That One Gentleman
WARNING: Mature content a.k.a don't read this if you're under whatever age it is fit to read smut.
Sanji chuckled at a joke his crew mate Robin had just told. He didn't actually find it funny, but the woman was beautiful and even the sight of her made his heart flutter. He loved women. Their curvy bodies, soft skin, clear eyes... He wowed to protect them from any harm. He was their eternal servant, for a beauty like that should not stay ignored. He still kept his smile on, while walking next to the raven haired woman. His heart was beating fast whenever her small hand unknowingly brushed his. He knew she didn't realize it, but it drove him mad. He just wanted to swing her into his embrace and kiss her passionately.
He shook off the thought and continued following her. There was an exhibition of some sort by a famous artist in this town today, and Robin had been very excited for it. He could tell by the light tone of her voice and the little jumps she made whenever she took a step. She must really like this artist. He felt his heart fill with fire when he thought about his Robin-chan liking someone else. He huffed and deeply breathed in the smoke of his cigarette. He had volunteered to go along just to make sure there was no funny business.
They stopped in front of a large white building with four wide columns in front of it. It looked like some sort of museum. Just a perfect place for Robin to fall in love. He clenched and unclenched his fists to calm down. There was a huge poster hung on the two front columns with several colourful pictures on it. They varied from simple drawings of a puppy to a detailed painting of a river. Underneath was a text saying: "The stunning exhibition of Klumsy Karma,"
Karma. Sanji scoffed. What a stupid nickname! He glanced at Robin whose eyes were sparkling and felt a pang of guilt in his stomach. She was really happy to be here and he shouldn't ruin it for her with jealousy. Robin grabbed his hand, causing him to blush, and dragged him inside with incredible strength he forgot she had. As soon as they got inside, Sanji tensed, his eyes widening and the man wasn't sure whether to laugh or be horrified.
He wasn't a design expert, but this just made his eyes hurt. The room was big, hot and crowded, which just made him notice the inconsistencies in it more. Some corners were bright green, the others hot pink and some just orange. It looked like three people wanted to each pick a different colour, but got into an argument and just left all three.
Sanji decided to ignore the terrible colour scheme, when he heard a fierce female voice coming from the speakers and announcing that Karma was coming to the stage. He immediately turned around, wanting to see what this dude was all about, when he realized he couldn't have been more stupid. Because of his jealousy, he failed to comprehend that Karma could have been a woman and now that he did, Robin was long forgotten. On the lifted floor at the end of the room stood a girl, and she made his heart jump to his throat the first time he set his eyes upon her . He didn't know just what made him feel this way. She wasn't like Nami or Robin at all. Her body wasn't curvy and her ashy blonde hair was a little dry, but the way her eyes glowed under the bright eyes and her cheeks painted red by the heat caused him to want things.
He tried to get himself in control and focus on his raven haired crew mate, but he always found himself wishing he was closer. The girl grabbed a microphone with shaky hands and opened her mouth to say something. The whole room was staring at her and it was obviously making her nervous. Sanji dreamed that maybe, if it was only him watching her, she wouldn't be. He wanted to be the only one seeing the tiny sweat drops on her forehead, glistening under the fake lighting, and hearing her shallow breaths through the speaker.
Her eyes began avoiding the crowd and she laughed out loud to calm down. "Um, I don't know where to begin, to be honest." She laughed again and this time everyone chuckled with her. Except for Sanji. He was too immersed into planning their future together. "I guess I should tell you what inspired this collection, right?" She giggled cutely. "Well, it wasn't really one thing. I like many things and I put a little of that into every painting in this room. Each is unique and some I like more than others, but I put so much effort in all of them that I can't choose a favourite, so you have to do it for me!" She offered the crowd a cheeky grin and Sanji's palms began sweating, when he thought their eyes made contact.
Sanji hardly noticed the people around him clapping as he was too preoccupied with not freaking out. He usually let his feelings out by swooning over women, but this time it just felt wrong. Karma was about to leave the stage and let everyone enjoy the exhibition, when her feet tangled into the cables and she face-planted the floor. Sanji's eyes widened in alarm, afraid she might be hurt.
