Arrivals, Encounters, and Nightmares Oh My
Even with the Filolials and Niwatori, the travel was still a long one, but after a couple days of traveling [which will not have a chapter so we can get to the good stuff] they finally arrived at Melromarc
Sazh: so this is the famed kingdom that the Queen runs, gotta say, its quite impressive
Y/N: remember Sazh, this is one of the only Matriarchal societies in this land, so it says a lot about us if this one looks so good
Lightning: Never make a man do a women's job Sazh
Sazh: jeez, that's cold man, just cold
Hope: 'as much as wouldn't want to interrupt this session you guys are having, the next wave is in about 3 days, you guys gotta prepare for the worst'
Sazh: he got a point you know, alright, I know I might sound like I'm relying on you a lot, but you know how it's all going to go down, so what's the game plan
Y/N: not much will be noticed until the next two days, for now, we spend today getting our bearings
[3 Days until the Wave] [Y/N POV]
At this point we should be at the beginning of Episode 3, the town is much different once all the parts are shown together rather than separately on screen, however currently our best plans are to get our bearings and other peoples trust, Sazh left to find us an Inn to sleep at whilst Lightning is gathering information, as for me, my job is to meet up with some of the familiar people of this universe and gain their trust, they'll be a lot more helpful towards us in the long run, that makes our first stope here
Erhards shop, one of the only people in Melromarc to actually trust the Shield Hero, if there's any better Blacksmith for assistance out there-, oh who am I kidding, when it comes to this universe, he's my best bet, so nothing more I can do but enter his shop and hope for the best, the bell by the door rings as I enter to find that I'm not the only one here
Erhard: huh, welcome, I didn't expect to see a new face anytime soon
Naofumi: Who are you
Y/N: oh no one special, just a guy traveling with some friends
Erhard: oh yeah, well that gear of yours would say otherwise, those weapons are unlike anything we've ever seen
well Erhard and the others seem suspicious, but right now, it would be better if they don't know the truth, so it's time to pull some lies out of my ass, Kokichi Ouma, don't fail me now
Y/N: well to make a long story short, me and my friends want to help with the struggles of the waves as we've seen firsthand what they're capable of
Raphtalia: I see, forgive us for being suspicious, I can also relate to that conviction
Naofumi: yeah well, don't get too comfortable around here, the lot of these people aren't worth saving anyways
Y/N: but you guys are
Naofumi: ...What
Y/N: sure there are bad people out there, but there are also good people, I've only been here for about a minute and can tell that you three fit inside of the latter category, sometimes, you can't make a compromise, sometimes it's going all in, or not at all, and If I were to choose to save everyone even if it included bad people, I would still do it because there's that little 1% that still remains worth saving.
This wasn't practiced scripted or anything, it's just what my parents would want, they gave their lives for all both good and bad, and I will do the same. In the end, regardless of what he believes, I would want him to trust me for what I believe, not me lying to simply gain it
Naofumi: well, you've already made a much better impression than the other people around here, ummm
Y/N: oh, It's Y/N, Y/N L/N
Erhard: the names Erhard, and judging by your demeanor you and your other friends are going to be coming back often aren't ya
Raphtalia: I am Raphtalia, It's a pleasure to meet someone who is much kinder around Master Naofumi
Time to play dumb
Y/N: Naofumi?
