The Master of Lightning looked all around them, it all seemed like it was only woods filled with trees and bushes, but it was truly and memory in disguise. He could hear the laughter of his fifteen year old self, a young boy with no care in the world walking through the paved path with his parents.
Nya glanced at him, "Are you going to be able to handle this? You've told me how you got recruited and it took you over an hour to tell me." She questioned tugging at his arm.
He nodded, noticing blue peeping through the green leaves. The others must have saw his tenseness because they all moved behind him once the blue figure moved closer. It popped out of the trees, jumping around excitingly, spinning around with a bundle of flowers in the palm of his hands.
"You really played with flowers four years ago?" Kai teased mockingly, but only to get a sigh from the Blue Ninja instead.
The mini Jay looked back at his parents, "Ma, Pa! Look at all these flowers I found, maybe I can put them at Cliff Gordon's grave."
The younger version of Ed and Edna looked at each other concerned, "Jay, sweetheart, we need to tell you something." Edna said, touching her son's shoulder.
The little boy smiled, "What is it ma?" He asked.
She sighed, "Son, you're adopted."
Jay's whole world crumbled, the flowers he once held in his hands were now on the paved ground, he was no longer in front of his parents but hiding behind a boulder in tears. The ground beneath him was covered in a pool of his tears.
The Master of Water rubbed his arm in support, he never told the whole team about how he got recruited, and this wasn't helping the situation. The whole team was watching him dig himself into a deep hole and their Jay is standing tall watching his story being told.
All of a sudden, a cloaked figure walked up to the crying boy and lent a hand to him, "Why are you crying, boy?"
He hesitated, "I-It's none of your business."
The stranger knelt down to the freckled little boy, "You seem sad, it's ok to talk about how you feel, you can rant all you want. I am merely here for comfort."
The mini Jay sniffed, "I-I found out my p-parents aren't my real p-parents." he confessed to the strang man.
"Do you want to run away from it?"
"Yes, I want to be as far away from them as possible."
"How would you feel if you were able to?"
The young boy looked up at the stranger, his eyes glistening, "Could I?"
The cloaked man held his hand out for the boy, "I can take you somewhere far away from here, away from all your problems. You can start a new life with others just like yourself." He told him.
"A new life?"
The man nodded. Making his decision, the mini Jay took a hold of the strangers hand, "To a new life, stranger."
"Please, call me the Creator."
The present Jay looked down at the ground, embarrassed that his team members saw how he had disowned his own parents, abandoning them. Nya tried to whisper some things to him, trying to tell him that it's all in the past, but that's all the Master of Lightning could think about.
"You left your own parents? Just because you were mad at them-"
"They lied to me my whole life, Cole. You wouldn't understand that. You at least had your blood relatives for your whole life. Both of my real parents are dead, maybe even Ed and Edna when we go back home if the Creator finds C.j."
"Guys, my scanners is sensing dramatic change within the scenery. It is no longer a forest, but a mountain top." Zane informed the group. He was in fact correct, it was not a forest filled with tress and green leaves, but just a simple mountain top viewing the skies of above. This was somewhere that Cole had been very fond of, it's where he was discovered.
The Master of Earth remembered everything about this mountain top, it's his safe place. He came here right after his mother passed from her illness. Along with any time his father would become angry at him, whether it was fights at school or just dumping all his problems on his son.
"I think we can tell that the scenery is changing, Zane." Cole said, rolling his eyes at the robot or as Jay have called his, a nindroid.
Jay suddenly figured out the pattern, "He's showing us something, the Creator. He grouped us all up and for a reason, we were all miserable when he found us." He told them as the young version of Cole was climbing up the mountain with a scowl on his face.
"Really?" Lloyd questioned, "I didn't think we were all so similar."
"I thought it as obvious? I was found after I found out I was adopted, Cole got found after the loss of his mother, Kai and Nya were found when they were homeless on deaths bed, Lloyd was found after the running away from bad boy school, and Zane was found after he was struck with amnesia."
"But why is he showing us these thing?" Nya asked confused, looking over at the younger version of Cole finally making it to the top of the mountain, "And why does he think these are humorous?"
