Two Bots, One Team
Bumblebee's p.o.v
The new bot had Smokescreen pinned beneath his ped, his cannon pointed to his faceplates. Smokescreen continued to wiggle beneath the bot. Optimus gasped as he also recognized the new comer. "IronHide?" The mech finally focused on the both of us, his battle mask retracting.
His optics widened as he removed his ped from Smokescreen's chassis, the Autobot symbol displayed across it. IronHide frowned, helping Smokey up. "Sorry, buddy." Smokescreen waved him off before inching closer to me as he wanted nothing else to do with the bot for the time being. "Bumblebee? Optimus? It's been ages. Look how much you've grown, kid!" I laughed, also retracting my battle mask along with Optimus. "Wait, did you just fragging talk?"
I chuckled yet again, "Finally, yes."
"How can that be?"
"Oh you know, Decepticons captured us, Ratchet managed to snag a voice box from their ship. How or why did they have one? Don't ask. I am not entirely sure I would wanna know where they got a biomechism, but I have it."
IronHide smiled before grabbing me. His hug tightened my arms to my side as my wings swung. "It is finally to see you again, old friend." Optimus smiled, placing a servo on IronHides shoulder plating.
"Optimus, it's been too long," IronHide stretched out his servo, Optimus accepting the offer.
Beside me, Smokescreen shifted. I turned to face him, he was confused. -What's wrong?-
-I have no idea who this guy is-
"Hide, this is Smokescreen."
IronHide's helm snapped to Smokescreen. "That's really you, kid? It's been since that day. Primus, I never forgave myself for not finding you." I smiled, I forgot he had been around during our birth with Ratchet and Optimus. He must have been one of many comrades that searched for Smokescreen.
"You know Ratchet," Smokescreen asked. IronHide chuckled at the question.
"Do I know the ole' Hatchet? Please. He's the best in the business. Your sire-urm-your medic is like no other." IronHide shifted his weight at his slip up.
Optimus chuckled very lightly, "Ratchet has already told them both, IronHide. You have made no mistake." IronHide let out a breath. "What brings you to Earth?"
IronHide seemed to get serious at the question. "Well, I was searching the galaxy for anything, anybot. Well, a bot found me. A Decepticon. He managed to hit my ship, I had to enter my stasis pod as a last resort. I suppose this was the closest rock. This Earth. Though, I suppose this isn't so bad. I lost all of my weaponry however."
"That is alright, old friend. We will assist you."
"Optimus, what is your status?" Ratchet's voice rang through our comm links.
"Ratchet, send us a ground bridge. And prepare the medbay."
"I'm alright, Prime."
Optimus only gave the weapon specialist a knowing look before a bridge appeared. Smokescreen entered first. As we all came through, IronHide appeared behind me. Bulkhead was the first to speak, "IronHide, come here you big lug!" IronHide was swept off his peds. He grunted but cracked a smile.
"Heya, Bulkhead," he was finally sat down. He noticed WheelJack, who seemed just as excited. Though, he knew better than to hug the other wrecker. "WheelJack, it is good to finally see you again." The two shook servos.
"It's good to see you. My weapons have been needing a tune up." IronHide seemed to light up a bit at that. The thought of finally putting his expertise back into use was all he wanted to hear.
IronHide turned to see Ratchet, who was surprisingly kind of excited to also see the black bot. "IronHide, it's good to see you again. I was worried we wouldn't ever connect again." IronHide shook Ratchet's servo, his other servo clapping Ratchet on the opposite shoulder plate.
"You aren't going to lose me that easy, Ratch," IronHide let the grasp go before turning back around to everyone. Arcee stepped forward from her position next to me.
"I'm Arcee, it's an honor to meet another Autobot."
IronHide gladly clasped her small servo in his, "the honor is all mine, Arcee. I am IronHide."
"Me next!" Miko squealed as the three kids made their way down the stairs. Miko made it down to IronHide's peds as she stared up at him in amazement. Raf and Jack closely behind. IronHide gently bended down to them. He put a digit out for her and Miko shook it. Raf did too, alongside Jack. They introduced themselves as such. "How many bots have you killed? Where did you come from? Did you plan to come here? When did you join the wreckers?"
IronHide chuckled at Miko's fired questions. "I didn't join the wreckers, human. I was one of the founders. I've killed too many to count, and I came from the cosmos. I was shot down by Decepticons, landing here." Miko's eyes seemed to light up even more.