Naofumi: yes, I am Naofumi, Naofumi Iwatami
Y/N: Ah, the Shield Hero, I've heard some gossip around, people pretty much saying your the scum of society
Shield Hero: *Grumbles*
Y/N: *gives hand* good thing I don't really care much for rumors
Naofumi: *silent thoughts* *turns around* likewise, Raphtalia we're leaving
Raphtalia: ugh, Master Naofumi, don't be so rude to this stranger
Y/N: don't worry, it's quite alright my racoon friend, considering what's happened so far, it's only natural for him to be distrusting, go follow him, he seems to at the least trust you
Erhard: he's right you know, and don't worry, I'll be sure to get your custom order done by tomorrow morning
Raphtalia: thank you kindly, both of you *leaves to follow Naofumi*
Erhard: alright, sorry about that kiddo
Y/N: not at all, forging relationships like that with your clients just shows your commitment
Erhard: you seem to know your stuff kid, anyways, Is there anything I can do for ya
Y/N: right now, I'm just exploring the wares, maybe find something that will give us a hand
really that's all I can do, most of our equipment is ahead of the times, so there's not much I can do on that front unless I make things to do the maintenance by hand, I continue to search Until I find a familiar set of weapons lying around
Y/N: huh, Hey, Mr. Erhard, where'd you get this one
Erhard: first off, just call me Erhard, the Mr. makes me feel all old, secondly, I really don't know much about this weapon, a guy in a cloak walked in, saying that when the time comes, I'll know who to give the weapon to, whatever that means
Y/N: I think he meant exactly what he said
I reach forward and grab the weapon only for it to dissipate into thin air, but then I get a notification on my menu
Weapon Unlocked: Shadow Hunter
Weapon Class Unlocked: Spears, Dual Blades
Sub Class Unlocked (Valhalla Knight): Shadow Hunter
Skill Tree Unlocked: Hunter (Noel Kreiss)
Erhard: wha- HEY, what you just do with my merchandise
Y/N: I think that question might need to be worded *summons Shadow Hunter* the other way around
Erhard: huh, So I guess you're the one huh
Y/N: I guess I am, so, How much Do I owe you
Erhard: eh, like the guy said, the weapon was meant for you, in a way. so consider this a first time freebie
Y/N: thank you Erhard
Erhard: no problem kid
[Meanwhile, Lightning POV]
*sigh*, I'm afraid, normally I try to conceal my emotions and try to keep them hidden, In a way, I was like a team leader, and if I ended up breaking down, it would be hard to keep the others safe, but deep down, I was always afraid, every time I try to escape this and try to be at peace with my family, the world keeps on dividing us and putting us through this hellhole, at least we're not running in blindly and hoping for the best like with the Fal C'ie, this time, we have someone who actually knows what their doing, Y/N, I'm not sure exactly how to feel about him, he's kind and helpful, almost like a child, but at the same time, has an adult like maturity and intellect, in a way, he's the best of both sides of the spectrum, so everyone should favor him, right? yet I still feel so weird around him, why? I just hope Serah's alright though, Y/N said that wherever she is might be bad, which is of course par for the course, but his face, it showed as if it was worse than what it normally is, I want to focus on our duty of saving the universe again, but I can't, not until I know my sister is safe-
???: HEY YOU
oh I was so lost in thought I didn't even notice him- oh you got to be kidding me
out of all the heroes I could have started with, it had to be Motoyasu, the Spear hero, and the one I was advised to avoid
Motoyasu: my my, aren't you quite the cutie, my heart flutters and turns as pink as your hair [forgive me and my shitty skills at making proper pickup lines]
oh, that's why, he's one of those kinds of men, this is going to be a long day, there is absolutely no way this could get any worse
???: oh sir Motoyasu~
Oh you got to be kidding me
The princess too, just my luck, or actually, maybe it is-
???: Lady Malty, you gotta stop running of like that
???2 (mumble sarcasm): yes we wouldn't want poor you getting a splinter now would you
Well I guess there is a silver lining here, knowing that Snow is here specifically with her of all people, means that Serah isn't too far behind, most likely in the castle, but why work for Malty of all people, he may sometimes be sort of a flamboyant Jackass, but he's devoted, and would never betray Ser- WAIT, is that what Y/N meant, that she's,
Hope: 'based on everything else so far, it's the only deduction it leads to'
oh god, this is bad, even worse than what has happened so far, I gotta do something, I
Snow: Um... Miss?, are you alright, your breathing quite sporadically
okay, I need to start focusing again, I didn't even notice what I was doing myself, Snow why are trying to pretend you don't know me, you've been here longer than I have so far, so I'll play along
