Ok, I'm late as always but I have the two 2000 word one shots I promised.
Rose's POV
This thing should go here ... Wait ... Maybe over here ... No, it doesn't fit ... Oh! Here! "Ow!" I retracted my hand quickly and looked down at it. There was a long gash going across my palm and the blood was already flowing. I got up from my knees and made a speedy run to the medbay. Damn it stings! The Doctor isn't even here and I don't know how to work these things! I looked around at the many lights and buttons. None
of them seem simple. I grabbed a small white cloth and secured it around my hand. In the cupboard there were jars and boxes filled with seemingly random item. Well, they seemed until I came across a jar of nano-bots. Now these I know how to use. Using one hand, I set the jar on the counter. The white cloth wasn't so white anymore so I had to hurry. I opened the jar and untied the cloth. They surrounded my hand, giving me a tickling sensation. I wanted to pull away but before I could they surrounded me quickly.
And as quickly as they did that, they were gone, back into the jar. I know I've seen them work on my hands before but it still amazes me. I washed my hand of the blood and the surrounding areas, throwing away the cloth I had used. Ha! I don't need the Doctor! (A/N: Lies) I did it myself! I placed my newly mended hand onto the counter just to test it, to put to rest the tiny doubts I had of it working. It worked! I put the jar back into the cupboard after screwing it tight and
walked out like I owned the place. I started to feel a bit light headed halfway to my room so I leaned against the wall. "Must be the blood loss", I mumbled to myself. I sat down, laying back onto the wall. I sat there for what seemed like forever before I felt like myself again. "Blimey, I should be more careful." "Why's that?" I almost jumped out of my skin. "Doctor! Don't do that!" He was leaning against the wall near my room, smiling down at me. "Sorry, Rose." He was smiling still so I knew he had done
it with no regret. Scaring me is his favorite pastime now, not a day goes by when I don't get scared by him, even if it's just a simple 'Boo!' when I least expect it. "Sure, sure." I went into my room and he followed, whistling some random song. "You're especially cheery today", I remarked as I sat down on my bed. "Yes! Yes, I am! And do you want to know why?" "Always." He pulled up my desk chair to sit in front of me. "I located the lost planet Zgonter!", he announced proudly. "And you want to explore?"
The Doctor's POV
"Of course!" She laughed at my enthusiasm and headed towards her closet. I took it as my cue to leave. "Dress warm, Rose. The weather is unforgiving", I said before closing her door. "Got it." I made my way to the console room to stock up on testing equipment, like test tubes and PH solutes. For all I know they could have changed up their planet entirely. Should I report this to the council? ... "Nah." I threw a few other things into my pockets before running a scan of the planet before we land. "Doctor?!" "Yes, Rose?!"
"Never mind! I found it!" "What could she had possibly needed my help in finding?" I landed us and right as I was going sit on the jump seat she stepped into the room. "Ready?" "Ready", she confirmed. I took her hand in mine and led her out the door. The pastel blue light coming from the sun made the lake a few feet away from us look slightly green when it is in fact planetary-ly yellow and the dirt surrounding us had a black tint to it which made the light green of the lake stand out. "Doctor?"
"Yes?" "Are the inhabitants hostile?" "No, I don't think so." "Are you sure?", she rushed as she tugged my coat to make me face the opposite direction. "Oh." We've already strayed far from where we had landed without my noticing and I panicked. I pulled her in the opposite direction we were walking. "Faster, Rose!" She was falling behind which puzzled me, usually she can keep up to my pace and sometimes even pass me. This is not like Rose at all. As I finished that thought she pulled ahead of me, dragging me instead of the other way around.
Adrenaline is really pulling a number on her today! "Come on! I see the TARDIS!", she yelled. I looked ahead and surely she was there, standing tall and proud. My foot almost sunk into some kind of gopher hole but I recuperated my balance with my other foot before I could sink in. I pushed harder off the ground and rushed to fall in step with Rose. The Zgonteirs were way behind us but were picking up speed. When we neared the TARDIS I ran backwards for a moment to how much time we had before they caught up to
us. Blimey! They're quick! They were closer than before but the bright side is that we were closer to the TARDIS. I pulled out my key and readied it, making sure it was ready to be put in the lock. We pushed through the last few yards and almost slammed into the TARDIS' front. I looked back quickly. "The lock, Doctor!" "Right!" I stuck the key in the lock and pushed the doors open, letting Rose go in first. I slammed the doors shut just as they reached us. Looking over at Rose I noticed her checking her pulse. "Rose?"
Third POV
She hunched over in disbelief and shook her head as she checked her other pulse points, all of them giving her the same results. Two separate beats. Two separate beats racing each other at a steady pace. "That wasn't there before", she mumbled as she double-checked. The Doctor watched Rose as she checked her pulse over and over again. He stepped towards her with caution, focusing on her mumbles of confusion. "Rose?", he said in a slightly louder voice, since she had not answered him the first time. He touched her shoulder and she jumped away, flinching.
She looked up at him as if saying sorry before straightening up. She grabbed his hand and placed his index finger on her wrist's pulse point. She looked straight into his eyes with a questioning look in her eyes. He looked right back at her but with a slight terror in his. "No", is all he could get out, his voice dripping with disbelief. He quickly dragged her to the medbay and set up an x-ray. "Don't move", he said holding up his hands to emphasize. She stood still as a blue-ish light scanned her whole body. The
Doctor felt chills run up his spine as the memory of him being x-rayed as Nine flashed through his mind. An image of Rose's silhouette showed up on the small screen then slowly but surely the most vital parts of her interior started to show up. First her skeletal system then her organs. What the Doctor feared was confirmed by the scan. Rose had somehow gained a second heart. "Rose have you ingested or touched anything that was not given to you by me or the TARDIS?" "No." "Do you feel any pain?" "No." "Did you do anything on
that planet that I was not aware of?" "No." "Ok um- What did you do while I was gone?" "I showered, tried to set up the new stereo system you gave me, cut my hand, patched up my hand and that's when-" "Let me see", he interrupted. "What?" "Your hand, let me see." "Oh, no. It's all better now. See?" "All better?" He dawned on his glasses and grabbed Rose's outstretched hand, examining it closely. "What did you use?" "Uh- The bots." "Bots? ... Bots! You mean these?", he said as he pulled out the nano-bots from the cupboard. "Yep."
He froze, his gazed fixed on her. She tilted her head which caused him to break out of his state. "Rose", he spoke slowly, "These nano-bots were never introduced to humans, only to me." "So you're saying, they thought something was wrong with me so they 'fixed' me up?" "It does seem like that's what happened. You've got the hearts and brain capacity package deal, it seems." "That does explain the lightheadedness I felt earlier." He approached her slowly. "Well, now I have the right to do this." "Right to do wha-" He interrupted her with a passionate kiss.
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