57 | United I
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• Amir •
When Amir woke up, he yawned and stretched out on his bed, feeling his heart beat quickly in his chest. He felt like he had climbed Mount Everest in a few seconds, and he couldn't calm down. It was the day of his wedding, and he thought Luna saying yes to him was a dream. Her soul and energy gave off a feeling of love that made him unable to stay away from her. Even if he tried, he wouldn't.
The night before, he and the guys didn't do anything too crazy. He was worried that Faisal might have learned something from The Hangover movies they had watched and put something in their drinks, which would put him on the roof of the house and make him burn in the sun.
But that didn't happen. Amir guess it would be payback if something like that happened; he did slip drugs into people's beverages at the hospital, even though they deserved it. Sergeant Decker won the last round of a card game he'd been hosting, so he called it a night and the other guys left Amir's room. Faisal, on the other hand, thought it would be funny to throw ice cubes under Amir's blanket, making him jump up as if he had been bitten. All the guys laughed.
"Just in case you wake up, missing your lady."
Amir could kill him, but he was just playing with him. Somehow, Faisal had slipped the ice cubes under the covers when he wasn't paying attention. That was why the guys snickered around him and gazed at one another like someone broke wind. It was his cousin and his ice cube prank. He was adamant about talking with the guys later about it. Especially with his cousin.
Rising and swinging his legs to the side, Amir placed his feet on the floor and stood for a moment, yawning. Then he slowly made his way to the bathroom, where he took a shower and brushed his teeth. After putting some things away in his room, he got ready to meet everyone downstairs. But, before doing that, Allah came first. Instead of going into the hall to see if his wife or daughter were there, he got out his prayer mat and started praying.
He prayed to Allah for His blessing on their union, for the gift of Sarah in his life, and for His guidance in their future. He humbly asked God to keep his family safe at home and to bless everyone who was hurt because of their DNA. He prayed for Luna's family and the people who continued to help their group while they are in hiding.
"In the name of Allah, O Allah, keep Satan away from us, and him away from the blessing of our home. Keep him away from the life that you are granting us."
Amir adjusted his legs and prayed another prayer.
"O Allah, bless my wife for me and bless me for her. Bless the little life she carried before me and any future lives you grant us. O Allah, unite us with goodness and grace, and let there be no sadness upon us on this day, and for the remainder of our lives."
"Hey, Amir," he heard from the other side of his door. "It's Darren."
"Come in," Amir said, bringing himself up and rolling his mat.
Darren opened the door and looked down, his eyes furrowed. "Sorry. I must have come at the wrong time. I was looking for something I'd left in your room."
"It's fine. I was finishing up. What did you leave?"
Darren looked around and walked toward Amir's dresser. "Here it is. I took my watch off last night. It was making my wrist itching."
"I see."
"How are you feeling, brother? Today's the day!"
Amir chuckled. "I'm nervous, but I'm more worried about my wife and daughter."
Darren took a seat at the desk as he watched Amir fix his hair in the mirror. "Eh, they're fine. The ladies are helping Luna get ready. I'm sure she is just as nervous."
Amir glanced over his shoulder at Darren as he adjusted his white shalwar kameez. Then Darren continued.
"I was nervous about my wedding. It has been over twenty years, but I remember it like it was yesterday."
"I've been waiting for this day my whole life. I hope nothing goes wrong."
"It'll be fine, Amir. We're safe. Chase and Dr. Kim have no clue where we are. I doubt anything will happen."
Amir pressed his lips together and stared into the mirror. "Maybe you're right. Both of them better not cross my path, if they know what's good for them."
"I hear ya. I hate Dr. Kim and what he did to Cami. He caused me to have a heart attack after giving her one of her treatments one day. I stayed in the hospital for a week after that."
"I'm sorry, man. St. Matthew's is terrible. I'm taking them down once I have my girls safe from them. I hated being around Dr. Kim. He was a lunatic in person."
"I bet," Darren said, shaking his head.
"Hey, Amir," Raul murmured, standing in the doorway.
Amir turned around, raising his eyebrows.
"You can come in. We don't bite." Both Amir and Darren chuckled.
"I'm about to head out for a bit," Raul told him, causing Amir to frown. "I'll be back."
"What? Now?"
Raul nodded. "There's something I need to do."
"What's wrong with Raul leaving?" Darren asked Amir.
"It won't be too long," Raul said, backing away from the doorway. "I'll be back before the ceremony. I promise you."
Amir groaned as Raul scurried off. "Damn."
"What is it, Amir?"