IronHide turned to me, "How is Sam?" I shifted, uneasy.
"Passed. You've been gone a while," I looked away. Not wanting him to read too much into the sadness I carried.
"I am sorry to hear that. He was one of the better humans I have come across." I nodded in agreement. I felt Raf's confused eyes fixing on me.
"I take care of Raf now. You'll love him just as much." IronHide turned to Raf who was a little red as he was put to the center of attention.
"O-Oh I don't know." IronHide smiled at Raf.
IronHide then looked to Ratchet, "I hate to already be asking questions. But, I was wondering if you had picked up on any other activity concerning another stasis pod?" Ratchet hummed as he turned back to his computers. The team watching the screens as he did a couple of scans. Before we knew it, an alert blipped to the screen. Another life signal, Autobot.
"How did you know?"
"My daughter was with me when we went down. I knew she got out. I made sure of it before I sent myself off."
"NightArrow? I haven't seen her since she was a mere sparkling. I can't wait to finally meet her. I hope she didn't pick up too much from ya," WheelJack bumped shoulder plating with Hide. The other rolled his optics.
"She can be a lot to handle, be prepared."
"IronHide, I wish for you to be checked thoroughly in the med bay. However, I know recruiting your daughter would be important for you. When we return, I would suggest both of you get a scan. WheelJack, Smokescreen, with us," the three nodded. Ratchet opened the bridge.
-Be careful-
-Always am, Bee-
Smokescreen's P.O.V
We were met with harsh winds as soon as we made it to our destination. WheelJack grunted as a smaller rock smacked into his side plating.
"Well, that stasis pod could have landed in a better area." We were atop a mountain. Snow was lightly covering some of the ground, the other half was covered in voyage.
"I agree. Let's find her and get out of this."
Optimus held out the scanner Ratchet had given him. The beeping steady. "The homing beacon is just around the North side. Let's continue our mission." After traveling for around ten clicks, we came upon the stasis pod. Though, it was opened. No bot to be seen. Optimus hummed though as he scanned again. "It seems as though the beacon is moving closer. Ready yourselves in case-"
I hit the dirt, a ped on my chassis. A knife to my neck cables. "Oh come on! This is the second time today!"
Though, as I looked at the form who had me pinned, I was met with glowing blue optics. The bot was black, orange highlights in some places on her form. Long cables hung, the ends with sharp tips. Two black audio sensors lowered on the helm, the ends highlighted red. The form was slender, the knee caps and peds resembled much of my brother. I focused back on the optics, they were glaring at me. The knife seemingly sharper.
"Arrow, drop the blade. It's Smokescreen. He's Ratchet's other son."
The blade was retracted from my neck cables, and as I finished rubbing my cables, the form outstretched a servo. I took the smaller, slender servo. "My apologies. I am not familiar with this planet and I was on edge. I'm NightArrow, hopefully we can start out on a better ped." I shook the servo. Arrow's optics met mine once more, though they were filled with happiness. She was beautiful. I couldn't form words. Thankfully, WheelJack stepped forward.
"I am WheelJack, I don't expect you to remember me though." She chuckled, and even that sounded beautiful.
"I couldn't forget you," WheelJack cracked a smile.
IronHide greeted his daughter with a hug, giving her a once over. I couldn't take my optics off of her.
-What exactly is going on. I can feel your spark about to beat out of your chassis. Sire says it's going insane-
-I think I believe in that whole love at first sight thing that Jack was talking about.-
-I even love her name.- I could practically feel the optic roll I received on the other end.
A ground bridge appeared behind us, Optimus readying his weapons. Just by that, I could tell Ratchet wasn't the one who sent us one. Breakdown and Knockout stepped through. They were caught off guard though, they readied their weapons though.
"Well, isn't this a surprise. Two new Autobots in town? Megatron will not be pleased," Knockout sneered.
"He's not going to be pleased when he receives two less Decepticons either," NightArrow shot back.
Breakdown grinned, "the femme has some bolts. I think we can change that." They were the first to charge. I took a swing at Knockout, though I missed my target. I received a kick to the side in return. I hit the ground, only to see NightArrow and IronHide doing a swell job at kicking Breakdowns aft.
Optimus took one good hit at Knockout, the red mech hitting the snow pile with a clang. The bot groaned and whimpered about his paint. Optimus glowered over him, though not threatening him. I heard a clang to my left. My optics shifted as I stood. Breakdown had Arrow by the neck cables. She kicked her peds as she choked at the servo.
