Chapter Four

The two of them walked in a field on the outskirts of the power plant. An unsettling silence surrounded the area, broken only by the crunch of snow beneath their feet and then rustle of branches. The only source of light was a flashlight the two of them each held. Greyson led the way that forced Jason to quicken his pace to keep up .

"Obviously that stupid stepsister of yours can't see in the dark," Greyson taunted.

"It's dark like everything around here," Jason replied tersely.

Greyson stopped, turning to shine the light directly in his face. "Whose fault is that?" he challenged.

Jason clenched his jaw, trying to hide his dislike of working with Greyson. Unfortunately, it was the only option. They were the high ranks who were capable of standing up to Ashley's growing powers.

"Where did that thing even go?" Greyson spat, flashing the light around the field, but it had just been snow and trees.

"Well, you are the one who threw her with your mind," Jason pointed out. "Along with shooting a white light from your palm."

He knew that had to be the baby that took control of Greyson. Scarlett had displayed the white glow from her hand, but it didn't do much else. He wondered if the mutant child had the connection of Greyson and Scarlett being parents to this access to power. It's similar to what Divina does to Emma, except she isn't exactly controlling her.

"Yes, because my mutant child can take control of my body like a puppet," Greyson said, his hand on his hip. "Shows that it's intelligent."

Greyson started walking again, flashing the light through the field. "Should we have taken those five with us?" Jason asked.

"No, because I'm sure you don't want to see your housewife burned to a crisp," Greyson snarled.

It was the first time he had seen Bella in months, and he didn't how to react. Yes, she had been burned, but his mind was focused on chasing after whatever had caused it.

"They can find their own way back," Greyson said.

Jason was painfully aware that he couldn't save everyone despite his desire to do so. The harsh reality gnawed at him: if he possessed the power to save lives, then Ilya would still be alive, and Bella wouldn't have left.

"Has it ever crossed your mind that this is Ashley's endgame?" Greyson provoked. "It wants Scarlett dead because of our mutant child, which means Ashley has to kill everyone."

Jason has already considered that possibility, as everyone knew that Ashley's powers were limited due to the baby acting as a barrier.

"Then when this ends, we'll probably end up sharing a jail cell together," Greyson muttered bitterly.

Jason mind was so consumed with responsibilities that he forgot about laws that were breaking. Some of them are mayhem, theft, breaking and entering, plus driving underage, with the list increasing.

"See, all of it is starting to click together," Greyson snapped him from his thoughts.

"They will listen to our side," Jason said.

"We aren't getting a free pass because we're children. I don't see Heather paying your bail," Greyson sneered.

"You don't seem to miss her," Jason implied.

"That woman was not a mother. If we get out of this place, we won't have those welcoming arms. For some parents, the news of our escape will bring emotions like shock and horror, with a small dash of happiness. TMZ or CBC will be reporting our escape, with police swarming around us." Jason tried to tune out Greyson's words, but he continued. "Unless that Highlighter ends up paying off all our charges, everything will point back to us and that god."

"What about the mutant child?" Jason challenged.

Greyson stopped in his tracks and turned to face Jason. "It has plans, starting with the darkness. Scarlett probably knows more."

Jason shone the flashlight around the bush at the entrance, scanning for any sign of Ashley. They made their way into the dark bush, and as they did, a destroyed house came into view, having collapsed on the ground. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease as he struggled to identify this strange sensation. It felt like a thick, vibrating energy surrounded them.

"This is a hotspot," Jason said.

"It has a strange aura that feels inhumane," Greyson added. "We should get rid of these trees."

Jason couldn't help but notice how all the trees were all tightly packed together, forming a wall. He extended his palm and he sliced through one tree, while Greyson held the other half high in the air and sent it flying. They continued that for one half of the bush, leaving an empty gap in it.

"It's not as strong," Jason said.

"Follow," Greyson ordered as he followed them to one of the ends of a tree. "I think there's something inside the tree."

Jason faced his palms at the centre of the tree, using his power to burn it. Greyson shone the flashlight, revealing the purple liquid that dripped down the trunk, burning parts of the branches and bark.

"Does this mean all of those trees are filled with it?" Jason asked.

"I'm guessing it all connects to something," Greyson replied. "It's either the powers or the followers. We can't spend our time destroying it all."

"We should probably crash somewhere," Jason sighed.

"We'll go away from here," Greyson spat.

Jason didn't want to even think about staying at this place. Both of them started walking in the darkness toward one end of the highway.

"This area works," Greyson stated.

Jason set down his things, and pulled pulling out some frozen water from his bag. They still hadn't found Ashley, which was the most exhausting part of the manhunt.

"Ashley is probably going to be nearing town, or we'll eventually see a glowing fire," Greyson said, taking a protein bar from his backpack.

"Sunny's isn't far if we have to move," Jason added.