"Raul is one of my witnesses for the Nikah. Faisal is the other one, and Mera can count as a third witness. I need all three of them here once Bhatti Sahib arrives."
"There are plenty of witnesses here—"
"No, you don't get it. For my Nikah to be lawful, I need two practicing Muslims to witness it taking place. I don't see why Raul left. What could he possibly need?"
• • •
It was five o'clock in the late afternoon, and Amir hadn't had much to eat or drink. He prayed, again and again, to try to get rid of his nervousness. The group helped decorate the yard for the wedding, and he stared at them to keep his mind off of things. He had to wonder where Raul had gone and why he hadn't come back by now.
Mera told him not to worry, but Raul needed to be there before the ceremony began. Amir needed to be united with Luna in Holy Matrimony. Today. No other day.
Well, maybe another date if she felt like they should wait. But he doubted she would wait. They had planned their wedding all week, and the last few days were something special to them. Nothing can go wrong.
Standing at the side door and lost in his thoughts, Amir watched as Vikram and Darren sorted out a flower arrangement. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Assalamualaikum," said Irfan Bhatti, who was also with the reverend.
"Walaikumassalam," Amir replied.
"We are a bit early, and the ceremonies aren't supposed to begin for another half hour," Irfan said. "I wanted to check on everyone."
"I'm glad both of you made it. I was just looking at the decorations and everything," Amir said as Reverend McDaniels stepped toward the window and peeked outside. "Raul said he borrowed the stage from a neighbor."
"Yes. I see that," Irfan mumbled. "Are all your witnesses here for the Nikah proceedings?"
Amir shuddered and pinched his lips into a thin line. "Right now, there's only Faisal and Mera. She's upstairs with Luna, and I saw my cousin in the kitchen."
"Okay. A woman named Sue let us in, and I didn't see anyone else until I saw you at the side door," Irfan told him.
"Everything looks well-prepared, Amir. You guys did good," Reverend McDaniels said, staring at the white chairs lined up on both sides of the yard and the small wooden stage settled in the back.
"I didn't help with a lot. I—"
"Amir?" he heard from behind him.
Raul appeared from the doorway, and Amir's muscles in his body locked as he laid his eyes upon his family and the Carlyles.
He stared straight into his mother's, father's, and brother's eyes. Their families came to their wedding, and he was completely speechless.
"You're . . . you're here," Amir stuttered, blinking several times, believing he was dreaming. "Mom. Dad. Adnan."
Amir's family nodded as he approached them, then with open arms, tears streaming down his cheeks. "You're here."
"Yes, son," Nasir said, giving Amir a big hug. "We wouldn't miss your wedding. Our eldest is finally getting married. This is a huge moment for you."
"You look great," Maryam said, holding Amir's hand. "I'm so proud of you."
"You went to pick them up?" Amir asked Raul, turning to face him.
Raul smiled. "Of course. Your mother texted Mera that they were at the airport," he replied. "That's why I left in a hurry."
"Amir . . ." Irfan Bhatti said, stepping around to face the Khans and the Carlyles. "Elizabeth. Is that you?"
"Irfan," Elizabeth said, reaching for his hand. "It's so lovely to see you again."
"You two know each other?" Lawrence asked, shifting his gaze between them.
She nodded. "Yes. Mr. Bhatti and I go way back. His foster son was a good friend of mine."
"Wow. Small world," Lawrence mumbled. "So, you're officiating the Islamic ceremony?"
Irfan Bhatti nodded. "It's called a Nikah. And yes, I'll be conducting it before the Christian ceremony," he explained, peering his gaze at everyone.
"Hi. I'm Revered McDaniels. I'm one of the neighbors and a good friend of Mera and Raul," he said, greeting both families. "It's wonderful to meet you all."
"It's great to meet you too," Elizabeth said. "I know that Luna is mostly spiritual, but I also know that she believes in God. I wonder how the Christian part of the ceremony will go since she hasn't said much about her faith."
The reverend flashed a smile and nodded. "It's okay. I get what you are trying to say. I will conduct a non-denominational ceremony. That's how I've helped other couples get married when it wasn't a fully religious process. I've married people who said they were atheists or otherwise. At the end of the wedding, what matters is that the couple will be legally married."
"That's true," she continued. "Thank you for letting me know."
"Sure," said Reverend McDaniels. "Don't be afraid to ask me more questions if you have them."
Amir watched as his brother stepped away and surveyed the house. "This is where you guys live?"
"It's my grandparents' vacation home, actually," Raul said, walking toward him. "But we opened it up when everyone needed a place to stay."
