Chapter Twenty-Two: The Enemy of My Enemy

I whipped the tears from my eyes and Yuri looked over at me with a terrified face. I walked over to my counter and placed my Beretta on the table.

"I won't be needing that where I'm going..." I said sadly.

"W-What are you going to do?" Yuri asked hesitantly.

"The only thing I can do...I got them into this situation, so I'll get them out." I said.

"Y-You're not going to give yourself up...are you?" Yuri asked.

"I have no other choice Yuri..." I said.

" They'll kill you Spencer..." Yuri said while fighting back tears.

"They didn't choose to be in this situation...and if I have to die for that then it's my own fault." I said.

"Spencer I can't lose you again...not again.... please."

"Yuri it's..." I tried to talk but I couldn't get words out while looking at Yuri cry.

"I...I...I love you too much to lose you again..." Yuri said in a soft voice.

I walked over to Yuri and hugged her tightly.

"Everything will be okay..." I said.

There was a dead silence until there was a knock at the door. I pulled away from Yuri and hurried to the door.

A man stood there with a black suit. He scanned me up and down. He looked me in the eye and began talking.

"Hello Spencer, may I come in for a chat?" The man said.

"The hell are you?" I asked.

"Oh where are my manners...My name is David Conning. I believe Michael has told you about me. Hopefully he put in a good word for me." David said.

David came in and sat down at my dining room table. Me and Yuri sat across from him.

"What do you want from me David?" I asked.

"I have some information that you may find interesting. I know where Cosgrove is, but it's all at a fair price." David said.

"I work for the New York special police unit, so finding Cosgrove was quite easily, however I must ask one thing of you." David added.

"What would that be?" I asked.

"I'll tell you where Cosgrove is, you go in and kill him, you leave. I get the glory of killing Cosgrove and you get your girls back. Sounds like a fair deal right?" He said.

"You're supposed to be a cop?" I asked.

"We all have secrets Spencer." David said.

"Deal..." I said.

David reached his arm out to me and I gave him a firm handshake. David smirked and pulled out a file. He slid it across the table and I opened it.

I flipped through the pictures and information. I looked closely at the pictures of Cosgrove and his house.

"We will speak tomorrow morning right before you go. I wish you the best of luck Spencer. Ta-Ta." David said while walking out the door.

I closed the file and looked over at Yuri. She was staring at the table with dead eyes.

"You're going to leave again...aren't you." She said.

"I'll be okay. I'll assemble the NWG and we'll get everyone back." I said.

"Is that the truth?" Yuri asked.

"Yes Yuri." I said. I grabbed Yuri's hand and put it up to my forehead.

"It's a promise..." I said.

Yuri let out a faint smile as I looked up at her. I guess that cheered her up little.

Me and Yuri got ready and got in my SUV. We drove to the NWG compound and met Vinnie is his office.

"Good day sir." He said.

"I found Cosgrove." I said.

"Wait what...where?!" He said surprised.

I dropped a file on his desk and he scanned it up and down.

"I want everything we got to attack his house. Helicopters, BTRs, Gas, whatever we got.

"Y-Yes sir. I'll call up Omega team. We'll all be ready at about noon tomorrow.

"Thank you Vinnie, this will be an operation to say the least." I said.

"Total warfare..." Vincent said while I walked out the room with Yuri.

I hugged Yuri one more time when we left the office. I just wanted everyone back. It was all my fault...I need them back.

I let go of Yuri and we held hands as we walked back to my SUV.

"C-Can I go with you?" Yuri asked shyly.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I...I want to go to Cosgrove's house with you..." Yuri said.

"It's gonna be dangerous...are you sure?" I asked.

"I'm positive."

I rubbed the top of Yuri's head and she looked up at me with a smile.

"Just stay by me, and don't hurt yourself." I said.

"Okay." Yuri said while giggling. Yuri rarely giggled but it was the best thing to ever hear when she did.

Me and Yuri got back in my SUV and drove back to my house. It was almost sad about how empty my house was with nobody in it.

"Somethings...missing..." Yuri said.

"" I said.

I turned on my light and saw that there was a letter on my counter. It was labled Odysseus. I opened it and read it.

"You're running out of time Spencer! You need to destroy th-" My train of reading was cut when Yuri said something.

"What's that?" Yuri said while looking over my shoulder.

"Oh um just a note from a friend." I said while crumbling the paper. I threw the note in the trash.

"Oh um okay..." Yuri said.

I walked upstairs to my room and surprisingly Yuri followed me.

"Can I sleep with you tonight...something seems different here." Yuri said sadly.

"Yeah of course." I said while patting my matress. Yuri let out a faint smile and layed down next to me.

I closed my eyes and began thinking to myself.

"Was it really worth it? The money? It's all my fault that the girls are gone...I can fix this. I can fix everything. I will kill Cos-" My train of thought was broke when I felt something soft touch my lips.

I opened my eyes to see Yuri's face. She pulled away and looked at me embarrassed.

"G-goodnight my love..." She said. She turned over and fell asleep.

"Woah..." I said to myself.


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