Thanks To My Ex

"Fucking Jimin," Jungkook grumbles unhappily as he watches his friend saunter away, disappearing into the crowd on the dance floor.

Jungkook had been dragged here by a well-meaning Jimin who insisted that he needed to fuck away the heartache.

He promised not to leave Jungkook alone. Promised he'd make sure they'd have a good time, sticking together until Jungkook found someone worth fucking.

Again, Jimin's words, not his.

All of these promises, yet here he is; alone at the bar, slumped over his second glass of whiskey– about ready for his third– eyes glancing at the people around him periodically but mostly locking them on the small clock sat on a shelf behind the bar.

Leering at it, wishing he'd suddenly develop Doctor Strange-like powers so he could speed up the clock, fast forwarding to the time when the workers start kicking people out to close the place down for the night.

Granted, he could always order an Uber, tell Jimin he left with someone to instead head home alone– how he's been trying to convince himself he likes to be– but he'd feel bad.

Jimin has good intentions. And Jungkook knows he's spent far too much time wallowing in self pity since whatever was going on with his maybe Ex ended weeks ago.

He did need to get out of their apartment, something he hadn't really done for a sad amount of time, he just finds himself wishing this wasn't the place he'd been dragged to.

Dragged to and then abandoned.

"Fucking Jimin," he huffs in annoyance before lifting his glass to his lips for another large gulp.

Lowering his glass back down onto the coaster, in front of him, his attention gets pulled towards a deep, almost nice sounding voice that anyone who didn't know the owner of like Jungkook unfortunately does would think was genuinely kind.

A voice he has been telling himself he'd be better off never hearing again.

It's the truth. He knows that. Even so, he can't help the flush that rises on his cheeks at the honey dripping, baritone voice.

"Hey stranger," he says casually and Jungkook doesn't have to see his face to know he's wearing that annoyingly sexy smirk of his.

Jungkook doesn't say a word. Doesn't feel like he needs to. He just nods his head, fighting every urge to turn around.

When he feels a hand drag across his shoulders before gliding down his arm, he turns his head just enough to glare at the hand that's touching him.

"Move your hand, Taehyung." He voices, hoping he sounds stern, more confident in his attempted disdain for Taehyung.

"Oh come on, dove. You're not still mad are you?" Taehyung pouts in mock offense, dropping himself down on the stool next to Jungkook.

Jungkook finally raises his eyes to look at Taehyung.

"Did you just come over here to mock me?"

Taehyung appraises the younger's features lazily for a deafening few seconds before speaking.

"It's not like we were official, Kookie," he clicks his tongue with a shrug. "I never offered or asked you to be official. To be my boyfriend. I told you from the start I didn't want anything serious. If anything, you hurt yourself."

He keeps a lazy smile on his lips as he continues to rake his eyes over Jungkook's features.

"Despite this mess you've made, I still can't stop thinking about you," he comments, voice barely above a whisper. "You continue to be the prettiest thing I've ever seen."

A shiver runs down Jungkook's spine at the lowered tone of Taehyung's voice and he immediately curses himself for having the reaction.

He's always been so fucking weak for Taehyung.

Since the first day the man had walked into the photography studio for his interview with Jungkook's boss, he's been enamored.

How could he not be? The guy is lust personified.

He's sinful yet innocent. Bitter yet sweet. Hard yet soft, along with numerous other opposites that somehow come together to create something cohesive and beautiful.

And fuck is Taehyung beautiful. Beautiful, but also everything Jungkook doesn't need in a partner.

He's arrogant, manipulative, insensitive, selfish; everything Jungkook isn't, yet Taehyung is still who he's drawn to. Who he still wants.

When Taehyung removes his hand off of Jungkook's arm he feels like he can breath freely again, but his very next breath is caught in his throat when the hand is moved to rest on his thigh instead.

He doesn't want to be weak anymore. Doesn't want to give Taehyung the satisfaction of watching him melt in his hands like he always seems to.

Even with all of these thoughts about remaining strong, not giving in, not surrendering, Jungkook knows the look on his face most likely portrays nothing but vulnerability with a hint of terror.

A bunny that knows it's been spotted by the big, bad wolf.

His head begins to swim as Taehyung proceeds to rub circles on his thigh with his thumb.

Jungkook can do nothing but stare at him. Taehyung's face shows confidence, knowing he is winning whatever poor excuse of a fight Jungkook is trying to put up, while drawling what Jungkook deduced is a proposition to go somewhere just the two of them.

He can't be one hundred percent sure that's what he's heard though. To be quite honest, he can barely hear Taehyung over the building panic rising within him.

All the noise around him, including Taehyung's voice, is being muffled by the sound of his own rapid heart beats pounding strongly in his ears.

All he can think about is how badly he wants to run away. He needs an excuse to leave, but he can't think of one.

In his panic, he somehow manages to peel his eyes away from Taehyung, throwing a glance over the man's shoulder.

He is surprised when his eyes almost instantly lock with a pair of inquisitive eyes that are already on him from down the bar. A guy he either hadn't noticed before or that had just made it to the bar, who also happens to be somewhat familiar to him.

Jungkook's pretty sure this is someone he has seen Namjoon with when he and Jimin have "accidentally" run in to Namjoon somewhere.

(Accidentally as in Jimin actually having orchestrated the whole thing in order to see his crush and dragged Jungkook along with him.)

Jungkook doesn't recall ever being introduced to the man's he's looking at... but he kind of recognizes him. Maybe.

Whatever, it doesn't matter. He thinks to himself. He's just hoping the guy will somehow hear his silent pleas for help.

Miraculously, he does seem to understand.

As the stranger stares back at him, Jungkook swears he sees something like realization, then pity, flash across the man's face.

The man says something to whoever he had been standing by the bar with before leaving to come towards Jungkook, continuing to hold the each other's stare.

Taehyung notices Jungkook's eyes looking passed him, causing the older to follow his line of sight.

Taehyung turns around just as the dark haired stranger approaches.

"Would you mind getting your hands off my boyfriend," the man says curtly, walking to stand next to Jungkook, snaking his arm around his waist possessively.

Jungkook looks over at him, bewildered, but the stranger doesn't spare him a glance. Not right now. Right now his eyes are baring intensely into Taehyung.