Lightning: oh um It's nothing, It's just that you reminded me of some bad memories, that's all
Motoyasu: oh, how sad, but don't worry, he's just a bodyguard, couldn't do much, not without me around, I'll protect you
Malty: oh sir Motoyasu, your so brave and compassionate, surely so much better than that shield~
I think I'm going to puke
Hope: '*gagging*'
Motoyasu: oh don't you worry about him anymore Myne, I'll protect you and the rest of my team, if you want, you can join us miss, I can romise you you'll always be in safe hands with me around
correction *mental gag* I am going to puke
Hope: '*Puking noises*'
Lightning: no thanks I can take care of myself, and besides, I already am in a party
Motoyasu: oh come on, just join us, they can come too, even if they can't do as much as the chosen Hero
this man doesn't even know when to quit, Y/N just said not to ignore unless really necessary,
Hope: 'Light remember what Y/N said, until Mirellia returns, we can't get too far on their bad side, until she returns, Malty here is the one in power'
Motoyasu: besides, the look on your face says that your problem has to do with family, how about we fix that, I can be your new husband, how does that sound
Malty: oh that sounds splendid, now come with us Miss, your family will be happy to be with someone like him, besides he could give you so much more than what they ever could have
Lightning: Listen here you spearheaded bastard, you can say all you want about me, but never, I mean ever, say anything about my family
Motoyasu: wha- Hey I didn't mean to-
Malty: shut up you pink haired bitch, you know it's true, I mean, what family do you have left
Lightning: I never said they were all gone, my sister went missing, and I'm looking for her right now
Motoyasu: well I'll be sure to let you know when I find, besides, it would be hard to miss someone who just as pretty as you are
Hope: 'Snow'
Snow: *Gasp*
Hope: 'stay quiet, yes I'm here, but I can only be heard by our team and the current hero, his name is Y/N, he told me to tell you that if we were ever to meet to stay on the down low, stick as a guard and remain a spy for us, a time will come when we need to infiltrate the castle and we need you and the kingdom to be on good terms until then'
I see Snow growl in disgust, honestly, I would too, I mean Serah dating this guy, I could never even fathom it, Snow may be more headstrong, but his hearts in the right place, he's earned his place as Serah's hero, it's a good thing I'm still able to think straight, had I blurted that out loud, I would never hear the end of it from Serah
Hope: 'It did stop you from remembering to control what thoughts you don't want heard by me'
Lightning: (Tell anyone about this and I kick your ass)
Hope: 'noted'
Lightning: first off, you're really trying to flirt again, second off, I don't need your help, third off, she has a Fiancé you dunce
Motoyasu: oh, sorry I didn't-
Malty: Oh I'm sorry, but knowing the tendency of the waves, he may already be dead, but you will be well to know that if we do find her she will be a welcomed guest at Melromarc
This bitch, she has no Idea what she's talking about, I see Snow using every fiber of his being to try and not kill her, I shake my head to let him know not to, right now, having a man on the inside is better than anything we could have right now
Lightning: tch, some heroes
???: wtf is going on here
I turned around and found some more welcome company
I just finished some of his shopping, but now here I am, seeing Lightning, Snow, Motoyasu, and several other irrelevant side characters right in front of me
Y/N: Is there something the matter
Malty: why yes, this terrorist was about to attack my poor Motoyasu and harm me, if it weren't for my bodyguard here, we might all be dead by now
Y/N looked at her in confusion, wondering how she thinks this lie would string together as valid
Y/N: what, Lightning, she's my party member, we're here to fight the waves and such, she would never do anything without reason, *walks towards her* and also, she has a name, I think she would prefer if you used it rather than just calling her some rude titles
Malty: well then you must know tha-
Y/N: no I am not traveling with a terrorist, we've been working together longer than you think, if she were a terrorist, I would have found out by now
Motoyasu: No, she isn't a terrorist
Y/N: (wasn't that obvious)
Motoyasu: please forgive our actions, we're just on edge, the wave is in 2 days and it turns out one of the heroes is a filthy devil, we never meant to make you think she was a threat to the Kingdom
Y/N: (She never was though) yeaaah, okay well, well we should be going now, our last member is waiting for us back at the inn
Motoyasu: oh, if you want, we could use your help with the wave boss, and I'm sure you may need our help, you could join our party, especially the cutie over there
