Chapter 2: meeting the 'Green' Goblins
Previous on chapter one, read it you haven't.
Y/n: What now?
Veldora: hmm?
Y/n: About the Unlimited Imprisonment seal that hero put on you. I feel slightly bad knowing that my mate been sealed here for 300 years.
Veldora: you..
Y/n: (shudders) if you were a female I'll let that slide.
Veldora: If you have a way to get me out, I'd appreciate it. T-The thing is I wouldn't have lasted another 100 years before my magic ran out. I keep losing more and more magicules...
Y/n: So that's why the plants and ore are rich with magicules, wait what will happen if your magic runs out?
Veldora: It's not a huge deal.
Y/n: why do I feel that's bullshit?
Veldora: I'll just die, that's all.
Y/n: well shit I take it back when I threatened to leave you here to rot, hold on let me try something.
Y/n put his hand on the bubble.
Y/n: hey Ark can the predator skill take down the Unlimited Imprisonment spell?
Arkvoodle: No.
Y/n: Damn geuss doesn't work like that.
Veldora: See? It's impossible.
Y/n: I'm still thinking... hmm huh huh I see I see, I have a idea, my artificial intelligence says that he can analyse the spell from inside and out and he might be able to remove it.
Veldora: Oh wait, but... I can't analyse it from the inside. My skills are sealed along with me, so i can't use them.
Y/n: but if you can give me the data, I can analyse it out here.
Veldora: But that could take some time. Are you sure you want to stay in here that long? W-Well, not that I mind but...
Y/n: well no need since I have to search for others from my home world. And I have a solution.
Veldora: solution?
Y/n: yep, wanna go inside my mind?
Veldora was quiet about hearing his solution.
Y/n: I can use my skills to analyse the spell for a solution, while you try to destroy it, Therefore you will be digital stored in my brain, so you won't disappear. So what you think heh?
Silence but veldora begins to laugh.
Veldora: HAHAHAHAHAHA! That sounds interesting! Please, do it! I'll entrust my entirety to you!
Y/n: whoa that fast? I thought you might protest against the idea but are you sure?
Veldora: Of course! It sounds more fun to break through the spell together than wait here alone until you come back!
Y/n: (Let's hope I won't hear his voice) alright sounds great.
Veldora: yes!
Y/n: right than, time to--
Veldora: W-wait a moment! Before we start, I'll give you a name. You can give me one, too.
Y/n: what? We already have names you dumbbell.
Veldora: Not that it's different, It will engrave onto our souls the fact that we are equals. It'll be what humans call a "Family name" but the name I give you will grant you divine protection. Even you have a name but born a nameless one, so you'll become a monster with a name.
Y/n: hmm since I already have a name, maybe I can get a new last name and the divine protection sounds good.
Veldora: Doesn't it? Give me a cool name!
Y/n: fine now a cool name? Hmm let's brainstorm this, Hmmmm, Hey how about Furon?!
Veldora: What?! Furon, You say?!
Veldora: No! It sounds fantastic! As of today, I am Veldora Furon!
Y/n: Glad you like it.
Veldora: You will be Y/n von Furon!
Then y/n begins to levitate and glow as he can feel the power surging within him.
The light has stop and y/n sets down more powerful than ever.
Y/n: I am... Y/n von Furon.
Veldora: Y/n.
Y/n: Veldora Furon... Okay, I'm going to transmog you now. Break out of that Unlimited Imprisonment already!
Veldora: Leave it to me. I will see you face-to-face in no time!
Y/n: Alright!
Y/n's brain starts glowing purple.
Y/n: Unique skill: Transmog!
The PK is now covering the bubble than it starts Shrinking in a tennis ball size and stored in y/n's mind.
Y/n: No offence but thank god it's now quiet.
Arkvoodle: Would you like to analyse the Unique skill Unlimited Imprisonment?
Y/n: that would be great please do. Oh shit I forget to ask him to find a way out of here.
Y/n Walked around looking for a way out.
Y/n: How many days has it been since I Stored Veldora? I wandered around everywhere, trying to get out of the cave. Hell I even transmog all of the herbs and ores i stumbled across even I found metal ores and stored them in my brain.