"Huh, no wonder they call her Klumsy Karma!" Someone exclaimed in a snobby voice, soon followed by hushed giggles. "To be honest, I'd pay just to see her put on a show like this every day." The person laughed again and Sanji's mind got engulfed in rage. Just as he was about to go kick the bastard in the face, his world stopped. Karma sat up, holding her bleeding nose and little tears shining in her eyes from the pain. He didn't think, just bolted forward through the crowd and onto the stage. It didn't seem like anyone else was about to help her; they were only mocking her.
As soon as he reached the three stairs that lead onto the lifted floor, he froze. What if she'd be afraid of him. Some creep that was pretending to help just to touch her. She probably knew lots of people like that, her beauty would surely attract them. He bit his lip, ashamed of himself. Has he always been such a coward? Scared to approach a lady in need, just for the sole reason of what she might think of him. No, it was her. Only her. A devil fruit ability most likely.
He leapt up the stairs and knelt next to her small frame. Now that her body was so close to his, she seemed even more innocent and vulnerable. His heart did flips as he stretched his hand towards her so she wouldn't get startled by his presence. He couldn't help but watch her every movement like a hawk, desperate to get a glimpse of her pretty face for just a while longer.
Karma blinked slowly, her soft cheeks a pretty pink shade. Sanji could she she was trying not to mind the crowd, so he gained the guts to go on and touch her shoulder gently. A small gasp escaped her lips, that he wanted to kiss so badly, and she stared up at him with her huge blue eyes.
"What... W-who are you?" Her voice was the music to his ears, but a knife to his heart. That's right, she didn't know him. He was no one to her, just another peasant in the crowd, there to admire her. She looked at his outstretched hand and suppressed a smile. He could tell by the way the corners of her mouth lifted slightly. She knew he was there to help her, he thought in relief.
Her long artist hands took his and he helped her on her feet. She stumbled into his arms, right leg limping and her lips in a pained pout. There were some tears gathering on her blonde eyelashes while she looked at the floor between their feet. "Thank you..." She murmured and he just wanted to stroke her hair and say everything's okay.
"My name is Sanji." No one was minding them now, as they were too busy looking at her paintings to care. It was what they paid for after all. Even Robin, who he thought would be worried sick about his disappearance, hadn't even noticed he was gone. That was good in a way, but it also made him a bit angry. Was he that irrelevant in female's lives?
He had been too preoccupied with this anger that he didn't hear Karma's question. As soon as he realized it a flush overtook his face and he stepped away from her. He cleared his throat and kindly asked her to repeat herself. Dumbass, a lady should never have to say something twice. The voice in his head said.
"How do you like my collection?" She chuckled. Great, now you embarrassed yourself. Sanji ignored the annoying voice and cancelled the previous thoughts of the paintings being nothing special. They were beautiful and unique, he was just to jealous before to acknowledge that.
"It's amazing." But not more than you. His voice came out small and shy, he hated it. He was supposed to be better at this. Karma smiled and nodded, then took the sleeve of his suit into her hand.
"Could you help me down the stairs, please?" Even as close as they were, he barely heard her. This was the first time his heart has beat so fast when not in battle. He wasn't like this and he knew she just expected him to balance her while she walked, but if he didn't hold her while he still had a chance he'd regret it for the rest of his life. He huffed and snaked one arm under her knees and the other behind her shoulders to pick her up.
She yelped in surprise and wrapped her arms around his neck. Heat was radiating from her body and he began to sweat in excitement. Afraid he might drop her and wanting to have her close for as long as possible, he walked slowly with a steady pace. He wasn't even sure where he was going, just that he wanted out of this hot and humid room with her by his side.
Sanji kicked the gallery door open and stepped through, breathing in the fresh air and some of Karma's scent with it. It wasn't a perfume as he would've assumed, but just her natural clean shampoo scent that made his hormones rage like he was a teen again. He was standing in a while hallway that lead in both directions, so he was unsure where to go. He looked at the adorable woman in his arms and she pointed left with a shy smile.
