Season one Episode twenty: A Crazy Train Chase Part two

That's Lucky

Season one Episode twenty: A Crazy Train Chase Part two


Lucky was shown putting his hat on as the instrumentals for the Ducktales reboot theme started playing. He then called over his friends with Patch looking at a Thunderbolt picture as he heard Lucky's name and ran over to him. Two-tone was designing some kind of dress when she ran over to him and Rolly was eating a donut when he did the same. The four of them then ran off together as the main theme, Farm Dogs, played.

A female voice began singing the theme song as Lucky and the others were shown moving to the farm with their family. "Life can be a tornado, here in, London. (Lucky and the others are shown playing in Hiccup Hole with Lucy nagging them) Naggers, (Cruella was shown to be devising an evil plan) psychos, (Lucky and the others were shown in an airplane with Lucky at the front seat) Airplanes, (Lucky and the others are shown finding a time machine) insane, but fun."

Lucky and the others were shown going back in time with Lucky in a Sherlock Holmes outfit as Two-tone rolled her eyes while smiling. "We can solve a mystery. (Lucky and the others are shown underwater in a temple with Lucky grabbing some kind of shard at the last second) Or remake history."

Lucky and the others were shown in some kind of classroom with Lucky singing and dancing. "Farm dogs, heck yeah! (Lucky and the others are shown with Pug yelling as Lucky whispers something to Patch, making them both laugh a bit) We may be kids, but we're not weak; (Lucky and the others are shown braving a snowstorm) Farm dogs, heck yeah! (Lucky is seen finding a cave for them to hide in and letting them all go in first) We can brave through, any trial; (Lucky walks in last and sighs of relief) farm dogs, heck yeah!"

Lucky and the others are shown admiring some treasure in some kind of dungeon as a dragon comes in and spots them. "There will be danger, (Lucky and the others see the dragon with the others being scared but Lucky putting on a brave face) out to find you. (Lucky pulls out a sword he found earlier and throws a sword straight at the dragon) There's a trial, (The dragon gets hit in the middle of its eyes) waiting (Lucky jumps onto the dragon's snout and grabs his sword) for you. (Lucky signals the others to leave, which they do, trusting Lucky can win) When it's there, just take it head on!"

Lucky and the others were running from Cruella as they raced on without their collars on. "Farm dogs, heck yeah! (Lucky grabs a rock and throws it at Cruella's car, hitting the wheel and making her crash) We will stand up, to save our friends; (Lucky and the others are shown with their collars on again as Lucky is shown admiring his butt in a mirror) farm dogs, heck yeah! (Patch is shown rolling his eyes while smiling as he watches Lucky do his thing) We won't ever, hate each other; (Lucky is shown to be climbing up to the fridge to get a cookie jar with Rolly watching inside and licking his lips with hope that Lucky will share them) farm dogs, heck yeah! (Lucky runs off with the cookie jar after Pongo and Perdita spot him with Rolly opening the window so he can escape) We will always, stand together."

Lucky and the others were shown running together as they all enjoyed themselves. "Farm dogs, heck yeah! (Dumpling comes by all lovey dovey for Lucky, who pushes her aside with a blunt look on his face) Tales that we, (Patch is shown looking at Thunderbolt with admiration as he runs ahead) will not forget, (Two-tone is shown looking encouraging Rolly to keep running since he was falling behind) no wasting time, (Rolly is shown wiping his forehead and dashing ahead at full speed) or losing pace, (Lucky is shown at the ledge with everyone else behind him as he looks over the cliff proudly) we're farm dogs, heck yeah!" That's Lucky is shown in the sun with Lucky still looking over the cliff proudly.


Jasper and Horace opened up some kind of cellar door and threw Lucky and Blaze in there, making the two of them wake up and see them. Lucky wasn't going down without a fight and got onto his knees, glaring at Jasper and Horace. "You two think Cruella's won? Well I've got news for you. She's the villain. She always loses."

