Chapter 15
What's wrong with him? Is he barking mad?
These were Aman's thoughts as he tried to digest what was being told to him. "I'm not sure I understand" he said, trying his effort to be polite.
Ranjit looked calmly at him "I know this may seem bizarre and strange under the circumstances but I'm serious. Will you marry her?"
Aman gaped at him, totally nonplussed. Of all the things he had expected of the old man, this definitely wasn't on the list.
"I can't..." he began but looked at the other man's change of expression and added hastily "I mean...Sakshi's a great girl and all but I'm not ready for her or anyone else. And besides, my parents will never agree to it and..."
"I'll convince them" Ranjit said slowly "I'll talk to your father and settle things...I'm sure he will..."
"You don't understand" Aman interrupted instantly "have you talked to Sakshi about this?"he asked doubtfully "because she would never agree to it".
"Don't you think I know that?" Ranjit looked at him intently "that's why I wanted to ask you first..."
Aman could feel the room suffocating around him and wanted nothing but to escape from there. How was he going to convince the ailing sick man who had a fresh attack?
"I know what you're thinking" Ranjit said softly and tried to sit up as Aman helped him "you must be wondering why I'm asking you of all the people.. we didn't leave things in a nice way last time. I know I'm supposed to hate your guts but at the same time I know you supported my daughter when no one else did. You were by her side when we all were against her. You believed in her when none of us did.."
"That's because she was supposed to be my sister in law" Aman explained as calmly as he could "she's my brother's would be so wrong to think of her otherwise".
Ranjit stared at him for a while and then Aman saw fresh tears escape from his eyes which was a red signal. He didn't want any more health issues in his presence "it's don't stress yourself..we'll talk about it later".
"No..I'm fine" Ranjit wiped his tears and Aman could feel the desperation in his didn't look fake or orchestrated.
"I was born and raised in a family where there's no room for questions. We had to fulfil our responsibilities without any inhibition and follow the traditions our elders laid down for us. I wasn't any different and hoped to follow the same footsteps. I know it's cruel but I've craved for a son too, just like my other family members. I wanted to raise my son just like how I was raised. But when Sakshi was born, I was disappointed a bit...but everything changed when I held her in my arms. She was the best thing that ever happened to me and I still feel it".
Aman wondered where this was going but listened in silence, half cursing himself for having landed here.
"She's everything I could ask for...she never once questioned me and obeyed me. And now, her life has turned to hell and there's nothing I can do about it other than to support her" Ranjit sighed in despair.
"You're doing a great job by being on her me" Aman clarified "marriage isn't a solution to every problem".
"You don't understand" Ranjit gasped "suddenly my daughter is stubborn...she doesn't want to give up the child...and I've supported her. She'll give birth and then what? Will she able to lead a normal life?"
Aman stared at him, unable to answer. Of course there will be lots of questions but that was Sakshi's choice. She made her side of bed.
"We're a normal middle class family Aman" Ranjit explained "we aren't powerful enough like some celebrities who can be single mothers and bear it all....we're not powerful enough to ignore any scandal that'll come our way...I don't think I'll be able to bear the ridicule my daughter will face in future...I don't think my heart is strong enough".
Aman could only gape at him in stunned silence; part of what he said was true enough.
"Most of the people know by now" Ranjit continued "even in her workplace...her senior colleague Piyush has defamed her in front of the whole pharmacy".
Aman raised a surprised eyebrow "who is he? And when did this happen?"
Ranjit explained what had happened in the pharmacy and Aman wondered why Sakshi had hid this part to him. Sudden rage filled him when he heard about Piyush...he should find out about the jerk. But that could wait.
"Please beta...will you save my daughter's life?" Ranjit desperately asked "will you accept her and her child?"
In total dilemma, Aman stared at the older man who was begging for his daughter's future. Saying no now could only complicate things, especially his health.
"I know I'm asking for a huge sacrifice but I know in my heart you're the only one who can protect her..." Ranjit took a deep breath "will you promise me?"
