Day 29 (2) - Tuesday
Draco's pov
This was crazy. And surely it was a bad idea. It couldn't end well. But he couldn't help but hope it would anyway. Fear mixed up with excitation as he tried to sit calmly by the fireplace, waiting for Harry. He thought about their conversation the night prior and how he had poured his heart out, admitting that he had liked the brunette for quite a long time now. He thought about how screwed he was. Why the hell did he tell him ? Now Harry knew how much he cared about him, and it would be all the more awkward when the gryffindor will realise who he was. Surely he will think he'd be better off without him and leave him. What if he made fun of him ?
He took a deep breath. It was Harry. Of course he wouldn't do that. He supposed that if Harry did end up being disgusted, he'd still be nice.
He remembered all of a sudden, the night Harry had suggested that his "snake" was none other than Draco Malfoy -none other than himself. Why didn't he tell him then that he was right ? It would have made things a lot easier. Facing rejection through texts seems better than face to face, but he hadn't been able to admit that truth back then. Not when it meant losing him.
It was not that he didn't trust Harry, the problem was that he couldn't accept what he did, what he was, so if he couldn't forgive himself, he didn't understand how could Harry. After all, the Gryffindor had lost a lot during the Battle, because of him. Of course they had exchanged some texts about himself - about Draco- that wasn't half bad -Harry even wanted to thank him. But there was a huge difference between being thankful for one act he had done and forgetting all his wrongs. Because of him, Harry had lost the little he he left : Dumbledore, professor Lupin, and now his friends ignored him. Even before that, Draco had never been anything but mean to him. Despite that, when he was down, he had gone to Harry, approached him. Sometimes his guiltiness was almost enough to kill him.
It was crazy, it was a bad idea, it couldn't end well, but he hoped like he had never hoped anything before that it was going to be alright.
Kitten 💚
I'm on my way ! 💙
Draco Malfoy
Okay, I'll wait for you by the portrait
Kitten 💚
Be right there 💙
Draco Malfoy
Great. Thanks Harry, for everything you've ever done for me. Even if tonight ends badly, I want you to know I'm glad you asked me on this date. I like you
Draco sent it with trembling hands. He wanted to say that, in case he didn't have this occasion later. He was already screwed as can be so he didn't see the problem with this text now.
There wasn't any reply, so he got up, rearranged his mask -which covered big part of his face, he also changed his eye and hair colour just in case- and went out of the Slytherin common room.
Soon enough he saw Harry walking towards him. Draco gave him a nervous smile and Harry shot him a wide grin back. The brunette didn't stop until he reached Draco and engulfed him in a tight embrace.
"I like you too" he whispered gently in his ear. That sent shivers down Draco's spine, and he returned the embrace, inhaling his scent, prying to whatever God was listening that it would last forever. But nobody was listening, and they parted slightly.
"I like you too" repeated Harry "and tonight will end up with us smiling like big sappy idiots"
"Promise ?"
They hugged a little while longer before Harry fully detached himself. He searched his pocket and surprised Draco by offering him a little box and a single blue tulip -that he had reduced for the transport.
"It's not much but I thought it would make you happy" he said with a shy smile.
And the smile on Draco's face told him that he was as he took the flower and the small box.
"Thank you" he said, his now brown eyes shining with sincerity. "It's beautiful, I don't think I've seen one before" he went on, observing the tulip.
"They're not really common, that's why I chose it. A red rose would have been too cliché. Besides, this one is really gorgeous." Draco nodded, mesmerized by the flower.
"Gorgeous like you" added Harry with a cheeky smile. This made the blonde laugh.
"Trying to seduce me comparing me with a flower, Potter ?"
"It depends. Does it work ?" Draco chuckled at that.
"Maybe. But I'm not a girl"
"I know that" he said, chuckling.
"You're such a sap" Draco said affectionatly.
"And the worst is that you love it"
Draco shook his head with a smile, denying Harry's statement despite the fact that they both knew it was true.
Harry smiled, forgetting completely his anxiety. He was amazed at how easy it was to be around his snake. It felt natural.
He suddenly grabbed Draco's hand as he was about to open the box.
"Don't open it now. You should put it with the tulip in your room for now" Draco seemed surprised. "When should I open it then ?"
"When you'll start to miss me after the party"
Draco smiled, amused by his attitude. Harry was just like he was through his texts, and it calmed his nerves a little.
"As you wish" he said before opening the portrait and heading to his room.
Harry let out a small breath, relieved that his gift has been appreciated. He hoped that the content of the box would equally please him. Draco reappeared soon after, and the brunette offered him a hand.
"Shall we go ?" He saw Draco hesitate, so he dropped his hand "What's wrong ?"
"I might have sweaty hands right now, you know, as I was really anxious.." he said with a sheepish smile.