"Yeah yeah, believe what you want kid." Jasper responded, not buying what Lucky was saying. "Way I see it, you two are bound to lose that train car. And we'll tell your injured friend that he's got no hope in saving you."

Jasper closed the door with Lucky growling at him just before he did so, trying to bust out of his rope as Blaze spoke up. "Give it a rest Lucky. I doubt we'll be able to get out of this rope anytime soon with those kinds of methods. We gotta think of something."

"And what to you recommend?" Lucky snarked, and then he saw some kind of knife on the wall, finding it quite convenient that it was there. "Well would ya look at that." Lucky nodded to Blaze, running over to the wall and jumping up to a shelf, jumping off of it and grabbing the knife. He jumped off and went over to Blaze with it best he could, making sure not to cut him as he cut the rope. Blaze was broken free as Lucky lied down on his stomach so Blaze could cut him free. "Alright dude. Make it quick. We gotta stop Cruella."

Blaze nodded and started cutting the rope, only to be hit with a yellow five second fart cloud, which reeked of rotten eggs (pfffffffffft). Blaze gagged at the fart and wafted it away, making Lucky snicker as he finished cutting the rope. After the fart was wafted away, Blaze commented on how gassy was today. "Next time we go on a mission, you're gonna be behind MY butt."

"Fine with me." Lucky replied, and then he saw the window and ran up the wall, jumping up to it and holding his paw out for Blaze. When Blaze ran over to the window, he grabbed Lucky's paw after jumping up, leading to Lucky pulling him out and they both escaped. When they landed on the floor, Lucky was already on the case of stopping Cruella. "Let's rock." Lucky and Blaze ran off, ready for whatever kind of danger Cruella had in store for them.


Jasper and Horace were pinning Patch and Tripod to a wall, only for Tripod to bite Jasper's hand and make him let go. Jasper was about to kick Tripod, only for Tripod to grab his pant leg and let him go. Patch spat in Horace's face, punching him and sending him into a box full of sticks. Tripod picked one of the sticks up and shoved it up Horace's butt, making him yelp and run off with Patch laughing as Tripod spoke up. "Why would a train house need a box full of sticks? And for that matter, why would it need to be big enough to be considered a condo?"

Cadpig jumped through the window with some kind of hard drive, which indicated that they were getting close. "Who cares? I stole Cruella's phone and she's coming for us now. Let's kill her."

Cruella was chasing Two-tone, who made a dive for the doggy door, which she barely made it through before running up to the others. "Wow. The stuff in this place is really convenient." Two-tone saw Horace running around with a stick up his butt and commented on it. "I'm not helping HIM wipe."

Cruella kicked the door open, walking up to the Dalmatian puppies as Cadpig showed her the hard drive. Cruella tried to snatch it from her, and Cadpig put it away, wagging her finger towards her to indicate that she wasn't going to hand it over. "I can understand you skinny mutt, you don't have to use sign language."

Cadpig started to chuckle evilly at the words Cruella just used, knowing that she was going to be in for a hard time. "Cruella De Vil. You just made the biggest mistake of your bloody life."

Lucky and Blaze arrived with milkshakes and saw Cadpig jumping up to Cruella and grabbing her neck. Cadpig glared into Cruella's eyes with her true coldness showing as Lucky and Blaze ran over to her in a panic, not wanting anyone to die on this mission. They pulled Cadpig off of Cruella with Cadpig furious at the fact that they stopped her. "What the heck are you two doing!? She clearly WANTS to die!"

"Easy Cadpig." Lucky spoke calmly, not wanting anything that could get them arrested to happen. "We didn't come here to kill anyone. Even if they deserve it, I'm not letting you go to jail."

"You think I deserve it?" Cruella asked, not being too fond of Lucky's wording, and hoping she wouldn't die here.

"I don't know. Maybe half deserve it?" Lucky replied, not sure of how badly Cruella deserved to die. "I know you didn't kill any of the Dalmatian puppies you kidnapped. I was there." Lucky was ready to put his plan into effect, walking up to Cruella and whispering into her ear. He then backed up a bit, saying the last part out loud. "I think we can both reach satisfaction from this."

