It was midnight, and the girls had now all been told their roommates; Gem was with EJ, Lulu was with Clockwork, Belle was with Jane, Maggy was with Jeff, Phoenix was with Ticci Toby. And of course, Beatrice was with Jimmy Casket.
“H-hey..” Phoenix said, as she ticked. “O-oh h-hi!” Toby said, stuttering and ticking while munching on waffle. He continues, “-So y-you h-have t-t-tourettes t-too?” Phoenix nodded, “Yeah it only shows sometimes though, a-and only started once I got my magic, as well as the fact that I now have CIPA.” Phoenix rubbed her arm. “Oh I s-see” Toby replied. Phoenix then took notice of the waffles on the plate next to Toby, “Yeah, these are mine now.” She said, taking the plate and beginning to eat one. “Hey! Those are mine!” Toby wined grabbing his hatchets. Phoenix lifted him into the air with her magic. “ You never come between me and my food. Especially if it's waffles, cheesecake, chocolate or coffee.” This scares Toby; so bad as to actually give up on getting his waffles back.
The door bursts open, revealing Beatrice, in an apron with mittens on. “ Yo’ Belgium Waffles. Homemade from the cooker.” She wiped some flour off of her shirt. “MINE!” They both yelled in unison, “H-how about w-we s-sh-share?” Toby asked; Phoenix nodded and both sat on one of the beds, sharing waffles
Beatrice walked towards her arranged room, opening the worn door. Inside was Jimmy sitting on king sized bed, playing the knife game. “ The Gods are frowning upon me.” Beatrice squeaked. “We're psychopathic murders, did ya think they looked at us and thought, 'Oh yeah they’re little angels~” He said in is normal tone. “ No one asked you, Puffball.” Beatrice glared, walking to the opposite side of the bed and facing the opposite direction of Jimmy.
“If I'm a Puffball, then I'm supposedly super cuddleable, wanna test that~?” He said walking to her and wrapping around her whilst stroking her hair. “ N-nien!” Beatrice proceeded to leap off of the bed. Jimmy held her down with a strong grip, “Aww, why does little Birdy have to be so mean~?” He then remembers what she had said, and let go; losing his flirty tone he said, “Oh- sorry!” Beatrice patted his head, “It’s fine.” He blushed a bit hardly noticeable but Beatrice sees it. “I'm really sorry- I forgot about what you had said.”
“ It’s fine. I heard a documentary on you. They said you had bad memory.” Jimmy huffed. “It's true, my memory had never been the best; but after ...what happened, it just got worse.” Beatrice raise a brow, “ I’ll have to take a look at that later.” She looked at her phone. “ 12:34 AM. We should probably head to bed.” Beatrice grabbed a bottle of pills from her bag.
“I should warn you, I cuddle the closest thing to me in my sleep.” Beatrice paused, before swallowing a sleeping pill. “ O-oh.” Jimmy blushed, “S-sorry but it's thing I can't control.” Beatrice grabbed her shirt and pulled it up, revealing a tank top. Her shoulders were bruised, and her neck had a red line running around it. “Beatrice, what happened to you?” He asked, worry in his voice.” I-it’s nothing important. Those have been there for a while.” She rubbed her shoulder. “No, I want to know; who or what did this to you?” He asked again, his voice more serious than she had ever heard before. “ I’ve got some bad history with my Ex, okay. That’s all.”
“I'm going on a kill, I'll be back soon.” He said grabbing his knife and going out the window.
~ Timeskip by-Pidgets~
When Jimmy got back in the bed by Beatrice, he collapsed into a deep sleep, and soon wrapped his arms around her.
Beatrice wakes up to a soothing presence behind her. She could feel body heat and the feeling of arms embracing her. “ Huhuhuh-” She turned red, placing her hand over his arm and tugging lightly on his arm. She noticed it was ineffective, so she tried to slide out of his arms. She whispered, “ Please, please let me go.” During his sleep he muttered, “I love you~” Beatrice turned into a tomato and practically melted for a second. “ U-uh Let me go- J-jimmy.”Beatrice pushed him slightly, Jimmy held her closer, snuggling her. She made an inaudible noise, shoving herself out of his arms. This woke Jimmy up. “Huh- what's going on?” He looked- cute, half-asleep, bed headed, and disoriented. Beatrice lifted herself up from the floor, and her entire body shook. “ Eh-” She looked away. “Bea- are you okay? How'd ya get on the floor?” He asked still half asleep. “ I-i fell off the bed.” Jimmy squinted at her. “I know that whole story; what happened?” He asked starting to wake up some more. “ Nothing happened, I just fell of the bed.” Beatrice blushed slightly. “ Look- I’m gonna go make breakfast.” Jimmy facepalmed realizing what happened. Then smirked getting an evil idea. “ W-what’s with that face?” Beatrice shook a little. “No need to make breakfast; Slendy always makes it, he normally is done by 8:00. It's only 7:00 so we have a while, so how about you come sit over here with me and we'll get to know each other after all, we’re roommates~” Beatrice slowly walked to the other side of the bed. “ Oookaay?”
“Sooo when's your birthday?” He asked, rubbing her back. “Uh- August 16.” She shifted forward. “Alright, you can ask me a question now.” Beatrice paused, “ Do you have a preference on the flavor of cake?” Beatrice tapped the bed. “Blood, if not that red velvet.” He answered, “Okay now, what are your opinions on everyone here~?” He smirked as he asked the question.
“ Everyone’s pretty alright. They’re doing what they can.” Beatrice didn’t even stutter. “ No, no, I meant personal like each individual one ~”. Beatrice rubbed her temple. “ I haven’t met everyone yet. I only know a few.” Beatrice looked up at Jimmy. “Then just tell me this~” He smirked as he continues, “What do you think of me~?” He asked in her ear. “ U-uh you-your nice and all- I don’t get what you mean..” Beatrice looked at her hands. “I mean, like this; I'll tell you what I think if you; your nice and amazing but, can still be scary and murderous when necessary and I love you with all my heart.” Beatrice looked to see if he was teasing or joking he was dead serious. “ You sure about that? Why me- what about- Maybe-” Beatrice rambled on. Jimmy cut her off, “I love you, I'm certain I love you."
“ Are you seriously sure? Is this a-” Jimmy cupped her cheeks, pulled her forward; roughly slamming his lips on hers. He pulled away slowly, “ Yes, I’m sure.”
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