Harry laughed, grabbing him by the waist instead and dragging him towards the Great Hall where was the party.
"So much for the romanticism" he said, teasing.
"You're romantic enough for the both of us" replied Draco, pressing a bit more into Harry's side.
The blonde was surprised that he was able to voice out loud such a disgusting thing as having sweaty hands. But with Harry, he didn't have to be perfect and he knew that. They were both human, with flaws, and they didn't care. They could be themselves and that was what made their connection special.
"Are you still feeling anxious ?" Harry asked.
"Not right now, I feel good." He smiled, because it was true.
"Great" he replied, smiling back at him.
"When I'll let the mask down though I might get anxious. Like really anxious."
There was a small pause.
"You plan to ? I mean, reveal yourself to me ?" Harry's voice was barely over a whisper, afraid that his words would change the other's mind.
Draco took his time to answer, realising what would happen tonight. But he had hided for too long, it was time to drop the mask. "Yes" he said, with a shaky voice. "I will, if you're a good boy" he added with a wink, rebuilding his composure.
It made Harry laugh lightly, and he kissed Draco's hair, just above his ear, before whispering "I'll be the greatest"
Draco was glad his mask hided his blush.
They finally made it to the Great Hall. They were amazed by how decorated it was. The tables were on one side, with strange food on them that seemed more like part of a human body than real food. There were also drinks as red as blood or as green as... They didn't know, and they didn't want to.
There was little light, darkness reigning over the Great Hall. An animated armor passed by them, and they realized there were animated things all over the room, like soldiers, gargoyles, and even statues. Of course, they could see Hagrid's giant pumpinks, and some spiders engorged especially for the occasion.
The ghosts were happily floatting and Peeves was as happy as can be, terrifying the students. A lot of them has returned for the night from their family's house as MacGonagall opened a fireplace for the occasion. Everyone wore a costume, professors included. With their costume, a dementor and a masked vampire, Harry and Draco fitted perfectly.
Students and professors were chatting by the tables or dancing to the scary music that played.
"What did you say about romanticism again ?" Draco asked
Harry laughed and guided him through the dance floor, reaching a table.
"Let's have fun. I can be romantic again later" He replied with a wink, and they laughed.
"You're impossible"
"So I've been told"
"May I ask who told you such a wise thing ?" Asked the blonde with a knowing smile.
"Of course. I think it was this gorgeous man, you know, the one that can be as impossible as I am"
"Fair enough" he replied with a laugh. "But stop calling me gorgeous, it's embarrassing, and you don't even know what I look like"
"I'll know soon enough, gorgeous"
"Merlin I hate you"
"I thought you liked me ?" said Harry, pressing a flushed Draco against him, his arms around his waist.
"I lied" Draco had a smile that told Harry he didn't. The brunette moved closer to him, their mouth only a few inches apart.
"Really ?"
"Yeah" the blonde whispered.
"Okay then" and with that Harry let him go, turning to face the table and grab two glasses.
"A drink ?" He asked Draco with a triumphant smile. The blond grabbed it, frustrated.
"I really do hate you now" he said, sulking, making Harry laugh lightly.
"Of course you do, love"
Harry passed again his arm around the other's waist, taking a sip of his strange drink. He could feel him relax again his side and he smiled. As much as he wanted to kiss him, he didn't want their fisrt kiss to happen in the middle of sweating teenagers, with this mask still on his snake's face.
"Thanks for the drink" Draco said. He stopped being frustrated when he heard the pet name and he relaxed even further against Harry, feeling like this was all a dream. Maybe he fell asleep in his common room while waiting for Harry ? If this was the case, he would enjoy every second of this dream.
"Why did you choose a dementor ?" He asked.
"I just grabbed the first costume I saw that wasn't overly ridiculous nor troublesome."
"But I thought you were scared of them ?" He replied, remembering third year when he had disguised himself to scare him.
"Not anymore, since I know how to cast a Patronus they don't seem that powerful"
"A beautiful stag" he said, pensive, dropping his head on to Harry's shoulder
"You remember ?" Harry replied, resting his head against his, without realizing the terror in Draco's eyes.
"What do you mean remember ?"
"From third year, I casted it during a Quidditch match. I think it scared the shit out of Draco" he said, laughing a little.
Draco let out a breath, it wasn't aimed at it specifically.
"Wait, since when is it "Draco" for you ?"
"Since I'm in love with him" Harry answered with a playful grin.
"It's not funny, jerk" Said Draco, his anxiety rising again.
"Oh I think it is" Seeing how tense the other had become, Harry softened. "I'm sorry"
He put down his now empty drink to engulf him in yet another tight embrace. It was like they couldn't get enough contact, couldn't get enough of the other. He waited for him to relax, feeling stupid for having ruined the mood. They stayed like that for a while, before Draco let out a breath and smiled at Harry.