"This is nice. Is that . . . lead in the walls?" Adnan asked, shifting his gaze toward the group.
Amir cleared his throat, trying to distract his observant brother. "It's nice to make your acquaintance, Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle," he said. "Luna has told me a lot about you."
"It's lovely to meet you, Amir. Sadly, I've heard little about you," Elizabeth said. "But I can see that you're a fine young man."
"Thank you, Mrs. Carlyle."
"Hey, everyone," Sue spoke from the kitchen. "We have some beverages in the fridge if anyone is thirsty."
"Where are you from?" Elizabeth asked her, stepping forward. "You seem familiar."
Raul and Adnan laughed as the two women disappeared into the other room, and Adnan sidled up next to Amir. "Luna's mom knows everyone. It's kind of hilarious."
"That was a shock to me. She knew Bhatti Sahib," Amir murmured to his brother. "Sue and Darren are from New Zealand. I doubt Mrs. Carlyle will know anyone else."
Both guys chuckled, and then Adnan looked back at Amir. "I wanted to let you know something. I've gotten to know Raima better since she and I met in your office."
"My friend Raima?"
He nodded. "Yeah. She's sweet, and I'm thinking about sending a proposal to her."
"Wow. I see I've missed a few things at home while I've been away," Amir said, and Adnan laughed. "I'm happy for you. I think you two would be great together. Honestly."
Amir reached over and gave Adnan a small hug as the officiants walked toward them. "We're going to meet with the bride now, and then come back downstairs to begin," Irfan said.
"Thank you both, again, for officiating our ceremonies," Amir told them, letting out a deep breath.
"Everything will work out just fine," Reverend McDaniels said, placing a hand on Amir's shoulder. "Which room is she in?"
"Here. I'll take you," Raul said, stepping around the small gathering.
"Amir," Lawrence mumbled behind his shoulder. "Let's talk for a bit. I want to get to know my new son-in-law."
"All right," Amir said, giving him a tiny smile and noticing the families making themselves at home in the great room.
"You're taller than I thought," Lawrence said, staring at Amir.
"Thank you, Mr. Carlyle," Amir replied, gazing at his father as he walked around the living room and met Darren.
"Lawrence, Amir. You are welcome to call me by my name," Lawrence insisted. "So, how do you feel? Your nerves still shaken?"
Amir chuckled and nodded. "I'll feel better once we get this started. I wonder how your daughter is doing up there. I haven't seen Luna or Sarah since yesterday evening."
"Elizabeth will go up there to check on them shortly. They're all getting their makeup and hair done, I suppose." He paused for a moment and then gave Amir a stern look. "I had a question about your faith."
"It's about Luna. Since she's more spiritual than religious, is that something that would bother you? Would you insist for her to convert to Islam?"
Amir inhaled a deep breath and exhaled as he scratched the back of his neck while they made their way into the kitchen. Adnan waltzed up toward the men and stood next to Lawrence on the same side of the counter.
Looking back at Luna's father, Amir shook his head. "I wouldn't, sir. I have told her I would never ask her to believe in the things I do. I knew she wasn't a Christian when we met, and our religious beliefs have never hindered us. I love her no matter what, and I love Sarah."
"I see that. Would you want her to cover her hair or body while out in public?"
Adnan's eyebrows rose as he stepped back and joined their parents in the living room, talking to Darren and Sue about New Zealand. Lawrence was laying many questions on him that he was prepared to answer.
For Amir, Luna and Sarah would never have to do something they didn't feel comfortable doing. Even though not all women in his religion or country cover their heads, he would be lying if he said he didn't hope Luna would do so sometimes.
He could tell, though, that she wouldn't mind if they went shopping. Right now, they were more worried about living and doing what they needed to do to stay alive. The hunter could be anywhere. And they were more worried about who the main hunter was. They cared deeply for one another and their safety.
"Amir?" Lawrence said, bringing his attention back to him.
"Sorry, sir. I apologize. The answer is no. She can look however she wants to. But to a certain degree. I wouldn't feel comfortable if Luna was wearing skin-tight pants and a tiny tank top."
Lawrence chuckled. "That was her high school days. Luna has evolved into a more classy woman," he added, making Amir smile a little. "Thank you for your candor. I appreciate you for doing your absolute best to make sure my daughter and granddaughter are happy. Vikram and I had the same conversation a few weeks ago about faith. He believes in Hinduism, and Liberty doesn't believe in anything. But both of my daughters have chosen great men in their lives. I am a proud father. Welcome to our family, Amir."
He smiled at him as Lawrence opened his arms to embrace him as his new son. This day couldn't get any better for him.
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