Ice Skating
Wooooh! Part 60! Thank you everyone who has stayed with me through thick and thin! Especially if you've been reading these trash oneshots since day one which was like two years ago! ... This a request from ilottedrwho! 2000 words! ... I felt really inspired as I wrote. Enjoy!
Third Person POV
It was twelve o'clock (relative time) and Rose was ready to go out adventuring. The Doctor, on the other hand, was hesitant. He knew where he wanted to take her, but didn't have the guts to type in the coordinates. The TARDIS was no help in pushing him on though.
Felt it best for him to do something himself for once. The Doctor ran a hand through his gorgeous hair, spinning around to face Rose. She had her hair in a ponytail, with a purplish jumper hanging off her shoulders, a t-shirt and jeans; nothing to fancy, but it didn't mean it didn't make his hearts jump around a bit. She looked up at him, eyes sparkling with curiosity, "What's the matter?" He turned back around, "Nothing, jus- just checking if your clothes are suitable for the planet's temperature." "Are they?" "Ah- Well, they would be if we were
going to a mild temperatured planet." "Could've just said no, Doctor", she remarked as she left the console room. "Warm and cuddly, Rose! Warm and cuddly!", he yelled over his shoulder, slightly turning his head to watch her retreating form. He heard a faint "Alright" and turned back to the monitor. No turning back now, he had to put in the coordinates for the icy planet. "Look at what you've got yourself into now, Doctor. Quiet the predicament", he mumbled to himself. "And you're not helping", he said looking up. He received a low hum of disapproval at his accusation.
"Well, it's true!", he argued. He received a shock to his hand as a response. He mumbled a few curses before composing himself, as Rose had returned. "Better?" He looked her over quickly, refusing to let his gaze linger any longer than strictly needed, "Yep." He typed in the coordinates quickly and braced himself, Rose doing the same. Surprisingly the ride was smooth and short, not bumpy, rough and prolonged. Rose was the first to the door, ready to explore the "new" planet. She quickly noticed that the Doctor wasn't by her side as he always is. He was gone.
"Doctor?", she called out, wondering where he could have run off to. He appeared seconds later in the corridor holding two small duffle bags, bigger on the inside of course. "Watcha got there, Doctor?" "Everything we need to survive if a snow storm hits while we're away from the TARDIS." She made an "o" shape with her mouth, then took one of the bags from him, noticing a small rose cloth patch stitched onto the top flap. "Ready?" "Ready", she confirmed, tugging on her hoodie's strings. He adjusted his coat before opening the doors to reveal the planet, Icoceld IV.
It wasn't a winter wonderland like the cliches, it had a rough, mountainous terrain. The snow and ice was all tinted green, while the tree leaves were blue and the bark a dark purple; it was beautiful. She was about to step forwards, but the Doctor grabbed her before she could. Her cheeks flared as he held her back against his chest, "That might not be a good idea." She barely registered his words before his arm was gone and so was his warmth. She frowned, but slapped on a smile before she could turn to him. "Why not, Doctor?"
"Well, I've got to test the snow first", he smiled, pulling out a pole with measurements out of his dufflebag. She moved aside and let him pass. He then stuck it carelessly into the snow, a muffled thunk sounding once it hit the solid ground below the snow. He bent and marked it with a red marker. He pulled out the pole and laid it on the TARDIS floor. "Six feet. We are going to have to improvise", he said as he whipped out his sonic. He pointed at the snow right outside the doors and it disappeared, literally disappeared.
"Snow doesn't melt here, it- well it disappears", he 'explained' as he jumped down into the snow free area he created. He pulled down the dufflebags and held them at his sides, "You are going to be my eyes, Rose." "Wot?" Instead of answering he turned around and adjusted his coat. Rose knew she wasn't imagining the pink invading the tips of his ears as she voiced what she thought was what he wanted her to do, "You want me to get onto your shoulders?" He hesitated, red joining pink, "Yes, it's the only way we can navigate through this."
Rose sat at the edge and carefully lowered herself onto his shoulders. Her cheeks flared, matching his, but they both avoided it to not make it anymore awkward. He turned and she reached up to close the doors, locking it with her key. He turned back around, "Do you uh- see a maroon building?" "Yeah ... just straight ahead." The sonic sounded and they began to move fowards. "Tree! Turn right!" He veird right then left again, avoiding the tree. A few trees later, they were halfway to the city. I wish this was in different circumstan- What am I thinking?
The Doctor's neck, face and ears colored at the uninvited, fabricated image that passed through his mind, luckily Rose was too busy looking ahead to notice. He tightened his grip on the dufflebags in his left hand and on his sonic in his right as the cold caused Rose to shift a bit on his shoulders. Rose counted the trees to keep herself distracted from the man below her, pulling slightly on the rubber band around her wrist. She adjusted her hoodie as they neared the giant maroon colored building. "They live in one building?" "It's easier to avoid storms."