Aman bit his lip in agitation "I'll think about it...I need some time". He wished the old man would change his mind by then.
"There isn't much time left to think" Ranjit looked at hum "promise me ailing man's wish".
Aman thought of Deepa and the promises they made to each other. He then thought about Sakshi and wondered what her reaction would be. They had a platonic friendly relationship and now she would hate him.
Then a sudden thought struck him. There was no way in hell his father would agree to this marriage. He would never accept Sakshi's child as his own. Of that he was sure.
"I've already rebelled against my father many times.." Aman said in a matter of fact tone "I don't want to invite his wrath again, especially when marriage is concerned. I'll agree only if he accepts".
Ranjit gave a brief but faint smile "leave him to me" he patted Aman's shoulder "thank you so much...I'll talk to Sakshi as well".
Aman doubted that too...
Apeksha barged inside the cafe where an impatient Akhil was waiting for her.
He watched her enter but didn't smile "what was the urgency that you had to meet me straight away?"he asked, clutching his knuckles tightly.
Apeksha pulled a chair and sat opposite to him with a huff "you would panic too if you hear what I'm about to tell you".
He stared at her, his worst fears already confirming "you're scaring me already" he teased.
"You had asked me to find out about Sakshi" she reminded him. He pretended to look disinterested "oh yeah...I almost forgot about it".
Apeksha looked around and leaned in to whisper "I called her on the phone to begin a casual conversation but she sounded like she didn't want to talk. She said her father isn't well and is admitted in the hospital. Before I could ask more, she hung up".
"Oh" Akhil felt deflated at the information but Apeksha wasn't done. She craned her neck further "I know someone who works at Regency hospital pharmacy where Sakshi works. That person told me that she's pregnant".
Akhil gasped in surprise without bothering to hide his expression "what?"
Apeksha nodded "that's what I heard...seems like something happened to her and she was drugged or something. One of her colleagues created a scene but her father managed and took her she's with her parents".
Akhil was even more surprised; there was no way her conservative father would accept her in that condition.
"Akhil? Are you listening?" Apeksha nudged him "the rumours are running around that it happened because of a wild party she went to".
Akhil gulped for breath but Apeksha stared at him "is that why Aman was so interested in finding out? I think it was that same party...I don't think she would have gone anywhere else".
Akhil avoided her intense gaze "that's crap..the party happened almost three months ago...I don't think she would mean that..."
Apeksha wasn't convinced "I'm sure it's the same" she shook her head "poor Sakshi...I really wish we would help her".
"Are you crazy?" Akhil almost jumped off the chair "you're asking for a death wish".
"I don't know" she said quietly "I feel bad for Sakshi...whatever happened wasn't her fault". He didn't reply but stared ahead.
"Were there drugs Akhil?"she asked after a short while. He threw his hands in the air "jeez no!"he snapped "how am I supposed to know even if it were?"he sighed "there were lots of strangers too...if you know what I mean. I can't keep tabs on who I invited right? It was on the beach and on a weekend..I bet there were lots of teenagers posing as adults as well..who knows if they had got weed".
She looked thoughtful "I feel like helping her. She's a nice girl". He glared at her "she made her choice Apeksha..she must have gotten drugged and done something I'm not even sure what...even Amit was upset looking at her unconscious state" he shook his head "I'm sure she didn't do anything deliberately".
"So you're saying we should keep quiet about the whole ordeal" Apeksha said in an accusatory tone.
Akhil gave a casual shrug "it's not our mess to begin with...she brought in on herself". He glanced at her angry face and gave a deep sigh "oh God! Don't look at me like that" he remarked in chagrin "I'm due for promotion and will be leaving to States in a few days. I can't have any scandal or remark hanging around me..and I'm not even married".
She stared at him for a while, deep in thought "I guess you're right" she said finally "she should have closed the chapter instead of pursuing it. I mean instead of aborting the child and avoiding complications, she's planning to keep it".