Cruella nodded in understanding, knowing this could go down quite well for her, walking off and leaving Patch confused. "Are you sure we should negotiate with Cruella in any format Lucky? She's the biggest scumbag in all of London."

"Not today she's not." Lucky replied with a smirk on his face, indicating that he was going to do something that would outrank Cruella.


Lucky and the others were in the train car as Lucky took a sip out of his milkshake while sitting next to Patch. Patch was curious about what Lucky's plan was, hoping it would be something big that would make Cruella look and feel terrible. "So this plan of yours Lucky. What do you think will end up happening if it works out?"

"Let's just say Cruella's money will become worthless." Lucky replied, knowing full well that this plan would work like a charm. "And I think I'll have everything covered. I borrowed a little something from Danny to execute it."

"Ah." Patch was now intrigued by how this plan would go, wanting to know what Lucky got from Danny. "What is it?" Lucky nodded his head no with a smile, indicating that he couldn't reveal what it was just yet, causing Patch to whine a bit and smile as he asked. "Cmon, tell me."

Lucky wasn't gonna give into Patch's whining that easily, knowing full well that Patch wouldn't go any further. "If I told you now it'd spoil the surprise." Patch saw the point Lucky was making and decided to let Lucky talk some more. "But just know that whatever happens, you'll always be my best friend, AND my brother. even if what I'm about to do makes it seem like anything else."

Patch smiled, accepting Lucky's fist bump as he made his reply, confident that Lucky would pull this off. "Same to you Lucky. And however you decide to stop Cruella, I know you'll be able to pull it off, no matter how crazy it is."

Just then, two cars were heard outside with Lucky and the rest of the Dalmatian puppies heading out as Tibbs stayed with Colonel. As they got out, they saw their parents and owners getting out of their cars and running up to them with Patch hugging Pongo. "Thank god you guys came. Cruella's gonna go down without question."

A rich male with a bronze tuxedo on got out of his car and walked over to Cruella, being more than excited for this offer. "Hello Cruella. I take it you have the train car." Cruella happily showed the train car to the male, who inspected it and found it to be accurate to what Cruella told her. "Ah, yes. This will work beautifully in my train car collection."

"You collect train cars?" Cadpig asked, scoffing at the thought of having so little to do that you'd actually try to collect train cars just to keep yourself entertained. "Get a life dude."

Just then, Cruella pressed a button that caused a line to be made between Lucky and the male, surprising everyone as Cruella slipped the money in. "Alright Lucky. Just give the money to Daniel and you'll be safe."

Everyone was shocked to hear this with Pongo expressing his disbelief quite clearly. "There's no way Lucky's doing this. He just can't be."

Lucky was smiling smugly as Cruella looked into the lightning with rage inside of her at what was happening. "You betrayed us! (Puts on a calm expression) I can live with that."

"You won't." Lucky replied, and then he walked up to Daniel, grabbing something and hiding it so he wouldn't see. As Lucky held the money bag up and left everyone in suspense, Daniel looked for a few seconds, only for the money to suddenly catch on fire as Lucky opened it. Daniel was surprised by this and Cruella cried in fear with Lucky throwing the case onto the ground with a confident smile. "You actually thought I was gonna just give this to you? (Looks at Cruella) Cmon Cruella. We both knew this had a high chance of happening."

Cruella growled in anger, furious at what Lucky just did with everyone else cheering for him and running up to him after the barrier went awa with Pongo speaking up. "Oh, you gave us quite the scare Lucky. For a mintue I thought you'd actually gone rogue."

"Trust me dad. If I ever go rogue, you'll know." Lucky assured his father, and then Cruella looked down at the ashes of money with Daniel walking off and Lucky giving a wise crack to Cruella. "Sorry Cruella. This purchase has been cancelled."

Cruella clenched her fists in anger as she pulled out a smoke bomb in anger. "That's what you think you infernal (Throws the smoke bomb) brat!" The smoke bomb blinds everyone and leaves Cruella with a gas mask on as she gets ready to exact her revenge on Lucky.