Y/n was now swimming on his back.
Y/n: just keep swimming, just keep swimming.
Arkvoodle: Skill: Water Movement acquired.
Later y/n gains the water blade by using water and PK together and gained a water manipulation evolution.
Y/n had enough materials to craft his first weapon
Arkvoodle: Lightning weapon acquired, combine all lightning skills and resistance, Evolve Lightning Manipulation.
Y/n: neat that will come in handy.
Y/n was rock climbing since he was naked and needed clothing, as he got up top he stumbled across a large snake
Y/n: Whoa you're a ugly one ain't ya? Well congratulations your the first test subject for my zapomatic!
Y/n shoots his lightning gun on the snake, shrieking in pain after a few seconds it died.
Y/n: Wow that's was just only seconds i may have to lower the voltage on this.
Y/n stopped in his track and takes a look at the snake corpse.
Y/n: Hmm I wonder, hey Arkvoodle what will I gain from transmog that snake?
Arkvoodle: Answer: you will gain heat sensor and poison breath it can also be used with your weapon.
Y/n: Awesome Alright then transmog!
The corpse was stored in his brain but suddenly he felt light headed.
Y/n: Shit transmog the snake is a bad idea, hope I can get poison resistance.
Arkvoodle: you have acquired heat sensor and poison breath, Extra: you have unlock Mimic you can now shapeshift into creatures you transmog, and you can use any creatures parts for you clothing.
Y/n: About time.
After the light head goes away he used his skill to create clothing so he used the herbs for thatch and snake skin and skull for something extra, after a few seconds he engulfed himself with PK and comes out in new drip.
Y/n: Alright now that's cool, now I can go with the style of Down under!
came across a lizard so he decided to try out his mimic power and the result...
It was overkill the poison breath completely melted.
Y/n changed back and saw the damage.
Y/n: (Gags) whoa that's disgusting probably stick to my guns, well time to transmog.
After y/n transmog the melted lizard and puking his guts out after the stench enter his mind he acquired Armor from the lizard.
He encountered a spider, gain some sticky threads and a bat also gain soundwaves and ultra hearing, on his walk he had finally created a jet pack to fly across the large hole.
Y/n: To infinity and Beyond!
But his landing may need practice, then finally after weeks of searching he found a door to the outside world.
Y/n: Yes finally a way out! But how can I open it?
As he said that the door begins to open
Y/n: Huh that was easy. Oh shit!
he hides behind a stone as there are three humans
Guy with red bandana: It finally opened. It's so rusty, the keyhole's falling apart.
Other guy with sword on his back: That's no surprise. Nobody's come here for 300 years.
Girl with staff: We won't be attacked out of nowhere, right? Of course, if it comes to it, we can always use escape.
y/n carefully peaked his head out.
Y/n: Humans, and the firsts three I've seen, must be adventurers. wait I can understand them! but how?
Arkvoodle: Answer. The use of Magic Sense turns sound waves that carry into comprehensible words.
Y/n: well that's very useful. even I already, talk they may attack me at sight. so better stay hidden.
Guy with red bandana: All right, I'm gonna activate my stealth arts.
they got close to him then they vanished.
Y/n: Well damn that would be great to have one to steal some shit.
he can see footsteps moving towards the inner cave.
y/n: ok then thanks for leaving the door open.
he went through the door and exit the cave and was now outside.
he saw birds over him and see the sky with little cloud.
Y/n: (Breaths in through the nose and exhale) Finally I'm out man good to breath the air. it feels like I left veldora behind but I know I made a promise to free him, I even to make a story on my journey. I wonder if I encounter something.
then he hears footsteps he saw goblins
Y/n: (Huh well that was fast, goblins but from the look of it, week bodies and rusty weapons)
Goblin with red bandana: Great green one, do you have business here?
Y/n: Great green one?
Looks around then realised he was taking to him, and add to insult he called him green.
Y/n: Wait you mean me?
the goblin nods.
Y/n: (You dumb motherfucker are you blind?! well time to give them the furon rage)
he inhale and his voice changes to Grant Albrecht.
The goblins were scared and fall to the ground by the strength of his voice.
Y/n stopped talking and saw the goblin bowing down with their heads on the ground to him.