Y/N: yeah, no thanks, we prefer not to be tied down by a government ordering us around, I we want to help people, we do it under our own convictions, not those of another
Kaiba: you would never be tied down, in fact, if you join our ranks
Y/N: you, look familiar, have we met before
Kaiba: no I don't recall meeting a lowlife like you, so unless you want to accept the offer, move along now
Joey: 'dat sleezy bastard, hasn't even learned anythin after the last couple of world endin crisis'
Y/N: ('Quiet down joey, Like I said, things happen for a reason') oh, sorry, you just remind me of a guy I knew, he went by the nickname Blue eyes
Kaiba: *Silent Gasp*
Y/N: yeah he also had an adorable younger brother, Blue eyes was quite the stubborn one, but he was always good at heart, he was willing to risk everything for his brother on several occasions, even if it ended up making him the villain *winks*
Kaiba: *nods* Milady, we have a meeting arriving soon, we really need to leave
Malty: ugh alright, sorry traveler, but duties call, but a word of the wise,
Malty: stay away from the Shield Hero, for your own good
Y/N: (okay, he got the message, now to keep thinks as discreet as possible) no promises, but I'll keep it in mind
thankfully after that, they left without another word, thank heavens I thought they would never leave
Y/N: *drops act and groans* thank GOD that's over with, hey Light, you good, She can really get on to peoples nerves, hopefully she didn't hit any touchy subject
Lightning: it's nothing, everything is fine
Y/N: Light, you and I both know that I know you well enough to tell that your lying, you've hidden a lot of your pain throughout your life, I get it's not my place to ask, but remember, you're not alone on this anymore, we're here to help you
Lightning: yeah, thanks
Y/N: no problem, but now, we should head to the Inn, but there's one more place we need to head over to at night
[Night, 4 hours and 2 Days until The Wave]
It was now dark out, meaning that there's a special tent out, and if there's one place that can confirm my suspicions, it's there
Lightning: so why are we here
Y/N: If what I believe is correct, than this tent will help me put all the pieces together
The two enter the tent and get greeted by an ominous figure
???: well well well, hello there, I am Beloukas, and welcome to my humble establishment
Y/N: hello there, name's Y/N, and I came here for a few questions
Beloukas: well I'm no informant, so I am not too sure how much I can *gasp* you
Lightning: me?
Beloukas: yes you, what are you doing here, weren't you already being owned by someone else the last time I checked, don't tell me you decided to be a bad girl and rebel against your masters
Lightning: WHAT *grabs clothes collar* WHERE IS SHE, TELL ME NOW
Y/N: Lightning put her down
Beloukas: yes, listen to the boy, put me down
Lightning: but he-
Y/N: he is integral to events that will occur in the future, so for the time being, he needs to remain alive, If my theory was correct, he's not in the wrong here, well, mostly anyway
Lightning: tch, *puts Beloukas down* Talk, NOW
Beloukas: as much as would like to, I am but a simple slave trader, not an informant, I have strict rules about keeping customer information confidental
Y/N: oh really
[The coin is gold]
Y/N: how about temporarily changing your profession *flips it to his hand* there's three more in my hand if your willing to talk
Beloukas: Hmmmm
[Playing with 3 coins]
Y/N: the clocks ticking on that offer
Beloukas: you drive a hard bargain, I can tell we'll be good friends in the future, very well then, I'll give you what I know
Y/N: talk first, money second
Beloukas: well, It all started awhile back,
[Flashback Start][P. = Past, C. = Current]
C. Beloukas: it was about a month ago, perhaps a few weeks after the first wave, I just received a new batch of slaves, as well as some more of the slave crest potions to write the crests, I was feeding the merchandise to ensure they remain healthy when sold when none other than the eldest Princess walks into my establishment
P. ???: *winces in pain* please, help
P. ???2: Seto, I'm scared
C. Beloukas: she came along with two guards, holding down what you know today as her two current bodyguards
C. Beloukas: The two acted as if they were really close to them, as for the Demi humans, the first looked a lot like, you, however she was much shorter, had lighter shades of pink in her hair, and was of course, a Demi Human, More specifically, a Cat Demi Human
[Imagine her with cat ears and Tails]
C. Beloukas: However the other one was much younger, perhaps only half the height of everyone else there his hair was black as night and much longer, however, he was an Aotatsu Demi human, a dragon Newt, seeing one here, and so young was unprecedented
[Has Dragon Horns, and spots of scales on his skin]
P. Malty: You there, I know that you're the only slave trader here, and just got a fresh order of the potions, so I order you to make my demi Humans into Slaves
