Clarke is outside the camp kneeling down beside Wells grave, Nick approaches her from behind. She quickly stands up spinning around pulling out her knife.

Nick: You shouldn't be out here alone. What if I was a grounder? They got Wells just outside the wall.

Clarke: Says the guy who just spent another night exploring the woods all by himself.

Nick: Yeah but I'm reckless and stupid. I got you something, Princess.

He holds out a pencil, Clarke gasps taking the pencil.

Clarke: Where did you get this?

Nick: Art supply store.

Clarke: I know when we were kids... Wells was always giving me ink, charcoal, just anything I could draw with, really. I found out later that he was trading his own stuff to give it to me. He didn't want me to know that, either. He let me hate him so that I wouldn't hate my mother.

Nick: I know.

Clarke: My mother killed my father. Just wish there was something I could do. To tell her I know. Make her feel what I'm...

She walks past him as he turns around watching her go in confusion.

Nick:: Where are you going?

Clarke: To make her feel it.

Nick turns his head watching her go, admiring her swaying rear and smirks

Nick: I love your ass, Princess

Clarke keeps her back facing him and her lips slightly curls up into a small smile.


Kara walks though the camp approaching Murphy who groans annoyed

Murphy: What do you want?

Kara: Why did you set Alpha Station on fire? People don't wake up and choose to do something like that

Murphy: Well maybe I did.

Kara: You never left your box.

Murphy: Neither did you and I didn't have a reason. Drop it.

Kara grabs his wrist

Kara: I was locked away for two years because I tried to help you. All you said was you had to do it. I want to know why.

Murphy grabs her own wrist and raises it looking at the wristband

Murphy: How about you take this off and we can talk? You're like me, you got nobody on the Ark

Kara: That's not true. I still have people I care about. I don't want them to think I'm dead. I'm sorry.

He rolls his eyes and storms away from her.


Monty: Yes! I did it. It's still operational

Clarke's wristband snaps open freeing her wrist. She notices Nick giving her a look, raising his eyebrow.

Clarke: What? Monty needed a working wristband.

Amara reaches down and grabs the band

Amara: It's still operational.

She walks away. Clarke stands up and walks over to Nick who's standing in front of the exit.

Nick: And you needed to punish your mother.

Clarke: Look, they're running out of air, and we need their help. My mother thinking I'm dead is only temporary.

Amara: Not if we can't patch it through the dropship mainframe.

Monty: I can do it. We'll be talking to the Ark by nightfall.

Monty: Not if I can't patch it through the dropship mainframe. I can do it. We'll be talking to The Ark by nightfall.

Nick and Clarke looks at each other, Clarke walks out of the dropship as Nick follows right behind her.

He walks through the camp. Connor is carrying a log, stumbling dropping the log.

Murphy: Hey! You think the Grounders are just gonna sit around, and wait for us to finish the wall? Maybe we should let the little girl do the lifting for you, huh?"

Connor: I just need some water, okay? Then I'll be fine.

Nick: Murphy, back the fuck off and go annoy someone who actually gives a damn.

Murphy glares at him

Bellamy: Murphy, get this guy some water.

Murphy glares at both Nick and Bellamy before scoffing in annoyance. Kara walks up to Charlotte.

Kara: Hey

Charlotte: Hey. So you and Octavia are into each other?

Kara chuckles, shaking her head

Kara: You shouldn't know what that means.

Charlotte: I'm not that little. The way she looks at you when you look away is adorable. I've seen it. She can't stop smiling at how excited you get at trying to make things better.

Kara looks over her shoulder at Octavia

Connor: Uhh! What the hell is wrong with you, Murphy?

Murphy: Look at you! You wanted a water break. Get back to work.

Octavia and Amara are leading Jasper through the camp.

Octavia: Look, we're already there. Just a few steps, okay?

She slowly walks ahead of them. Amara notices Jasper looking around nervously

Octavia: One foot in front of the other.

Amara: Hey. What's wrong?

Jasper: Hmm? Oh, nothing. I'm good.

Octavia: Jasper, it's been a week, okay? You've been given a second chance. You gotta use it

Suddenly Octavia trips and lets out a scream

Amara: Octavia?

Jasper: Octavia?

Amara quickly takes off towards where Octavia fell and turns seeing a man laughing while holding Octavia

Octavia: Hey, jerk! Get the hell out of here.