Goblin with red bandana: Please forgive us great one we are very sorry we offended you!
other goblins: We are so sorry!
Y/n: Your goddamn right now where are you seeking me out?
Red goblin: We sensed a powerful monster, so we came here as a precaution, but great Grey one, having seen your strong power, we wish to ask a favour.
Y/n: And that is?
Red goblin: Please follow us we can take you to the village and you can talk to our elder.
so no choice (Expect zap them for calling him green) he followed them to the village.
y/n had reached the village, it was shoddy and little population. y/n was in the hut talking to the elder.
Elder goblin: Welcome visitor, I'm am the elder of this village.
Y/n: Thank you so what favour do you want to ask me?
they both nods to each other
Elder goblin: Have you noticed that monsters have been unusually active of late?
Y/n: No haven't run across them.
Elder: Our god disappeared one month ago. As a result, monsters in the area has been continually harassing us.
Y/n: (God? what do they mean veldora? huh the timing's fit, I guess his presence kept them away)
Elder: we tried to fight them, but we lack the number...
Red: S-So we hoped you would...
Y/n: Help you? Hmm don't know I'm just a furon, I doubt I can help you with your problem.
then they both laugh
elder: Please don't be modest.
Red: Don't be modest
Y/n: Huh?
Elder: A mere furon like yourself would not emit such an intense aura. you are quite a famous monster, are you not?
Y/n: (Aura do I have one? hang on arkvoodle change Magic sense's perspective and let me take a good look at myself)
Arkvoodle: Very well.
y/n's point of view change to above him and what he saw blew his mind.
(There of no humans there and put y/n in the middle of the arkvoodle aspect)
he sees himself glowing with the arkvoodle aspect in him and a purple vortex around him including some small arkvoodle statues around him.
Y/n: (Holy Shit I been emitting that this whole time! No wonder the goblins where afraid of me.)
Y/n: so you can see my aura.
Elder: But of course. You cannot hide the formidable air about you.
Y/n: I see, you lads have potential to able to sense my aura.
y/n has manged to lock his aura hidden.
Elder: Ah... have you been testing us? It's fortunate that so many of us were frightened by your aura.
Y/n: Umm sure.
Y/n: (but what about those humans? Sense they didn't detected me)
Elder: Thank you and as the favour we wished to ask...
According to the goblins, wolf monsters, Direwolves, attacked them from the east, and many goblins died in the ensuring battle. Apparently, Direwolves are so much powerful than goblins that it takes ten goblins to even have a chance at beating one direwolf. And there was one warrior among them with a name, who served as their guardian. Even that warrior was killed, leaving the village in Peril.
elder: There are about 100 Direwolves in total.
Y/n: Hmm so how many goblins are left?
Elder: Including females, we have about 60 who can fight.
Y/n: (Damn they outnumbered) So did that goblin warrior fought them knowing he can't win?
Elder: No... That warrior gave his life just retrieving information on the Direwolves for us. The warrior was my son, and his elder brother.
Y/n: I see... I'm Sorry for your loss.
he looks at behind the curtains and sees the other goblins who are worried.
Y/n: Elder may I ask you one thing.
elder: Yes?
Y/n: After I stopped the wolves what would you give me in return?
Y/n knew he was asking too much but he had to build a nation and grow stronger with the help of the goblins.
the elder bows to y/n
Elder: W-We will offer you our loyalty! Please grant us your protection! If you do, we will swear our loyalty to you!
his son bows to y/n as well
Red: We will swear
y/n sees them bow and it look familiar he remembered his father asked him for help. know he made a promise to keep them safe.
But then they heard A unearthly howl the goblins were panicking on begin devoured alive and where to run.
Y/n: Alright Listen Up!
the goblins stopped and looked at y/n with a grin.
Y/n: Here's the plan, we going to defeat them.
Elder: Y-You mean...
Y/n: Yep In lieu of the storm dragon Veldora, I, Y/n von Furon, Will grant your Wish!
the goblins were crying that he will help them they bowed to him.
Elder: Thank you so much! We are your loyal servents, Great Y/n!
Y/n: No problem.
And that's how I became the goblins' Leader, their Guardian
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