Chapter Three

Clint's P.O.V.

I hid in the trees, aiming my arrow at the blonde who with Perseus. I was going to shoot a tranquilizer arrow into her shoulder, knock her out. Then shoot Perseus with one. Natasha was going to go in and retrieve him once they were both out. I had my arrow aimed. Perseus' eyes widened and he shouted her name.

"Annabeth!" He yelled and threw himself in the way of the arrow. It embedded itself in the small of his back. He crumpled to the ground.

"Percy!" The girl screamed and fell to her knees next to him. She pulled the arrow out of his back and ripped off her shirt. She balled it up and began to apply pressure to the wound. I watched in fascination. How did she know exactly what to do?

She looked up from pressing her blood-soaked shirt to his back and glanced toward a hallway that led farther into the cabin. Her eyes were hesitant. It was obvious she didn't want to leave him there. But she jumped to her feet and ran out of the room.

"Nat! Go now!" I whispered into the com. I saw Natasha run forward from her hiding spot and jump in through the window. She scooped up the boy, staggering. He was younger, but he was a lot bigger. She handed him out the window to Tony who was waiting. Not in his suit. He took the boy and Natasha jumped back out the window. Together, she and Tony ran away from the cabin. Just as they disappeared from view, the girl came running back into the kitchen. When she saw that he was gone, she screamed and dropped the things she was carrying. She sank to her knees and stared blankly at the spot he had been laying in. She was shaking violently and sobbing.

"No! No! No, not again! Not again! This is not happening again! No, Percy!" She was having a panic attack. I didn't know why though. It was natural to freak out when someone goes missing, but I didn't understand why she was reacting so violently. "Percy! Percy!" Her voice was terrified, hurt, and heartbroken. I climbed out of the tree and walked away from the girl's screams.

I joined the others at the van. "Let's go guys." Cap said. Bruce was already in the back with Perseus, working on his injury. I climbed into the back with Natasha, Peter, Tony, Bruce, and the boy.

Bruce looked at me. "What the hell did you do?" He said, angry. "Why did you shoot him here? You were supposed to get his shoulder so it wouldn't be serious!"

"It's not my fault! I was about to shoot the girl,"

"The girl I can now hear screaming?"

"Yes. I was about to shoot her in the shoulder and knock her out when he must have seen something that alerted him to my presence. He jumped in front of the girl and the arrow hit his back instead!" I looked sadly at Perseus. "The girl put pressure on the wound, but it wasn't doing enough. So she ran to get something from somewhere else in the cabin. Natasha and Tony got him out and when the girl came back and saw that he was gone, it looked like she was having a panic attack. She kept screaming about 'not again'. Like he had been taken before. What I don't understand is why she's having a panic attack. Yes, it's normal to freak out when someone gets taken, but she's reacting so violently." Bruce just glared at me then went back to treating Perseus' wound.

Back at Avengers Tower, Bruce and Tony rushed the kid inside and took him to the lab. He needed stitches and they couldn't do that in the van.

Bruce's P.O.V.

I had the strangest sense of déjà vu as I tended to the boy's back. I had helped a little boy who looked like a younger version of this young man once. A long time ago. But this couldn't be the same boy, could it? It didn't matter. Tony and I rushed the boy into the tower and straight to the lab. Tony laid him down on a table as I rushed to get my supplies.

I stitched him up, but the kid was still out. It would be a few more hours before Clint's arrow wore off. So Tony carried him to an interrogation room with a bed in it. He gently lay the kid back down on it and left the room. I watched him through the one-way window. It was only ten minutes, and then he woke up.

Percy's P.O.V.

I woke up in a random room. I was on a bed, and my back hurt. I sat up with one thought on my mind.

"Annabeth! Where's Annabeth!? What did you do to her!?" I jumped to my feet and looked at the window. It was one of those one-way ones. Where only the people on the other side can see through it. I glared at them even though I couldn't see them. I knew they were there.

"Where. Is. Annabeth?" My voice was hard and menacing. My body filled with power, and I saw that I was beginning to glow blue with my aura of power. I heard a door open and whirled to face the entering person. "Where the Hades is Annabeth? What have you done with her?" I growled and the person backed up. It was the red head that attacked me on the beach. Suddenly, I was right in front of her and I had my arm pressed against her neck and she was pressed up against the wall. "Where is she?" The red head gulped, she was scared of me. Another person burst through the door.