Tahyung's hand that had been rested on his leg was removed slowly, not before he gives a light squeeze, saying "Boyfriend huh" with an amused smile.

With Taehyung no longer touching him, no longer placing all of his attention on him, Jungkook feels the mounting weight on his chest lighten.

With the weight leaves some of the fogginess in his mind. Without so much fog he could grasp a bit better what was happening.

This guy– Namjoon's possible friend– saw Jungkook, saw he was in distress then came to him immediately and posed as his boyfriend.

Why? Why is he here to save Jungkook?

"Does the boyfriend have a name?" Taehyung smirks with a tilt of his head, looking directly at Jungkook despite the question not necessarily being directed at him.

"Daddy," the guy answers without a trace of amusement on his face, eyes locked on Taehyung.

Jungkook can't help the smile that ghosts over his lips at the look of surprise that flashes briefly across Taehyung's features at the blunt statement.

"Glad you understand," the stranger answers back, now with a hint of amusement in his voice. "Now get lost."

"You sure did move on quick, dove," Taehyung chuckles. "Good luck to you both."

He then meets eyes with the stranger, "Hopefully he isn't as boring in bed with you as he was with me."

Jungkook's jaw drops, eyes pricking with tears of hurt as he opens his mouth to retort, but quickly clamps it shut again when his mind goes blank. He can't come up with anything to say. Anything to defend himself.

So, he wordlessly turns to his savior with shining eyes, silently pleading with him for the second time.

Pleading for what he isn't sure, but somehow, with the wink the guy gives Jungkook, he seems to get the hint despite Jungkook not even really knowing what he's hinting at.

The stranger then leans closer to Jungkook, brushing his lips against the shell of Jungkook's ear, inquiring lowly. "He an ex of yours?"

Jungkook gulps at the feeling of the stranger's soft lips against his skin before giving a short nod.

"Just go with this, okay?" The guy says lowly, to which Jungkook nods again.

The stranger places a kiss against Jungkook's head before he pulls away, directing his attention to Taehyung.

He runs his tongue across his teeth as he looks Taehyung up and down, scrutinizing him with stern eyes.

He releases his lips with a smack as he unhooks his arm from around Jungkook to walk around him, stepping in front of Taehyung.

Jungkook can hear the low rumble of speaking as the stranger says something to Taehyung, but Jungkook can't make out the words.

All he knows is that when the guy turns back to Jungkook he catches a glimpse of Taehyung who has his jaw clenched tightly and offense in his eyes.

Then the stranger places a finger under Jungkook's chin, lifting his face to look up at him.

"Let's get you away from him, shall we?" He says with a satisfied grin.

He then drops his hand, palm up and Jungkook takes it, standing up from his barstool.

"Thank you," Jungkook says, finally letting out a much needed deep breath as the stranger puts his arm around Jungkook and leads him away from the bar.

"You looked like you were uncomfortable," the stranger shrugs. "Are you okay? Do you need some air?"

Jungkook shakes his head as he relaxes against the man. "Some water would be nice, but I definitely don't want to go back to the bar."

The guy hums lowly. "I think I know where we can go. Follow me."

Jungkook silently does as instructed, letting the stranger continue to lead him.

He wouldn't normally do this, follow a random guy to some unknown place, but this guy doesn't seem like a threat.

Besides, even if he was, Jungkook's no stranger to throwing a punch. He's pretty sure he can handle himself if anything comes-

As Jungkook is beginning to think up unexpected scenarios that he'd be prepared to get himself out of, the stranger glances behind him, probably intending to check on Jungkook but his eyes catch something over Jungkook's shoulder instead. Something in the opening of the hallway.

Or rather, someone.

The stranger turns around to face Jungkook, grabbing his shoulders, almost pressing his chest right up against Jungkook's.

"Since I helped you, can you help me?" He says in a low voice laced with what Jungkook thinks is anger.

He nods quickly, staring right into his eyes.

The stranger then drops both hands to Jungkook's waist, turning him before walking him so his back is pressed up against the wall.

Jungkook lets out a breathy gasp as the stranger runs both hands up his sides slowly.

"I have an asshole of an ex too, and I think he's about to walk down this hallway," he informs, voice tense.

Jungkook can definitely hear the anger in his tone now, making his voice sound more husky, the sound alone making Jungkook weak at the knees.

"How much of an asshole?"

"Walked in on him getting fucked by my best friend on our three year anniversary."

Jungkook raises a brow in surprise.

When they hear loud laughter from off to the side, Jungkook sees the stranger gulp as he keeps an intense stare on Jungkook.

He's gripping Jungkook tighter now, so the younger ventures to guess that whoever just made all that noise is the ex he's talking about.

"Would you like to give him a show?" Jungkook keeps his eyes on the stranger with a smirk on his lips as he brings both arms up to rest on the guy's shoulders.

The stranger quirks a brow in return as he slides his hands back down the younger's sides. "You up for it?"

Jungkook moves his eyes down to the guy's mouth, leaning closer until he's just about to touch his lips to the man's, he whispers teasingly, "Anything for you, Daddy."

The stranger doesn't takes his eyes off Jungkook when he reaches a hand up to the back of his neck, tugging him closer, slotting his lips with Jungkook's.

The stranger kissed him with a slow intimacy that belied everything Jungkook expected this to be.

What Jungkook expected to be a rough, vengeful kiss, was actually much more careful. More languid, which surprised him in the best way.

He falls into it easily, letting himself drown in the kiss and loving every second of it.

He can't recall ever being kissed like this by anyone before. Definitely not by Taehyung.

When the stranger lets up for a moment, Jungkook leans his head back against the wall to catch his breath, exposing more of his neck in the process.

The stranger wastes no time trailing open mouthed kisses against his skin, warm and wet, leaving wildfire trailing behind, making Jungkook moan softly.

"What's your na-" Jungkook begins to speak but is broken off as he lets out another moan when the man slides his thigh between his legs at the same moment he thrusts his hips into Jungkook's.

"Yoongi," he growls lowly, nipping at Jungkook's neck as he mouths his way back up to his lips. "And you are?" He asks, pulling away to look at Jungkook with a devilish smirk and darkened eyes.

"Jungkook," he introduces with a dazed smile. "Nice to meet you."

"It's Hyung to you, baby. There's no way you're older than me," Yoongi chuckles.

"Okay, Hyung." Jungkook grins back.

