"Who was that?!" Freddy struck, panting profusely.
Foxy put his hands on his knees and stared at the shining white tiles of the school. "I don't know! But we're not just gonna go in there and find out!"
Bonnie was holding her diary close to her, staring blankly at the wall. "That was so frightening! I will never go in there again."
Chica stood up from her spot on the floor. "But why would they give the directions to the room if we aren't allowed in there?"
Freddy stopped panting. "Right . . . that is pretty strange."
Bonnie huffed. "You guys can plot your stuff, but me? Leave me out of it."
Chica looked at Bonnie and nodded. "I agree. That was so scary! You two guys--" she bounced her finger between us as she stepped backwards-- "you can think about what you want to do."
Chica and Bonnie walked off, their conversation dissapating.
Freddy looked at Foxy. "We obviously need a better plan--"
"I agree with the girls," Foxy blurted.
Freddy looked at him like he'd just spoken a confusing algebraic equation. "What?"
Foxy sighed. "I think that we shouldn't get into this. Honestly, it's not worth it."
"Not worth it?" Freddy smiled. "Really? You think it's not worth it that we found that secret code to get into the school? You don't think it's worth it that we have the materials, but we don't have the courage?"
"I don't care if you go in," Foxy spat. "Just leave me out of it." Without another word, he whizzed from sight, leaving Freddy behind, as shocked and disappointed as could be.
"Leave you out of it . . ." Freddy muttered under his own breath. "I will."
With a deep breath, Freddy dashed back to his class. His classmates would be confused why he was in the bathroom so long.
* * * * *
The schoolbell rang. Freddy was done with school.
At least, not yet.
He got out of his seat casually and walked out of the door, already being greeted by some his friends. The large group talked about how tomorrow was going to suck because school had been plopped in the middle of a great day.
Freddy arrogantly reassured them, "Don't worry, you'll see me tomorrow," but simply waved it off with the tip of his hat, as though it never happened.
A bunch of them started flaking off to walk home from school or be driven home by their parents. Freddy stayed behind, trying to hide from his mother's car as it sat parked in the street.
Freddy got back into the school and dashed down the halls to Room 13, hoping that no one was in that hall. Luckily, no one was. There was a superstition about being in that hall five minutes after the final bell rang, or else "the ghosts would get you" or something like that. Freddy didn't believe it, but if it were true, at least he would have a shot at Room 13.
Hopefully those guys who were in there before weren't in there now. Once the doors were looming above Freddy, he grabbed at the handle and pulled. He expected it to pull downward and actually open, but instead he got a click! and a still close door.
Dang it! It was locked!
Freddy sighed. They even locked Room 13 after school. But still . . . why would they have not had it open when he went in during the school day?
Freddy plotted in his head. If he could somehow open it, he would feel like the best person in the world.
Maybe there was a key for the door in the office! If the door could be locked, it should be unlocked as well! There definitely should have been a way to get in.
Dress like a janitor?
No, he was too small and pubescent to look like a janitor.
Use ropes to lower from the ceiling?
Nope. Didn't have enough resources.
Sneak in?
Freddy slowly tip-toed down the hall and made his way into the school office. This was going to be interesting.
* * * * *
Freddy casually walked into the office, waved at the secretary, and sat down on one of the waiting chairs, examining the area to make sure he knew exactly what he was doing.
Hmm . . . he definitely couldn't ask. Simply walk up to the secretary and ask, "Hey, um, do you know where the keys to the school are? See I need it to get into the creepy Room 13, so can I have it?" Definitely would not work.
Freddy jammed his hands into his pockets, when suddenly he heard an alarming crackle! Freddy alarmedly looked into his pocket and saw a plastic bag filled with potato chips. So embarassing. Now the secretary would notice--
That was it!
Freddy quickly yanked open the bag and pulled out a handful of potato chips. He shoved them into his mouth like a pig and started crunching them, trying to make it as quiet as possible in the silent office. He bore down on the chips over and over again until there was just a large ravine of mush inside of his mouth.
Was he ready?
Oh, he was definitely ready.
Freddy started to grunt and clutch his stomach. He let his cheeks puff up and his eyes bulge. With a very swift motion, he threw himself out of his seat and went down onto the floor on his hands and knees. He spewed out the saliva-blanketed mush and let it spill onto the ground, making that vomiting sound of "HUUULLEEEEEH!" He coughed, letting chunks of chips rocket out and hit the puddle. He wiped his mouth and looked up at the secretary, who seemed to already be calling the janitor.
Just like what Freddy wanted.
Soon, the janitor came in with a mop and many other cleaning supplies. "Well," he said with a smile, "this isn't the only time I've done this today."