Amara: Jasper, come on. There's nothing to be afraid of

She suddenly trips and falls down on her face. The trio moves their eyes seeing two severed fingers laying on the ground.


Nick, Bellamy, Clarke, Amara, and Octavia are gathered around in Bellamy's tent, the severed fingers and the knife are laid out on the table. Nick reaches and picks up the knife, examining it

Nick: This knife was made of metal from the dropship."

Amara: What do you mean?

Clarke: Who else knows about this?

Nick hands the knife over to Clarke.

Octavia: No one. We brought it straight here.

Amara: Clarke

Clarke: It means the Grounders didn't kill Wells. It was one of us.

Clarke and Nick exchanges a look with each other.

Amara: So, there's a murderer in the camp?

Bellamy: There's more than one murderer in this camp. This isn't news. We need to keep it quiet.

She moves to leave the tent but Bellamy stands in front of her blocking her way out.

Clarke: Get out of my way, Bellamy.

Bellamy: Clarke, be smart about this. Look at what we've achieved... the wall, the patrols. Like it or not, thinking the Grounders killed Wells is good for us.

Clarke: Oh, good for you, you mean. What... keep people afraid and they'll work for you? Is that it?"

Bellamy: Yeah. That's it. But it's good for all of us. Fear of the Grounders is building that wall. And besides, what are you gonna do... just walk out there and ask the killer to step forward? You don't even know whose knife that is."

Clarke: Oh, really? J.M. John Murphy. The people have a right to know.

Nick's eyes widens in shock as he and Amara gives each other a knowing look. Clarke storms past Bellamy leaving the tent. Nick sighs before he follows her out.

Murphy: No water till this section is up! What? What are you staring at, huh?

Clarke marches up towards him angrily and shoves him in the chest.

Clarke: You son of a bitch!"

Murphy: What's your problem?

Clarke: Recognize this?

Murphy: It's my knife. Where'd you find it?

Clarke    "Where you dropped it after you killed Wells.

Murphy: Where I what? The Grounders killed Wells, not me.

Clarke: I know what you did, and you're gonna pay for it.

Bellamy, Amara, Nick, and Octavia walks up.

Murphy: Really? Bellamy, you really believe this crap?

Clarke: You threatened to kill him. We all heard you. You hated Wells."

Murphy: Plenty of people hated Wells. His father was the Chancellor that locked us up.

Clarke: Yeah, but you're the only one who got in a knife fight with him.

Murphy: Yeah, I didn't kill him then, either.

Kara walks up and folds her arms across her chest looking around confused

Kara: What's going on?

Amara: Tried to kill Jasper too.

Kara blinks her eyes staring at Murphy in shock

Murphy: Come on. This is ridiculous. I don't have to answer to you. I don't have to answer to anyone.

Nick steps forward glaring at Murphy

Nick: Come again?

Murphy: Bellamy, look, I'm telling you, man. I didn't do this."

Bellamy: They found his fingers on the ground with your knife."

Clarke: Is this the kind of society that we want? You say there should be no rules. Does that mean that we can kill each other without... without punishment?"

Murphy: I already told you. I didn't kill anyone.

Nick: I say we float him.


Amara looks over at her best friend clearly shocked at his words, her jaw drops.

Amara: Wait what?

Clarke: That's not what I'm saying, Nick

Nick: Why not? He deserves to float, Clarke.

Clarke: Revenge isn't justice.

It's justice!

Float him! Float him! Float him!

Kara covers her mouth over her mouth, tears welling up in her eyes. Octavia slowly makes her slower towards her, wrapping her arm around her waist pulling her closer.

Kara: No!

Murphy tries to run but someone trips him making him fall down to the ground. People surrounds him and begins kicking and beating him

Kara: Get off him! Stop it!

Amara: Let him go!

Clarke: You can't do this!

Kara tries to run and help Murphy but Octavia grabs her wrist stopping her, shaking her head

Kara: Tavia, let me go!

Octavia: No, darling.

Clarke: Nick, stop this! Bellamy! They'll listen to you!

Amara: Stop this!

Nick and Bellamy glances at each other and looks at each other for a moment.

Murphy's mouth is gagged shut as people leans down and grabs him by his hair and drags him across the ground through the camp

Kara: Let him go! Stop it!