"Actually, I think I liked hearing you say Daddy better." Yoongi counters, running his tongue over his bottom lip.

Jungkook watches the movement closely before snapping his eyes back up to Yoongi's, his breath catching when he seems the fire in his already intense gaze.

Without a second thought he leans forward, taking Yoongi's lips between his again.

Yoongi makes a noise that sounds like a groan in the back of his throat as their lips begin moving together fluidly, Jungkook entwining his fingers into Yoongi's hair, lightly tugging at the strands.

Jungkook's fingers tightened their grip in Yoongi's hair as he arches his body into Yoongi's.

Yoongi lets the hand that isn't gripping tightly to Jungkook's waist slide down to grip onto the back of Jungkook's thigh, hoisting it up parallel to his hip as he gently pushes further against him.

Yoongi's lips part in a gasp and Jungkook takes that as an invitation to slide his tongue inside of his mouth, lazily tangling it with the other's.

As the kiss deepens and becomes more eager, the warmth that started in Jungkook's chest spreads all throughout the rest of his body rapidly.

It was a rush of pure bliss that makes his head spin and his knees weak, but then Yoongi breaks the kiss.

Probably for the best because Jungkook heart is pounding wildly, chest heaving with every labored breath.

He found himself instantly missing the weight of Yoongi's body against his own.

Yoongi leans away from Jungkook glancing up the hall before looking back at him.

"I think he's gone," he smiles.

He then takes another step back, releasing Jungkook from his grasp to run his hands through his hair, finger combing it back into place.

Right. You only kissed me to make your ex jealous.

Jungkook didn't even realize he was pouting until he hears Yoongi laugh before his chin is gently being lifted.

"Don't look so sad, baby," Yoongi coos as he stares into Jungkook's shining irises. "I'm not saying goodbye. Not unless you want me to."

Jungkook nods, feeling a little better now that Yoongi's said he isn't leaving yet. That's the last thing Jungkook wants.

"We do still need to get you some water after all," Yoongi smiles.

"I'm not really thirsty anymore..." Jungkook shrugs as he looks down at the floor between them.

Jungkook looks back up at Yoongi through his lashes a couple seconds later and when they lock eyes, Yoongi's look to have much more softness in them.

Yoongi brings the hand that was rested under Jungkook's chin to cup his cheek, resting his other against the wall next to Jungkook's head.

He then leans in, Jungkook meeting him partway, as they press their lips together in a more chaste kiss. Much less sensual but just as hot as before.

Jungkook could probably kiss these lips for hours and still not be satisfied.

The kiss doesn't stay languid for long, the two quickly picking up speed as they lick into each other's mouths, swallowing the other's moans and whines.


Yoongi pulls away from Jungkook as they both look towards the voice.

"Joon?" Yoongi voices with furrowed brows.

Jungkook looks from Yoongi to Namjoon before his eyes fall on Jimin who's stood next to Namjoon, then back at Yoongi again.

"I had no idea you were an exhibitionist, Jungkookie. If you want to fuck in front of a real audience though, you two should just head out to the dance floor," Jimin comments with a deceptively sweet smile before breaking into a fit of giggles.

Jungkook presses his face against Yoongi's shoulder in attempt to hide his blushing cheeks.

"Joonie, let's let them get back to what they were doing," Jimin turns to Namjoon, wiggling his brows as he snakes a hand up the front of Namjoon's chest. "We have a long night ahead of us."

Namjoon nods his head enthusiastically, looking like a kid who was just told he could pick out whatever toy he wanted at the toy store, before looking back at Yoongi and Jungkook.

"You two have fun!" Namjoon grins with a wink as Jimin moves to drag him away.

"I won't be home tonight Kookie, so you can have the whole place to yourself." Jimin stops and turns to look at Jungkook. "It'd be a shame to let that big, comfy bed of yours stay empty tonight."

And with one last wink from Jimin, he and Namjoon leave the two speechless in the hallway.

Jungkook turns his head from the direction Jimin had gone to look back at Yoongi. When their eyes meet he feels his cheeks heat up.

Instead of hiding or shying away, he can't keep his eyes from roaming around Yoongi's face.

Jungkook thought he looked as if he'd been sketched by an artist who payed particularly close attention to detail.

He wasn't handsome in an overly masculine way. His features were too delicate for that. Delicate but that didn't mean he looked soft.

His jawline ended in a perfect point, his eyes were sharp, his lips were flushed pink, now bruised and a bit swollen from their kissing.

God, their kissing.

Jungkook tucks his bottom lip between his teeth as his eyes stay fixed on Yoongi's lips.

He finds himself smiling when he sees the corner of Yoongi's lips tick up.

"Will you come home with me?" Jungkook voices quietly, still unable to tear his eyes away from the perfect crooked smile on the beautiful man in front of him.

"Is that what you want?" Yoongi says, bringing a hand up to brush the pad of his thumb across Jungkook's cheekbone.

Jungkook's eyes threaten to tear up at the gentleness– the genuine care– in which the question is spoken.

He can't remember the last time he was asked that. The last time he felt like he was in control of a situation. Like he had a choice.

With Taehyung he hardly ever felt like he had any say. He was always at his mercy, never the other way around. Everything with Taehyung was fast and on his terms, Jungkook's wants or needs be damned.

With that simple question, Jungkook's heart swelled in his chest at the same time that the want rushing through his bloodstream intensified.

Jungkook closes the small distance between them, pressing his lips to Yoongi's softly before pulling away just enough to answer.



And now, here they are, pressed side by side in an Uber just a few blocks away from Jungkook and Jimin's shared apartment.

After Jungkook's invitation, Yoongi quickly ordered them a car to come pick them up before they fell back into kissing and grinding on one another.

Jungkook's been half hard for nearly thirty minutes now and really, they hadn't done hardly anything.

It was almost embarrassing being so turned on by just the thought of what this night will to turn into. Or at least what he is hoping for it to turn into.

He was desperate to get his hands on Yoongi. To strip him, to mark him with his mouth, run his nails up and down his back, to suck his-

When the car stops as it pulls up the curb in front of Jungkook's building he is thankfully knocked off the dirty path his thoughts had started to wander down.

Jungkook quickly exited the car, pulling Yoongi along with him.

