
And before you guys start to complain of me not updating in a while i want to explain ... i thought i published this but turns out i didnt so here you guys go ... oh and one more thing 1.46K READS ...THATS HUGE!!!!

Doctor's POV

I was minding my own buiness when I was suddenly hit by a pillow and of course Rose, being the only one else here I went to question her. But when I arrived at her door her lights were off. I pressed my ear against the door and heard faint snoring. I asked the TARDIS but she gave me the hum equivalent to a giggle, so I shrugged it off and went back to the console room to set the coordinates our next destination. Then WHAM! I was hit again with a much bigger pillow which I recognized to be from the library. I took the pillows and put them on the jump seat. "Now, I dont suppose you guys are pillow aliens coming to get me?" And of course they dont answer, again I turn around and WHAM! Im hit with another. This is starting to get a bit creepy ... but the feeling subsided once I remembered that the TARDIS sent me a 'giggle' so she's up to something. I pick up that pillow and set it with the other two. I decide not to turn my back ... Ive learned my lesson. Then seconds later WHUMP! I was hit again on the back of my head. I turn yet I see that (still) no one's there. I pick up that one, already very irritated with the pillows being thrown at me out of seemingly no where. With the TARDIS not willing to tell me anything I sit on the pile and may I say a very extremely comfortable pile and think of the possible solutions and explanations to the conflict at hand. And if it means war I'll give whatever it is war! So yes throwing pillows at nothing seems crazy and absolutely bonkers but so is a bigger on the inside Police Box.

Rose's POV

I've been throwing pillows at the Doctor and it's funny to see him confused from the little screen the TARDIS gave me. The TARDIS gives me path ways to get from my room to the console room. And when he came to my door earlier it was easy to fake me being asleep ... why? Because he didn't open the bloody door! See, if said door was opened by him he would have caught me, screen and pillow handed but thankfully he didnt. I was able to sneak passed corridors and grab a few pillows from the library. After the fourth he sat down on the pile of pillows on the jump seat, looking as if he was planning something and for all I knew that was exactly what he was doing ... planning an attack. So I may or may not have asked the TARDIS for a boat load of a lot more pillows. This is going to be bloody fantastic! I walked down another path way and launched another pillow to the back of his head. It hit him so hard he fell off the jump seat! I made a run for it cause I was about to burst out laughing.

Doctor's POV

I was thinking when I was assaulted by another pillow, it hit me really hard on the back of the head ... it sent me flying off the jump seat! I was about to get up when I hit my head on the console. "Ouch!" I murmured to myself although I really wanted to scream out in agony ... but I knew better than to do that. I wouldn't dare want to wake Rose up. Speaking of Rose I should go check on her but then again in relative time it's only 2:00 am. And once again a pillow came flying at me at of nowhere.

Rose's POV

I threw another pillow at him, after I somewhat composed myself. Now it's time for phase SPCA (AKA Super Pillow Cannon Attack). I loaded the pillow cannon which the TARDIS supplied and aimed at his back while he was rubbing his head ... wonder what happened to him. I locked and loaded. It's time to launch! 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1! I fired it and hit his back making him fall forward. I walked up with the best innocent face I could put on while trying not to laugh. I crouched down to his level and he gave me a very annoyed look. "I should have known you were behind this." He said still laying there. "Behind what Doc?" I responded and he frowned "I know when you lie Rose ... you call me 'Doc' when you lie and don't you dare play inoccent with me Rose Tyler." He explained. "Me? Lie to you ... never Doc!" I said with exasperated gasp. "See there you go again!" "I didn't DO anything!" "Sure Rose sure" he said dragging out the sentence, I blushed, of course he saw and I started rambling to distract myself. "I don't lie you lie, you lie a lot actually and you think your good at hiding them but your not. And speaking of lies my mum lied to me she told me that she had washed my clothes but last week when we visited but she was just starting to wash it! Anyways back to you, you think you don't have a tell tell but you do and I think you don't even notice that you-" my ramblings were cut short by the Doctor's lips on mine. I was shocked but then I reciprocated showing him all the love I feel towards him. After a few moments we pulled apart and my courage grew enough to say the three words I wanted to say to him for so long "I love you." He looked shocked but looked into my eyes and replied "I love you too Rose Tyler and I know your not lying now ... you didn't say 'Doc'." He smiled and I smiled back. "You didn't lie either, you didn't-" again I was cut off by him.

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