P. Guard: quiet you filthy criminal *kicks his face*
P. Beloukas: you know he is right, even as a slave trader, I have a strict code of conduct, I will not sell or buy slaves that weren't even slaves [Raphtalia and others were already slaves when sold to him] let alone use my own merchandise for someone else
C. Lightning: huh didn't know the criminal underbelly had standards
Beloukas: slave trade is all legal here, and even with it being without most morals, I am still a professional, I have standards sweetheart, I am polite, efficient, and I have a plan on how it all works out, using my items for things that aren't even my merchandise, that's one of the lines I don't cross
P. Malty: EXCUSE ME, your lucky that my father hasn't shut down your establishment yet
P. Beloukas: because he's just as much as a discriminatory asshole as the rest of you
P. Malty: *sigh* let me make this very clear to you Beloukas, I control the Kingdom, therefore, I control the routes leading into it, if you don't comply to my demands, I'll shut down all the trade routes leading to Melromarc
P. Beloukas: ARE YOU MAD, that would cut off not only the slave trade, but everything else along with it
P. Malty: *smirks* then I suggest you better make the right call
C. Y/N: so you just gave it to them
C. Beloukas: I had no other choice, cutting off the trade routes wouldn't just cut off the slaves in my merchandise, but equipment, food, and other such sustenance, the Waves hit us all hard, so we had to rely on our allies to get materials and rations to the capital, while the rulers feast like, well kings, the rest of us need to survive off of the scraps which is already bad enough, so I made the tough call to send them off as slaves, I'm just lucky that the Princess chose to stay when she made her demands
P. Malty: now then you two Demi human lovers now work for me
Snow: I refuse
P. Kaiba: agreed, you just messed with people very close to us, why the hell would we listen to you
P. Malty: because, you don't have any other choice
C. Beloukas: she ten proceeded to use the slave crest to force them into the most painful experiences and torture one could even imagine, however it was the last one that crossed the line
P. Malty: alright then you filthy cat, take your clothes off so that you can do the one thing demi humans like you are good for
P. Snow: no, Not that, ANYTHING BUT THAT
P. Mokuba: you're insane
P. Malty: just for that, up next, I'll personally teach you her place
P. Malty: oh really, well how would you feel about the blood of three on your hand, these slave crests are special, their made with a special pattern that completely binds them to me, If I die, the slave crests will kill them, so I make the offer one final time, you work for me now, Or Else
C. Beloukas: after that I think you can piece the rest together
[Flashback Over]
Beloukas: they caved in, became her personal bodyguards, and the two Demi humans stayed as her slaves for both Leverage and ulterior motives
I was shocked to say the least, yeah I predicted this was basically how it would go down, but to full on rape a child, that crosses many lines, I look over to Lightning, but can't read her expression, her hair overed her eyes and it was as if she was struggling to hide how she really felt
Hope: 'Light, you're heart rate is accelerating rapidly, you can hide it from others, but not from us, it be best if you leave for the time being'
Y/N: Hopes right you know, I can get the final information myself, you get some rest, I you need to talk about it, I'm all ears, you're not alone
And with that, she left, but I still had a few final things to look out for
Beloukas: so, it appears you are still here, would you like to purchase one of our wares good sir
Y/N: not really, I get why Naofumi needed to, but it still feels slightly... messed... up
my voice trails off as I see someone familiar in sight, I walk over to the cage and what I find shocks me
Y/N: is, is that really you
???: *Coughing fit* Big Brother...
Beloukas: ah does this one interest you
Y/N: *sigh* yes but not yet, I'll pay you to not sell her to anyone else but me, I will get her after the wave
Beloukas: ah, a smart decision, come come, let us file the paperwork in advance
Y/N: (good thing Joey decided to take a nap, otherwise he would have killed him, but don't worry, we'll get you out of there soon... Little sis)
[Time Skip, Inn]
Y/N: hey I'm back, sorry I'm late, had to take care of some final things
Sahz: ah Y/N, how's it going brother
Y/N: well as good as it can get in this situation, met the Shield hero, got a weapon left by noel, met the spear dick, you know, just a regular start to this whole operation, hey speaking of, where's Lightning
Sahz: oh Lightning, she decided to conk out early, even after the wars she still has that soldier mentality of sleep early and wake up earlier *yawn* then again, I'm getting a bit tired myself, I might just hit the hay as well