Greyson gazed out into inky blackness. He pushed a hand through his dark hair, almost seeming to observe the area. Now that Jason had actually gotten a good look at his brother, it seemed nearly impossible to tell if they were twins. The only thing that would stand out would be that they are both white, but everything else about them has been different.

"If Cindy bops up to inform us, Ashley wants that child gone," Greyson replied, almost hesitantly.

Jason already found it strange enough that Scarlett was having a child, but this was his brother's child. He knew they'd never reach that bonding, brotherly point because he still didn't like the guy.

"The baby won't be born until a couple more months," Jason implied.

"I think this baby has more than one plan in mind. If this baby is intelligent like me, there will always be a second plan," Greyson remarked. "This child is supposed to be stronger than all freaks combined."

Jason knew, which became the terrifying part. "They're going to protect her," he said.

Greyson sat himself down and slowly began to eat the protein bar, each bite deliberate. His face was crinkled, even with the two of them not bickering but in silence.

"Love sucks," he mumbled.

"It does," Jason agreed.

For months, he had been in persistent irritation. It was if a dark cloud hung over him, casting a shadow on his relationships and interactions. Greyson and Scarlett were polar opposites of him and Bella, but it wasn't the opposite of good and bad; their differences ran deeper. Greyson may be a control freak, but he'd do anything for Scarlett.

That's what Jason failed at. He did everything but please Bella, which became the reason she used him. Scarlett and Greyson had used people or even each other, but they still stuck with each other. Jason didn't stay back when the storm occurred because he had to help in some way. He thought he could manage everything that was happening, but many gave him a reality check.

"Yeah, but you aren't becoming a dad," Greyson said, crossing his arms.

"Sleep," Jason spat, turning away from his brother.

"We have to interrogate that thing when we see it. If we don't, we'll all be dead," Greyson said.

Ashley's entire body felt as if it were engulfed in flames as she curled in the cold, hard ground. Her heart hammered violently against her ribcage. Just moments ago, Greyson had thrown her like a baseball, sending her crashing in some place she didn't recognize. It could be because her vision was terrible or because of the darkness.

It didn't make sense how Greyson was able to shoot white light from his palm. Nobody had that power. She knew because she knew them all in her mind like a long list of what she deemed useful, such as Jason's light or Greyson's telekinesis.

However, some she couldn't use well, such as Will's visions. Every time she tried to find someone, it appeared blurry. Esme's speed did work, but she had to stop in sections to figure out where she had been.

Worst of all, she didn't get Emma's healing because of Divina's connection with her. That meant this intense sensation of fire blazing through her body wouldn't go away. That thought clicked about the white light.

"The baby is using him," Ashley grated her teeth.

No, if the mutant child was manipulating Greyson, that meant the parents could stop her. It was just how her own light had bounced off Greyson's body, and she felt the burning pain instead.

"If that's how the mutant child is going to play, we're going to Simcoe," Ashley hissed, lifting herself out of the ground in agony.

"You've made a big mistake, God." Ashley's teeth clenched as she heard Divina's voice in her mind.

"I haven't at all," Ashley grated, but laughter echoed inside her mind.

"You've upset the child because it saw you going to harm the father," Divina taunted maliciously.

Ashley scanned her surroundings, trying to pinpoint Divina's exact location. He stood there, with his normal smirk plastered across his face, arms crossed, as the male illusion. It had been months since he last bothered her; ever since she gained the powers in her own hideout.

"You may have gotten their powers," Divina started, amusement dancing in his eyes. "But can't you feel the baby's wrath? It's angry at you because you messed up."

Ashley snarled, "I don't care if that child is angry because I need to kill it."

"How are you this stupid?" Divina sneered as Ashley fired the blue light, but he disappeared. "You can't get rid of me." Ashley whipped around to see him standing there with amusement. "Do you have any idea what that child might have planned?"

Ashley remained silent, her jaw tight. She knew the dark and awful reality. From what has been happening, everything about that mutant child was unexpected.

"Exactly; both of us don't, but the healer can already sense it all," Divina said.

"I can still kill others with my followers," Ashley countered defiantly.

"And how did that work out when Speed Demon shot one of them? Or even the Catholic girl shooting one of your stronger followers who despises your looks."

"They get away in the end," Ashley replied tersely.

"Until when?" he pressed, a sinister glint in his eyes. "When that mutant child comes along to destroy them all? Or when they can't stand to look at you."

Ashley felt rage building. "I don't care, but I'm killing that child," she barked.

Divina slammed his hand on her forehead as Ashley felt herself reliving the experience at the power plant.

"Let's watch this again," he snarled.

As she stood on the staircase in her mind's eye, she saw Jason and Greyson appear. She expected Greyson to throw her. However, he remained silent, only wearing a glare on his face. He raised his palm towards her, summoning a white light that burned her body.