Murphy is lead out the camp and throw down a small hill, he rolls down on the ground landing harshly.

He's picked up and Connor punches him across the face.

A rope is thrown over a branch and tied around Murphy's body. Kara watches on, tears steaming down her face. She turns and buries her head in Octavia's chest who wraps her arms around her tightly.

Murphy is hoisted up off the ground, a box placed under his feet.

Connor: Nick! You should do this!

Nick looks towards Murphy for a long moment taking his decision in, thinking. Clarke rushes up to him and spins him around to face her

Clarke: I saw you in the woods with Atom. I know you're not a killer.

Nick looks down at her staring deeply into her eyes then moves back towards Murphy

Nick: You don't know a damn thing about me, Clarke.

Amara: Nick, don't do this.

Clarke: Don't......please.

NIck walks away making his way up towards Murphy.

Clarke: Don't. Nick, please!

Amara: Don't do this, Nick

Clarke: Nick, no! Don't do this!

Kara: Please, don't do this! Please!

Octavia runs her fingers through her hair gently

Octavia: Don't look. Don't look, sweetie.

Nick: Why shouldn't I do this? What if he really killed Wells? Who says he won't stop at just him? Besides he deserves this and you all fucking know it!

Finn walks out of the rooms and runs up towards the area, looking around in confusion and shock

Finn: Wait, Nick, don't do it!

Nick suddenly rears his boot back kicking the box out from underneath Murphy making his body drop down and the rope tightens around his neck

Amara: NICK!!!

Clarke: HOW COULD YOU?!!

Bellamy: This is on you, princess. You should've kept your mouth shut.

Finn runs up and shoves Nick harshly in the chest. Kara sobs as she buries her head further into Octavia's chest. Octavia runs her fingers through her hair trying to comfort her. She kisses her on top of her head.

Nick: He did this to himself, Clarke!

Finn: Charlotte, get out of here now! Cut him down!

Charlotte: Stop! Okay? Murphy didn't kill Wells!

Everyone quiets down and looks over to her confused

Charlotte: I did!

Kara's eyes widens as she looks at Charlotte in shock and horror.

Kara: Oh my God

Nick looks down at his shaking hands in guilt and shame. He begins walking away making his way through the crowd

Clarke and Amara watches him go and both sighs in defeat.

Kara rushes over and kneels down beside Murphy untying the rope around his neck, he snarls loudly

Kara slides the rope over his head and helps him up to his feet

He pushes her to the side but presses her hand to his face

Kara: John, let me hel----


Octavia: DON'T YELL AT HER!!!


Murphy: Bring out the girl, Bellamy, Guard Dog!

Murphy is pacing back and forth as everyone is gathered outside a tent. Bellamy, Nick, Finn, Clarke, and Amara are keeping Charlotte inside.

Bellamy: Why Charlotte?

Charlotte: I was just trying to slay my demons, like you told me

Nick and Clarke sends Bellamy a confused look

Clarke: What the hell is she talking about?"

Bellamy: She misunderstood me. Charlotte, that is not what I meant."

Murphy: Bring the girl out now!

Amara: SHUT UP!!!


Nick: Oh yeah, because a 13 year old girl would know you were speaking in riddles.

Amara walks forward and kneels down in front of Charlotte, taking her hands in hers

Amara: Hey, it's gonna be okay. I promise.

Bellamy: If you guys have any bright ideas, speak up. Now you stay quiet."

Finn: Those are your boys out there."

Bellamy: This is not my fault. If she had listened to me, those idiots would still be building the wall."

Murphy: You want to build a society, princess? Let's build a society. Bring her out."

Amara wraps her arms around Charlotte pulling her closer to her side, hugging her

Nick kneels down beside Charlotte

Nick: It's gonna be okay. Just stay with Amara.

He looks up to his best friend and then he and Bellamy stands up walking out of the tent.

Murphy: Well, well, well. Look who decided to join us."

Bellamy: Dial it down and back off."

Murphy: Or what? What are you gonna do about me? Hang me, Nicky?

Nick: I was just doing what the people wanted, asshole.

Bellamy    "I was just giving the people what they wanted."

Murphy: Yeah. Yeah, that's a good idea. Why don't we do that right now?

Murphy: So, who here wants to see the real murderer hung up? All in favor??