"Alright, baby," Yoongi smiles playfully at Jungkook as they step onto the curb. "Get me into your apartment so we can make good use of that big, comfy bed of yours."

"Okay, Daddy," Jungkook teases back at as he laces his fingers with Yoongi's and pulls him into the building.

Once inside the lobby, and after waiting about fifteen seconds longer than Jungkook would like to for the elevator, he decides he doesn't want to waste anymore time so he turns for the stairs, leading Yoongi up the four flights to his apartment.

Yoongi followed him in as Jungkook led the way into his apartment, stopping only to kick his shoes off just as Jungkook had done.

"Where's your room?" Yoongi inquires, trailing a hand up Jungkook's arm slowly.

Jungkook then turned around, facing Yoongi who walked closer, backing him further into the apartment.

Jungkook felt like every cell in his body was on fire, and having Yoongi touching him– kissing him– was the only way to extinguish it.

So he led him to his room.

Yoongi barely took his eyes off Jungkook when he reached for him, a hand on the back of his neck to pull him in closer after stepping through the threshold of Jungkook's bedroom.

Yoongi kissed him the same way he did earlier that night. With the same slow intimacy that made Jungkook want to whine and beg for him to go faster, to touch him more, to just do more.

Jungkook had learned pretty quickly, despite their brief interactions, that Yoongi was a tease.

He would give Jungkook just enough before he'd take it away, flashing the younger an amused smile or even letting out a chuckle when Jungkook would chase after his lips or pout unhappily.

Now he kept that streak going, slowly working Jungkook up by spending what felt like an eternity touching him, kissing him, whispering softly compliments and words of praise against his skin.

Every gesture made Jungkook into a blushing, whining, moaning mess and they were still fully clothed.

Jungkook got his hands on Yoongi, letting them roam the man's body, mapping the planes of his back, the curve of his waist and his taught abdomen.

He then lets his hands drift down to grip Yoongi's hips, pulling him closer in order to press their hips flush with each other before rolling his against Yoongi's.

"Fuck," Yoongi groans, leaning back, staring at Jungkook, eyes darkened with want. "Where the hell have you been all this time?"

"I've been hung up on some asshole who I thought cared about me..." Jungkook says, searching Yoongi's gaze intensely. "I think we both have."

"You are an exquisite, ethereal being, Jungkook. You deserve for someone to treat you as such." Yoongi then takes Jungkook's hand in his before placing a kiss on his knuckles.

Jungkook stares wide eyed as he observes the incredibly sweet gesture at the same time he's trying to process what Yoongi has said.

"Will you treat my like that? Even if it's just for tonight?" He asks slowly, hesitantly.

"I'll do whatever you want. Just say the word."

Jungkook can hear the sincerity in Yoongi's voice. See the genuine look of care he's giving Jungkook.

How can a stranger be so kind? How can he be so sweet and know exactly what Jungkook needs to hear?

It makes him feel all warm inside.

He casts his eyes down as he feels his cheeks begin to darken, looking instead at his hand that is still in Yoongi's.

The feeling grounded him while Yoongi's voice soothed him.

But even with how serene and rather peaceful he felt, there was still an itch that could be felt under his skin. A want– an urge– that Jungkook desperately wants to satisfy.

"Whatever I want?" Jungkook asks, keeping his eyes on their interlocked hands.

"Whatever, however, whenever, you just say the word."

Jungkook leans in then and kisses Yoongi hot and wet, biting his pouty lower lip lightly, before pulling back a short distance.

"If I want you to fuck me, will you?"

Yoongi purses his lips as if contemplating the decision before saying "If I must" with feigned exasperation, his teasing tone making Jungkook giggle while Yoongi chuckles along with him.

"If I'm going to do that, we need to get you out of these clothes. Can we do that, baby?"

Jungkook nods happily, wasting no time getting his shirt off, pulling it up and over his abs and chest before tossing it to the ground beside them.

He then turns his attention back to Yoongi, leaning in for another kiss. He reaches for the hem of Yoongi's shirt, trailing is fingertips over his skin lightly as he drags it up.

They break apart just long enough for Jungkook to pull the shirt over Yoongi's head before diving right back in for a feverish kiss.

Yoongi's hands find their way to Jungkook's belt, he unbuckles it before unbuttoning the younger's jeans then works on pulling down his zipper far more slowly than necessary.

When the pants were finally unbuckled and loose enough, Yoongi hooks his fingers on the waistband of the jeans before pushing them down.

He then trails his fingers back up Jungkook's body, making sure to brush against where he is now fully hard in his underwear.

Jungkook gasps blissfully at the contact before ducking his head, pressing sloppy kisses to Yoongi's sharp collarbones before moving down his chest, stopping when he gets to his nipple where be bites lightly before kissing down Yoongi's gorgeous body until he was on his knees in front of Yoongi.

"Jungkook," Yoongi says, a slight warning in his tone. "You don't have to do this. I don't expect you to do anything you don't want to."

Jungkook simply smiles up at him, keeping his eyes on Yoongi's as he brings his hands to Yoongi's legs, trailing them up his thighs slowly.

Yoongi watches intensely as Jungkook brings both hands up, purposely brushing them over his fully hard cock, beginning to undo Yoongi's belt and pants pull them down his legs.

Between the innocent but still sinful look in Jungkook's eyes and the slow, calculated movements of his hands, Yoongi's breathing has begun to pick up along with his heart rate.

Once Yoongi's pants are slid down to his knees, Jungkook leans forward, mouthing at the head of Yoongi's cock through the fabric of his underwear.

With a moan, Yoongi reaches down reflexively to tangle his fingers in the younger's hair before pulling his head back gently so that he can look at him.

"Jungkook, I mean it. I don't expect anything from you. I'm here for you," Yoongi says in a soft yet serious tone, his voice raspy and deep.

Jungkook shudders at his thoughtfulness. "I'm fine, I promise. I want to do this for you. So fucking bad."

And he meant it. Jungkook is craving for something that he's never had before. Something that hasn't even happened yet.

He wants to be as close to Yoongi in the most intimate way possible, to be consumed and overwhelmed by him.

He wants to get fucked so hard he can't remember his own name, let alone anyone else's. More specifically, his ex's.

He wants to be with him more than he's ever wanted to be with anyone. Wants to please him in ways Yoongi's never experienced before.