"Ah." When they arrived at the door, they realized the struggle they would have to go through to get her down. She knew there was only one answer; they had to fall. "Thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" "I believe so", he said as he turned his back to the snow and backed up so their backs came in contact with the wall of snow. He dropped the bags and put his sonic away, "Ready?" "Yeah." "At the count of three ... One ... Two", before he could even say three he fell backwards, laughing. Rose let out a surprised yelp, then laughed along.
Once they recollected themselves, they stood up. Rose shook herself to shake off the snow, while the Doctor quietly complained about the snow in his hair. She went over to him and ruffled his hair, the snow falling right out. He froze for a second, the feeling of her hand in his hair felt as though it belonged there. Rose pulled her hand away, then reached up both hands, fixing his hair. His hair's fantastic! When she fully pulled away from him to grab the duffle bags, he felt at a loss. "Shall we go inside then, Doctor?" "Ah- Yes!"
She handed him his bag, and they went up to the door. She watched as a slit in the door opened and eyes appeared, their owner demanding credentials. The Doctor pulled out his psychic paper and held it up for the man to see. A loud thunk sounded, along with a few clicks and dings of locks. The heavy door let out a long hiss as it opened, letting Rose know that they don't open the door much. A strange smell was released from the inside, but soon dissipated to nothing. The Doctor grabbed her hand and pulled her inside.
He made a grand show of everything they passed; the activities, the furniture, even the hexagonal shape of the walls. Rose stopped suddenly, "Where are all the people, Doctor?" "He pulled out a pocket watch from his chest pocket, "Asleep. The Iconians are nocturnal. The guard at the door takes the 'night shift', then sleeps when you would consider it normal to." "Normal has a blurred meaning now that I'm with you Doctor, but I get it." He readjusted his grip on her hand, "Good. Allons-y!" "Won't you wake them, screaming like that?" He smiled, "Nope. They're deep sleepers."
He paused, "Well, that and the fact that Iconians are for the most part death." She looked back to the grey-blue guard. That's why the Doctor didn't say anything about who we were. She looked around as the Doctor led her to some unknown location. He suddenly stopped and opened a orange door, a suite was revealed. She noticed 'The Doctor' etched onto the door, in what she guessed was a precious metal. "You've been here before?" "Ah, yes. I have ... Saved them from a dire doom. I was here when I had just regenerated into the previous me."
"So you were alone?" "Yes, yes I was, but I proved to be just enough help." She pulled him into a quick hug, "Come on then, we're wasting day light." She pulled him into the room, took a quick glance around, then dropped her bag. He dropped his next to hers, then exited together. I was only given one bed. His cheeks colored at the multiple images that invaded his mind, portraying the many sleeping positions they could take on. He walked her to the lower levels, despising how the ramps made his coat billow too much as he walked.
I should introduce them to elevators. He ran a hand over his face; the color and heat not gone yet. Rose spotted an ice rink, "Can we, Doctor?" "Come on." He pulled her towards the rink's gate and unhooked two pairs of skates. "They're self-cleaning and size adjustable in case you were worried", he said as he slipped his on. She pulled off her boots and set them next to his shoes, her feet feeling the cold immediately. She pulled on the skates and together they stepped onto the smooth ice. They pushed off the wall and glided around.
Rose did small jumps while the Doctor went around backwards making large circles. He tried to focus on skating, but couldn't because his mind only wanted to focus on the fact that Rose was passing him every few seconds, giggling and unknowingly leaving a faint trail of her scent. He turned around and hooked his arm around hers as she passed, catching her by surprise, literally and metaphorically. He smiled down at Rose, happy to have her back at his side and have her scent as more than a fleeting smell. She smiled just as big, though for different reasons.
Well, not so different as she was glad to have his warmth at her side and an arm to cling to. As they spun and twirled, they didn't seem to catch the change in position. Side to side became face to face, chest to chest and soon it became hip to hip as they bumped into the wall. A cheerful moment became a serious one as they stared into each other's eyes. His hand grabbed onto the wall, the other grabbed onto her waist. Her arms, with a mind of their own, snaked around his neck as they leaned closer.
Their thoughts shut off as less and less space was left between them. Their eyes didn't break contact until their lips united. Eyes shut; lips touched; hearts pounded. He pulled her closer, then picked her up, setting her down on the wall. He stood between her legs, glad to be able to hold her with both arms. Rose wrapped her legs carefully around his waist as her hands tangled in his hair. They paused to breathe and were startled when a sudden ding went off. "It's- It's Christmas, Earth time", he panted. "Merry Christmas, Doctor", she smiled. "Merry Christmas indeed."
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