He kept walking until he heard a female yell behind him. "What are you doing here. This is for authorized persons only!" He turned around to see a girl that looked the same age as Karma in front of him with an annoyed expression which changed as soon as she saw who he was carrying. She was tall with shoulder length hazelnut hair and blueish eyes. Karma shrunk in his arms and hid her face in his neck, her breath tickling his skin. The girl's face turned into that of a smooth mocking as she put one hand on her hip and turned her head sideways. "Getting comfy are we?"
Sanji wasn't sure whether she was talking to him or Karma, but he still answered seeing how the beauty in his arms was hiding as if it was for life. "She hurt her leg and couldn't walk. I was just carrying her somewhere she could rest."
"Makes sense I guess." She nodded, a grin playing on her face. "I don't even wanna know what happened. Just turn right into the next hallway and through the third door. It's kind of a locker room, but it should do. I'll go get some ice and first aid for her." Then she turned around and disappeared around the corner.
Sanji followed the girl's direction's and arrived into what was a room full of lockers with a couch in the middle. He sat Karma down and looked around the room again, now not sure what to do or say. An awkward silence followed with the minutes that passed until Karma finally said something. "That was my best friend..." He didn't know what to say to that, but he had to say something, she was initiating a conversation when he was supposed to be the one doing that.
"She seems... nice." He was without a doubt sure that she noticed the hesitation in his statement. Truthfully the girl kind of scared him, well, not knowing what she was thinking did.
"She thinks we're together." As soon as the words were out both Sanji and the most beautiful woman in his life blushed as hot tomatoes. The blonde cleared his throat and struggled not to look at her.
"Why would she assume that?" His voice seemed to get deeper and raspier with every word said and the blush on his face was getting stronger. The room was cool, with slight breeze circling through the air vent. There were goosebumps on Karma's arms and without thinking, he took off his blazer and dropped it onto her shoulders. She blushed and looked up at him with thankful eyes.
"I-I don't usually talk to men, not after..." It was like a hit into his stomach. Butterflies everywhere and heat around him. No words could describe how he felt that moment. Pure bliss and happiness. She could really be the one to take him down. "She'll tease me so much after this." She sighed. "Why... are you looking at me like that?"
"Like what?" She shrugged, but it was obvious they both knew what was happening.
"I don't know." She wrapped the blazer around herself tighter and rubbed her hands together to warm them. "I think my ankle's sprained." She lifted her right foot a bit and winced. "Thank you for helping me again."
"I'd always help you." Sanji leaned onto the couch's backrest and smiled. He wanted to tell her how she made him feel. It wasn't like they were going to see each other again. He was a pirate and she just wasn't made for that. He suddenly got an urge to smoke, so he took out a cigarette and put it to his mouth with the intention of lighting it up.
"You smoke?" Karma's voice was filled with what could be interpreted as disappointment and disgust. Sanji looked at her face and his hand began to shake.
"Yeah." There was no point in lying, even if she was repulsed by him now. She bit her lip in worry and he wished she'd stop hurting herself. After that no one said a thing, even when Karma's friend came in with ice. She was the only one talking.
Sanji and Robin had been walking for a while after he came back with a simple excuse of getting lost. He knew she was smart enough to spot the lie, but also grateful that she hadn't dug deeper. The night has already fallen and even after joining the others and going to a restaurant, he still couldn't stop thinking about Karma. Was that really her name? What would she do if she knew he was a pirate? Is there any chance he could see her again? Maybe Robin will want to go to her gallery tomorrow again.
Giving himself more and more false hope, he couldn't even judge the horrible food this chef was serving. They were probably throwing away tons of great meals too.
"Oi, love cook!" Sanji glared at the idiot swordsman sitting in front of him. Why was he interrupting his thoughts? "The captain asked you something." Sanji blinked and looked at the bored dark haired boy.