Akhil raised a curious eyebrow "really? I told you she's crazy". Apeksha didn't reply but got up "I've to go pick my daughter from kindergarten...see you later".
Akhil watched her go and leaned back in irritation. He only hoped this matter would close and he would get away from it before any probe happened.
"You should finish that soup Ranjit" Roopa said in a stern voice "you know what the doctor should take lots of fluids and vegetables in your diet".
Ranjit smiled as he leaned back on his bed and slurped the soup his sister had made for him "I'm trying jeeji... after taking so many medicines, my tongue has become tasteless".
"That's because you've been eating spicy and fast food till now" his sister glanced sideways at Soumya who ignored the look "if people here make proper homely food, you would have been healthy". Ranjit didn't bother to reply but sat up straight as she helped him.
It had been two days since he was discharged from the hospital but the doctor had informed Sakshi that he needed proper rest and care.
"Where's your daughter?" Roopa looked around "ask her to help you...I always see her lying on the bed and doing no work".
Soumya who was arranging his medicines cast a worried glance at her husband who calmly replied "she's been working hard so I told her to's not like I'm bed ridden".
"But still...she needs to be by your side" Roopa demanded "and why doesn't she go to the hospital now?"
"She's resigned from work" he replied, carefully choosing his words "she's planning to do higher studies in research".
"God save you" Roopa let out a groan "how much more will that girl study? And what about her marriage? Have you even thought about it?"
Just then, Sakshi entered the room with paper bag full of fruits "I got kiwis and oranges...good for the heart"she said with a bright smile.
"Why did you bother to shop?"he chided softly "your mother would have got".
"I was bored and decided to take a walk" Sakshi said, sitting next to him but it was Roopa who intervened "let her do some work...why are you petting her like a kid?" Soumya went on to reply but Sakshi shook her head.
"You should help your mother in the kitchen" Roopa went on as if there were no interruptions "that is important too".
Sakshi forced a smile "I'm trying badi buaa". Roopa frowned but turned to her brother "so have you thought about marriage yet?"
Ranjit turned the attention to his daughter "I have as a matter of fact". Sakshi stopped stacking the fruits and raised a surprised eyebrow.
"That's great....any good proposal?" Roopa asked in interest. Ranjit gave a small nod "I haven't decided yet..."
"If you don't mind, I have a great one in mind" Roopa edged closer to him with a triumphant look "it's my sister in law's son Praful...he's a government official and works for the railways...a very traditional family if you ask me" she said "Sakshi will be in good hands".
Sakshi felt her heartbeat quicken in fear and stared at her father with pleading eyes. There was no way she was getting or later.
Everything that had happened since Amit's death had faded the thought itself. She couldn't bear the thought of spending her life with anyone for that matter, be it her aunts some relative who would be equally intolerable as her.
"I've already selected someone" Ranjit said in a serious tone "but thank you for really means a lot to me".
Roopa's enthusiastic face fell at the news but she composed with a smile "that's okay...I was only trying to help". Her phone rang and she excused herself to go out of the room.
As soon as she was out of earshot, Sakshi rolled her eyes and turned to her father in amusement "oh God! She was a nightmare!"she exclaimed "but thanks for shutting her mouth about the proposal thing".
He held her hand softly "I wasn't joking about your marriage". Sakshi thought she misunderstood him "papa...marriage is the last thing on my mind right now" she said as a passing joke "I've to sort out other things".
"I know" he looked at her "but I don't know if I'll be able to live through all that".
She clasped his hands, feeling guilty "you mustn't say such things papa... nothing's going to happen to you".
"I'm not sure anymore beta" he shook his head "please understand my situation...I don't want to live the rest of my life in fear about your uncertain future...I'm scared for you... I want to see get settled happily and only that can give me peace".
Sakshi felt her hands tremble beneath his "please don't do this" she pleaded "I'm trying to move on...I really am. Don't worry about me".
"My heart isn't strong anymore" he sighed "I can't let the world ridicule you anymore...look at my sister. Will she ever leave us alone?"
