Story Review
I want to know your guys' thoughts on this, I have done more than this mind you but I want to know if it's something you guys would like to read ... and it is still being edited, I want it to sound like it's actually them so ... yeah give me your thoughts, if you have any ideas on how to improve it I'm all ears! ... ok not all "ears" that was nine but still ...
Rose slept on the jumpseat as the Doctor finished piloting and settling them into the vortex. Once he finished he walked over to Rose, not wanting to wake her he picked her up. He wasn't surprised to find that she didn't weigh much. Then froze as the memory of him carrying her into the TARDIS after satellite five played in his mind. After that flashback he walked towards her bedroom, looking down every so often to make sure she was still asleep, but when he arrived at the corridor he found it was missing. Thinking he took a wrong turn, which he thought was impossible since he knew his ship like the back of his hand, he returned to the console room and tried again, but it was the same result. Finally realizing what was happening he began getting annoyed. "Now is not the time for tricks!" He yelled in his head, in hopes of the TARDIS bringing back Rose's room. And after a while one appeared before him and opened imediatly, not letting him see the door. He walked in and the lights turned on revealing the room around him.This was not Rose's bedroom,
not even remotely close to her room this was his room. "Oh very funny, yes absolutely hilarious, now give back her room. You've had your fun." The TARDIS stubbornly refused. "Alright, fine!" He walked over to his bed and set Rose down as gently as possible, pulling the duvet over her. Once he finished settling her in he walked towards the door, only to have it shut in his face. "Now what do you want!" He yelled. "Brace for impact? That's hardly on topi-" He turned and ran towards Rose, hoping he didn't realise what was going on too late ... they were crash landing. Jumping onto the bed he quickly moved on top of her to shield her with his body, hoping nothing would hit her. Everything started shaking violently, obviously waking Rose, her quick understanding helped the Doctor protect her. Everything on the shelves and walls fell smashing onto the wooden floor. They got up slowly once it stopped and looked around. The sprinklers turned on, soaking everything. He grabbed her hand and they rushed outside. "Are alright?"
He asked running a hand through his soaked hair, making it stand up again. "Yeah, are you?" "I'm fine", he sighed. Rose looked at the TARDIS, "Is she gonna be ok?" He looked back, "Yeah, she just needs some rest." Rose nodded, then finally looked around. "When and where are we?" Thankful he got a glance at the monitor before he came outside he turned to her, "We are on the peaceful planet Yarbenner in the year ninety-billion and fourty three." "One heck of a jump from our normal travel time.", she mused. "Well we might as well enjoy our stay, the she won't want us to go in while she's repairing from the crash.", He sighed. "What happened and I mean since I fell asleep, because if I remember correctly I fell asleep on the jumpseat not on your bed." He blushed a little and looked away, "Well you s-see I was taking you to your room, but the TARDIS hid it and she wouldn't give it back so I had no choice but to lay you down on my bed. But then it started shaking so to protect you I shielded you and that's when you awoke."
She nodded, "Ok, so care to explain to me what caused us to crash land?" He thought about it a bit and came to a conclusion, "I think we were hit by a stray asteroide, causing the TARDIS to lose postion and send us spiraling into the closest planet's orbit." Rose gasped, "That's your explaination? No, something in the circuits went haywire or a really long explaination on time mishaps?" "Oi! I do not have to make everything I explain complicated and besides I doubt something in the circuits went wrong I haven't tried to fix anything ... recently!" Instead of responding she turned around, looking at the field of golden grass surrounding the area. She walked around the TARDIS to see the otherside of the field, that was unfortunatly ruined during their crash land. The Doctor watched her everymove, always enjoying how she looked as she saw different and new things. "Well it's best we get to a city before it gets dark. The days aren't very long here, but it'll feel as long as a whole Earth day once it gets dark." She turned around and found that
he had already stuck out a hand for her to hold. She smiled, taking his hand and lacing their fingers. "So how's that work, Doctor?" They started walking, as he pondered on how to put it simply, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't find a way. After a while he was going to tell her that, but thankfully for him she had caught sight of the city, letting him protect his Timelord superiority pride. Rose squeezed his arm in excitement and let out a gasp at the newly revealed skyscrapers. She looked around at the many types of humanoids. Some with pink skin and others with green. "They're called Yarbenians and they have a similar social class system of that of London, Queen and everything." He whispered. "This lot has more class than the Arunians." "Rose, you know as well as I do they lived in a more primal setting." "I know, I know I was just say'n." They walked past dozens of small shops, while looking for the perfect hotel. After a few hours the Doctor finally settled on a hotel near a park, named Howzlers. "It has a five blue shade rating." She gave him a