"Robin said you met someone today. I wish we could have an artist as a crew member. I'm sure she would paint lots of awesome pictures for our bounty posters and stuff, huh!? Come on, Sanji! You have to ask her!"
There was only one thing going through his head as a response. "Absolutely not!" He slammed his fork down and the table almost gave in under the impact. "Luffy, are you fucking crazy!? She's just an innocent girl, why the hell would you want to ruin her life?!" He was breathing hard and all the boiled up anger from the afternoon was now gone. "Robin, why would you tell him about her when you know how he gets?" His voice was calm, but he wanted to beat someone up. This could all be so much easier.
Robin didn't answer and the whole previously rowdy table was now completely silent. Everyone in the restaurant was staring at him as he sat back down and resumed to eating in peace. His mind was full of her paintings, voice, eyes, lips... He felt sick to his stomach.
"Wow, that was quite the show dude! Tell me, is there a certain blonde artist playing with your brain, cause I can fix that." Sanji somehow recognised that voice. It was that girl. The one Karma called her best friend.
"Why are you doing this?" It was a general question, Sanji knew, but there probably won't be a simple answer. An answer he would like anyways. His crew had let him leave the restaurant with this girl, he wished they hadn't. As much as he wanted to see Karma's beautiful face one more time, he wouldn't be able to stand another look of disapproval. It would slowly bury him alive. And he didn't trust this girl either. What kind of person would just give their friend to a stranger?
"I'm only trying to make her happy. She's been lonely for quite some time now and you're perfect for her." She flicked a lock of brown hair over her shoulder and winked at him.
"I don't think you mean that." He pulled out a cigarette and lit it just to prove a point. "There's plenty of things about me that would make her dislike me. She probably already does." He sucked in the smoke and puffed it out slowly.
"Yes, that could be an issue." She pointed at the cigarette and rolled her eyes. "Just hide it from her. Can't be that hard."
"Too late." He was being bitter, he knew that. Didn't mean it was going to stop. "That girl is... nothing like what I've seen before."
"Says every guy with a crush." She stopped and stood in front of him, facing her annoyed face with his surprised one. "It's simple. Go over there, kiss her, and see if she likes it!" She snapped two fingers as if telling him to 'Snap out of it.'
"I have sworn never to touch a woman without her consent." He felt boiling fire inside his stomach as he watched her blue eyes blink and scan him over. Yesterday he would've found her incredibly gorgeous. Now there was only one pair of eyes he wanted to see.
"Exactly! Which is why I trust you." Her voice softened and she put a hand on his chest where his heart was. "You've got a good heart, Sanji." He wondered how she knew his name and why she was so nice all of a sudden. He's being manipulated. This girl is going to help him completely wreck his principles and he's going to let her, because of selfishness. Just so he could let himself go and still be able to sleep at night.
"She told me, you know." Sanji shut his eyes and tried to ignore the girl. He didn't want to go crazy, but he wanted Karma. Like this was a game of predator and prey, except he didn't know what he was playing. "Karma told me what she desires from you. Go see her, she won't mind." She pulled him with her and ran along the street, then turned into a dark smelly alley. She opened heavy iron door and pushed him into a white hallway that reminded him of this morning though it was nothing alike. "This is the hotel we're staying at. I'll be going out with some friends, but she should be painting upstairs. Room 203." She showed him a thumbs up and grinned. "Good luck. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Then shut the door to his face and left him alone.
Sanji sighed and cowered his face with his hands. He felt such adrenaline rush through his veins, but he was so tired at the same time. There were probably bags under his eyes too, but here he was, about to ruin everything he's believed in since childhood. "You're so freaking stupid, you idiot." He muttered to himself while walking up the staircase and searching for the room 203. His heart skipped a beat when he found it. Simple wooden door with a golden handle and golden writing on it. He reached to open it, but stopped in hesitation. She'll think he's a creep, won't she? He shook the thoughts away and knocked.