"Can we do the colour system tonight, baby?" Yoongi asks, carding his fingers through Jungkook's hair as he continues to look down at him. "Green for go and red for stop? Can we do that?"

Jungkook nods quickly, eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Green," Jungkook answers in a breathy voice then raises both hands, tucking his fingers in the waistband of Yoongi's underwear, eyes not leaving Yoongi's. "Can I?"

"Okay, baby," Yoongi nods. "Go ahead."

Jungkook makes quick work of pulling Yoongi's underwear down to where his jeans were around his knees before pulling both items of clothing down at the same time, taking his socks off with them.

He helps Yoongi feet out of the clothes that were pooled at his feet before taking a deep breath.

"Fuck," Jungkook groans appreciatevly. "Look at you."

He's not unmanageably long and but he's thick and the sight is making Jungkook's mouth water.

"Can I blow you?" He asks with excitement.

Jungkook enjoyed giving blowjobs almost as much– perhaps even a little more– than he likes getting them. He also knows he's good at them.

He'd worked to perfect this skill and he wanted to show his skills to Yoongi because with him it felt different.

Like it would be an honor to pleasure Yoongi like that. A privilege.

When Yoongi doesn't answer right away, Jungkook leans closer to his cock and blows a stream of cold air on the head, making Yoongi moan in his throat with a shiver.


"Goddamn," Yoongi smiles dopily before nodding. "Of course, baby. Whatever you want."

With that, Jungkook takes Yoongi by the base, sticking out his tongue to take him into his mouth.

Jungkook takes his time, lapping lazily at the tip before working his way around and down his full length.

He licks, suckles and presses wet kisses against him as he goes.

He admires the way that despite his slow movements– Jungkook maybe using this as an opportunity to get back at Yoongi for all of his snail paced teasing earlier– Yoongi didn't grab his head or demand a quicker paced, more traditional blowjob.

Instead he seemed to be letting not only himself but Jungkook enjoy each other in the moment.

Jungkook was used to being pushed during more intimate encounters. Guys wanting to hurry up and get to fucking, but this is what he preferred.

Slow, patiently built up sensations and tensions that escalate gradually.

He liked this. Liked how Yoongi is resting his hand on the side of his face. How he is cupping Jungkook's jaw. It makes him feel like he is in control. Jungkook likes that. He likes that a lot.

So much so that he wants to show him, so he straightens his head to face forward before sinking forward, taking all of him into his mouth. He then pulls back, carefully swirling his tongue, lapping again at the head before flattening it, sinking forward again.

As Yoongi's moans and grunts begin to fill the room, along with whines and moans of his own, Jungkook loses himself in what he's doing.

His mind blocking out every thought or emotion that isn't conducive to the here and now as he enjoys the taste, feel and sound of Yoongi.

He is faintly aware of his own hard cock pressing against the fabric of his underwear, but he disregards the slight discomfort in favour of pleasuring Yoongi.

He adores the way the man mutteres darkly and deeply above him.

Hearing him swear softly between sweet and kind praises, telling Jungkook he is doing so well.

"Guk-ah," Yoongi groans a minute or two later as he pulls Jungkook's hair gently, forcing his head back and up so he can look Jungkook in the eye. "Baby, if you want me to fuck you, you have to stop or I'll cum down your throat."

Jungkook's eyes flutter at the words– which he's sure were meant to sound like a warning despite it sounding just fine to Jungkook– before he pulls off of him, swiping his tongue over his lower lip.

He steadies himself, pressing a hand against Yoongi's thigh.

"What do you want me to do?" Jungkook inquires genuinely.

Even in the hazy, blissful state he is in, Jungkook can see the surprise in Yoongi's expression.

"I'll do whatever I can to please you. Just tell me what you want."

"Can you stand up?" Yoongi requests, reaching down to assist Jungkook if needed.

Once he's stood up, Yoongi brushes the hair away from Jungkook's forehead. "I want you, baby. I want you so fucking badly. Is that alright?"

Jungkook collides their lips together in answer, tongues immediately meeting and tangling. Yoongi wraps his arms around Jungkook, taking small steps to turn them so that Jungkook's back is to the bed.

Yoongi then pushes lightly against Jungkook's chest with one hand so he falls back onto the bed with a little bounce.

Standing over the younger, both of their chests heaving as they keep their dark gazes locked on each tiger, Yoongi reaches for the younger's pants, intending to remove them, but not before asking Jungkook what his color was.

"Green," Jungkook exhales. "I'm green."

Yoongi pulls Jungkook's pants off, taking a few moments once he is bare in front of him to admire his body in it's entirety.

Yoongi hadn't really ever had a muscle kink. He himself was of average height and a bit on the more slim-framed side, but he couldn't deny the raw attraction he had for this man-child laid out in front of him.

He can't even begin to express how glad he is that he let Namjoon drag him to that bar tonight under the guise of fucking away his heartbreak.

If it wasn't for his unusually pushy friend he'd never have been there and seen Jungkook silently panicking at the bar.

He'd have never been able to swoop in and save him, then be saved in return.

When the sound of an impatient whine reaches his ears, Yoongi lets out a chuckle before he steps forward, placing a knee on the bed before he slowly crawls up Jungkook's body.

Once he's hovering above the younger, he peers down at him with a smile. "Didn't mean to keep you waiting, baby boy. I just couldn't resist the view. Not taking the time to appreciate you would be a sin."

Jungkook blinks in surprise as his cheeks flush, by both the compliment and the pet name.

"Who in the fuck would ever let someone like you get away?" Yoongi stares at the younger in awe. "You're breathtaking."

Yoongi can tell Jungkook is about to speak up, retorting or denying what he's said, so he cuts his self doubt short by pressing a tender kiss to his lips.

Or at least, a tender kiss is what he'd intended. For Jungkook though, in his mind he'd already spent far too long without Yoongi's lips on his.

As soon as he feels Yoongi is about to pull away, he takes Yoongi's lip between his teeth, pulling a little harder than originally intended.

Yoongi lets out a low moan at the action, licking into Jungkook's mouth, tasting faintly the whisky Jungkook had been drinking earlier that he's sure he'll be craving the taste of from tonight on.

Yoongi is in awe of the way Jungkook is so ready to give himself to him. In this moment, he truly feels blessed.

Jungkook is following Yoongi's lead, responding wonderfully to his touches, moaning softly as Yoongi kisses and sucked his way down his body.