"Shall we dance ?" Without waiting for an answer, he dragged him to the dancefloor. The music wasn't really good, it wasn't slow but wasn't quick enough to dance like they would in wizard night clubs.
"I don't know how to dance" Harry said, slightly embarrassed.
"Me neither" admitted Draco, laughing.
So they just swayed to the music, making silly moves just to make the other smile, making fun of everything and everyone for a while, not caring about anything.
"I would dedicate this slow to my great friend Harry Potter, you deserve happiness man !" Yelled a drunk Seamus at one point, making Harry blush slightly.
"Will you do me the honor ?" The Gryffindor asked, extending his end for the Slytherin to take.
"Of course, kitten"
They resumed their previous position, embraced on the dancefloor, goofy smiles on their faces.
"You told Finnigan about our date ?" Draco was glad Harry wasn't ashamed of going on a date with him. Even if he didn't know who he was. Yet.
"Yeah. I couldn't talk about anything else lately" he said, chuckling. "Actually I think he's releived today has finally arrived"
"That's cute" Draco whispered.
"You're the cute one" he replied.
"Merlin we're so gay" the Slytherin laughed, followed by Harry. "I'm glad you have at least Finnigan by your side now though"
"Yeah, you and me both. He and Dean, they unexpectedly chose my side per say"
"How come ?"
"They said it was unfair to blame me for the war. I'm thankful, but I'm scared they think I'm hanging out with them just because I don't have anyone else. Beside you I mean"
Draco smiled. Harry was really cute, despite what he can think.
"But you were friends before the war ?" He asked.
"Yes, but I mostly spent my time with Ron rather than Dean and Seamus"
Talking about the devil, Seamus and Dean appeared by their side, almost falling, barely able to walk as they were pretty drunk.
"Man, you here ! You be my best man at the weed- no, wedding ?" asked Seamus.
"You're getting married ?!"
"Wif me ! Married we want today I think" Replied Dean.
Harry and Draco bursted out laughing at their nonsense.
"Sure Seam'" He said nonetheless. And with that they waddled more than walked away.
Someone put another slow and they stayed swaying gently together. As the song reached the end, Draco thought he should make a move. The idea of kissing Harry had stucked since the Gryffindor's teasing and being so close to him, leaning in didn't seem that scary. Harry understood his intentions though and dragged him away from the dance floor, then away from the Great Hall.
The blonde was confused but followed, actually happy to have some more space and privacy. They ended up outside of the castle, walking in the cold night. They found a bench and sat, their hands laced together.
"I almost forgot, I have something for you too !" Draco fished a small object from his pocket and handed it to Harry.
It was a tiny snow globe. Inside were a cat and a snake, which he guessed represented them. The base was engraved, it read "Paris, 1st of july, 11:00"
"Is it a portkey ?"
The Slytherin nodded, nervous.
"You're crazy. You made us a portkey ? To Paris ?!"
Draco nodded again, maybe it was too much. But Harry embraced him, his eyes shining with tears.
"Thank you, it's the best gift I've ever received."
"Really ?"
"Yeah. I can't wait to go to Paris with you"
They stayed silent, hugging, until Harry spoke again.
"That must have been expensive" he said, worried.
"Don't think about it. It was worth it"
"I can't believe it. Thank you so much, Draco"
"It's nothing" the blond replied.
There was a pause, before both of them realised what Harry had said.
"How did you call me ?" Draco asked, shaking.
"Don't you dare lie to me, Potter !" He said, detaching himself, jerking up.
"I'm sorry, I was overwhelmed, I didn't think. Please sit down"
"Shut up !" Yelled Draco. "You knew all along it was me, don't you ?!"
"I just- I figured. I mean, honestly, how dense do you think I am ?"
"So you thought it would be funny to make fun of me ? To play with my fucking feelings ?!"
This let Harry speechless for an instant.
"I don't understand what's happening. Seriously why are you mad at me ? I'm not playing with you, I never have. If anything I should be mad, you never trusted me, you lied to me when I said I knew it was you ! What was I supposed to do ?"
"I don't know, tell me you knew maybe ! I trusted you, but it was stupid. I should have known you would do that."
"What ?" Harry wasn't yelling anymore. He was too hurt to be mad.
"I hate you Harry fucking Potter, I don't know what I saw in you. You're just a liar."
And with that, he went back inside, back to his common room, crying, as Harry slowly did the same. This night wasn't supposed to end like this. Neither could comprehend how it went that bad.
A/N :
Hi guys, what do you think ? Please don't kill me now ! You need me if you want the next chapter (which you'll like I promise) Anyway, it was a long chapter and I must have made an awful lot of mistakes, so I'm sorry, but remember that English is not my first language, nor my second in fact, so I'm just trying my best. Thanks for reading ! I'll correct it when I have some time.
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