Playing Around In The TARDIS

Rose's POV

The Doctor was out getting some tools and parts for the TARDIS so I decided to enjoy my time alone. I started with some reading then I started to run around to corridors intill I found the Doctor's room. And to be honest I really wanted to see the great and almighty Time lord's room. I opened the door and stepped inside to find a classy yet old looking room. I wandered around a bit and found his closet. I knew it he didn't wear the same suit he just had an infinite amount of that suit with a few blue ones. My mind started to wonder how he wears this all day and how he runs in it ... so my only solution was to try one on and see for myself he wasn't gonna be back till 6 or something and it is barely 4 so I have about 2 hours. I took one off the rack and put it over my clothes. It fit quite big even though I already knew that he is way taller than me 6 inches I believe ... a girl has know how tall the man she fancies is. So anyways back to the question how can he run in this. I walked out of his room and started to run around the corridors again and then put a little risk into the mix and ran around the control room. I felt like a hyper child at the mall. I ran around more ... I can run a lot due to the increase of stamina from running for my life mostly ever day now ... not that I'm complaining it's giving my body a nice shape. I ran some more not paying attention to the time and got a bit tired and started mimicking the Doctor and flipping switches knowing they won't do anything of course. I went on for a bit longer enjoying myself and didn't notice when the Doctor walked in and he was casually leaning against the doors. Why didn't you guys warn me or something!! ~ Rose to audience

Doctor's POV

I finally found the parts and tools I needed and started to head back to the TARDIS. I came into view so I decided to sprint towards her cause to be honest I was worried about it getting dark and besides it was quicker. I finally get to the door and unlock it opening it quietly cause knowing Rose she's probably sleeping or reading. I step inside, my back facing the console while I was quietly closing it. I turn around and find my pink and yellow human prancing around pretending to be me ... I think ... pretty sure she is. I'm curious to see how she plays as me so I decide to lean quietly against the doors watching her not in a creepy manner that is. She prances around a bit longer and finally notices that I'm there. Her face turns crimson red and drops whatever it was she was holding. I was a bit disappointed she stopped though it was quite ador~ entertaining. She was still sort of frozen so I decided to walk towards her. She snaps out of whatever it was that was keeping her still when I was centimeters from her face. Rose turns even redder than before if that is even possible.

Rose's POV

I freeze and drop one of the tools I found and I feel a burning feeling rising on my cheeks. I know darn right I'm blushing and deeply too. I can't even process anything because of the embarrassment I felt intill I was snapped out of it when I saw he was centimeters away from my face. I felt the burning again but stronger I knew I looked like a tomato. I couldn't move anywhere but backwards so I did just that intill my bum hit the console. He followed me and he had eyes like he was going to snogg me to death and might I say what a nice way to go down. He was gonna speak I think but the TARDIS stopped him by shaking just enough for him to fall onto me and coincidentally connecting our lips. I for one would not back away even if my life depended on it, but the Doctor wasn't moving away that's what really got me ... again not complaining. Instead he deepened the kiss by pushing me further onto the console. My hands somehow found his hair and he moaned everytime I slightly pulled on it. I giggled everytime. He picked me up so that I was now on the console ... my legs instinctively wound up around his waist and his arms around my waist. It was really fantastic but I had to pull away to breathe. Which was also a great thing cause he moved down my neck slightly sucking on it. I let out a moan and he smiled against my skin. He started to remove his clothes that I was wearing except my t-shirt obviously not wanting to go to far. Kissing every new patch of skin he uncovered.

Doctor's POV

This is fantastic I, The Doctor, am kissing Rose Tyler the human girl who showed me a better way of life, the girl who showed me kindness when all I used to think about was war. I could barely contain myself when I started to remove my clothes off her of course I didn't push it and left her t-shirt and pants on. I couldn't stop myself from kissing her over and over. I felt a bit sad everytime she pulled away to breathe but found a cure by kissing and occasionally sucking slightly on her skin. It's so cute, when she moans it makes me smile. After that it was a bit of a blur. I woke up in my room with Rose sleeping by me. I got up carefully wrapping one of the sheets around my waist and headed to the shower. Rose showered after me while I made breakfast. I didn't notice she was out untill she hugged me from behind making jump a little. I turned around and noticed she was wearing my clothes again claiming she didn't have clothes to change into since she was in my bathroom but I told her "You could have asked the TARDIS for some you know?" and she shot me down with "So you don't think I look sexy in this?" obviously I couldn't say no, she looked ... I don't even have word for it but she looked very, very sexy in it.

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