The floor vibrated underneath his feet as Karma's soft footsteps echoed around him. With every step, his heart rate quickened, his palms got sweatier and his throat drier. He wanted to disappear into another universe. The door handle screeched as she turned it and pulled the door towards herself. It opened way too slowly and what was seconds felt like hours. He wanted to see her pretty eyes again and hear her laugh. The anticipation built up his courage somehow and he found himself stepping forward to face the woman who didn't even realise what she could do by just existing.
A surprised gasp escaped her pink lips and she let out a nervous laugh: "Oh, Sanji. What are you doing here?" He wasn't too sure how to tell her that her friend's a psychopath, so he just went with the simple, but oh so complicated truth.
"I don't know." He breathed. "I wanted to see you." His hand moved forward to remove a strand of dirty blonde hair from her face, so he could see her better. They were a little wet from perspiration, but he still thought she was perfect. She'll always be, no matter what. A faint blush grazed her face and she put an arm up to hide it.
"Um, I don't know what to say." She hid her smile and moved to the side to let him in. She was wearing a simple white T-shirt with black leggings and green socks with white polka dots. With her wide eyes and parted lips, she looked like a giant teddy bear. Sanji wanted to embrace her. The hotel room was small, but big enough to fit a kitchen, two beds and a dining area along with all Karma's art supplies. There was also a door that led to the bathroom.
Sanji noticed the table was full of empty instant food boxes and take-out meals with unhealthy soda drinks and sweet juice. His eyebrows furrowed and he picked up one empty box of ramen. "Is this all you eat?" He asked and threw the box in the bin. Karma kicked some dirty brushes under the bed in embarrassment and answered.
"I don't really know how to cook and Dany's too lazy." She sighed and sat on a bed. "I know what you're thinking. 'What kind of stupid girl doesn't know how to cook?' And you're right. I know I'm stupid." She glared at her feet, a pout on her lips and eyes teary.
"That's not what I was thinking at all." Sanji frowned. "I could teach you, I'm a chef on a ship." He offered, but she shook her head and laid down. Her shirt slid up a little as she did so and he couldn't help but think what he'd do if it slid up just a little further. He licked his lips and looked away.
"I don't really feel like cooking right now and I'm not hungry either." Karma sighed and looked at her paint-stained fingers. "I've been painting for hours, I guess I'm just exhausted." She admitted and rolled to the side so she could see Sanji properly.
"What do you want to do then?" He almost hit himself for asking that. His voice did a thing where it turned into a hoarse whisper and it sounded so wrong. Maybe it was because of what he was thinking while saying it. Apparently Karma had noticed the strange mood too, because she took her yellow blanket and pulled it to her small chest. Sanji panicked. "I-I didn't mean it like that! I'm not like that, I swear!" She hid her face under the covers and murmured something. "What?" He couldn't have possibly heard her right.
Karma pulled the cover down a bit just so her could see her glassy blue eyes staring up at him in bashfulness. "I said..." She murmured again, this time more clearly. Her cheeks had a rosy tint to them and her arms were shaking. "It's alright, I want you too." It was like a lightning had struck him. He couldn't move nor talk, just stare. "It's why you're here right? Because I told Dany how I felt about you and she went to get you. I thought she might do something like that. I'm so jealous of her, she's not afraid to get what she wants." She stood up, her hair in tangles, and the blanket fell on the floor between them. "I want to do that too."
Sanji stared at her lips. She was so shy, yet so bold. He felt like in one of his fantasies where he was being seduced by a sneaky mermaid, but this was a real woman, and one he wanted very much. He couldn't resist tangling his fingers into her ashy hair and pulling her close. He was aware of every part of his body that was touching hers. Her feet between his shoes, knees touching, her stomach just a little away from his so she could press her breasts onto his chest. Her beautiful eyes full of life and hidden desire staring up at him like he was the only man she's ever seen. Like he'll be the only man she'll ever see.
He knew she wasn't used to anyone being this close, but he only wanted her closer. To invade her personal space and take it over. Her quick soft breaths mixed with his as he leaned down into a tender slow kiss. Karma's eyes fluttered together while Sanji brought one hand to the small of her back and pulled her into his embrace. It felt like a dream in a dream. Her fingers traced the way from his stomach, to the chest and then she locked her hands behind his neck to kiss him harder. Their lips moved together in harmony, both quite shy, but not enough to stop.
