Chapter 25
The large man shoved Natsu forward down the hallway. Nobody said anything as the dark mages led Natsu and his friends deeper into the lair. The pinkette wondered what this master's magic could possibly be if it could control all of the mages of Fairy Tail, well with the exception of him, Nashi, and the exceeds.
He watched the small cats wrapped in other twins arms. Happy was the only one trying to break free while Pantherlily and Carla sat there in frustration. There wasn't much point in struggling. Looking the other direction, Natsu stared at his daughter. Shade had a firm grip on the child's arms; she would probably have bruises after. It was the expression on her face that hurt Natsu most. She looked so frightened, so vulnerable, and Natsu couldn't do anything to help her. If he wanted to, he could probably break free, but that woman had her and if he tried any sudden moves, the guild master might do something to the rest of his friends.
A sigh flew from Natsu's lips as he turned forward again. His eyes fell on the back of the guild master. He didn't like him one bit. The smell of blood was strongest from him. His mind wandered back to his a Lucy's earlier conversation. So he was the one who wanted worldwide genocide? Natsu made it a goal in his mind to pound him to an unrecognizable pulp.
They were now walking down a dark hallway. As they got closer to the exit, the scent of blood grew. Natsu's stomach churned as it invaded his nose. He expected to be blinded by the light at the end of the hall, however he was mistaken when the dim lights of the torches did virtually nothing.
The room they had entered was quite large. It wasn't clean cut like the walls of the rest of the structure; it looked more like a large cave. Up against one wall were about five or six large containers containing blood in each. The sight was sick to the Fairy Tail mages, but as terrifying as what was next to them.
Before them stood the Eclipse Gate; a much darker and eviler version. It wasn't as big as the first one, but it still towered high above them. Nashi couldn't understand why all of her family looked so terrified to see a large door. Happy was trembling; her mother looked like she was about to cry, and her father's expression was impossible to place. The white haired man did a simple gesture with his hand, resulting in all of the mages falling on their knees in agony. Shade and the twins forced their captives onto the floor as well.
"Isn't it gorgeous," he asked Natsu, "Despite this little hick up in my plans, I'm quiet happy that you are here Salamander to see such a historic event. It's not exactly the same as the first one, as I told Miss Heartfilia earlier, if you go back to a time where you already exist, you and your past self will merge into one." The man strolled up to Natsu, an evil smirk on his face, "Does it hurt Salamander? Does it bring back painful memories? Memories of death." Nashi watched as her daddy trembled. Memories flashed through Natsu's mind too fast for him to process.
You… Lucy Heartfilia!
There were… two Lucy's?
You… your right hand.
Natsu! Look! I got my Fairy Tail mark!
I wanted… to have more… adventures…
I'll burn your destiny to ash!
I won't let anyone steal Lucy's future!
You stole something precious to me, in front of my eyes!
Natsu could feel the tears begin to gather in his eyes as he recalled the events that transpired years ago. The images of Future Lucy's death still haunted him. Natsu began to grow uneasy from her father's lack of response to the man that had started all of this. She was startled when said man started laughing.
"Yeah, you remember. It's as clear as day. How helpless did you feel when the woman you loved died and you couldn't do anything? I wish I could have seen it."
"Stop it Shinzō!" All eyes fell on Lucy. Her teeth were gritted as she glared at the man everyone now knew as Shinzō. The man walked over to the kneeling blonde who continued to stare at him. He lifted a hand and smacked the side of her face with hard force. Natsu struggled to get to her; however, he was forced back onto the floor. Nashi wanted to cry at the sight of her parents.
"Don't tell me what to do Miss Heartfilia, you are in no position to." Shinzō reached for his coat pocket and fumbled around for something. Everyone's eyes widened at the sight of Lucy's Gate keys he pulled gingerly out of his pocket. He dangled the objects in front of her in a taunting manner.
"Now, it is time to embrace your fate."
"Like I would willingly help you," she growled. She squeaked when her body suddenly shot up from the ground.
"I never expected you to do it willingly, I knew fully well I would have to use my Blood Magic to do it." Erza glared at Shinzō from the corner of her eye.
"B-Blood Magic?" she growled through gritted teeth.
"Such magic is illegal," said Pantherlily as the brute's arms crushed his lungs. Shinzō waved off the two.
"It doesn't matter. Anything is legal if the authorities aren't around."
"You won't get away with this!" yelled Gray. Shinzō chuckled at his foolishness.
"I'm afraid, Mr. Fullbuster, I already have." Shinzō placed Lucy's keys in her hands lightly. It felt good to have the golden instruments back in her hands, but Lucy couldn't help but flinch as her fingers wrapped themselves around the ring. Shinzō stepped to the side as Lucy's arm slowly raised itself. All of the mages started yelling at Lucy to stop, some struggling to free themselves from Shinzō's hold, but they went unanswered as the keys began to shine.
The golden keys shone brightly, outshining all of the torches in the room. A large, red orb on the Eclipse Gate began to glow in response. Lucy could feel the magic draining from her body as her keys opened the gate. When the deed was complete, Lucy's body fell limply onto the floor. While all of her friends called out to her, hoping she was all right, Shinzō and his goons turned their attention to the Eclipse Gate.
A loud creaking sound resonated from the large structure. All the mages cries to their friend stopped, their eyes widening. Slowly, the gates doors began o open on their own, white light shining through the cracks.
Shinzō laughed hysterically once the doors were fully opened, bathing the cave with white radiance.
"It's beautiful," Shade muttered. Lucy's eyes began to water. She wished that she was strong enough to fight Shinzō's influence, but she wasn't, and now she was going to be responsible for the deaths of billions of people. Shinzō glanced at the group of awe struck mages over his shoulder, a cruel smirk ever present on his face.