Lucky and the others woke up in the train car with Lucky waking up and seeing that they were all in it, hoping they were all safe. When he realized that they were moving however, he got concerned, and when he tried to open up the car door to see, he caught onto what was going on. "Cruella." Lucky walked over to Patch, poking him in an attempt to wake him up. "Patch. Wake up." Patch woke up and saw that they were in the train car, making him smile, only for Lucky to point something out. "Yeah, we're not home buddy."

Patch's smile dropped as he looked around, starting to get a little scared about the situation as he tried to keep his cool. "It's okay Patch. We've dealt with even crazier stuff before, and we have someone who can beat up a giant snake and a crocodile in individual fights. We can do this."

Lucky figured he didn't have many other options, so he made a call to see if he could get get some help for everyone else. When the one he was calling picked up, he knew he had to act fast. "Rolly. Cruella got the train car and is planning to do something with it. You have to come fast in whatever way you can and help the rest of us get out."

"You got it Lucky." Rolly replied, and then he realized he didn't know how to get to them. "But hold on. I don't have a car or anything."

"No need." Cadpig chimed in as she held up some kind of device. "I overheard you nimrods talking about how you were gonna crash into the train car with the Caninemobile, so I decided to contribute by sending it to you." The Caninemobile picked Rolly up and drove off with him, making him laugh as Cadpig hung up for Lucky. "And that's how you get an obese moron on task."

"Who's the obese moron?" Pongo asked as he yawned, walking up to them and hoping they weren't insulting anyone we knew. "If you're talking about your brother then Rolly wouldn't like it if you talked that way in front of him."

"Oh no dad, he's totally fine with it." Lucky pointed out, surprising Pongo as Lucky tried to think of a way to escape. "Now then. How do we get out of this train car? Or at least get an opening." Rolly suddenly crashed into the train car, waking the others up and giving Lucky more hope. "That works."

Rolly jumped out of the Caninemobile and as he was about to apologize to Cadpig for it after seeing the damage, Cadpig stopped him before he could speak. "No need to say anything Rolly. I said you were gonna do this anyway." Cadpig continued to talk, this time about the plan they could use, not noticing Lucky sneaking out of the hole like Patch did. "Now how do we stop Cruella from doing whatever she's intending to do?"

Lucky was running over the train cars, jumping from car to car, only for Jasper and Horace to hear him and climb up. Lucky wasn't scared tough, and jumped over Jasper as he dove at him and sliding underneath Horace when he tried to grab him. Lucky jumped up and kicked Horace in the back of the head, making him crash into Jasper and roll into the train car. When the others saw them come in, Pongo and Perdita looked at each other with Pongo speaking up with a sly grin on his face. "Just like old times Perdy?"

"There's nothing I'd like more." Perdita replied, and then the two started chasing Jasper and Horace around the train car while barking and leaving Colonel to chuckle at what was happening to Jasper and Horace.

Lucky arrived at the front car and kicked through the window, grabbing Cruella's face and smashing her through the window. He made sure neither of them fell out however, and held Cruella just above the shard. "Here's what's going to happen Cruella. You're going to turn around, bring this train car back to the farm, and let that be the end of it." Cruella scoffed and pushed up, managing to over power Lucky, who then headbutted her and made her turn around. "Yeah, nice try." Cruella aimed a gun at Lucky, who wasn't too surprised. "No thanks. I'm underage."

Lucky jumped down and slid underneath a gun bullet, jumping up to Cruella and grabbing the gun. On the train car roof, Patch and Blaze were arrived at the second car and overheard Lucky fighting Cruella. Patch already knew what to expect, knowing Lucky better than anyone. "Something tells me Lucky's got Cruella covered. Let's get this train turned around." Blaze nodded, running up to the conductors seat and hopping in with Cruella noticing them.