"Get off her!" It was the archer. My leg flew out behind me and I kicked his chest, not hard enough to break anything, but hard enough to make the air leave him in a whoosh.

"Back off." I snarled and turned back to the red head. "Where. Is. Annabeth?"

"She... She's back at the cabin. We... We only took you, Perseus." I backed up and took my arm from her throat. She fell to the floor clutching her neck and gasping. The archer crawled over to her.

"Are you alright, Nat?" He asked.

"Nat? Is your name Natalie? No... Natasha?" She looked at me in shock. "Hello, Natasha." The archer looked at me in shock to. "And what's your name?" I asked him

"C-Chris." He stuttered.

"No. That's not it. People like to make up fake names that start with the same letter. So, how about Charles? No. What about Clint?" He stared at me, wide eyed. I smiled. "Hello, Clint. Now, will someone tell me what I am doing here? And make it quick. I've got to get back to Annabeth. She's going to be breaking down by now." I thought a moment, then added, "If you hurt her, I will kill you." Another person entered the room. A guy with an eye patch.

"That's enough, thank you Agents Clint and Natasha." The other two scrambled out of the room. I stayed where I was, glaring at eye-patch.

"Who the Hades are you and what the Hades do you want from me?" He looked taken aback for a second then smoothed over his features.

"Perseus Jackson," He said.

"It's Percy." I growled.

"Percy, then. I am Nick Fury and you are being held here because you are a suspected terrorist." I started laughing.

"Me? A terrorist? I-I'm sorry. But that-that's rich, eye-patch. I'm a hero. I've saved the world twice, mind you. Once when I was fifteen from Kronos and once when I was sixteen from Gaea. If you think you're going to keep me here against my will, then you got another thing coming. I took out all your agents in a few minutes. And that was when I wasn't even trying. The guys you sent after me the other day, they're your elite team, right? The strongest, most highly trained team you have, correct? So unless you're really want me to kick all of your sorry asses, then I suggest that you just let me go, or give me a real reason to stay." He stared at me. A guy walked in behind him. "Hey, Thor." I said. Thor looked mortified that I had addressed him directly, but he turned to eye-patch and whispered in his ear.

"Okay kid. Listen. If you're not a terrorist, then why did you blow up a bunch of schools, the St. Lewis Arch, and a bus?" Eye-patch asked.

"Let's see. It was never really me. The bus was an accident. That was when I first found out. The three Kindly Ones attacked me and some friends. They blew up the bus. The first school was because of a deadly game of dodge ball. Some Laistrygonian giants wanted to eat some people. I wasn't having it. They blew up the side of the school. The other time, some empousi wanted to eat me. One of them turned into fire and blew up part of the school. And the time with the St. Lewis Arch, I was attacked by a chimera. It blew up part of the Arch and I just barely managed to escape alive." He stared at me.

"And in Rome? With the coliseum?"

"We all had to fight for our freedom and our friends' freedom. We had to kill two giants." He didn't seem know what to make of my words.

"Well then, I'll send in some agents to test you." He walked out. Thor stayed.

"I'm your first test. Well, my hammer is. If you can lift it, then you are a truly worthy warrior. Since we already know you can, this will be easy." He placed the big hammer on the table and backed up. I looked over at the one-way window. I smiled my crooked grin. Looking back over at the hammer, I approached it and put my hand on the handle. I picked it up as if it weighed nothing. It certainly felt like it weighed nothing. I tossed it up in the air and caught it. I did this again and a few other things to prove that yes I could pick it up without any trouble. I could pick it up my hooking my foot underneath it and lifting it up. I could even call it to my hand like Thor could.

I handed him his hammer back and he walked out. In walked the next agent.

Clint's P.O.V.