"Everyone back down, or I send this one back to the Allspark." IronHides anger was not well hidden. The weapon specialist growled and the sound of his gun powering off was heard. Optimus stepped away from Knockout who scampered to the side of Breakdown.
"Let me go!" Arrow shouted. Though, Breakdown squeezed harder. She cried out. My spark clenched in my chassis. Just as IronHide was about to spit a threat at the blue mech, a bridge appeared behind the bot. The rev of Bumblebee's engine reached my circuits. As he transformed, he tackled the much larger mech. NightArrow rolling away, free. Bulkhead followed through the bridge as well as Arcee.
"Soundwave, a bridge, immediately!" Knockout shrieked. Severely outnumbered, the cons retreated before we were able to get a few dents in.
Bumblebee helped Arrow from off the ground. As he did, she pounced on him into a huge. "Bumblebee! It's so good to finally see you again!" Bumblebee laughed at the sudden embrace. I crossed my arms across my chassis. Of course she knows him, how come I don't know anybot.
"Arrow, this is Smokescreen, Bulkhead, and Arcee." Each bot shook each others servo but when she reached me, she only smiled.
"I believe we need to restart just one more time. Without an interruption or being killed," her optics practically piercing into mine.
"I-I couldn't agree more." I reached my servo out yet again, happy to get to feel her servo in mine for a second time. I could see Bumblebee shaking his helm behind her.
"And thank Primus, another femme. I can not be more thankful for you, Arcee," Arrow turned to the other femme on the team.
Arcee put a hand on her hip and nodded to Arrow, "please. I should be thanking you for showing up. Back at base, it's just me." Arrow laughed but noticed how close Bee and Arcee were.
"Oh yeah?" Bee nodded, inching a little closer to Arcee who smiled at the movement.
"I also don't know how you do it when I know you have a servo full with this one. Grew up with this one, practically a brother of mine." Arcee smiled at her.
"Yet again, thank you."
We finally arrived back at base, NightArrow greeting everyone with that big smile, her optics glowing. Bumblebee was back at my side.
"You are going to creep her out if you keep staring at her from across the room."
Rolling my optics I looked at him, "she's literally a walking goddess. How could I not?" Bee put his servos on his hips as he shook his helm. "Don't even get sassy with me, I don't think I can handle it after the day I have had."
Miko was erupting with questions yet again. She was excited to have another female around base. WheelJack and Bulkhead were talking with IronHide as they listened to his stories. Though, I noticed NightArrow walking towards me. Bumblebee walking away to meet with Arcee.
"I'm very excited to hear more about you, Smokey. I had always hoped you would turn up at some point," those optics were yet again hard to look away from.
I rubbed the back of my neck cables, "oh, I promise there isn't much to me. I am in warrior class, I found my way here just about a year ago. But, I would definitely love to hear about you."
Arrow immediately begin to intrigue me with her info, "I am still a scout, I became a wrecker in the midst of war, and was taking ninja classes with Prowl before the fall of Cybertron. So I am in the making of a true ninja bot." My mouth had to be open. I regained my composure, nodding at the information.
"One of many talents, I like that." She seemed to blush as she gave me a big smile. IronHide was seen behind her, his arms across his chassis as he listened to Bulkhead. I gulped, but still gave Arrow a smile.
"Excuse me, Smokescreen. It was nice talking with you. I will meet up with you again soon." I nodded, trying to seem causal as her sire bored through me with his optics.
Arcee's P.O.V
Arrow was being checked out by Ratchet. I sat on the other berth, sharing stories with her. And how we wished to return to Cybertron so we could get back strut massages and our digits done for once.
"I have an extra berth in my room, I would love for you to move in there. It is probably your best bet compared to what these mechs have to offer," I insisted. Arrow couldn't agree more. Ratchet just grumbled something about femmes and their traveling in groups.
After a while of everyone talking, we made our way to our berth rooms. Arrow turned to me as we entered our room. "So, is Smokescreen available? He is just too adorable." I chuckled at the immediate no filtered question.
"Absolutely. I think he seems to have a little something for you as well. He and Bumblebee are ones to have a bond. Bumblebee mentioned a little something that makes me think he is very interested." Arrow seemed to love that response.
"Oh thank Primus," she squealed. "I will have to get to know him, he is so sweet." I smiled at her, knowing I would have to discuss this with Bumblebee.
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