Bun Control

"Alright munchkin and now the finishing touch." Yakko holds LuLu out in front of him as she placed a pear in the middle of a fruit sculpture, LuLu giggles clapping her hands proudly

"Finally our Giuseppe Arcrimboldo tribute sculpture is complete!" Yakko smiles with pride at the siblings beautiful artwork

"And it only took us three months." Dot smiles "Yay!" LuLu cheers throwing her hands in the air

"Who's Giuseppe Arcrimboldoa again?" Wakko asked confused forgetting who the guy they just made a sculpture for

"I'm glad you asked Wakko." Yakko smirks as music starts, the other Warner siblings looked at each other annoyed that he was about to start singing

Yakko bounces musically wearing a scholars hat in front of a map of Italy "In 16th century Italy-"

Suddenly the doorbell rings intruding him "Ah guess the song will have to wait." Yakko shrugs his shoulders he walks over to the door and opens it but doesn't see anyone, he turns his head to the left and then turns his right where's he's meet face to face with a skinny, buck toothed man. He had charcoal-colored hair and a pair of glasses over his eyes. He wore a blue shirt, bright brown overalls with suspenders, and black shoes.

Yakko screams in surprise and shock

"Howdy, I'm your new neighbor, Dwayne Lapistol you're new neighbor." The man greeted. "Just came by to introduce myself and show my buns."

Yakko looks down seeing him flexing his buttocks "Good Night Everybody!" Yakko breaks the fourth wall about to close the door but the man stops him "Not those buns!" He pulls out a pair of two cute little bunny rabbits "these buns!"

"Awwwww!!" Wakko, Dot and LuLu pop their heads out in awe of the cute bunnies

"I got big ones."

"Small ones."

"Even ones that come with their own bun-stocks!" He pulls out a bunny wearing purple socks on it's feet "Dont you just wanna clutch em tight and never let em go?" He squeezed the bunny tight to the point it looked it's head would pop off any minute

Dot grabs the bunny snuggling it close "Can we keep them! Can we! Can we!" The three younger siblings bounce up and down begging the oldest brother

"People need buns in these uncertain times." Dwayne said. "Better to have one and not need it than need one and not have it."

LuLu giggles grabbing a bunch of bunnies from his pocket running into the water tower but Yakko catches her carrying her in place

"Okay whatever you say Dwayne you're weird. bye." Yakko stuffs all the bunnies except one that LuLu was holding back in Dwaynes arms closing the door he watched Wakko and Dot patting the baby bunnies

Lulu squeals hugging her bunny tight making the bunny look like it's head was going to explode "Ok Lu let's not hug mister bunny too tight-" Yakko reaches his hand out but LuLu slaps it away "No! My bun bun!" She pulls the bunny away with an angry pout before giggling hugging the bunny. Yakko puts his hands on his hips watching his siblings play with a frown

Not noticing Dwayne watching them with a spinster grin on his face


Wakko stretches as he yawns sleepily holding a box cereal, he pours himself a bowl not noticing a bunny falling into the bowl, he takes a spoonful stuffing the bunny in his mouth

"This toothpaste taste strange has a real kick to it." Yakko pops his head out the cupboard with a bunny hanging upside on his toothbrush, it kicks him with his feet but he brushes his teeth unbothered

Dot walks in holding LuLu in her arms while still holding a coffee mug, she placed LuLu in her high chair not noticing the bunny in Lulus mouth who sucks it like a pacifier

"There's a bunny on your head, and on your spoon, and in both of your mouths and on my feet!" Dot points to all the bunnies including the one on her foot

And that's when they realized

"Ahhhhhh!!! They're multiplying!" The older siblings look at all the bunnies surrounding the Warner tower, LuLu spits the bunny in her mouth out as she jumps out of her high chair squealing happily, she dives into the sea of bunnies before popping her head out "Unnies! Unnies!"

Yakko gasps when he sees the bunnies munching on the fruit sculpture "Now the children will never hear my educational song about Italian Mannerist portrait artists!"  He quickly frowns gathering a pile of bunnies "That's it! These adorable little monsters have got to go!!"


At Le Pistol's Bunny Ranch, Dwayne handed carrots to the crowding bunnies. Once all the bunnies received their carrots and scattered off, the Warner walk up to Dwayne

"Howdy, neighbors!" Dwayne greeted. "If you came here for more buns, I'll be happy to apply."

"No we wanna give these back." Yakko drops the bunnies down on the ground, LuLu waddles over to play with them but Dot grabs her by the back of the shirt keeping her in place

"Are you crazy?" Dwayne gasps

Wakko spits out on of the bunnies "But we have too many!" Dwayne grabs the bunny putting the bunny back on Wakko's head "Nonsense!"

"On this great WB lot of ours we're free to have all the buns we want!" Dwayne walks pass the people of the WB who were caring and cradling their pet bunnies "You're problem is you don't have enough buns, Studies show that owners of multiple buns feel safer from the threat of other owners of multiple buns."

