Chapter 11
The video above is Destiel. Sorry it's not Cockles. But it still fits with this chapter! ~Thanks for reading.
Jensen called him six times, but didn't get an answer. He asked around, and nobody had seen him. He finally bumped into Mark, who had blood on his hands. In front of everyone, Jensen slammed him on the ground.
Misha appeared in the doorway. "Jenny stop." He pleaded, but it didn't do any good. Jared ran over and had to pry Jensen off of Mark.
"Why did you do that?" Misha spoke softly. "He apologized. Its okay."
"It's clearly not okay," Jensen broke away from Jared's grip. "Look me in my eyes and tell me its okay!" Misha couldn't do it, and Jensen could see the tears forming in his eyes. "Misha this isn't okay. He has no right to treat you like that! I know how bad it hurt you."
Mark coughed and butted in. "He's just a little cocksucker who needs his boy toy to stand up for him." Jensen kicked the side of his head, causing him to pass out. He stormed over to Misha, who was still bleeding, and wiped the dry blood and sweat off his face. He ran his thumb along the bruises on his face, and almost started crying.
"Nobody," he coughed back the tears. "Nobody can treat my baby like that. You wouldn't hurt a soul, that's the only reason you wouldn't hit back. Its my job to protect you, and I failed. I'm sorry. That stinkin' son of a b**ch is gonna get it."
Misha sighed and wiped the forming tears away. "But he's right Jenny. I'm a disgusting cocksucker..."
"Well I am one too! I'm not letting you be alone, ever again. Okay?"
Misha nodded and grabbed his free hand.
"I love you."
"I love-" Jensen got cut off by Jared butting in.
"Guys go home and do this."
"Thanks for ruining the moment..." Misha trailed off. "I apologize for being rude. I'm sorry I crashed the party."
Jensen took his hand and walked out to the car. Misha had his meds in his pocket, if he forgot them this time he would be in trouble.
"Can I move in with you Jenny? In Texas?"
"Oh course you can!" His face was beaming with joy. "I'll catch your flight with you tomorrow. Go to your side of Canada and get your things. Then go back to my place. How does that sound?"
Misha smiled widely. "It sounds amazing. My trailer is empty. I don't carry many belongings. I have everything i need, on me. So I can just help you pack up tonight."
"YAY!" He paused. "On a more serious note, don't believe anything Mark said. Okay? He is so wrong.'
"Okay. But you still need to make the rules daddy! You need to tell me so I know!" Misha whinned like a baby.
Jensen thought for a long while.
"1, you have to obey me. 2, ask daddy for permission. Just so you don't get hurt. 3, you will get a punishment if you break a rule. 4, you can't be dominant unless I tell you. Is that enough?"
Misha shook his head no. "I need more."
"I'll make some more later, okay baby boy?"
"Okay Jenny," he laid his hand on Jenny's leg.
"I'm gonna clean you up when we get back to the apartment. I know the shower is kinda small, but it will work."
Misha smirked and a smile grew across his face. Jensen loved the way the ends of Misha's mouth turned up. And the way his eyes crinkled at the corners when Misha smiled. He couldn't help but smile back.
Misha turned the radio on and was very surprised at what he heard. Taylor Swift. Shake it off. Just as he was about to change the station...Jensen started singing.
He stopped singing, "I swear you will get punished for this one!!!" Jensen smirked and continued driving.
"I'm joking babycakes." Misha laughed.
"You better be!" Jensen laughed with him, and patted his leg.
Once they got back to the apartment, Jensen quickly packed up his things, just to get a headstart. Jared came over and said his goodbyes.
"I'm gonna miss you Jared," Misha said, sadly.
Jared was the only one who was there for him, for a long time. He was so greatful for his best friend.
"I'm gonna miss you too Misha," he looked over at Jensen. "Take good care of him."
Jensen nodded. "Oh I will!" He kissed his head, and waved goodbye to Jared.
"Alright. Done packing. All there is left to do is go to the airport."
Misha frowned, and Jensen didn't know why. After a minute, he remembered, and felt like $hit for forgetting.
"Wait! We have one thing to do before we take the night flight."
"What is it? I thought we were leaving in the morning." Misha sighed, and thought that Jensen had still forgotten.
"Nope. We are taking the midnight flight out of here." He checked his watch. "We have three hours before we have to be at the airport. May I clean you up?"
Misha smirked and beamed with joy. "Yes Jenny."
Misha followed Jensen to the small bathroom. He slowly stripped Misha, minding the bruises and cuts on his body. He finished stripping his lover, before he quickly undressed himself and turned the hot water on.
He touched the bruises on Misha's face and spoke softly. "Hot water should ease the pain."
Jensen hopped into the small space first, and helped his lover in. The water got hotter as Jensen lathered him up. Misha faced the showerhead, and Jensen stood behind him. He made sure Misha was soapy...everywhere. He double checked, and ran his fingers through his wet hair.
Misha felt Jensen's hot breath on his neck, and his muscular arms coming around his waist. Misha finally felt at peace in Jenny's arms. Everything was perfect. Almost too perfect, that's when Misha felt something poking the small of his back.
"Oops," Jensen whispered in his ear. Misha blushed and slightly moaned. It was the same way Jensen talked when they first met. When he first layed eyes on his boyfriend. When they first connected.
"I knew it was you all along," Misha whispered.
The air was steamy, and the shower glass was foggy.
"I knew it was you Jensen. The one I truely loved. All from the beginning."
He could feel Jensen's lips curl against his neck. Jensen chuckled. "Me too..."