I don't believe it. He could pick up Thor's hammer. He picked it up and tossed it around and even called it to him from across the room. Not even Cap could pick up Thor's hammer. He handed Thor his hammer and Thor walked out with a smile on his face. Next, it was Natasha's turn. She tested his aim. She pulled in three targets. All different sizes and set them up at different distances from him. She handed him a gun. And before she could even tell him how to use it, he took aim and fired three times. Each target had a hole in the middle. He had made a bullseye every time. Next, she handed him three knives. And again, before she could explain how to hold them or how to throw them, they went sailing through the air. Each one plunked into the center of each target. Next, she handed him a bow and a quiver of arrows.

He shook his head. "I can't shoot with those things worth shit. Once, I missed the target by a complete direction and hit my instructor in the leg. He was standing behind me." Natasha quickly withdrew the weapons and walked out. Next it was Peter's turn. He was testing Percy's reflexes and reaction times. See how he handled threats and how fast he reacted.

Peter jumped up to the ceiling and told Percy to close his eyes. Percy did. Peter walked across the ceiling until he was right above Percy. He dropped. Without opening his eyes, Percy sidestepped and Peter fell onto the floor. Keeping his eyes closed the entire time, Percy jumped on Peter and got him in a head lock.

"I yield! Stop! Lemme go!" Peter cried. Percy released his hold on him. Peter jumped to his feet, but Percy was already up. Damn, that kid was fast! Peter threw a punch at Percy's gut and Percy backed up. Peter kept coming at him and Percy kept backing up. Finally, Peter had Percy backed up to the edge of the table. He had him cornered! I did not expect what happened next.

Peter threw another punch at Percy, knowing there was no way to avoid it. Percy placed his hands on the table and picked himself up, held up by his hands, Percy swing out with both his feet and kicked Peter in the gut. Peter wheezed, trying to catch his breath. Percy took advantage of this. He planted his feet on the table, then pushed off and flipped through the air, landing right behind Peter. He backed up and kicked Peter forward into the edge of the table. Peter hit the edge and slumped to the floor with a groan.

"Can I open my eyes now?" Percy did all that with his eyes closed.

"Shit. We're in trouble, aren't we?" I heard Tony mumble next to me, staring at the window.

"Yeah, Tony... Some serious trouble." I said.

"Yeah..." Peter moaned, pulling himself up with one hand on his stomach and the other clutching the table. Percy opened his eyes and stared at Peter.

"Sorry dude. You okay?" He asked, helping Peter the rest of the way to his feet.

"I think I might have a few broken ribs, they're probably at least bruised, but other than that, I think that I'm good." Percy smiled and laughed.

"Sorry again bro." Peter smiled.

"It's all good." And he walked out of the room. Next it was Bruce's turn.

"Hello, Percy. I'm Dr. Bruce Banner. I noticed that you can't sit still. Are you lying about something?"

"No. I'm dyslexic and ADHD." Bruce nodded. That's probably how he was able to see me in the tree and when I shot the arrow at his girlfriend through the window.

"I'm going to say a word and I want you to reply with whatever pops into your head. Okay?"





"My fault."


"Everywhere I go."






"Torture." Bruce frowned.

"Well then. Okay. Take your shirt off so I can assess your physical health." Percy shrank back.

"Do I have to?" Bruce nodded.

"Yes. Now please do it."

"Before you take a look at me, are there any other tests I need to do?" He asked. "I'd prefer to do them first." Bruce looked confused.

"I guess you could do your tests with Cap and Hawkeye first... If you really wanted to." Bruce said, and Perseus nodded.

"Yeah. I do, thanks. But, before that, can I call Annabeth? She going to be freaking out by now. The last time I was kidnapped... Well, let's just say that it was extremely horrible, and extremely horrifying." He looked so serious. This kid's been taken before? What was so horrible about it? I mean, yes, it is scary to get kidnapped, but horrifying and horrible... That seems a bit over the top. "I won't go into details. But trust me. You don't want them." He got a look in his eyes, a haunted look. And his gaze seemed to be far away, like he was looking at something else.

I felt bad for the kid. Whatever it was he had gone through, it must have been rough. "My turn, I guess." I said, and I walked into the room with Perseus, Bruce gave the boy one last skeptical look and left the room.

Natasha's P.O.V.