"It's been fun, but I have history to rewrite," he faced forward and started walking towards the gates entrance, "Shade, have the others bring the containment units through the portal. I'll need as much blood as I can-"
A large bursting sound interrupted Shinzō. The white haired man turned around swiftly to witness everyone in the room being thrown back by a brilliant flame. At the center of the flame was a seething Dragon Slayer. The fire died down so everyone could see the terrifying face of Natsu.
"I'm not letting you get away!" Natsu made a mad dash to the blood mage, a fire in his eyes. Shinzō did a quick motion with his hands, as Natsu got closer to him. Lifting a fist, Natsu was about to smash the man it the face, but before he could, another figure jumped in the way.
Before it was too late, Natsu stopped his actions. Natsu stared at her wide-eyed, the girl sharing the same expression.
"If you want to get to me Salamander, You'll have to kill her first." Shinzō stated, his eyebrows furrowed with frustration. Moving his arms around in different manners, Shinzō forced Lucy to kick Natsu in the stomach. The man went flying a couple of feet, much to everyone's surprise. He quickly rose to his feet again as Lucy tried hitting him a second time.
"What are you doing Luce?" Natsu questioned, avoiding another kick.
"I can't stop him Natsu!" Lucy cried.
Erza watched from where she lay on the stone floor. Suddenly, realization hit the redhead as she lifted her hand and wiggled her fingers.
"Everyone, destroy the gate before he gets through!" she yelled to the rest of the mages. The other Fairy Tail mages stood and bolted to the large metal doors.
"Stop them you idiots!" Shinzō yelled to his henchmen. Shade and the twins sprinted to the enemy as fast as their legs could take them. From the caves entrance, more mages rushed in to follow their master's orders.
A few mages tried surrounding Wendy as she struggled to reach the gate.
"Sky Dragon's Wing Attack!" she yelled, throwing them off to the side, only for more to come. Carla transformed into her human form to give her friend some aid.
Dark mages shot magic from their staffs at the unsuspecting woman and her exceed, however, Gray jumped in front of the blast just a split second before it hit.
"Ice Make Shield!" The shield reflected the magic with ease.
"Thank you Gray-san."
"No problem Wendy. We have to get to that gate before he does," he said, smashing his hands together. Wendy nodded, jumping back into battle.
"Water Nebula!" yelled Juvia as a water spiral hit oncoming mages. Erza switched into her Sea Empress Armor, using Juvia's water to attack other opponents.
Despite being helplessly outnumbered, The Fairy Tail mages were winning. Nashi stood off on the sidelines, watching as her parents fought against each other. Something strange began to bubble inside of her as she stared at them. She couldn't stand the sight of them trying to kill the other. She had just gotten them back, and now this man was trying to get rid of them. She clenched her fist together as tears of sadness and anger spilled from her chocolate eyes.
Natsu was doing his best not to touch Lucy; the only problem was she was trying everything to touch him. A fist collided with his gut, earning a pained grunt from him. He grabbed Lucy's arm as she tried hitting him again. He turned it the other direction, Lucy crying out in pain. Her sound hurt him, catching him off guard as she "Lucy Kicked" him. The combined power of her kick and Shinzō's manipulation sent him flying into the stone walls of the cave. The man screamed in pain when his head made contact.
"Daddy!" Nashi yelled from her spot. Fear for her father spread through her. She knew he wouldn't hit Lucy, he would rather die, but that's what she feared most. Nashi shook in her place, her tiny chest growing warmer every second.
Lucy unwillingly walked up to Natsu, towering above his fallen form. Natsu tried to pick himself up, but the throbbing in head made it harder for him to focus. Shinzō walked up to Lucy, his hand in his coat. Nashi's eyes grew at the sight of the knife in his hand. Without hesitation, he placed it in Lucy's hand. The woman whimpered, her fingers circling the blade. Nashi's heart raced faster. Her mother wouldn't do it, would she? The heat spread through her, from her feet to the tips of her fingertips.
"I hope you die slowly Salamander," Shinzō muttered, already bored of the whole situation, "Remember how it feels to be killed by the woman who loved you." Lucy slowly raised the dagger; tears pouring fiercely down her cheeks. Nashi's lip quivered. Her skin grew hot, her heart was beating like crazy, and tears were turning into steam. Natsu watched sadly as the woman he loved was about to end his life. Guilt was evident in her eyes.
"Luce, I love you." He muttered, trying to ease her troubled heart. Lucy sniffled; ready to kill the man she loved with all her heart.
"I l-love you Natsu." Natsu closed his eyes, ready to embrace death. Shinzō raised his hand to deliver the final blow
"Goodbye, Salamander."
The temperature of the room suddenly grew. Some people flew backwards from the force of the heat. With Shinzō now disoriented by the outburst, Lucy dropped the knife and Ruched to Natsu's side. She held the man close to her as she examined his head injury. Shinzō recomposed himself and turned his attention to the one who stopped him, but before he could,
"Fire Dragon Roar!"
The fire hit Shinzō at full force and sent him into one of the containment units, blood spilling out of it after he hit it. Lucy looked at Natsu, expecting Natsu to have been the one to attack him, only to see him staring at something off to the side. Lucy followed his dark eyes to the thing that had truly attacked Shinzō. Before them stood something neither of them had expected.
Nashi stood not far from them, her body consumed by fire. The intensity of the flames made her hair fly in all different directions. Her eyes held pure anger and sadness as hot tears streaked down her face. It was just like the last time in the guild, only this time; her cheeks were decorated with red scales. Natsu gazed at his daughter in awe, everything becoming clear since he hit his head.
"Dragon Force."
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