Balancing his weight on his arm that is rested next to Jungkook's head, he reaches between them with the other, wrapping his hand around Jungkook, stroking him slowly.

It is probably too dry, but by the way Jungkook still arches off of the mattress, pushing his cock further into his hand was pure sin; Jungkook didn't seem to mind.

Yoongi leans down, kissing his mouth for several seconds before trailing kisses along his gorgeous neck, biting and sucking the skin, insuring that there will be marks left behind.

"Baby," Yoongi rasps against the skin just below Jungkook's bellybutton. "Where's your lube and condoms?"

Unable to let out any sound remotely close to actual words, Jungkook throws an arm out to his side, pointing to the small side table beside the bed.

Yoongi reaches over, hands stilling after opening the drawer when his eyes land on what looks to be a vibrator and a butt plug, before taking out what he was looking for and going back to Jungkook.

He would absolutely love to get to see how Jungkook would react to him using those with him. Perhaps next time.

"Color?" Yoongi asks, staring down at Jungkook, who already looks like he's been fucked more than a few times tonight.

His lips are bruised and swollen from their kissing, his hair sticking to the sweat on his forehead, his eyes heavy and unfocused as he stares blearily up at him.

"I'm green," Jungkook smiles blissfully, trailing his fingertips up Yoongi's sides. "How are you?"

"Never better, baby," Yoongi smiles down at him, endeared that Jungkook felt the need to check in on him too.

"You make me feel, desirable," Jungkook whispers. "Like I'm being seen."

His voice is soft, barely at a volume Yoongi can hear.

The words spoken by the beautiful being below him were making him feel a mix of emotions.

He was saddened that Jungkook's ex had evidently not put forth adequate effort to make sure Jungkook knew how endearing and precious he is, but he also felt happy that he was making him feel that way.

He felt elated that he could be the one to make him feel like this and wanted nothing more than to keep making him feel that way, along with many other things.

After leaning down, pressing another kiss to Jungkook's lips, Yoongi pours some lube on his fingers. He then reaches between them, running his fingers between Jungkook's cheeks.

"You sure you want to do this, baby?" Yoongi asks, getting a sweet smile and nod from the younger. "Okay, but if at any time you want to stop, tell me okay?"

Jungkook's eyes snap open, suddenly much more clear as he stares at Yoongi in awe. "You would stop if I asked?"

"Of course." Yoongi smiles.

Searching Yoongi's eyes, Jungkook can see he's being honest. He can't see any hint of a deceit in them.

That seems to be one of the biggest things Jungkook has noticed about the man above him thus far.

He is incredibly gentle and kind.

"Where the fuck have you been all my life?" He stammers, bewildered.

"I'm here now, baby." Yoongi smiles.

"Yes, you are and I've never wanted someone to fuck me so badly. So please, stop teasing me." Jungkook whines.

Yoongi lets out a chuckle as he brings his hand to Jungkook's hole again. "It's going to be a little cold. Relax for me, okay?"

Yoongi slowly circles his rim before pressing his middle finger in slowly, resting his forehead against Jungkook's.

Jungkook exhales a shuddering breath, fanning Yoongi's lips.

Now it's Yoongi's turn to get lost in his motions as he works Jungkook open.

During the whole process, what surprised Yoongi the most was how loud Jungkook was.

A loud partner is something new for Yoongi and he is fairly certain he could cum from the sounds Jungkook is making alone.

Jungkook is so responsive and fully engaged in what they were doing, moaning Yoongi's name and calling out curses as Yoongi pumped his fingers into him.

All the while, Jungkook is running his hands all over Yoongi. Digging his nails into his shoulders and stroking his back as Yoongi leans over him.

He is rubbing his hands over Yoongi's sides, pulling him down for more kisses, gripping his hips tightly when Yoongi slows their kisses, withdrawing his fingers from Jungkook.

"Fuck- Fuck me, please," Jungkook whines, watching as Yoongi opens the condom before sliding it down his length. "Need you so bad!"

Yoongi watches Jungkook's fucked out expression as he touches himself, rubbing more lube over the condom to make the slide easier, less painful, for the younger.

He is wider than most and wants to insure Jungkook feels as little pain as possible.

"Fuck- hurry, please!" Jungkook gasps, eyes squeezed shut.

"Baby, I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here." Yoongi assures, stilling when he sees something dark and lost in the depth of those wonder filled, starry eyes. "Tell me colors."

"Green! Please, please just make me feel good. Want you inside me."

"How do you want me?" Yoongi asked him. "Like this or do you want to be on your hands and-"

"Like this," Jungkook gasps. "Like this, fuck me like this. I wanna see you."

Yoongi nods with a shaky exhale.

He is shaking by the time he settles himself between Jungkook's legs.

Jungkook spreads his legs wider, causing Yoongi to let out a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding in.

He then lifts Jungkook's hips a little before sliding into him slowly, watching closely as Jungkook stretches around him as he sinks into him to accommodate his girth and length.

By the time Yoongi bottomed out, Jungkook couldn't even breath.

He never thought Taehyung was small, but he definitely never made Jungkook feel like this. He was so full and he adored it.

He already felt so hot and at the edge of his orgasm, ready to topple over and Yoongi hadn't even moved yet.

Jungkook doesn't normally get so engrossed in sex. Or maybe he'd just never had anyone as intuitive or such a giving lover as Yoongi.

This with him is completely different than everything he's ever felt. It was as if his entire body is in sync with Yoongi's.

It's like Yoongi is completely attune with his every shift, every move, every breath, all of it being calculated to bring Jungkook pleasure.

Yoongi is unlike anything he's ever experienced.

When Yoongi's dark gaze meets Jungkook's they held a multitude of emotions.

Jungkook couldn't make out all of what Yoongi's irises held, but he could tell he was about to ask the same question he'd been asking.

Jungkook reaches out blindly to find Yoongi's hand, giving it a squeeze, whispering, "Green. I'm green."

When he sees Yoongi narrow his eyes ever so slightly in skepticism, Jungkook rolls his hips a little, making them both gasp at the feeling.

It was enough to get Yoongi's mind off of second guessing Jungkook's colors as he started steadily fucking into him.

Just like Jungkook had suspected, being fucked by Yoongi is otherworldly.