She widened her eyes as she recognized that glowing white light. It wasn't just anything, but it was similar to Divina.

"Don't you feel it?" He taunted her.

Ashley shot him a glare, her eyes narrowing and sending him back with an invisible force. The illusion disappeared but reappeared in front of her. He wore a smirk, tilting his head slightly.

"Feel what?" she spat.

"That danger!" Divina sneered with a devious grin.

"I don't feel it," Ashley growled, feeling that blazing pain in her body soar.

"Are you sure?" Divina challenged her, wearing a smug grin.

"Yes," Ashley grated, her palms still extended.

"The big bad god is scared of a powerful human while I'm enjoying every second of it," Divina mocked, grinning in spite. "Those boys found your little spot, destroying half of it. How unfortunate that your followers will get weaker."

It wasn't possible for them to figure out her spot. It seemed everything she was doing was somehow falling down slowly. She needed to kill everyone, especially that mutant child.

"Any human knows Godrin doesn't come from trees," Divina remarked. "That human doesn't want to help you either. You're just a pathetic god."

"I can overpower you," Ashley spat.

He had both his hands on his hips and his chin tilted up. "I'm just an illusion, so I don't think overpowering is your problem," Divina taunted.

"I'm killing them all, and I'll do anything to make it happen," Ashley spat.

"Where will that get you?" Divina snarled.

"Out of this pathetic bubble, and walking out to take over the world. I'll burn people or throw them into buildings for my personal enjoyment."

Yes, her main objective was clear: she would kill everyone before the mutant child is born could be born. If that mutant child entered the world be fire she could do her plan, everything she worked for would fail.

"We may have landed on Earth five years ago, but don't underestimate that mutant child; after all, you're ugly for a reason," Divina laughed, disappearing.

"Injuring my father isn't okay."

The baby's voice echoed inside her mind. Ashley couldn't tell if it had been male or female.

There was a dim light between them that made Mallory Jonz stare in awe. She was no longer Tumbles because she could actually stay on her feet until she used her own power to flatten objects.

"What's the trick to attracting the girls?" Preston asked.

River mustered out, "Behaviour."

"No girl wants you because you're a pervert," Mallory remarked.

"I'm fine with being a pervert," Preston said, his hands behind his head. "Mia still flashes me."

As they walked down the highway near Sunny's, Mallory felt a flutter of unease on her stomach in the darkness. The shadows loomed around them, but River's light made her feet somewhat safe.

"Mia flashes anyone," Mallory said.

She learned a lot of things during her time spent with Nevaeh and others. Its was more than just survival skills like how to shoot a gun, but also gossip. Nevaeh filled her mind with gossip that she probably shouldn't know about. If they were still in school, she'd be in grade five trying to figure out math. She already knew the bits from what she heard the crackheads used to do at Uden Academy.

Mallory thought that'd be cool to do one day by being reckless and not falling down, like she doesn't now. She didn't want to be like Mia, who always seemed drunk. This could count as something cool because she wasn't washing SUVs or watching people with illnesses die.

"Mia's pretty," Preston stated.

Mia was pretty, but Scarlett had always been the prettiest.

Mallory knew in real life that her mother would probably tell her she shouldn't get into gossip or care about her looks.

Mallory wasn't insecure about Scarlett being prettier than her. Some of the girls, especially those at camp, were envious when she walked by with her raiding confidence. She had changed for her baby, like Mallory tried to change.

"Are we supposed to spy behind bushes?" Preston asked.

All three of them stood still. They scanned the highway, where the darkness went on for ages. Vehicles lay abandoned along the roadside, covered in a thick layer of snow. The pavement itself was destroyed, leaving walking uneven.

"We have to set off a flare," River implied, holding a small button in his hand.

The device was designed as a danger signal, alerting anyone nearby that someone was approaching. It was a golden light in the sky, almost like a firework. Zane came up with the idea after James helped him create the system.

"We'd have to run because Ashley would probably see it," Mallory said.

"I'm not in the mood to die today," Preston called out, still invisible.

"Zane said to look out for Bryce and them because Emma sensed something happened," River sighed.

"Jason and Greyson were forced to go there," Mallory implied.

Jason and Greyson working together is like a fight in itself. She didn't have a clue why Zane would pair them together. Could it be because of the ranking system or to overcome the hatred they have for each other?

Mallory doubted Jason and Greyson would overcome their hatred, but they both got irritated by the same things.

Looking around the quiet area, anxiety washed over her. She clenched her hands in fists tightly with the unsettling thought crossing her mind: Ashley could be anywhere, waiting to kill them all.

"Do we just sit here?" River asked.

"I think we should hide," Mallory remarked, but none of them moved.

"We could hide behind trees," River said.

They ran behind a large row of trees without a single leaf, standing side by side. Preston had been out of sight as River turned off his light. All three of them sat, huddled together from the fear of Ashley.