He raises his hand followed by only a few others. Kara looks at Murphy in shock. Even Connor has his hand raised.

Murphy: I see. So, it's okay to string me up for nothing, but when this little bitch confesses, you all let her walk? Cowards! All of you are cowards!"

Nick: Hey, Murphy! It's done!

Bellamy: Now we're gonna walk away and handle this. All three of us.

Murphy    "Whatever you say, bosses

Nick steps closer to him getting right in his face, glaring

Murphy picks a large wooden log and hits both Bellamy and Nick upside the head knocking them both out making them fall.

Octavia: Son of a bitch!

Kara: John, stop it! This isn't........

Murphy: Come on. Let's get the girl.

He walks up to the tent and throws the flap open but only finds Amara inside, she shrugs her shoulders, blowing a strand of her hair out of her face.

Kara: John!

She steps forward grabbing his wrist and gives him pleading eyes

Kara: I know how you feel. This isn't the answer. Please don't do this

Murphy rips his arm away from her giving her a angry glare.

Murphy: You always had it easy, Kara. I never fucking did. You can't know how I feel.

Kara watches him walk away followed by a few boys. Octavia walks up to her and grabs her arm turning her around and pulls her into her arms, Kara buries her head in her chest while Octavia runs her fingers through her hair.


Nick is running through the forest seeing an orange glow in the distance.

Murphy: Nick! Bellamy!

His goons comes to a stop

Murphy: Give it up! You can't take all of us!

Nick: Wanna bet?

Bellamy walks up and stands beside him.

Bellamy: We could take a few of you out.

Clarke: Everybody stop!

Clarke runs out into the clearing

Clarke: This has gone too far! Just calm down and we will talk about this.

Murphy: I'm sick of listening to you talk.

He pulls Clarke up to him, pressing a knife against her throat. Nick tilts his head downward, glaring at Murphy.

Nick: Hurt her and I swear to God, I'll kill you.

Bellamy: Let her go.

Murphy: I will slit her throat"

Charlotte: No, please. Please don't hurt her."

Murphy: Don't hurt her? Okay, I'll make you a deal. You come with me right now, I will let her go."

Bellamy: Don't do it, Charlotte.

Clarke elbows Murphy in the stomach freeing herself.

Nick: Don't do it, Charlotte!

Charlotte: No! No, I have to! I can't let any of you get hurt anymore. Not because of me. Not after what I did.

Clarke    "Charlotte! No! No, no, no! No!

Charlotte holds out her arms and falls straight backwards over the side of a cliff. Nick watches her as she disappears into the darkness.

He spins around and rushes tacking Murphy down to the ground and begins punching him over and over again in the face

Clarke: Nick! Nick, stop! You'll kill him!

Bellamy runs over and pulls Nick away, placing himself in between him and Murphy

Nick: He deserves this!

Clarke: No! We don't decide who lives and dies. Not down here."

Bellamy: So help me God, if you say the people have a right to decide..."

Clarke: No, I was wrong before, okay? You were right. Sometimes it's dangerous to tell people the truth. But if we're gonna survive down here, we can't just live by whatever the hell we want. We need rules.

Nick: And who makes those rules? You?

Clarke: For now, we make the rules, okay? You, me, and Bellamy.

Bellamy: So, what, then? We just take him back and pretend like it never happened?"

Clarke: No! We banish him

Nick walks up and glares down at Murphy, his jaw clenched in anger

Nick: Get your ass up.

He lands a hard kick to Murphy's stomach making him groan in pain

Clarke Nick! Stop!"

Nick: I catch you anywhere near camp, I'll be back here.

Bellamy: As for the four of you, you can come back and follow us, or go off with him to die. Your choice.


Amara and Kara are sitting down inside Kara's tent. Kara has tears steaming down her face until she stands up, sobbing

Amara: Hey. What happened with Charlotte wasn't your fault

Kara: Maybe if I had------

Amara walks closer up to her and cups her face in her hands, using her thumbs to wipe away her tears.

Kara suddenly lunges smashing their lips together. Amara shuts her eyes and kisses her back.

She grabs the helm of Kara's shirt raising it over her head and walks her back to the bed gently laying her down.

The tent flap is opened; Octavia walks past the tent, looking inside and sees them making out passionately.

She looks at them for a moment, clearly jealous.

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