This is just the info on the frames and their ship/sentinel okay,(also it will be going by age A.K.A by which one I got first to last,and the weapons colors will copy the color of the frames.),and the frames have different personality with their own weapon and looks,and the operator will be a separate person just to make it sure ok.



Volt (prime):eos prime set,pulse volt helm,Yamako syandana.

Primary:Vulgar,secondary:despair,Melee:Fragor prime.


Rhino (prime):prisma edos set,vanguard helm,ki teer syandana.

Primary:Vaykor hek,dex furis,melee:galitine prime. 


Chroma:prisma Daedalus set,Draco helm,ki teer syandana.

Primary:prisma grakata,secondary:lex prime,melee:dual prisma cleaver.


Mirage:eos prime set,harlequin helm,rakta syandana.

Primary:Synoid simulor(yeah....),secondary:sonicor,melee:scindo prime.


Mag (prime) eos prime set,coil helm,rakta syandana.

Primary:burston prime,secondary:Mara detron,melee:Dakra prime.


Ember (prime) prisma Daedalus set,Phoenix helm,Yamako syandana.

Primary:ignis,secondary:Mara detron,Melee:glaive prime.


Limbo:eos prime set.aristeas helm,synoid syandana.

Primary:quanta Vandal,secondary:twin viper wraith,melee:destreza.


Vauban:prisma Daedalus set,esprit helm,ki teer syandana.

Primary:bolter prime,secondary:twin viper wraith,melee:jat kittag.


Mesa:prisma Daedalus set,longhorn helm,rakta syandana.

Primary:buzlock,secondary:lex prime,melee: redeemer.


Loki (prime):eos prime set,enigma helm,telos syandana.

Primary:Paris prime,secondary:dex furis,melee:heat dagger.


Equinox:prisma Daedalus set,solstice helm,prisma Hecate syandana.



Banshee:eos prime set,reverb helm,synoid syandana.

Primary:karak wraith,secondary:despair,melee:kronen.


Frost (prime):prisma edos set,aurora helm,ki teer syandana.

Primary:opticor,secondary:dex furis,melee:dex dakra.


Nyx (prime):prisma Daedalus set,menticide helm,synoid syandana.

Primary:stravadar,secondary:Mara Detron,melee:Sydon.


Nekros (prime):eos prime set,raknis helm,vaykor syandana.



Wukong:prisma edo set,dasheng helm,telos syandana.

Primary:torid,secondary:twin viper wraith,melee:tonbo.


Trinity (prime):eos prime set,meridian helm,synoid syandana.

Primary:dera Vandal,secondary:sonicor,melee:war.


Inaros:prisma Daedalus set,Vaykor syandana.

Primary:zhuge,secondary:lex prime,melee:furax wraith.


Nezha:prisma Edos set,circa helm,Telos syandana.

Primary:Braton prime,secondary:akzima,melee: dual Kama prime.


Titania:eos prime set,yamako syandana.

Primary:sancti Tigris,secondary:akzima,melee:tekko.


Excalibur:prisma edos set,mordred helm, yamako syandana.

Primary:soma prime,secondary:bronco prime,melee:nikana prime.


Oberon:prisma Edos set,markhor helm,telos syandana.

Primary:orgis,secondary:bronco prime,Melee:magistar.


Ash:prisma Daedalus, setlocust helm,rakta syandana.

Primary:Attica,secondary:bronco prime,Melee:fang prime.



Wyrm prime:para head,chrysalis wings,prisma koi tail.

Dethcube:prisma mech head,prisma jet,prisms koi tail,

Shade:para head,chrysalis wings,para tail.

Carrier:para head,prisma jet,para tail

Helios:simaris skin,prisma mech head,prisma jet,prisma koi tail.

Dirga:prisma mech head,chrysalis wings,prisma tail.


They all use the prime laser rifle


There you have it those are the frames and also the some of the frames will not be there because they will possibly try to fix or go around and map out the area.(fun fact also SPOILER FOR ORDIS HISTORY his original name is ordan karris he was a mercenary.

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