He is attentive, thorough, and had Jungkook a moaning, whining mess beneath him within minutes.

Yoongi takes his time, not being so focused on chasing his own pleasure as he works a hand around Junkook's cock, running a thumb over the head, making Jungkook's eyes roll back.

"Fuck," Jungkook moans. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum!"

"Is that a bad thing?" Yoongi smirks, eyes cast down, looking between them as he watches himself pushing into Jungkook. "Goddamn, you're so fucking tight. When was the last time you were fucked like this?"

"Like this?" Jungkook shudders at a particularly slow drag of Yoongi's cock against his walls. "Never like this. Never. Fuck, you feel so good! Please- please don't stop!"

Jungkook's moan morphs into a breathy sob as Yoongi raises his leg, draping it over his shoulde, then leans forward so that he can get even deeper.

Once Jungkook's leg is raised, putting them both in a bit different of an angle, Yoongi gives Jungkook several fast, hard thrusts that have Jungkook quivering.

When Yoongi raises his eyes to admire the fucked out expression on Jungkook's face, he is displeased to see Jungkook's hand fisted as he bites into it, attempting to muffle his sounds.

Yoongi lets out a huff before slapping Jungkook's ass with a short, sharp tap that has Jungkook's eyes flying open in surprise.

Yoongi smooths the sting with his hand, rubbing in small circles as he stares intently down at Jungkook.

"Let me hear you, baby. I don't want you to ever hide your reactions to what I do to you. How I make you feel." Yoongi scolded, making Jungkook nod in agreement. "Good boy. My good boy. Being so fucking good for me."

Jungkook wants to combust at the praise.

Yoongi's words make him feel elated and light as a feather. The kind words and affirmations tumbling from his lips as he fucked into Jungkook, dragging over that tight cluster of sensitive muscle deep within him, making Jungkook gasp and writhe beneath him.

Jungkook drops a hand to his own cock, giving it a few tugs. After a second or two, Jungkook opens his previously closed eyes, his gaze meeting and holding Yoongi's.

When Yoongi gives him a smile accompanied by an encouraging nod, he starts working himself more thoroughly.

He let his gasps and moans fill the empty air of the apartment, not giving a second thought to what his neighbors may or may not be hearing.

"God you're so beautiful, Guk. Can you come for me, baby? Can you do that for me my good boy?" Yoongi's voice is velvet, wrapping around Jungkook, sinking into him and soothing his every nerve.

He falls deep into Yoongi's gorgeous voice, lost as he lets out a breathy moan, Yoongi moaning with him as Jungkook clenches around him.

"God, you're taking me so well, Guk-ah. You were made to be fucked like this. Look at you, fucking hell."

Jungkook chases his own release, Yoongi's praises helping to push him closer to the edge, as Yoongi pumps into him, his eyes never leave Jungkook's face.

It was so intense, so hot, so fucking everything Yoongi needed and yet had not expected or anticipated.

This is so far beyond any sort of ending to the night he'd wished for.

Jungkook bites into his lip, noticing how Yoongi's eyes track his every movement, before meeting his eyes again.

Jungkook feels exposed. Like all of him is visible to the man hovering above him. The man taking such good care of him.

Jungkook doesn't bother trying to wipe the tears leaking from his eyes. He is so close, so very close and Yoongi knows it too.

He can sense it by how Jungkook starts shaking, his hips lifting further off the mattress.

Yoongi grins then, sharp and sweet, wrapping his spare hand around Jungkook to help push him over into the euphoric abyss.

That's all it takes for Jungkook to spill over both their hands with a long, loud, drawn out moan that makes Yoongi give a small growl followed by a gasped "Ah, fuck" as he too reaches his high.

Jungkook registered Yoongi's orgasm and reached for him, pressing their mouths together for a searing kiss that was hot and all tongue, as they shuddered together, sensitive and crashing back down to earth in tandem.

Jungkook falls back against the mattress, whimpering as Yoongi shifts inside of him before he pulls out carefully.

He watches as Yoongi stands up, pulls the condom off before tying it securely and dropping it in the bin beside the bedside table.

After Jungkook directs Yoongi to where the bathroom is, he lets his eyes shut and stays laid out on the bed, still trying to steady his breathing, feeling absolutely elated.

Yoongi slides his underwear back on, going to the bathroom Jungkook had pointed him to before coming back with tissues as well as a wet washcloth to clean Jungkook.

Jungkook is very quiet, watching him and Yoongi wonders what the younger is thinking. His gaze is very intent as he stared back at Yoongi.

Jungkook is watching so intently because this– the aftercare– was another thing no one had ever done for him before.

The silence that surrounds them as he works isn't an awkward, which surprises both of them. For the two still being practically strangers– strangers who just had mind blowing sexual chemistry, but strangers all the same– it's quite peaceful.

After tossing everything he'd dirtied into their respective bins to discard or keep them for the next load of laundry, Yoongi laid down next to Jungkook.

Once he's settled, he turns onto his side, facing Jungkook while Jungkook does the same.

They stay like that, gazing at eachother silently for a while.

Eventually Yoongi reaches a hand up to cup Jungkook's cheek, running his thumb under his bottom lip while marvelling at how bright the younger's eyes are.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asks, voice full of concern. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

He is mildly surprised when Jungkook nuzzles his face into his palm, pressing a kiss there before answering, "Never better," he smiles tiredly. "Did you have fun?"

"I did," Yoongi laughs, brushing Jungkook's fringe out of his eyes. "Thank you for asking."

"Good, I'm glad. I would've been sad if I didn't live up to what you had going on in your head."

"I had such a good time with you." Yoongi gushes, brushing his lips against Jungkook's. "You are gorgeous and you were made to be adored. Thank you for such a great night."

"We should be thanking our exes," Jungkook giggles.

When Yoongi looks at him curiously, he expounds on his statement.

"If mine hadn't come up to me at the bar, I wouldn't have needed to be saved. And if yours wasn't about to come up that hallway who knows how long I would have had to wait to kiss you."

"I'd much rather thank Namjoon than my ex." Yoongi chuckles.

Jungkook quirks a brow. "I guess I ought to thank Jiminie then."

He lets out a chuckle as he adds, "He told me I needed to fuck away the heartache."

Yoongi lets out a loud, breathy laugh. When he continues to laugh Jungkook begins to get a little lost as to what is so funny.