He leans in close to the Warners faces, LuLu leans into Wakko whimpering a little scared of the crazed bunny owner

"Oh now you're just fear mongering." Dot pushes him away by the face

"That's the.." Yakko counts on his fingers "One .. Two .. Three .. Forth worst monger! Right after war, rumor, and fish."

"There has to be some kind of limit doesn't there."
Wakko tries to reason with Dwanye who doesn't listen but instead dumps a pile of bunnies on them "Nope!"

The Warners pop their heads out, LuLu squeals out of happiness hugging the bunnies around her "Glad someone likes my idea." He goes to pats her on the head but Yakko pulls close to him with a frown "Now run along or I'll have to bring out the big buns."

Dwayne took out a carrot-shaped flute and began blowing in a soft tune. the ground was starting to shake with large stomping. Two large muscular bunnies stomped behind them and grabbed them firmly in their hands.

"Don't touch me you jacked juice bunny!" Dot barks as her and LuLu are held in a tight grip

"Those are big words for such a little lady!" Dwayne smirks "Why don't you take these four back to their mommy?"


The muscular bunnies break though the wall inside the CEO office. They dropped the Warners down on the floor and turn around leaving.

"Call me!" Dot waves flirty, LuLu giggles reaching for the bunnies but Dot hold her

"I don't know if you notice, but we have a serious bunny infestation."

When Yakko lifted his finger, a bunny was chewing on it, making him flick the rabbit off of his glove.

Nora stood up out of her seat with a groan and walked up in front of the Warners.

"Infestation is what I call a truth word." Nora said. She let out a triumphant smile. "I prefer to call it in-fun-station!"

"I'm not gonna tell anyone who can or can't have one. It's in the constitution." Nora said as she walked towards the window. "Wait, is it in the constitution? Look, my decision is final." She pushed the Warners and a few bunnies out of the broken hole in the wall "If you've got a problem with it fill out a common card on nineteenth floor."

"But there is no nineteenth floor." Wakko and responded.

"Great. Now you have two things to put on your comment cards." Nora said.

Nora pressed a button that flung the Warners out, closing up the wall with a metal door and literally flushing them out of the building.


Outside, the Warners rolled out on the ground.

LuLu looks up and gets wide eyed "Akko! Akko!" She tugs Yakko's pant leg pointing to something

"What is it munchkin?" Yakko looks up and gets wide eyed the water tower was about to burst from how many bunnies were in it

"Uh no! The water tower!" Dot exclaimed in shock.

"They're gonna blow!" Yakko shouted.

The water tower exploded that unleashed a massive burst of numerous bunnies. The Warners scream in terror before getting swallowed by a tsunami of numerous bunnies.

Dwayne, on the other hand, stood on the destroyed water tower while laughing crazily and pointing his finger at the Warners, who were resurfacing out of the bunny pile.

Wakko then belched the bunnies out of his mouth.

"That's it!" Dot said angrily. "Guys you know what this means. It's time to go to..."

"Warrrrr!" Yakko, LuLu and Dot shouted.

"Lunch!" Wakko shouted as he held up a sandwich in his hand.

His siblings looked at Wakko with confused faces.

"Oops, sorry. War. It's time to go to war." Wakko said.

Wakko ate his sandwich whole.

"Let's do this!" Dot said.


Yakko was designed into a tall and well-built toon. His small tuft of hair has grown into a long bang. He was still wearing his smoky topaz slack pants up to his waist with a large black belt, but he also wore a traditional Japanese sarashi on his abdomen and forearms.

"Yakko Warner!" Yakko introduced. He posed a fighting stance. "Yak attack!"


Dot was designed into a slender teenage toon. She wore a white crop top shirt with mid-length sleeves that bears her midriff and pink sailor-style collar with a white stripe tied by a pink bow, and her pink skirt is now thigh-length. She also has white fingerless gloves.

"Dot Warner!" Dot introduced. She posed a magical girl stance. "And don't call me Dottie!"


Wakko was designed into a bloated toon. His blue sweater has a silver-grey zipper that reaches from the edge of his collar to his chest and short grey string cylinder ends. His small tuft of hair has grown into a long bang through his red baseball cap, which its handle was bitten along with his tail. He also has his tongue resting on the collar out of his mouth.

"Wakko Warner!" Wakko introduced. "I've got an appetite for destruction!"

Wakko held out a bomb in his hand and shallowed it whole into his mouth, causing it to explode inside him without any pain.


LuLu was designed slightly taller than her normal height but still short like a little kid, her hair was now longer held up by a giant orange bow. She wore a long sleeve turtleneck under a purple front pocketed vest jacket with matching capri pants

"LuLu Warner" LuLu introduced "Fuzz Ball Master!"

LuLu smirks pulls out a blue Pokémon like ball.

A/N: I would just like to thank artist @ScribbleBee for making these awesome drawings of my baby LuLu she's so cute!! Thank you so much for the fanart!


The Warners landed down towards the water tower on the ground as they are ready to battle Dwayne head-on. Dwayne started to laugh maniacally and began growing muscles in a flexing position, transforming himself into a muscular bruiser, which instantly shocked all four toons.

