I said as I looked down.

"Now, do you get it!? I know when you could possibly die and I'm doing everything I can to stop that! Your parents even begged for me to stop you from dying! Even my parents!" I yelled and he widened his eyes.

"Y-you talked to them?" He asked

"Zeus managed to make me talk to their spirits when I failed the exam. When I'm alone in my room. When I woke up before dinner." I said

"I....." He trailed off.

"Just forget i--" I was cut off when he pulled down my mask and kissed me on the lips. It's just like when we were having a failure exercise. But more.....passionate and loving. I kissed back as he wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. My hands ran through his jet black hair and he pulled me closer to him.

I slowly pulled away and he rest his forehead on mine.

"I just don't want you worrying too much about me. We both know I can take care of myself." He said and I looked away.

"You know that won't stop me from worrying." I said as I turned my head away and he sighed.

"I know but, atleast know that I'll be fine. As long as you have faith in me." He said and I hugged him. My face buried to the crook of his neck.


We tracked the parasyte and watched as he engaged the death thingy.

"We need to atleast lure him out so we can safely disengag--" I was cut off by Superboy blowing our cover.

"Great." I muttered as I thought if another plan.

"Go help Superboy but stay away from Parasyte. If he pulls you to him. Use it as an advantage and land a hit on him." I said and they all ran out. I pulled out my fans and ran out to help them.

"Miss M, you alright letting him touch you? I mean, he'll get your weaknesses, too if he absorbs your powers." I said

"Roger." She said as she let Parasyte absorb her.

"Rob, go disengage the death thingy." I said

"Death thingy? Seriously?" He cackled

"Then what is it called? Geneva eater?" I cackled back as I threw one fan at Parasyte and it stabbed his eye.

"Aaahhhhh!" He screamed and I smirked as I ran up to him and pulled my fan out without touching him.

"Awww, hurts like hell, huh?" I said as I jumped away when he tried touching me.

"Wild!" Artemis yelled.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"You said to keep distance!" She yelled and I cackled.

"I did." I said as Parasyte pulled me towards him with his powers. My fans got out of my grip and I opened my palms in front of him. When I was about to chant, water already came out of my hands. Parasyte flew back with the water and I landed on my feet.

"Woah." I muttered as I looked at my hands.

"Rob! Now!" I said and he nodded as he went ti the control center. I blasted fire around Parasyte and smirked.

"This is so cool!" I exclaimed

"Already sabotaged your death thingy." Rob said to Parasyte and I cackled. The death thingy disengaged and I smiled.

"Yo Parasyte! You ate Miss M's powers. Got her weakness, too." I informed and he dropped to the floor.

"We'll take it from here." We heard the same man who confronted Haly said as they extinguished the fire. I sighed and looked at my hands.

"Hey, you alright?" I heard Rob asked and I grinned.

"I managed to use water and fire! Poseidon and Hades' blessings!" I exclaimed as I formed fire on my left hand and a ball of water on my right.

"Woah! Without magic!?" Rob exclaimed and I nodded.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I ran around building and they all laughed.


"So, the show must go on. And I have a feeling I have you Dangers to thank." Haly said. Rob and I are talking to him with our white and red clothing.

"Don't know what you mean." Rob said

"What do you mean?" I asked with a smile.

"Of course not, well, I guess it's time you leave now." Haly said as he shook hands with Rob.

"Time to move on." I said

"Well, Dick, Ace, I'll miss you two." He said

"It's Dan and Dwin!" I said

"Kids, you two have grown. But some things never changed. Like the side of a Grayson and a Crimson on the trapeze. You two can't fake it. Can't hide it. So, do old ringmaster one last favor?" He asked and Rob and I looked at each other. We looked back at Haly and nodded.


"Ladies and gentlemen! The farewell performance of the Daring Dangers!" Haly exclaimed and both Rob and I waved at the crowd as we held the trapeze and swung. I'll miss this. The feeling of being a normal circus kid and soaring through the sky. Thanks, Haly.

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