The janitor looked like any other janitor you would think of: Older with salt and pepper hair, wrinkles, and a mustache. Freddy knew him very well, but he barely knew his last name. The janitor got his mop and turned to the puddle of chewed chips, his back facing towards Freddy.
Freddy staggered to his feet, his eyes instantly going to the janitor's belt, looking for the key that would let him into Room 13. While he searched the belt, he said, "Oh, sorry. My stomach is really acting up! I told my mom to not get brussel sprouts! The aftertaste--ugh!"
Finally, Freddy found the jangling key on his belt, hooked up to a keychain. Freddy silently worked his fingers into the belt and slowly undid the keychain, hoping the janitor wouldn't notice. Once he got it off, the janitor whirled around. Freddy shoved the key into his pocket and stood casually, looking up at the janitor.
The janitor raised an eyebrow. "What were you doing?"
Freddy laughed and pointed at his head. "After-vomit nausea, I guess. I can't control where my feet take me after I vomit!"
The janitor smiled and continued mopping the puddle of Freddy's chewed up potato chips. Quietly, Freddy snuck behind the janitor and dashed away down the hall where Room 13 was, his stomach giddy with excitement. He couldn't believe that it worked!
Once he made it to the room, he took the key out of the pocket and jammed it into the keyhole, satisfyingly turning it and opening the door.
The room was still very dusty, light sunshine being filtered into the dusty room through a barely uncovered window, as the rest of it had been populated with cottony webs.
Freddy saw the trapdoor where Foxy had pried up. The platform was still open. With a smile, Freddy got walked over and stared down into the darkness, his stomach churning. With a deep breath, Freddy stepped on the first step, turned around, and let himself drop slowly into pitch blackness.
Freddy was completely afraid to hit something. To trip over something. He didn't know what would be down there, but he slowly took a few steps. The floorboards creaked. It wasn't loud, but the feeling it gave was tremendous on Freddy's heart. His heartrate skyrocketed into a flurry.
Suddenly, a bright light cut through his vision. He staggered backward and tried to shield his vision, but was interrupted by an arm. He pulled away and found a knife being pointed at his throat. He didn't even want to gulp.
* * * * *
Freddy looked at the person in front of him with pure fear--almost as if he were made out of fear. His breathing was small and quick, like a jackrabbit. The face in front of him had long shaggy hair and small hairs poking out of his chin. His eyebrows were drawn in and his eyes were completely focused on Freddy's terrified face.
"What are you doing here?!" the guy barked.
Freddy didn't know what to say. He didn't say anything.
"Tell me!" he barked again.
Instantly, Freddy started spilling out everything as fast as he could. "I came down here because my friends and I found a paper revealing the location of this secret place and we came here today before, but then I stayed after school, got the janitor's key, and got into the room, so please don't kill me!"
The tip of the knife slightly drew back, but still held its hold on Freddy's throat. "The janitor's key? If you think you're so smart, show it to me!"
Freddy's hand instantly jammed into his pocket and held out the key. The push of the knife tip completely drew off as the guy in front of him dropped the knife to stare at the key. "You really got that key?"
Freddy nodded. "Yeah. I had some chips in my pocket, so I chewed them up and pretended to throw them up. The janitor came to clean up my mess, and then I got his key."
The guy's eyes were wide with amazement. He stood back and turned around, looking at a door. He knocked on it and two other people walked in. One was extremely shy, with eyeliner and very pale skin, only wearing black and white. The other one was quite colorful, with a black shirt and different colored buttons decorated on it, blue jeans, and a bald head that looked like an egg.
Freddy broke the silence of the situation. "What are your names?"
The guy in front of me smiled. "My name is Spring. Him--" He pointed at the shy person-- "his name is Greg, but we like to call him Gold. And him--" he pointed at the bald guy-- "His name is Mark, but we like to call him Mari."
Freddy pointed at each of them to recap. "Spring, Gold, and Mari. . . ." He smiled. "Alright. I guess I can remember those names."
Spring suddenly frowned, which made Freddy's stomach twist and churn. "Did you say that you came in here before?"
Freddy gulped hard. "Um, yeah. My friends found a paper that led here in the park--"
"The one on Main Street?" Mari asked.
Freddy nodded slowly, hoping he wouldn't get in trouble.
Instead, he was congratulated with a slap on the back by Spring. "Cool! We were surprised that no one else ever found that piece of paper. We hid it a few years ago and we were expecting it had decomposed by now, but apparently, that wasn't the case."
"Would you like us to show you around?" Mari asked.
Freddy was about to accept the invitation, but turned it down. "Maybe tomorrow," he said. "My mom's gonna get worried if I don't go to her soon."
"Cool," Spring said.
Freddy turned around and went back up the ladder. He couldn't believe everything he had witnessed that day.
He would definitely be coming back.
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