Sanji could hardly breathe when she moaned into the kiss, but it was quiet and he wanted to hear her better. He sucked on her lower lip and she whimpered, not used to it. He pulled away so she could catch her breath and kissed her jaw. Karma gulped and grabbed his hands on both sides, then pulled him on top of her as she fell onto the bed. He felt so nervous, was she completely sure of this? He breathed that question into her ear and noticed she got goosebumps.
"Sanji," she whispered. "Yes." He stared at her swollen lips and traced the curve of her body with his hand. "I'll never change my mind." She put a hand to his cheek and smiled in reassurance. Sanji brought his head down to her neck and planted butterfly kisses all the way to her collar bone. He felt his pants become tighter, so he looked at Karma's blessed face and took her shirt off.
As soon as she was in her bra, Karma's hands flew to her chest and she didn't dare to look at him. He grabbed her chin between his fingers and turned her to face him. He leaned down to touch his lips to hers, then said what he's been wanting to tell her all along. "I've never met a woman that took my breath away like you do." She blushed at his words and began unbuttoning his striped shirt.
"T-thank you, you too." He chuckled and kissed her cheek while she took the shirt off and threw it on the floor. Not much of a smooth talker, was she? "Don't laugh." She mockingly glared at him and opened his belt with some fierceness.
"I'm sorry." He kissed her forehead and got up to take off her leggings. "I shouldn't have laughed." He took off his own pants as well and climbed back between her legs. He noticed she was wearing animated cartoon underwear and laughed again even though he had just apologised for doing that. She flushed tomato red and kicked him in the stomach. He winced and fell on top of her. Maybe she wouldn't be such a bad pirate after all.
"If you don't stop I'll kick you somewhere else." Karma muttered with a fake frown. She was about to threaten him more, but Sanji shut her up by pulling her bra off and kissing everything that used to be under. After a few more sweet kisses, he licked her right nipple and began sucking on it. Karma's breath halted and she struggled not to move or make a sound. Her insides felt like a beehive and her face got hot. She felt warm liquid soak her panties as Sanji massaged her other breast with his fingers.
His wet tongue moved lower, licking her stomach, and then lower that he was face to face with the huge eyes of a cartoonish-looking pink cat. He slowly pulled the wet panties off and kissed the inside of her thigh. He loved watching her squirm underneath him. "Sanji," her voice moaned and echoed throughout the hotel room. He felt his penis start to hurt from the non-release and Karma was literally begging him to take his underwear off and start pleasing her more, but he wanted this night to be something special. Something they couldn't forget even after years passed.
He parted and licked his lips for what he was about to do. He always took his time with women, but not to this extent necessarily. Sanji moved closer to lick her entrance and labia, then suck on her clitoris to give her more satisfaction. Karma moaned out loud, moving her hips closer and pleading for more. He sucked harder and stroke her thighs, while her body shook completely under his mercy. "Sanji, I-I" She stuttered and he realised she must be close. He slowed down his pace, then stopped completely.
Karma watched him as he took off his underwear and revealed his long erection. She gasped, her mouth parting and covered her blushing face with her hands. He looked around the room and found a obviously placed condom on Dany's bedside table. He put it on, then positioned himself in front of Karma's entrance and kissed her sweaty neck, before slowly moving his hips forwards and entering her hot wet cavern. A half moan and yell sounded in his ears as he began moving back and forth. He kissed Karma's swollen lips as she tried to suppress her screams of pleasure.
Sanji moaned her name as his shaft got harder and his stomach wanted to explode. He held it in for as long as he could and quickened his pace. Karma's moans got louder as an orgasm overtook her body, giving her more courage and she screamed Sanji's name while scratching his back, trying to hold on. He kept pounding into her even after the orgasm made her a weak whimperry mess, causing her to come up to another build up.
