
Not what you guys think

Third POV

She didn't know what happened. Honestly she didn't. She panicked for a bit before accepting it; several other 'Doctors' were in her room. Except they claimed to not be the Doctor. One called himself Peter Vincent, another Kilgrave, then there's Dave Tyler, David Tennant, Aiden Hoynes, and the last one Alec Hardy ... he seemed very grumpy. Peter complimented 'himself', Kilgrave just looked around, Dave stood stiffly, David tried to make Alec laugh, Aiden sat on the floor confused and Alec ignored everything and everyone. In short, it was a complete and utter mess.

Rose stood on her bed and cleared her throat, "Alright everyone! Listen up!" They all looked at her, surprisingly. "Hey beautiful, mind telling us what's going on?", one questioned. Rose's cheeks burned, they all have the Doctor's face what else was she supposed to do? "Yes ... um, right. Your on a ... spaceship in outer space and you're all from different universes, it seems." "You mean your not Billie?", the most normal looking on spoke up. "No I'm Rose, Rose Tyler." "Married to this bloke?", another pointed at Dave, "I thought I would've had a chance." Her cheeks burned once again,

"No, no simply coincidental that we have the same last name." "So your real? I am on the real TARDIS?!" "You know about the TARDIS?" "Yes, in my universe you're just a character in a British tv show. I play the Doct- ... Where is he?! ... A real time lord! And it's me! My face!" "David was it?", he nodded excitedly, "The Doctor is taking one of his rare naps in his room." "Oi! I got a case to solve! I don't have time to be in another universe!", Alec yelled.  "Don't complain you wanker", Kilgrave growled. "Piss off purple boy!"

"Watch the language boys! No fighting!", she yelled getting in between them. Alec huffed and went to a corner to grumble curses and Kilgrave sat down on her desk as if nothing happened.  "How will we return to our proper universe Ms.Tyler?" Aiden asked from his spot on the floor. "I'll get the Doctor to work on it once he wakes up." "Sorry Rose, but I have kids to take care of. I have to get home as quick as possible." How are they so calm? If I wasn't travelin' with the doctor and I ended up here I would

lose it, she thought. "Alright, since we have time to pass how 'bout we get to know each other?" She stood on the bed once more. "Me first!", Peter exclaimed. Rose got off the bed and he took her place, "I'm Peter Vincent and I'm a vampire hunter ... don't laugh, I have proof." "Where is it then?", Kilgrave asked, amused. "In my universe in my pent house." Kilgrave raised an eyebrow, "You aren't the only one with a pent house, mate." "OK ... next", Rose intercepted. Kil went up and introduced himself, excluding the fact of his superpowers. Soon they all

introduced themselves ... besides Alec. Dave had sat down next to Aiden and befriended him easily, even though they had different views on things. Kilgrave stayed on Rose's desk relaxed now, Peter went back to complimenting himself and Alec broaded. Rose walked over to Alec, hell bent on making him smile. "You know, you are exactly like the Doctor's previous regeneration. All grunt, frown and broading." Alec looked away, "And your like my partner Elie. Chatter, smiles and social." "Touché", she smiled brightly and Alec had no choice but to smile too. His frown was no match for her contagious smile.

"See not so hard", she said patting his shoulder. She walked away, his eyes following her. He smirked but quickly went back to frowning. "Peter put that down!", she yelled as Peter held up one of her bras. He laughed, holding it up higher when she tried to snatch it away from him, "This is a good size, I not sure what your so afraid of!" "Give it!", she pleaded, jumping up to get it. "Give it to her, now", a dark voice from behind her said. Peter immediately did so, which surprised her. She looked back, it was Kilgrave.

"Thank you." He just nodded once. "How did you do that?", she asked approaching him. "I have a certain set if skills, if you must know", he smiled. "Why are we confined to your bedroom anyways?" "The outside of my bedroom isn't as normal as in here." "Ah." She walked away to sit on her bed. "Rose?!", she heard the muffled call of the Doctor. "Shhh! He's coming!", she whispered yelled. She might as well have some fun. The TARDIS materialized some of the Doctor's suits in her closet and she handed them out. "Go change into these! Go hurry!"

They packed into the restroom and changed, thanks to Kilgrave's mind control. The Doctor knocked at her door, "Rose?" "I'm not decent Doctor! Just give me a moment!" At this Peter peeked his head out and she gave him the 'really' look. He went back in, smiling and she sat on her bed, smiling at her little plan to scare the Doctor. They soon came back out, all identical besides the hair and the scruff. She motioned for them to sit on her bed and they complied. David, looking more than a little excited. They gave her a thumbs up.

"Alright Doctor!" The door open and he came in ranting about a time reflex modulator, but stopping midsentence. He rubbed his eyes, "Rose? Your seeing them too, right?" He pulled out his glasses, studying them, despite the uncomfortable look Aiden and Dave gave. "It's me! ... Us! As a timelord!", David said standing up. "What?" "I play as you in my universe, on a show on the tele!", he said excitedly. He looked to Rose, raising an eyebrow. She shrugged in response. "Why are they wearing my suits?" She smiled, "Wanted to give you a scare ... meet your alter egos Doctor."

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