Yoongi notices he's the only one laughing so he explains. "I have a suspicion that Jimin and Namjoon had something to do with this. I think tonight might have been some type of attempt to set us up with one another."

"This?" Jungkook raises both brows now. "This was a set up?"

"Not this scenario specifically. I don't know Jimin well, but I definitely wouldn't put it past Namjoon to go along with something like this. In all honesty, I should have been more suspicious when he was so pushy about going out tonight. He doesn't like going out if Jimin isn't involved somehow, but tonight he made a point of not mentioning he'd be coming. Let alone coming with you."

Jungkook purses his lips. "Did you recognize me? When I was sitting at the bar?"

"I- Um... yeah. But I couldn't remember your name." Yoongi gulps as an endearing shade of pink warms his cheeks as well as the tip of his nose.

"I faintly recognized you too. I couldn't remember your name, but I knew I'd seen you," Jungkook comments.

"I recognized you immediately. I was going to say something to you but that guy came and sat by you right when I was trying to work up the nerve to. That's, uh, that's why I was looking at you... I saw you getting more and more uncomfortable and I wanted to help I just wasn't sure when was the best time to jump in. Or if you actually wanted anyone to. Then you looked at me and I actually saw the panic in your eyes. Your wonder filled, sparkling eyes that I hope I never see portray that amount of distress again. I had to do something."

"I'm so glad you did," Jungkook says softly before leaning forward to press a soft kiss against Yoongi's pout. "Thank you so much." He whispers against his lips, looking into his eyes.

They hold each others gaze for a few moments longer before Yoongi's phone begins to chime.

He lets out a groan before climbing out of the bed. Jungkook hadn't registered that he was still naked until just then when he sees Yoongi with his underwear back on as he walks to his pants.

While Yoongi picks up his clothes, Jungkook heaves himself out of bed, making his way to his dresser to pull on a pair of sweatpants.

"I have to go." Yoongi says with a heavy sigh as he starts pulling on his pants. "I have an early flight to catch and I need to finish packing."

"O-oh," Jungkook stammers. "Okay."

Yoongi gets dressed quickly, Jungkook awkwardly standing by his bed, mulling over in his mind how to ask if he will– or can he please– see Yoongi again after tonight.

"Walk me to the door?" Yoongi asks as he runs his fingers through his hair.

Jungkook nods, pulling on a shirt before he walks with Yoongi to his front door.

The walk is silent and seems to end too soon when they make it to where Yoongi had kicked off his shoes.

"Well..." Jungkook mumbles, rocking on his heels. "I- Is this goodbye then?"

"Do you want it to be?"

"No," Jungkook shakes his head quickly. "And I know I may come off as desperate, or clingy, or- fuck, maybe you don't even feel the same, but-"

Yoongi stands up straight with a crooked smile. "Jungkook-"

"Please let me finish," Jungkook rushes out, anxious to finish what he wants to say, hoping Yoongi feels the same as he does.

"You're right, I'm sorry. Please continue." Yoongi says, sliding his hands into his pockets with an amused smile and soft eyes.

"I was going to say that, I liked this..." He says, voice quieted as he toes at the floor. "I don't want to make you feel like you have to see me again," he frowns at the floor. "But I want you to know that tonight was amazing. I've never... had or felt this much so fast with anyone before. And... yeah. I'd really like to see you again." He finishes, still avoiding looking up at Yoongi to see his reaction.

Jungkook begins nibbling at his lower lip and the action is so sweet, so unintentionally cute, Yoongi has trouble not wrapping Jungkook in his arms and never letting go.

"Jungkook," Yoongi calls gently.

When the younger looks up to meet his gaze his nervous look in his eyes along with the tension in his shoulder seem to dissipate.

Yoongi couldn't help the grin that spreads across his face. "Okay."

"Okay?" Jungkook repeats.

Yoongi swears he could melt right there as he walks up to this sweet man in front of him.

"I'll be back in town on Monday. How about I take you on a date that evening."

Jungkook's expression lights up at his words and if it weren't for the definite body of a Greek God below that childlike expression Yoongi would have sworn he could have mistaken Jungkook for a pre-teen who just got asked to their first school dance.

"I'll pick you up at, let's say, six? Would that work?"

Jungkook nods happily. "Let me give you my number!"

Yoongi pulls his phone out of his pocket, typing in Jungkook's number as he spouts it off excitedly.

He then sends Jungkook a text so he can save his number when he gets back to his phone that was left in his room.

"Okay, I'll see you Monday." Yoongi says, sliding his phone back into his pocket before stretching a hand out to Jungkook.

"Monday," Jungkook smiles, putting his hand in Yoongi's, letting out a small gasp when Yoongi pulls him against him.

"I can't wait," he says lowly before pressing a kiss to Jungkook's lips.

Jungkook gives into the kiss instantly, throwing his arms around Yoongi's shoulders.

As most of their intended to be short kisses have gone tonight, this one follows the pattern of becoming heated quickly, Yoongi being the one pushed up against the wall this time.

With a gasp they break apart, chests heaving yet again.

"Monday." Yoongi speaks finally.

"Monday." Jungkook nods.

After one last kiss, not one to say goodbye but rather to say see you later, Jungkook practically runs to his bed.

When he's retrieves his phone from the pocket of his jeans, he wears a large grin as he reads the message from a number he quickly saves into his contacts.

Daddy Yoongi 🤤😍-

Good night Jungkook.
I'll text you tomorrow as
soon as I land.
Monday can't come soon enough.

After sending back a good night text, Jungkook hops in the shower, getting into a fresh pair of pajamas after then changing his sheets before getting into bed.

As he drifts off slowly he can't help but replay the evening in his mind.

What started out as such an awful night turned out to be one of the best ones he's ever had. And none of it would have happened if it weren't for one person.

The person who made Jungkook so upset and beside himself that Jimin felt the need to intervene and convince him to go out.

Without that heartache, none of this would have happened. Without that pain he might have never met Yoongi.

Or might not have met him and had it go as well as it did tonight.

All of this because of one asshole of an ex. Along with Yoongi's ex too, of course. Can't forget to give him some credit.

"Thank you both," he mumbles tiredly to himself as he closes his eyes, drifting off slowly. "Thank you for breaking our hearts so we could find each other."

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