Sakshi gulped for breath, the walls of helplessness closing in on her.
"This isn't the time to talk about all that papa" she tried persuading him "the only thing that matters now is you getting well".
"I can't wait that long beta" he said simply "I want to see your future in safe hands" he folded his hands "please let me help you Sakshi...please".
She looked at his tear stricken eyes and felt tears herself "it's not easy as you say...after knowing my condition, do you think any guy would accept me?"
His face lifted up "I'm not talking about any stranger" he said "Aman has been nothing but nice to you, hasn't he?"
Sakshi gasped as the name struck in her mind like a bolt of lightning "when did you meet him?"she stammered. "In the hospital" he answered.
"No!" She almost yelled "it can't be! I'm not sure if you have misunderstood his intentions...he was only helping me because he's sympathetic and I'm his brother's fiancee".
Ranjit shook his head "he agreed to marry you...I asked him and he's ready".
Sakshi could only gawk at him in amazement "that's impossible!"she shrugged "he said that?"
"Yeah...when I asked him, he said he doesn't mind as long as his parents are okay with it" Ranjit explained while she listened in surprise "I want you to consider beta...for your sake.. and your child's".
Sakshi felt the world constricting around her. She thought about Amit and the undying promises they had made to each other. The incident which had shattered her life..
"I'm tired papa" she pretended to be ill "can we talk about this later?"
Ranjit nodded "please say yes..that's all I want to hear". She forced a smile and walked back to her room.
Aman! How dare he! She thought anger and resentment filled her. He hadn't even mentioned about this to her. Why did he hide it?
She had to talk to him before it was too late...
Aman stuffed a handful of chips to his mouth as he watched the movie with Hero cuddled in his arms.
Since it was Sunday and he didn't want to work, he thought of a work free day in his apartment after having lied to Debu that he was sick. He wanted atleast one day to himself.
At the sound of the doorbell, Hero jumped off it's feet "jeez! It's just a doorbell you idiot" he pulled the cat away and walked to open the door.
He hadn't see her angrier than she looked right now as she barged inside without waiting for him to speak.
"You asshole!"she demanded angrily, as he watched in utter shock "how dare you go behind me and conspire with my father?"
He stared at her in confusion until realization hit "I can explain that".
"When?"she gritted her teeth "you didn't even tell me you met him and he discussed marriage with you?"
"He told me not to tell you anything!" Aman shrugged "come on! I'm not dying to marry you either!"he sighed in defeat and collapsed on the couch "will you sit down once and listen to me?"
Although doubtful, she sat anyway. He looked at her in concern "care for water?"
Her glare told him she didn't give a damn " water" he said calmly and narrated her the conversation he had with his father.
"Are you insane?"she yelled after he was done "he told you and you obeyed like a dumb fool?"
He gave a seething look "what was I supposed to say under the circumstances? Poor man already suffered an attack! Do you want me to send him straight to heaven?"
"No but you should have definitely used your senses!"she retorted "said something silly or...anything else but yes".
"You think I didn't?"he snapped "I told him I'll only agree if my parents do" he leaned closer to her "so relax. There's no way my father would agree to our know him".
"I'm not sure" Sakshi sighed, clutching her stomach which was rumbling "you don't know my father...he would oblige them...I'm scared".
"Of what? Marrying me?" Aman teased, trying to ease her tension. She gave a derisive snort "'re the girls' worst nightmare".
"You too" he retorted "you know what? None of this would have happened if you went ahead with the abortion!"he remarked "you suddenly had this spiritual epiphany of sorts.."
"I can't discard the baby...I can't!"she yelled and he stared at her "why not? It would be easy".
"I have my reasons" she replied with a grimace. He rolled his eyes "like what?"
She blinked to keep her eyes open as she felt herself going dizzy "I can't and I won't tell you!"
"Sakshi? Are you okay?"he noticed her paling expression but she closed her eyes and collapsed in his arms...
Hi everyone!!
Sorry for the delay...
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Have a great day ahead ❤❤❤
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