The whole team was now looking over at the scene playing in front of them. The mini Cole had made it to the top and someone has already beaten him to it. "Why hello, nice to see you have joined me on a fine morning."
The teen raised an eyebrow, "How did you get up here? There're no roads or trails on this mountain." he asked.
"I have my ways," The stranger stated, "What about you? How did you get up to the top of the mountain?"
Mini Cole lowered his head, "I climbed the mountain."
"With your bare hands?"
He nodded, he thought he was going to be scolded for being up so high on a landform at his age. He did not expect the stranger's words, "Would you like to join a team of people just like you? Do you want to run away from all the chaos your father has given you? Escape the desired dreams of another?"
The boy looked back up at the stranger, "What about my father? How would he handle himself when I'm not home?"
"Rest assure you that I will have that covered. As the others on your team as well. Now," he lent his hand to the young teen, "Will you be joining me to see your team members?"
Without hesitation, Cole took his hand and all was history.
Jay looked over at his friend, "Maybe I'm wrong, we're very similar. We both abandoned our own families for this." the Master of Lightning admitted.
The scene started to change, instead of rock, they were beneath stones and bricks. It was an alley within the city. The roads were covered in snow and below freezing at least. Hidden in a corner in that alley were the two siblings themselves, shivering from the cold, blue lips, and onyl a thin blanket hard as paper.
Jay looked over at the present Nya, she has not fully explained how they gotten recruited only that the Creator found them when they were thrown on the streets. Her face was blank, occasionally looking over at her brother to see his reaction which was only as blank as hers.
He looked back over at the memory in front of them, listening to what the siblings are saying to each other. "Nya, keep the blanket on. I don't need it." The fifteen year old told his sister.
"You're lips are blue-"
"So are yours," He snapped, "The boss didn't pay me today, I need you to take it while I try to look through the trash for food, understood?"
"You'll freeze, you can barely stand." She told him, snuggling up to him more.
The mini Kai laid his head on top of hers, "You haven't eaten in almost a week, the most we could afford was this blanket. I will be right back, alright?" He told her.
She gave him a simple nod as he stood up and went to find some food or anything warm to use in the trashcan. Kai just hoped she was warming herself up with that blanket and not trying to save it for him. The young teen found the nearest trashcan and started to search throughout the can, he found some more edible food and a used cloth in that one, but not enough to fill their stomaches or warm them enough.
"Why are you going through the trash, boy?"
The mini Kai turned around to see a cloaked figure, "I'm looking for food, sir." He responded.
The stranger cocked his head, "Why?"
"My sister and I are on the streets and I haven't been payed for my job, we have no money to pay for a simple loaf of bread. This was the best I can do."
The stranger put his hand on the boy's shoulder, "How old are you and your sister, boy?"
"I'm fifteen, my sister just turn thirteen a couple weeks ago."
"That just won't due. Would you like to go somewhere that will keep you warm, and put some food on your plates?"
The teen gave him a pleading look, "It would be a dream, but what about my sister?"
The stranger nodded holding his hand out for the mini Kai, "She may come as well, never separate the bond of siblings, the more the merrier. She will be a valuable member of your team."
"We'll do it."
Mini Kai took his hand in agreeance.
Jay glanced down at Nya, "You didn't even get a say in it?"
"Kai did what was best for us. If the Creator haven't found us that day we would've starved to death. Although I am not fond of him, I am grateful he had found us before deaths door."
The Master of Fire got a hold of his sister's attention, "But he used our predicament for his own. He lost every amount of trust after he turned us into soldiers. We were pawns to fight in his own war. The rules only adding to mix." he snarled.
The background didn't change. It stayed the same, a freezing village. There was still more to show, but it had stopped.
"It seems to have stop the storytelling." Zane concluded.
"Golly, you think!"
Laughter was heard throughout the barricaded room of memories, the Creator's laugh. Nya noticed a rock near her foot, whether it was physical or not was being put to the test, she threw it only for it to be thrown back at her in response.
Lloyd growled, "Why does he think this is entertaining?!? He brought the team together, not us! And why only Jay, Cole, Kai, and Nya? What about Zane and I?"
The laughter only grew louder as smoke started form from beneath them. The team coughed, begging for oxygen, only to collapse to the floor.
"The story isn't over yet, Team 11."
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