"What if she ends up finding us? I don't want the baby to get killed," Mallory whispered.

"Ashley wants us all dead," Preston implied.

Mallory then saw a silhouette behind the bushes as they all grew silent. Who was it this time? Was Luke back, and was he going to give her horrid scars like Esme's? Was it Ashley, or was it someone else?

"Should I send a flare?" River whispered.

Mallory didn't know. It wasn't that she had been an expert at finding killers. She was evil because she watched people get helplessly injured. When Eden was numbing Bella's movements, she was playing with Christmas lights.

"I'll go see," Preston's disembodied voice said. He didn't make a sound as they awaited any harm. When he crept back, he crouched. "It's the one Luke shot in the daycare."

"We have to run back," River breathed.

"But Zane said we have to stay out," Mallory interjected.

"Don't leave," Teagan remarked, as all three of them screamed. "I don't want to be with Ashley anymore."

Behind them stood Teagan, whom Mallory knew got shot in the daycare by Luke. She was a follower and was caught spying on them or being Ashley's wingman.

"I'm waiting for the mutant child to get rid of me. God is relentless to kill the child," Teagan said.

Why would anyone want to kill a baby? It's wrong, even if it's Scarlett having a baby, of all people. Her mother had taught her that children were miracles of life, rather than symbols of death and despair.

"Tell Ashley to go away," Preston spat.

"God won't listen to other followers. All of them wanted revenge, but I got my revenge," Teagan stated.

This is what it feels like to go up against someone dangerous. They wanted revenge when it shouldn't be the answer.

"What's Ashley so scared of? It's a child," Preston asked.

"The light returning and their powers. It used its father's body to stop Ashley from killing Bella and them," Teagan explained.

That's what happened when they went there? Isn't that normally what demons do on television? She didn't realize they had actually found Bella when they went looking for her, which would be a shock for some.

"We don't trust you," River mumbled.

"I know Ashley is heading to Simcoe to burn the town," Teagan said, nodding to herself.

There were still some people in Simcoe who could die. The crackheads went off, and every freak seemed to leave. No, Mallory knew who was going there.

Teagan popped as if she had spilled too much.

"Yeah, we're going back now," Preston remarked.

They all bolted their way back in the direction they knew that they came from. When they ran inside the camp, they looked around for someone to spill the information.

"What's the emergency?" Zane asked.

"Well, Ashley is going to Simcoe to burn the town, according to Teagan. We don't know if it's true, but some people would be there," Mallory rambled. "Teagan doesn't want to help Ashley or whoever. Is there a lot in town?"

"We have to warn those there. I'm not going to send people in case it's a trick," Zane remarked.

Mallory wasn't sure if it had been a trick, given the way Teagan seemed panicked. It's not that she felt bad for the followers because they were evil. They wanted revenge, which meant Luke got to terrorize them still.

"I know Cindy, Emma, and Mark are still in Simcoe," Yara said.

"Do you want us heading to town?" Mallory asked.

Zane stared at her before saying anything. "If you three could warn those still there," he said.

Mallory twisted her thumbs around, her lips pressed in a line. She didn't have a clue why she volunteered. They are one of the protection groups in the area, since Greyson and Jason are considered the main fighting group.

"Let's hope we aren't burned alive," Preston said flatly.

"You just have to warn Emma or Mark. Cindy will probably be bopping to see how everything is," Zane implied.

Everyone was loaded with some kind of gun or weapon. Freaks were both inside and outside, guarding the campground like a country invasion.

"You can take the one car that has gas left, but you'll have to hurry back," Zane said, motioning to the green car behind him.

"It's ugly-looking," Preston remarked.

"Let's just try to get to town," Zane sighed, handing River the keys, who just stared at them.

"If you can drive a boat, you can drive a car," Preston stated.

The three of them went to the car as Mallory sat up front. It felt weird being up front when she had been used to being in the back.

"What do we do with the people?" Mallory asked.

"Shove them all in the car," Yara implied with a thumbs up.

"There should be other cars there to take back here," Zane said.

"Try not to hit anyone, unless it's Ashley!" Yara called.

River rolled up the window as he slowly backed up the car. The darkness still clouded the headlights that were barely shining down the road.

Mallory missed having light, but she wondered if having it back meant having electricity back. It'd be amazing to be able to shower or feel heat.

There could be another route, where the light meant that this darkness would be like a sunset. That'd be pretty, having the sky golden or even pink. Scarlett's child would have the choice of it all. Did it want it bright blue with the sun or golden?

"I hope the sky is pretty when the light is back," Mallory remarked.

"It will probably be blue like normal," Preston said. "Something other than this pitch darkness would be great. We've had this darkness for seven months."

That's why people had gone crazy—people were scared of this darkness. Mallory just wanted all the darkness to vanish.

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