The kid was tough. He was good. He could pick up Thor's hammer, he could through knives and shoot a gun, and he could beat Peter with his eyes closed. And it looked like he had been drawing the fight out for our benefit. I don't think that he wants us to know the full extent of his capabilities. Either that, or he's holding back so that he doesn't hurt us. That's a scary thought. The Avengers, getting their asses handed to them easily by an eighteen-year-old boy.

I watched, stifling a laugh as Clint stormed into the room. He and the kid had played Black-Ops. It was set at the highest level difficulty and was the most challenging level. You could only win if you had an extremely strategic mind. And Perseus had won. Easily. No one had ever beat Clint at Black-Ops. Especially not on that level. The kid yelling something at us and glaring at us through the one-way window pulled me out of my thoughts though.

"Hey, dumbasses! Let me call Annabeth now or I will raise hell on you!" He glared at us through the window and I shivered. That kid was scary. His eyes hardened and his mouth twisted into a snarl. His usual joking behavior was gone. Instead, he looked like a seasoned warrior who could take us all out at a moment's notice. His hand was reaching toward his pocket, and I remembered the pen/sword he had pulled out the other day when we first fought.

The look on his face made me want to run away screaming. His eyes hardened and filled with hate, his stance went from relaxed for ready for a fight. His usually smiling mouth had twisted into a gruesome snarl. I was glad he couldn't see me. My face must have shown my complete terror at the boy, because so did everyone else's. Even Cap, who wasn't really afraid of anything. I think the most scared out of us all was Thor. His face was a mask of complete horror. His eyes were wide and his mouth was hanging slightly open. He had backed up against the wall, trying to get as far away from the kid as possible. I didn't blame him.

But when no one stepped forward to give the kid what he wanted, and Perseus had pulled out his pen, uncapping it and letting it grow into his sword, I put on a mask of calm and rushed to the room.

"Perseus! Wait!" I yelled, rushing in just as he raised his sword to shatter the glass. It may have been bulletproof, extremely thick, supposedly unbreakable glass, but I had no doubt that he could break it. As easily as if he was ripping paper from a notebook.

He turned and glared at me. I had to resist the urge to back up and run away. I suppressed a shudder and walked toward him.

"Are you going to let me call Annabeth? Or are you their pathetic attempt at trying to subdue me?" He growled, raising his sword. I held my hands up in submission.

"I'm here to let you call Annabeth." I pulled my phone out of my pocket. "Here." I said, handing it to him. He shook his head and lowered his sword.

"Phones aren't safe. Just get me a glass of water, please?" He told me. I nodded and quickly left the room.

I walked out of the room and down the hall to a water fountain. I had a water bottle already and I filled it with water. Walking back to the interrogation room, I wondered why he needed water to call the girl. Maybe he just needs something to drink. I tried to make sense of it, but I still had not reached any logical solution by the time I had arrived back at his room.

"Here." I said, handing him the bottle. He took it with a slight nod of thanks and walked over to where the sun was shining in through a small window. He held the water bottle up to the light and waited until the light meeting the water made a rainbow, then he reached with one hand into his pocket and pulled out some sort of golden coin.

"Hey, Fleecy, do me a solid and show me Annabeth Chase at Montauk Beach Cabins." He said, tossing the coin into the rainbow. I watched, confused. I expected the coin to reappear on the other side, but instead, it shimmered and disappeared. The rainbow rippled and in it appeared an image of the blonde girl from the cabin and the day before. Annabeth Chase, he had called her.

She looked like a mess. Her hair was all over the place, her eyes were red and puffy, and her nose was red and swollen. She was sobbing and shaking. There were things on the floor next to her. I realized that she was still in the exact same spot she had been when we left. It was quite scary actually. The utter desolation on her face because Perseus had disappeared was incomprehensible. Why was she so affected?

"Annabeth..." Perseus's voice was soft and caring. His eyes had melted and instead of hard ice, they were pools that someone could get lost in. His mouth twisted into a sad frown when he saw how sad Annabeth was and his hands twitched longingly, wishing that he could reach out and comfort her. "Annabeth... Hey, Wise Girl." His voice was filled with such love... I was jealous.

I could tell how much he cared for her, how much he loved her. I wish someone could love me the way he loves her. He was so tender, so caring, and so gentle with her... Like she was fragile and might break. With the sate she was in at the moment, she very well might.