Their sweaty bodies clashed together when she began lifting her hips to get more of him. He smiled at her and she blushed even when they both knew now was not the time to be embarrassed. They kissed fully on the lips, parting them and exploring each other's mouths. Sanji's tongue encircled her's and then she pushed his with her own muscle. Sanji felt his whole body tense in anticipation of his own orgasm, but he wanted to endure it until she's had one more.
He pushed into her hard, causing her to curse for the first time, surprising him. He did it again and again until her cavern tightened around his erection with a loud yell, and he knew she came. He looked down at her beautiful body, riding in sync with his and pumped into her fast one last time. His orgasm hit him hard in waves of euphoria and pleasure, but the main thing that made him look down at Karma and moan her name was pure happiness. He wanted her by his side forever. They slowly rode out their orgasms till the end and after another long sweet kiss, Sanji pulled out.
He laid down next to her on the small bed, covered in sweat, and almost fell off. She grabbed his arm on instinct, not wanting him to leave and hugged his torso. Without another shift, they both fell fast asleep.
Karma was woken up by a smell of something delicious. Without opening her eyes, she smiled, knowing what happened last night and who was making breakfast. Dany had said she wouldn't be back until noon and a slight glance at Sanji's blonde hair gave her reassurance that it indeed wasn't that late. He was making breakfast in only his underwear, showing off all of the scratches she gave him last night. It was a bit embarrassing, but she was proud of them. Wonder what she could do if she wanted to mark him.
Sanji turned around, a large grin on his face. "Good morning, beautiful." Karma let out a whale noise and hid under the covers. "Why are you always so cheesy?" she muttered and laughed. He took the covers from her, revealing her naked body, and kissed her.
"Why do you have to be so gorgeous?" She scoffed and he rolled over her to lay down on the bed.
"Sanji, I know you're not planning to stay, but..." she bit her lip, trying to find the right words to say what she meant. "I really want you to." Sanji smiled and kissed her hand.
"It doesn't matter what we want, Karma. We're from two totally different worlds." He stroke her hair. "You'll never want to see me again if you find out how I live."
"I won't, I promise." She looked up at Sanji with hopeful eyes almost making a puppy face. This was it, he had to tell her. Maybe she'll regret sleeping with a stranger.
"I'm a pirate, Karma." He said it. He finally took it off his chest, but she didn't say anything for quite some time. The silence was miserable to him, until...
"That's amazing! Pirates are awesome! Not the killing part, but their whole life is an adventure. I wish I could be a pirate. I mean, I'd probably die before we even set sail, but...." She grinned at him and the knot in his throat disappeared.
"Come with me then. We'll travel the world." Sanji kissed Karma's nose and hugged her tight.
"Sanji?" She asked and he hummed in response. "You know that thing you did yesterday? The one before the sex." He grinned remembering. "No one's ever done that to me before."
"I haven't done it to anyone before either." He ruffled her hair and kissed her again.
"C-could you do it again? I mean, you don't have to, I'm not forcing you to, but I'd really-"
"I'd do it a million times if you asked me." Karma blinked and Sanji smiled at her, until slowly his smile turned into a poker face.
"What's that smell?" Karma sat up and smelled her surroundings. "I think it's from the kitchen." Sanji's eyes widened and he stood up.
Tah Dah! Wow, guys this has to be the longest one shot I've ever written.
I was supposed to write it as a Christmas present for my best friend @Reeweey, but the lazy butt I am, I postponed it and now it's an early birthday present. Kudos to me for being such a procrastinator.
But hell this was hard to write. So imagine this: Your best friend having sex with an animated character. Now write it! Yes, that's how I feel. Violated! You better give me a two page review for this gurl cause I worked my ass off while imagining your sorry arse. Especially cause you probably don't even know what a clitoris is (in fact i know you don't know) so what business do you have reading smut you adult child?!
And to all the other lovely readers out there in the world: I love ya'll XOXOXOXO
Also I haven't proof read this yet cause it's too long and I'm lazy so there's probably lots of stupid mistakes in there and you're free to laugh.
~ChocolateLuffy <3333333333
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