Cruella tried to make Lucky let go of the gun as Patch and Blaze looked at the train controls, only for Lucky to bite her paw. Cruella ended up letting go of the gun and Lucky picked it up, pointing it at her and leaving Cruella to stand still. Lucky tried to shoot Cruella, only to find out that the gun was empty, leaving Cruella to sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness." Lucky threw the gun at Cruella and kicked the door behind him open, low seeping Cruella and making her fall out of it. Cruella did manage to grab onto the car behind the front one however.

Lucky closed the door with Cruella climbing up, only for Tripod to jump down and roll on top of her, pinning her against the ground. "You really think I'm scared of a three legged-" Tripod put his claws up to Cruella's neck, making her stop talking.

Two-tone arrived in the room Lucky, Patch, and Tripod were in as they still tried to think of a way to get the train to stop as Lucky noticed her. "Got any ideas babe?"

Two-tone looked at the panel and then saw a lever, smiling as she looked at Lucky. "We could try the stop lever."

Lucky, Patch, and Blaze saw the panel with Lucky walking up to it with a smile of relief. "Duh!" Lucky pulled the lever and stopped the train, glad Two-tone came when she did. "Nice find babe. Now let's call the cops on Cruella and help Colonel get a restraining order."

The train screeched to a halt and Cruella arrived at it with Tripod biting her arm, which she was currently ignoring. When she walked up to the car, she saw that it was being pried off by some kind of pliers Cadpig was using, which she happily looked at Jasper for. "Thanks for giving me these against your will. Would you like me to have YOU two be arrested as well?"

Cruella started to steam up and grabbed Tripod's head, throwing him into the train car as she shouted furiously. "You're all going to pay for this! You costed me millions of dollars and I can't even kill you! You're all going to wish you've never been born!"

"Actually Cruella, it's YOU who's going to wish that." Roger and Anita were shown behind Cruella, who saw them and was confused as to where they were. "Oh, we used the hole to get out. I don't understand why we don't get all that much screen time. Well, I do, but I wish we had more."

Anita walked up to Cruella and grabbed her by her arm, looking at the bite marks Tripod made. "Tripod, I don't believe you did a good enough job. Hurt her more!" Tripod happily obliged and bit Cruella's leg after jumping out of the train car, causing a bit of blood to come out as Perdita took Tripod away before he went too far. "And if you ever hurt my family again in an episode I'm a character in, I'll kill you."

Cruella scoffed, pushing Anita aside and limping off, hoping to get at least some kind of distance. "You're all getting sued! I don't care what the circumstances are, I'm going to make you all pay for this!" Just then, a bunch of police cars came up and surrounded Cruella, who was furious by this. "What the heck are you doing!? SHE'S the sicko who let her dog attack me!"

"Yes, but you committed the crimes of thievery, attempted murder, attempted selling of property that didn't belong to you, abducting two puppies, one a Dalmatian and one a German Shepherd, and we know you didn't make that hole, but we're charging you for it anyway." The cop explained, leaving Cruella to give a blunt look to the screen as she flipped it off in rage, knowing she couldn't escape this. "And please don't flip off the audience. They take that very seriously."


The cops were taking Lucky and the rest of the family home as Two-tone was looking at Colonel's leg. "Let's hope my prediction was accurate. It's my first time looking at a broken leg."

"I'm sure you did a good job Two-tone." Colonel assured Two-tone, being proud of just about everyone today. "Besides. This wound is one that will heal overtime." Tibbs was glad to hear that Colonel would be okay, knowing his recovery would be worth the wait.

The chief of police was speaking to Lucky, who was the main suspect out of those that tried to stop Cruella. "So, yeah. All of this started because she found a super rare train car here on the farm, and I guess she remembered to bring the air force with her." The chief of police nodded as Lucky then saw Cruella in the cop car. "She's gonna need one heck of a lawyer if she thinks the jury's gonna side with her. God knows I wouldn't."

The chief of police finished up his report, finding that it would be quite useful. "We'll make sure her punishment is justified. Sorry for interrogating a kid by the way, but you were the one who confronted her the most, and you DID burn up the money."

"If you want a bribe then you'll have to look elsewhere." Lucky snarked with a smile, leading to the police chief writing it down and confusing Lucky a bit. "That my warrant?"