Y/N: welp, we gotta be up and at em' soon. so I'll head out and do that, g'night
Sahz: good night
I walk over to my bedroom, however before I do I hear some odd whimpering
???: please... don't go... not again
It was coming from Lightnings room, I creak open the door to find that she was shivering in her sleep, not out of cold, but out of fear
Lightning: g-g-get away.. no... stop it
*sigh* yeah, this hit her really hard, that was an obvious, she really needs to learn not to leaves these burdens onto herself, she can lean on us if she needs. but if she won't lean on us, *moves to her bed* we'll lean towards her
Lightning: ₚₗₑₐₛₑ... 𝒹ₒₙ'ₜ ₗₑₐᵥₑ ₘₑ
[Meanwhile, Lightning's Dream] [Lightning POV]
I was completely chained up, I had no armor, weapons, or abilities, all I could do was watch as this redheaded bitch and scumbags of nights raped my sister
Serah: no, please, st-stop it, not there, please
Guard: Shut up you mongrel, you'll get your turn, but until them, all you get to do is watch
it was as if I became a little girl again, scarred, afraid, traumatized, unable to move at all, but what I just saw left me completely speechless
Guard: oh yes, do it just like that *grabs her stomach*
Serah: n-no, get your hands off
Guard: harder, harder, harder, Harder, Harder, Harder, HARDERHARDERHARDERHADERHARDERHARDER
she, she was pushed to the edge, she, she was killed, no, no, no this can't be happening
Lightning: no no no no no nonononononononononono
Malty: oh poor thing, is the little girl going to cry
I look down, and I just noticed that I was turned into a little girl, back when I was a young toddler
Lightning (fearful): s-s-STAY AWAY
Malty: oh of course I'll stay away, just like how you stood away from protecting your sister
Lightning: n-no, I didn't mean to I wanted to-
Malty, but you didn't, oh poor naïve child
and then her voice distorted into someone I thought I would never see again
Malty/Bhunivelze: did you really think you could escape
Lightining: wha-
Malty/Bhunivelze: you're a fool, an absolute fool to have thought you could've stopped your god
Lightning: You're no god, just another faker
Bhunivelze: yes, but at least I'm not some hypocrite, you talked all about how I don't understand the heart, and yet you never revealed yours, you always kept yourself hidden, you never showed emotion, or mercy
Lightning: tha- that's not true
Malty: oh please, you know it's true, everyone tries to help you, and all you've ever done was push them away, it's why you don't truly have friends
Lightning: n-no
Malty: it's why you never found someone
Lightning: ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ
Malty: it's why you be left behind by your so called "comerades"
everyone I knew, everyone I met, they did nothing more but turn around and leave me in this void
Lightning: NO PLEASE, COME BACK, ₚₗₑₐₛₑ, 𝒸ₒₘₑ ᵦₐ𝒸ₖ
Bhunivelze: no one will return for you, you always do this, you rationalize your thoughts and try to justify them by your own merit even if it's proven wrong
Lightning: but I am doing right
Bhunivelze: are you, or are you just doing what you think is right
Malty: you make it seem right to cut off pieces of yourself, you'll never get anyone as a fraction of yourself
and then, it was all black, no one was here, no one, but me
[1:55 - 2:13] [this is Child Lightning}
Lightning: ₚₗₑₐₛₑ... 𝒹ₒₙ'ₜ ₗₑₐᵥₑ ₘₑ
???: like I said before, you're not alone anymore, I'll be here for you
who was this, and why were they hugging me, it feels... warm, comforting, I think I'll stay like this for a little while longer.
Thank you
[Meanwhile] [Y/N POV]
she was trembling before, but the moment I put my had on her, she began to stabilize her breathing, I was about to leave but she then hugged my body and pulled me in
Lightning: please... don't leave me
I guess she needed a bit of comfort
Y/N: don't worry *pats head* like I said before, you're not alone in this anymore, I'll be here for you
[Joey POV]
Joey: 'now dat's how you do it dude'
Joey: 'ey kiddo, you good'
I try to talk to him, but it seems that he already drifted to sleep alongside his sleeping beauty
[Sahz POV]
Sahz: *opens door* hey kid, are you and Lightning alright, heard a bit of whimpering and-
Well I'll be, Lightning finally found him, it may take awhile for both of them to realize it, but yeah, that's definitely what it is, I should probably give them some privacy, so I walk away, but not before taking one more look at them
Sahz & Joey (Whispers): Nice one Romeo
And there we have it, our first official chapter, and it's nearly double the words of each prologue so far, Sorry if Lightnings seems out of character, this takes place after Lightning returns and after she accepts herself, So I'm doing a couple tweaks and improvising here and there to make it all work out. please, if anything seems off about it, do comment, your input helps me grow, Until next time
Have a Good Night, SEE YA
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