An Eiffel Tower ... ?

This was a request.

Third Person POV

"Rose?" "Yes, Doctor?" He set his sonic down, swiveling around to look her in the eyes. He seemed hesitant, so Rose set her book down on the other cushion, giving him her undivided attention, "What is it, Doctor?" He got out of the ditch and sat on the edge, facing her. She took sips of her tea as she waited for him to speak. "What's an 'Eiffel Tower'?" "A ... monument in Paris, Fra-" "No, the other Eiffel Tower", he said calmly, interrupting Rose. Rose spit out her tea, cheeks coloring, "Where did you

hear of this other from, Doctor?" "From Jack." Rose rolled her eyes, "Of course." Though her irritation towards Jack did nothing to extinguish the fire dancing on her cheeks. "Then- Then I believe Jack is the one to have to explain this to you", she said, wiping off her sweater with the napkin she had put in her pocket. "He won't be back for a while." "Well ... um, there's Google! Bye!", she exclaimed running out of the room, cheeks turning into the new inferno. I'm going to kill Jack. She shut the door to her room, fanning her flaming cheeks.

The Doctor was vexed as to why Rose colored so much then ran out so quickly. He stood up, closed the grating and went over to the monitor. Google aye? He typed in 'Eiffel Tower', but all that showed up was the monument and other boring stuff. Then he put in 'Other kind of Eiffel Tower' and the results had piled up with various explanations of the other. He clicked on the first, but a notification popped up telling him it wasn't a safe website. He went back to the results and clicked on the second one. Wikipedia seems reliable.

"An Eiffel Tower is a position in threesome sexual intercourse when two men high five at the top while the female is on all fours ...", he shut it off before his eyes could read any further. He got the idea of where it was going. I'm going to kill Jack. His cheeks flared when he remembered he had just asked Rose for this definition. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!", he groaned, pulling at his hair. What will Rose think of me now? ... Then again, it was Jack who told me to ask her about it. He sat on the floor for a

moment, mumbling on about how he should punish Jack, for making him look like a fool. "Maybe I could make him wear extra clothing on our next trip or- or have him neutered!", he exclaimed standing up, swiping up his sonic as he went. Neutering works. He smiled devilishly, knowing that it may be going to far. Jack made him embarrass himself in front of Rose, that is unforgivable! "Rose! Uh- Forget I ever asked! Jack put me up to it!", he yelled when he got to her door, trying to justify himself, "I suggest revenge." "I agree!", she replied.

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