"No, I'm just writing down what you just said. I think it could work well for cop movies." The chief of police replied, leaving Lucky even more satisfied with how today turned out. He was always glad to see his wit being recognized in one way or another.


Lucky was on the roof late at night, looking at the train car and wondering how things would've turned out if he hadn't known about it. Would Cruella had managed to get away with her plan? And more importantly, would he had been able to get the train car back if she did? Blaze came up to the roof and walked over to Lucky, sitting next to him as he looked at the train car with him. Blaze felt it wouldn't hurt to start a conversation, since he was the one who came out here. "So. Today was pretty eventful, wasn't it. Most I've gotten after meeting you."

Lucky chuckled a bit, agreeing with Blaze full circle. He couldn't help but think however, that Cruella was going to break out of prison somehow. "By now, Cruella's gotta have Jasper and Horace working on a way to break her out of jail. Assuming she's even in a jail they'll be smart enough to find." Blaze snickered a bit, knowing just how dumb Jasper and Horace were upon meeting them today. "Cruella's definitely gotten more ruthless. She's never used guns on us before."

"Ya don't say." Blaze replied, lying down with Lucky as he thought about what Cruella was capable of. "Hey Lucky. When Cruella thought you were gonna give Damien the money, and you ended up burning it." Blaze felt he could go ahead and ask the question, knowing it couldn't hurt with Lucky's personality. "How much money do you think was in that case?"

Lucky shrugged, not sure how much money Cruella was planning on giving Damien, and then a question came to mind. "What I wanted to know is why Cruella was the one paying that Damien dude to take it. Shouldn't it have been the other way around."

Blaze's attention had been caught by Lucky's question, wanting to know the exact same thing. "Yeah. Why WAS Cruella paying Damien?" Lucky and Blaze thought about the question, not sure of what reason Cruella would have for paying someone to take something off of her.


Cruella was in her jail cell as she saw Jasper and Horace walking up to her, still angry with them for being incompetent during the mission. "You two are lucky I'm behind these bars or else you'd be dealing with the highest level of my rage right now!" Jasper and Horace weren't too surprised Cruella was acting like this, knowing her temper quite well. "Now what do you two want? I have to get back to sulking about this whole thing falling apart."

"We have some great news for ya Ms. De Vil." Horace spoke up, knowing Cruella would be glad to hear this. "We got in touch with your lawyers, and they were able to get your sentence down to just one year. You'll be out of here way faster than before."

Cruella was somewhat satisfied to hear this with Jasper then speaking up with the same question Lucky had. "Just one question Ms. De Vil. Why did you have Lucky pay Damien the money to take the train car? He was clearly buying it off of you before Lucky burned the money up."

"Oh, that's simple. I was paying him for helping me get the farm back." Cruella answered, going into more detail on her plan. "See, I'm already rich enough as it is. I just wanted to sell the train car so the widow would kick the Dearlys off of the farm and hand it over to me. She never said WHO had to keep it in perfect condition." Jasper and Horace shrugged as Cruella thought about what she'd do in her cell. "You can leave now. And save my money too. I can't risk being bailed out when I can scheme away from the Dearlys."

Jasper and Horace waved goodye to Cruella a chilling male voice spoke from behind her. "I see we share a cell." Cruella looked back and saw what looked like a grown up German Shepherd wearing a cloak. "I was arrested for casting witchcraft on my son. He survived sadly."

Cruella already took a liking to the German Shepherd, smiling as she continued the conversation. "Let's be friends."


Lucky and his friends were on a big wooden stage as Colonel congratulated them for their efforts from the day before. "And if it weren't for these brave Bark Brigade soldiers, we would've lost an important landmark on the Dearly farm. And most likely the Dearly family in general." Tibbs was walking up to Lucky and his friends, giving them each a medal, with Lucky admiring the craftsmanship on his. "These are the medals of loyalty, for you showed dedication and honor when stopping Cruella De Vil from giving someone else our train car."

