Good Memories?
Ok first of all I would like to apologize for not updating for over a week and sorry to all of you that have been patiently waiting for me to do so ... so I decided to update seven times today ... including this one ... 6 more
Third Person POV
Rose had been in her room for almost 9 hours (probably sleeping), while the Doctor was fixing the console because the TARDIS was being stubborn and won't let them leave earth in till she's fixed. The thing is that it's the middle of the night outside and if he didn't fix it soon a certain Jackie Tyler would walk out that door of her flat to drink her morning tea and spot them and that is one thing he was not trying to let her do. And yes they did land here accidentally they were on their way to another beautiful planet and then ... CRASH! And let's just say it sent Rose grumbling to her room ... something about time alone and stars. Although she was presented with the perfect chance to catch up on some sleep that she very much needed. So anyways the Doctor was under the grating pulling and replacing wires and things-ma-bobs when all of a sudden the grated floor door thing closes and it unfortunately hits him on the head, him unleashing a quick yell and collapsing onto the metal below. Thankfully Rose was able to hear his yell, being on high alert in her sleep ... you never know when something might get in even if it is improbable. She ran out of her room to the console room, knowing full well that the Doctor doesn't scream for nothing. When she arrived no on was insight so of course she started to panic, thinking the worst. What if they ate him?! What if they kidnapped him?! Or teleported him to a dying planet to be incinerated?! Or what- Her thoughts were cut of when she heard a small grunt from under the grating. She sighed in relief when she realize it was him so she put the rubber sledge hammer down and got on her knees to open the door thing. With a little help from the TARDIS she was able to open the ... thing. She peered in and found him unconscious and acting fast she reached down to grab him. She was glad that he was light enough for her to be able to carry out. Once she had gotten him out she checked his hearts, found both working then checked for cuts or other signs of injury and thanked the many gods she had learned about that he only had a bump on his head with a sight cut. She ran to her bathroom and got all the necessary items. She ran back and set everything out ... disinfected the cut, bandaged it, then with a few wraps to his head with bandages she set a small bag of ice on his head where the bump is. Minutes later he opened his eyes and winced when he tried to look around (still laying on the floor). Rose rush over to him cupping his face in her hands,"Oh my gosh, Doctor are you ok? I was so worried I thought I was going to have to stay here for weeks! Although I wouldn't really mind taking care of you." Realizing what she said she blushed but continued none the less. "You know I thought that I was going to use that emergency 'take me home' protocol that you tried using on me that one time to have my mum help me but turns out your ok ... you are ok right?" He sat up, using one hand to prop himself up, smiled and used the other to reach for her and bring her right to his lips. Rose of course was shocked and after a second or two reciprocated. He pulled away and spoke, his voice a bit husky,"What no 'Oh honey are you ok?' or 'Want me to kiss it better?'" She sat back realizing that he was not in his right mind. "Doctor are you ok I mean like up there?" She said slowly, pointing towards his forehead. "Well now that you mention it my head does hurt quite a bit." He said rubbing the part of his head with the bandages. Rose stood up and held a hand out for him, which he happly took only to pull her into another kiss ... when he stood up. She pulled away and held him at arms length, "No Doctor, this is not you. You can't do this, you'll only regret it once your back to your normal self." "Are you insinuating that our marriage and close relationship is a bunch of fake memories?" "Yes Doctor." "Well then how 'bout I make one of them real for you?" He said pulling her in. "Doctor, I swear if you don't stop I will not forgive you." He quickly released her as if her not forgiving him was the worst punishment of all. "Better, now." She said pointing to the corridor,"medbay." He grumbled something then walked towards the medbay like he was told. Once they arrived there she instructed him to sit down while she scanned him ... doing exactly as she had seen the Doctor do to a native (of a planet they had visited) that had lost his memory. Once done with the scan, the computer set out a list of what to mix and have him drink. She prepared it, while dodging all of his attempts to grab her. Once done she gave it to him which he only agreed to drink if she gave him one 'last' snogg. She complied, eager to get her Doctor back. She pulled away and he latched onto her neck not ready to return to normal. She pushed him gently and didn't miss the very sad look on his face. He looked deeply into her eyes and said with the saddest tone she had ever heard him speak in,"I don't want to go." "I know but you have to. I want my Doctor back. I need my Doctor back." He puffed up his chest and said "I'll do it for you Rosie!" She giggled and stepped back. He held the bottle to his mouth. "Bottoms up." And slowly drank it. Once it was all gone he dropped the vile and luckly Rose's cat like reflexes were put into action at that moment to catch it, his eyes rolled back and he fell back onto the bed. She sighed knowing he would be asleep for at least 5 hours. She picked his legs up and shifted him to have him properly laying down ... don't want him to wake up uncomfortable. With that she left to clean up the items she used earlier. After waiting for time to be over she went back to the medbay and found him standing, looking as if he had been waiting for her. "Doctor you ok?" He grabbed her and pulled her in, intill their noses were touching ... his eyes a bit darker. "Didn't think I'd forget did you?" She gulped and averted her gaze,"Forget what?" He moved hos mouth closer to hers. "Don't play with me Rose Tyler ... you know exactly what you said to me." "Well in all fairness it wasn't you." She smiled the uneasiness dissipating. "Cheeky." He closed the space between them. Rose's hands when up to his hair only to be disappointed when she felt the bandages. She sighed against his mouth frustrated but he pulled away a little to mumble against her mouth,"All cured ... timelord." "Now your being cheeky." He kissed her again and she removed the bandages, finally able to feel his fantastic hair between her fingers. They continued on intill Rose ended up on the medbay bed with him sprawled on top of her fast asleep (both of them ... and no they didn't do the dirty ... they wanted their relationship to be a sweet one not one of lust ... although they agreed that snogging is very much allowed)
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