"Percy? Oh, gods! Percy..." Annabeth gasped and lunged toward the shimmering image in the rainbow, but stopped before she broke through it. Seeming to realize that he wasn't really there. "Percy, where are you? Is it those people from before? What have they done to you? Do you want me to call camp and get help? We'll break you out of there. You are not getting lost again, Seaweed Brain. You are not leaving me alone again."

'Percy', as she called him, turned and looked over his shoulder at me. Annabeth followed his gaze and she glared at me. Her gray eyed stare was almost as scary as Perseus's. I stepped forward and tried not to look like I was scared stiff. "I don't know where I am. Yes, it's those people from the beach the other day. And," I shoved him out of the way and his eyes burned with fury. He seemed to be restraining himself from lunging at me and hurting me. I still had a feeling that he wasn't letting us know the full extent of his power for fear of hurting us.

"Shut it, Perseus. That's enough." I said, trying to ignore the glare from Annabeth and trying to push away the feeling of wanting to shrink away into myself from the look Perseus was giving me.

"What the Hades have you done to my Seaweed Brain, bitch?" Annabeth snarled at me. I tore my eyes from Perseus on the floor to face her, even though every fiber of my being screamed that that was the most dangerous thing I could ever do: turn my back on Perseus Jackson. "What the Hades have you done to him? Where the Hades have you taken him? You better not hurt him, or I swear on the River Styx that I will hunt you down," I was saved by Perseus shoving me out of the way and standing in front of the image in the rainbow again.

"Annabeth, it's alright. There's no need to take drastic measures. They haven't hurt me. There's also no need to call camp. I can escape here anytime I want. Though, it's not really an escape if I was never being held in the first place." He smiled and laughed.

"You are being held here!" I protested.

"Oh really? So being able to just walk right out of here without so much as a struggle to get past the lot of you is being counted as being held here?" He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I sputtered, unable to come up with a retort. He had taken me by surprise. He could really do that? We have a god on our side, but he seems so afraid of the boy... He practically worships the ground this kid walks on. He wouldn't be much help. "That's what I thought." He said.

"Percy, come back. Soon, okay? No missing for six months again, no going to Alaska this time, and no falling into hell. Okay? And you... If you so much as make him uncomfortable..." She pointed at me menacingly.

"Annabeth! It's alright. I'll see you soon." He smiled at her and blew her a kiss. Her stormy grey eyes softened and she nodded.

"See you soon, Seaweed Brain."

"Bye for now, Wise Girl." Perseus waved his hand through the picture in the rainbow and whirled on me, his eyes blazing with fiery anger. "You... What the Hades was that? Why the Hades did you push me like that? And don't you dare tell me that you are keeping me here against my will. Don't you dare disrespect Annabeth like that again. And don't you dare tell me what to do." He stalked toward me and I instinctively backed up. He was mad. And he had never been mad before. He had just been mildly annoyed, or happy, or playful. We had never seen him mad, and I hoped we never did. I had a feeling that if we ever did, it would be worse than the Hulk.

"Nat, get out of there!" I heard Clint over the intercom in my ear.

"Clint, Clint, Clint. If I wanted to hurt her, I would have already. She wouldn't be making it out of here unscathed if that was my intention." Perseus shook his head in disappointment. "I thought that you guys would have figured out by now that I can do anything to you, anything I want, at any given moment. I thought that you all would have figured out that I'm just playing along with your little game for now until I get bored. Isn't that right, Nat?" He looked at me again, and I was stunned. He could hear the coms.

He looked over at the one-way window with an amused expression. "Well! Those aren't very nice words, Peter. I'm sure your aunt May would wash your mouth out with soup if she heard you say even one of those words." I was confused. What? Then it hit me. Peter must have muttered a string of profanities on the other side of the window and Perseus must have heard him. But... I hadn't heard anything over the coms... I gasped.

"Y-you can hear them in there?" He looked back at me with that amused expression still on his face.

"Yes, I've heard everything that you've said. And yes. You are in some serious trouble if you piss me off or once I get tired of this game, Tony. You'd be the one in the iron suit, right? Tony Stark?" I stared at him in shock. Shit. He's good. We really are in trouble. I thought. While he was looking at the one-way window with a smile, I made a mad dash toward the door. I was scared and I wanted out, and I wanted away from Perseus Jackson.