Misha felt Jensen's perfect soft lips on the back of his neck. They way they connected was the best feeling. Better the feeling of your happiest dream coming true. It was the purest of feelings, that words could not describe. It was more than love. They both knew that.
Jensen turned Misha around to kiss him. He pushed him against the glass, and pinned him there. He kissed him roughly, and bit his lip. Jensen winced, but Misha soothed the bite with his tongue. He smiled as he kissed him roughly, and let Jensen take control.
Jensen sighed in his ear, and bit down on Misha's neck. He started to give him a hickey, but pulled away when he remebered Misha's no visable hickey rule.
Jensen was still pinned, but had sorta control. "You really are an angel, aren't you?"
Misha smirked and let jensen go.
Jensen flipped him around and pinned him to the glass.
"Am I allowed to take your mind off of Mark and the pain?" Jensen whispered sugestively in Misha's ear.
"Y-yes you are."
Jensen was gentle. He was careful not to hurt his lover any further. Every now and then he would run a finger over the cut or bruise and tell Misha it would be okay. He worked slowly, to please him. They usually liked it rough, but they were both cautious for a number of reasons. Misha felt Jenny's steamy breath on his neck, and a final thrust, that made him climax. Misha bucked his hips foreward and Jensen chuckled, pulling out slowly.
"Jenny, I love you. You complete me. Without you, I would be worth nothing. I'm too worthless to even lick the sweat off your balls. Mark was right. So thank you." He was trying to be serious, but blushed at what he said.
"You're always worth it. You always have been. Mark Sheppard is a worthless cunt, you're so much more. I love you more, okay?" Jensen spoke softly, and he gripped Misha's hip bones tighter. "I'll never let you go."
The water was starting to get cold, as it poured against his back. He rinsed the both of them off and grabbed a towel. There was only one left, and he gave it to Misha. He could feel him shivering in his arms once the water turned off. He held him tight, in hopes to keep him warm, before he gave him the towel.
He quickly dried off and sat on the squeaky bed. It wasn't but five minutes later, Jensen, fully clothed, was sitting beside him. Since the water had left his skin, the cuts on his face and torso were starting to burn. Misha winced just sitting there. Jensen carefully slid one of his shirts on Misha. The only shirt Misha had, was all bloody.
Misha loved the way Jensen's shirt felt on his skin. The scent that came off of it filled his nose and his eyes lit up. It was like having Jenny's touch at all times. He absolutely loved it.
Misha put on his jeans, and let his lover put his belt on him.
"You ready to go?" Jensen asked him, once he finished fumbling with the belt buckle.
"I'm almost ready to go. One thing to do first..." He rocked on the ball of his feet, catching himself on his tiptoes. He reached up and planted a kiss on Jensen's lips.
They packed up the car and checked out with Eric. Jensen started the car, and went to turn the raido up. He paused. The radio read Paint it Black by Andy Black.
"I've never heard this before." He turned it up slightly and backed out of the parking lot. They made their way to the freeway, the song was a third of the way in. It sounded like a normal rock and roll love song. He was about to turn it off since it didn't really appeal to his ears. That's when Misha started singing.
"Every time you walk away, I loose the one I need to save. I just paint it black, like starting over. Every time I loose a fight, and I'm dying to be right. I just paint it black. So you remember. This won't last forever. Its just another night.
Jensen sat there shocked, and looked over at Misha. Misha smiled and stared back into Jensen's glossy green eyes.
Same old song, we sang along, never knowing how its gonna' end. I am here with love my dear, we can let it go and start again.
In my heart we share a home, and all the years that we have grown, you know we've got each other."
"This song always makes me think of us Jenny. I know we haven't been official for long, but I still love you with all of my heart."
Jensen smiled back at him. "If its possible, I love you even more than that."
Jensen left the song on. A the couple of verses passed and Misha started singing again.
"So look in my eyes, clear as the skies. You can see right through me. Your heart beats through me. And no matter where you are, I won't leave you behind. We'll make it out alive. We'll make it out alive."
Jensen couldn't help but smile at Misha. "I love you. So f**king much!'
"Ah ah, no cussing sir."
Jensen pulled the car over in the middle of busy traffic just to kiss Misha.
Their flight was called, they rode first class of course. There was a bed, surprisingly comfort than the one in the apartment. Jensen got nervous, extremely nervous and begun to shake. The plane hadn't even taken off yet.
"Well, I have one thing in common with Dean... I'm terrified of flying. Witch doesn't make sense since I fly all the time. I usually just turn my headphones all the way up and try not to throw up. Other times I just drink until I fall asleep. It works... Sometimes."
Misha held him close to his body, and cuddled him. "Is this helping at all?" Jensen stopped shaking and he breathed slower. He nodded yes and fell asleep in Misha's arms.
The plane had landed."Wake up baby boy," Misha shook him awake.
"W-what?" He sat up and wiped his eyes.
"Baby, the plane landed. You gotta get up, we are about to get off. The trip wasnt that long, but you fell asleep. My poor baby got scared." Misha frowned.
"Your poor baby is a man... A man that just can't handle air planes." Misha laughed at him and hugged him again.
"Okay. Filming in Canada, I live on the other side of Canada. We are there now. I should leave now, and get you get back to Texas."
Jensen was confused. "You're coming back to Texas with me. We are here to pack up your things!"
Misha smiled widely. "I thought you were gonna abandon me, like everyone else always did."
"I can't leave you behind. I love you." Jensen smoothed his shirt down and placed a kiss on Misha's lips.
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