confused look so he continued, "A rating here for homes, hotels, motels, apartments, etc. is determined by how many blue shades it has." "Oh, well the TARDIS must be a ten shade rating!" She laughed. "Well your not wrong she is better than any housing they have here, the highest ranking is five." "So we get to stay in a fancy hotel?" "Nothing but the best for Rose Tyler!" She blushed and looked away. "Alright lets go in shall we?" He motioned towards the door, even if she couldn't see him. "Yeah, we shall." She said turning to face him once again. They walked to the check in and as always, when getting a room, the Doctor did the talking. "Hello I'm the Doctor and this is my wife Rose. I'd like a room on the top floor please." The man behind the counter seemed to slump as the Doctor said wife, but shook it off before the Doctor could even notice . "Ok, that will be eight Yarbens please." He handed the man his unlimited credit stick. The machine on the counter beeped and a key popped out, then the man handed him the credit stick back. "Alright lets go." Rose said walking toward an elevator. "No, no, no Rose it's pronounced allons-y!" She laughed and stepped into the elevator, pulling him in. "So why is it so cheap if it a five shade?" She asked while pressing the button to take them to the top floor. "They have a different system of money here unlike the social system, the cost of money here goes from one trillion to one, it's backwards but the same in cost." She didn't really understand the consept of it but nodded anyway, that didn't keep her from asking questions though. "So how much did you actually pay?" "I'd say about eight hundred million € by your standards." Rose's jaw dropped, "That much?" "Well don't say it like I'm actually wasting money. It's unlimited." He's said waving the credit stick in her face. "I know that you plum, but that's still a lot." The elevator dinged and he pulled her out, dragging her to the room door. "I don't see anymore doors, are we up here alone?" He stuck the key in the knob and turned to glance at her. "Yup, since not many can reach this planet yet the hotels are pretty vacant, but
there are a few people on the lower floors ... they're not as impressive as I am so they can't afford these rooms." He beamed and she let out a bark of laughter. "Oi! What's with the laughing, I didn't say anything funny!" "You ... that's what's so funny, you think your so impressive!", she laughed. "Oi, I am so impressive and I believe we've had this argument before Ms.Tyler!" He turned the key and opened the door. Rose stepped in, still laughing, but it definitely stopped when she saw the room. "It's huge Doctor! This could hold at least four hundred people!" "Yup, as I said before only the best for Rose Tyler." He said smiling, while closing the door. She blushed and looked away again hoping that it just looked like she was only looking around. She walked over to the bed and sat down, feeling a slight indent from behind her she knew he had sat down as well. "Well I don't suppose you have some emergency clothes in your pocket, do you?" "As the matter of fact the TARDIS was able to 'send' these to my pocket." He said pulling out pink and blue
duffle bags from his pocket."Oh that's exactly what I needed, I thought I was going to have to sleep in jeans." He slid her bag to her, opening his he found night clothes, other clothes and necessities. He frowned, he didn't like to pack for trips or be packed for in this case. "Alright, I'll be right back." She said standing up. He smiled at her, "And I'll be right here waiting." She smiled back and left to change. The Doctor fell back onto the bed and laid down properly, putting is hands behind is head and one ankle on top of the other. After a few moments of silence Rose came back in her short jim jam shorts and a loose t-shirt. The Doctor looked away, hoping his face isn't as colored as he thinks it is. "You going to sleep Doctor?" Unable to form speech just yet he nodded. Rose laid down pulling the duvet over both of them. "Night, Doctor." "Rose, don't you want something to eat first?" She turned to face him, "Now that you mention it, room service would do nicely right about now ... but at this time?" "You won't be bothering anyone if that's what your worried about. Some of the
people here are nocturnal, which really helps when they have jobs." "She thought about it then sat up, "Alright, room service it is." He smiled and reached for the phone. "Yes, room service for the top floor ... yes the special ... and a second plate ... thank you." He put the phone back on its stand and laid back again. "So what are we going to do tomorrow, Doctor?" "Well I was thinking we could walk around and go to the little shops." Rose giggled, "You and your little shops." "It's a very important part of society Rose!" Before she could argue there was a knock at the door. "That was fast." She said with awe. The Doctor got up and opened the door to a young man with a cart carrying their food. The young man's eyes immediately shifting to Rose. The Doctor grabbed the tray and set it on the table. Then went back to the young man to quickly tip him, give him his thanks and shut the door. "That was rude, Doctor you didn't even give him time to speak!" "Hmm ... I'm pretty sure he did speak, but not with words." He said distactedly, mumbling the last part. "Well time to eat!" He said happily,
ignoring Rose's scolding look. He pulled out a chair for her and waited for her to sit down, then pushed it back in.
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