Dwayne started shooting bunny missiles rocketing at the Warners. But Wakko summoned every food all around him and generated a protective blue force field around himself, deflecting the incoming bunny missiles. Unfortunately, one bunny missile managed to break through the force field and striked through Wakko, making him scream in pain before knocking him out unconscious.

LuLu holds her brother close with tears in her eyes and quickly get angry as she bolts towards Dwayne "LuLu no!" Yakko reaches out for her but she ignores him "You won't get away with this!" She pulls out a blue Pokémon like ball throwing it determined "I choose you Talulah!!" The ball opens flashing a bright light as a medium sized blue fur ball creature with blue antennas and a tail

"Nyu! Nyu!" Talulah purs ready for action

Dwayne laughs manically as he throws a bunny with lighting speed as it glows "Talulah use bubble blast!!" LuLu screams pointing to the bunny, Talulah puffs out her cheeks and blows a burst of bubbles at the bunny. Unfortunately the bunny dodged the bubbles and sparks a current of electricity towards the two, Talulah jumps out of the way but LuLu isn't so lucky.

She lets out a painful scream and collapses to the ground defeated, Dot and Yakko are horrified as they run up to her side. Dot holds her hurt baby sister cradling her close, Yakko eyes soften as he places a hand on his baby sister's cheek.

Dwayne landed towards them laughing.

Yakko growls angrily as engulfed himself with a battle aura with an extremely ballistic scream.

Dwayne crouched into a sprinter's position and two bunnies on his shoulders opened their mouths, rocketing him forward in a full speeding dash. Yakko dashed forward as well.

As they both sprinted toward each other, Dwayne and Yakko linked their fists together that set off a big explosion. That sent some of the bunnies flying away and made Dot get pushed back from the dust.

When the dust cleared, she looked to see Dwayne and Yakko rigidly wrestling their fists in a brief struggle. But Dwayne eventually flung Yakko away with one finger, sending him to hit his back unconsciously against the brick wall.

Dot gasped in shock at Yakko's defeat before looking back to glare at Dwayne. Dot summoned a flower from her flower hair clip and clapped it with her hands, forming into a flowery bow.

Dwayne then fired a purplish-pink energy beam at Dot from the bunny skull from his chest.

"Uh no." Dot said.

The energy beam hits Dot in a massive bunny-shaped explosion.


A swarm of bunnies started raining down back to original format. Yakko, Lulu and Dot were struggled to stay afloat above the bunnies while Wakko climbed onto a floating studio cart

Dwayne started laughing triumphantly as he was being raised on the palms of two gigantic bunnies.

"Gah! Ahh!" LuLu whines trying not to drown from the sea of cuteness.

"Wakko, help us!" Yakko begged.

"Do something fast! We're being pulled under!" Dot pleaded.

"That's it! Down under!" Wakko said.

Wakko burped out a cell phone and dialed a phone call.

"Hello, Australia." Wakko spoke. "You folks know how to solve the issue of bun violence, don't you? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Sure, I'll take one of those, please."

Wakko gulped the phone back into his mouth.

Suddenly, the sound of an airplane drove over the studio that caught the Warners  attention.

"Da pwane! Da pwane!" LuLu shouted as she pointed her finger upward with a giggle.

Dwayne turned around to look up at the sky, where several dingo soldiers jumped off from the airplane and descended slowly in their parachutes.

"Uh no! Dingoes!" Dwayne exclaimed.

The dingo soldiers landed safety on the swarming bunnies. Dwayne looked down to see three dingoes growling at the terrified bunnies, causing him to jump down and shield his bunnies around his arms.

"Please don't eat my babies!" Dwayne pleaded.

A dingo licked his mouth and pounced over at Dwayne.


People stood in line holding their bunnies as the dingo soldiers take the bunnies and place them in the back of a truck.

"Wow for a second there I thought they were just gonna eat all the buns." Yakko crosses his arms looking into the back of the truck with his siblings

"Nope the only thing bitting here is the satire."
Dot smirks

Dwayne's head poking out of a white bag, which he was bagged into.

"You can't do this to me! I'm a responsible bun owner! I'm proving to the world that we all have a right to bear buns!" Dwayne declared as he jiggled his butt under the bag.

LuLu blows a raspberry at him frowning

"Lulu's right. This is a kid's show." Yakko said.

Yakko hit the rear end of the truck and the vehicle drove off out of the studio.

"Good." Dot said. "After this, I'm not doing any more thinly veiled allegories."

Dot walked away to the destroyed water tower.

"Oh, I get it!" Wakko said. "This entire sketch is a metaphor for shoes!"

"Yeah, Wakko. Because America has too much high-capacity shoe violence." Yakko commented dryly.

LuLu giggled patting Wakko's head as Yakko carries her back to the destroyed water tower.

"What is it?" Wakko asked. He followed after his siblings. "Banks? Motorcycles? Varieties of salad dressing? What?!"

"We'll tell you when you're a little older." Dot said.

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