Everyone started cheering for Lucky and his friends with Lucky talking to Patch about yesterday. "I guess plans aren't boring ALL the time. I mean, I'm still gonna rush into a battle head on if I can, but if someone has a plan, I wouldn't mind listening to it."

Patch laughed a bit, knowing Lucky wouldn't have been completely over literally using his head for everything. "In defense of that statement, if you didn't run off to stop Cruella, she might've gotten away."

Lucky nodded in response as he then wondered what was going to happen with the Bark Brigade in the future. "Ya know, it just occured to me. Colonel's leg will heal, but he won't be able to go on missions like we can, and no one knows the mission routes like him, Tibbs, and Pug. How're we gonna get that kind of experience in future missions?"

Patch thought for a moment, finding Lucky's question to be one worth asking Colonel himself about. "Good question. Maybe they could train others to learn the ropes." Colonel overheard Lucky and Patch's conversation, finding it to be worth looking into.


At nighttime, a German Shepherd was standing on train tracks, wearing a hoodie and opening up a soda can with a train shown to be heading towards him.


Eight months later.


The German Shepherd stood still on the train tracks as he took a sip from his soda, spotting the train with his eyes covered. The train tried to stop as the German Shepherd continued to stand there, taking a sip of his soda as he watched the train head for him. When the train was as close as could be to him, he jumped off right before it hit him and walked onward, taking another sip out of his soda. The German Shepherd then removed his hoodie, revealing himself to be not be Blaze, but a German Shepherd that was slightly younger than Lucky.

The German Shepherd walked into the woods while continuing to drink his soda, looking at what looked like a party going on at an old mill. 'I can't believe Flame Racer's playing at the old mill. This is gonna be awesome.' The German Shepherd continued to walk into the woods with Lucky shown to be leaning on a tree while watching him from out of his view, feeling he was going to be quite the entertaining one to have in his life

To be continued in season two.


What do you Want from Me by Forever the Sickest Kids played during the credits, indicating that the season was over with a montage of clips from season one were shown; which ones are up to you. "Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh! (Do it!) I don't wanna waste my time again, by getting wasted with so-called friends. Cause they don't know me, but they pretend to be part of my social scenery. Hey, maybe I'm a critic, a cynic. Or am I jaded or am I afraid of it? Cause it's draggin me down, it's bumming me out, it's making my head spin round and round."

"Can you say "Hey"? Can you say "Oh"? That's right, what do you want from me? Can you say "Hey"? Can you say "Oh"? That's right, what do you want from me? I get the feeling, we're on to something I say "jump" and you start jumping. Can you say "Hey"? Can you say "Oh"? That's right, what do you want from me?"

"Just another day in the life of me. It's three AM and I can't sleep. And I've been thinking that we've been drinkin in hopes to maintain our sanity. Hey, maybe I'm a critic, a cynic, or am I crazy? Did they all hate me? Cause they pick me up and throw me down. It's makin my head spin round and round."

"Can you say "Hey"? Can you say "Oh"? That's right, what do you want from me? Can you say "Hey"? Can you say "Oh"? That's right, what do you want from me? I get the feeling, we're on to something I say "jump" and you start jumping. Can you say "Hey"? Can you say "Oh"? That's right, what do you want from me?"

"Everything that I do is never good enough for you. Do my best, dress to impress, wear my heart out of my chest. Goin nowhere fast, I don't know where I'm at. When I say jump and you start jumping. (Hey!) We're on to something."

"Can you say "Hey"? Can you say "Oh"? That's right, what do you want from me? Can you say "Hey"? Can you say "Oh"? That's right, what do you want from me? I get the feeling, we're on to something I say "jump" and you start jumping. Can you say "Hey"? Can you say "Oh"? That's that, now what do you want from me? Can you say "Hey"? Can you say "Oh"? That's right, what do you want from me? Can you say "Hey"? Can you say "Oh"? That's right, what do you want from me? I get the feeling, we're on to something I say "jump" and you start jumping. Can you say "Hey"? Can you say "Oh"? That's that, now what do you want from me?"

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