I ran out the door and didn't stop running until I was back in the other room with Clint, Tony, Bruce, Thor, Peter, and a flustered Fury.

"Agent Romanoff! What is going on!?" He said. I heard Perseus laugh, and I shivered. Clint walked over and wrapped his arms around me in a comforting hug.

"Well, eye-patch. I finally let them know that I can hear all of you in there. And, well, I'm afraid that I gave Natasha quite a scare when I got mad at her. You see, I was finally allowed to call Annabeth and we were talking. I was trying to calm her down and I was just telling her that you guys hadn't done anything to me that I didn't allow and that there was no need to call for a rescue team when Natasha pushed me away and took over the call. She disrespected my angel and tried to tell me what to do. She made me mad. And that scared her. I'm sorry for her mistakes, but I did nothing wrong, I did nothing to hurt her. I simply told her never to try to do anything like that again. It's not my fault if she can't stomach my anger. I didn't lift a finger at her, didn't touch her, and didn't even threaten her. I simply looked at her and I guess the rage in my face was enough to scare the poor girl. They all saw it. They all heard it. And even if you don't believe me, there is nothing you can do to me." We all looked out the window at Perseus, who was staring at the glass with a scary smirk on his face.

I shivered again, buried my face in Clint's shoulder, and cried.

Fury's P.O.V.

I looked at the kid on the other side of the glass. Then I looked at Natasha with her face hidden in Clint's shoulder, her body shaking with her sobs. Then back at the boy. That boy was dangerous. He had taken one of my strongest, and most unbreakable solders, and he had broken her. With a look. He had simply gotten mad and looked at her, and he had broken her. He had scared one of my un-scare-able soldiers with a glare. He could hear everything we said in here. He scared Thor. He had taken the Avengers down without a problem, and he still hadn't been trying.

"Well, Perseus, you may think that. But I will prove you wrong. I will find a way to break you. And when I do, you will be sorry." My threat was met by laughter. The boy was clutching his sides and howling with laughter.

"G-Good... Good l-luck... W-with th-that, eye-patch!" He managed to get out between laughs. He straightened out and smiled at me through the window he couldn't see through. "You can't break me. Nothing you do can break me. What are you going to do? Torture me? My angel will kill you if she finds out that you hurt me. Will you hurt my angel? I would like to see you try. She would kick your ass if you tried to capture her, and I would kill you if you harmed a single hair on her head." Natasha shrieked and hid in Clint's shoulder. Perseus glanced in her direction, even though he couldn't see her, he still knew where we all were. Did he have x-ray vision? "I really am sorry for scaring you so much, Natasha. And, yes. I know where you all are because I can tell where your voices come from. I do not have x-ray vision. Anyway, back to my point. There is nothing, nothing, you can do to me that will break me, I have been through far too much for you to scare me, for you to have anything that will work against me."

I got an idea. "We have Thor." He looked puzzled. "He knows all you have been through. Would recalling those memories of everything break you? If it is so horrible, then reliving it would surely have some effect?" He laughed again and I frowned. I really thought that I had found the perfect solution.

"I relive it every night in my dreams as I sleep. Reliving it in the day, with you all watching as well, because I'm sure you would hook me up to some kind of monitor so that you could see what exactly it is that has Thor so scared of me and me so unbreakable. But doing so would only result in breaking all of you." I was shocked. He relived it every night in his dreams? This kid was truly a mystery.

"What is it that you have done? What is it that you have been through that has turned you into this?" I was annoyed, frustrated, and somewhat curious.

"You really want to know? Even if it leaves you scared for forever? Even if you will never look at me the same way? Even though you will not believe it?" He looked skeptical.

"Yes." I said. "I do at least. If anyone here does not wish to hear this boy's tale, then leave now." Nobody moved. "Alright then. Let's hear it."

He nodded. "Okay. But I do not want your pity. Once I am done with my tale, I do not want you to look at me like I am a poor soul who needs help. I do not want you to pity me. Do I make myself clear?" We all voiced our agreement, and Perseus launched into his story.

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