"Let's do it Emma." Neal said to me. I looked at him wide eyed, totally in shock. "Are you insane? Do you know how dangerous that is? You could end up in jail!" I yelled at my boyfriend not understanding why he would want to go back to the train station and risk getting caught. "That's because I'm not the one whose going to get them." He said with a suspicious smirk. "Oh hell no, I am not stealing those watches for you!" I yelled at him.
This is just probably from all the alcohol. I'm sure by morning he won't even remember this whole conversation. But if he isn't? If he isn't drunk and he still wants me to steal the watches should I do it? Is it worth it?
I asked myself. "Emma, it will be totally fine. They are expecting me, not you. You can get in and out of there with in five minutes and then it's on to Tallahassee." He said, his voice full of excitement but his words slurred and his breath smelled of alcohol. "I can't risk getting caught. I'll just be thrown back into the system again, or worse thrown in Jail." I said my brows scrunched up not liking this idea one bit. "I'm not going to let that happen Emma. You will be safe I promise." He reassured me. "Alright." I sighed and he wrapped his hands around me. I look out the window of the old beat up yellow bug and looked up at the night sky.
But what if I'm not safe? What if I get thrown back into the system or jail? I can't go to jail for his stupidity. But what if he's right and I can get in and out of there without anyone seeing me? Then we could sell the watches and we would have over $200,000 in our pockets and we could live together in Tallahassee.
This was all against my better judgement, but I knew that if there was any chance for us getting the money from selling the watches and getting away scott free, then it was up to me. I had to do this if we wanted a future together, which I wanted more than anything else in the world.
The next morning, I woke up with the sun's rays piercing through my eyelids. I groaned and looked at the clock on the dash board. 6am. Great. "Well look who finally woke up." I heard a familiar voice say. I looked over in the drivers seat, Neal smiling and looking just as mischievous as he had the night before. "Ugh, Neal, I told you not to park the car facing towards the west." I groaned and lazily turned my head to look into his eyes. "Come on, if we want to get those watches, we need a plan and we are going to need all the time we can get." He said enthusiastically. I sat up in my seat and straightened up a bit while he spoke "and what is this 'amazing master plan'?" I asked sarcastically already knowing the answer. "You know I suck at coming up with decent plans." I sighed. "Are you sure you want to go through with this?" I asked knowing that there is no way Neal would back down. That's one thing I've always admired about Neal. When he wants something, he doesn't wait for the opportunity, he searches and searches for what he wants until he has it. "Emma, I promise you, you... We will get out of there safely." He said gently as he caressed my cheek with his big hand. I gave him a weary smile and nodded, totally ignoring every bone in my body saying that I shouldn't. "Alright. But I'm only doing this because we have to." I said and he nodded. We are silent for a few moments, wondering if this was safe.
Of course it's not the safe! We could get thrown in jail, I could get put back into the system! No, I can't. I won't go back there, even if it would only be for 2 days. I have to get those watches.
I officially concluded. "Okay, here's the plan, we park the bug a few blocks from the station, I'll go in, pick the lock of the locker, grab the bag and casually walk out and come back to meet you." I said with my excitement growing with every word that came out of my mouth. "And what if someone sees you?" He asked. A genuine question, but an easy one to answer. "I'll run. I'll drop the watches if I have to, I just can't end up back there again." I said, my excitement now beginning to fuel my anger towards the system and all of those dreadful couples that I was to call mom and dad. Neal nodded, understanding my reasoning completely. "Sounds like a plan to me. Now, why don't we grab something to eat and waste away the time until nightfall." He said with a smile. I returned his smile, but mine was more forceful. My gut still telling me that this was a horrible idea, but I ignored it. I nodded in agreement, just wanting to get this day over with.
I wake up in my hotel room, the light just barely peaking up beneath the curtains. I got up and padded over to the window to open the curtains. I drew them open and took in the sight below. Cars honking, people walking in the streets, sirens blaring.
And this is the exact reason why I live in a small town. It's always so quiet and peaceful in Storybrooke. No loud sirens, no agitated drivers blaring their horns every chance they got. It was just a peaceful little town, where everyone seemed to live happily in the most almost fairytale like way. Oh wait, that would be my fault. Bringing everyone here was supposed to be a punishment yet everyone is still happier than I am.
I sigh looking down at the horrid sight before me. "I hate these mayor conventions" I grumble and walk over to the small desk where a coffee machine sat. I made a quick cup of coffee while going through my notes.
Luckily today is the last day in this horrid city and tonight, I will be back in Storybrooke, in my own bed... Alone, as usual.
I sighed. Being alone all the time is the worst thing you could ever think of. Being mayor is okay, but by inforcing the laws and being tough on the citizens to make Storybrooke the best it can be, isn't exactly a way to make people like you. Needless to say, I still go on every day doing the same job I have been doing for almost 18 years now. The same boring job, day after day with no one to talk to or to spend the time with. I've been thinking more and more about adopting a child lately, but I'm not sure I'm exactly ready to be a mother yet. I'm only 21... Well sort of, if you don't add the 18 years I've been stuck in time just like all the other citizens of Storybrooke. I sigh and decided that it was time to get up and get ready for another boring day at the Mayor's convention.
The day passed by slowly, my nerves growing with every second of the ticking old watch Neal was wearing. With each passing second the uneasiness grew too, but again, I pushed those feelings down and began to prepare myself for the task that lay before me and before I knew it, it was time to put our plan into action. At 6:30, right before the sun had sunk into the horizon, Neal and I were parked a few blocks away from the Portland train station waiting for the sun to go down before I proceeded with the plan and that happened about 10 minutes later when the last sliver of sun disappeared into the horizon and the sky turned into a deep blue.
I got out of the car, my hands and whole body shaking from nerves.
Pull yourself together Swan. You have to do this if you want a future with him.
I said to myself. I close the door behind me and I was too nervous to notice that Neal had wished me good luck. I walked the three blocks to the train station, my heart beating faster with each step I took. Security guards were standing outside the station which only made my nerves even worse. I took a deep breath and proceeded into the station. I walked to the lockers which were right where Neal said they would be. I found the locker he had told me that the watches were inside of. I look over my shoulder, making sure that none of the security guards are around. The only one in the vicinity was busy helping an older woman with something. I pulled a bobby pin from out of my hair and picked the lock and after a minute, the metal door swung open. I grabbed the duffle bag slowly, making it look like I was in no hurry. I slung the bag over my shoulder and closed the locker before turning around and heading out the door. I was a step away from getting away when I heard an officer yelling from behind me. I look over my shoulder, seeing him pointing at me and warning the other guards of my presence. It didn't take me more than a second to hesitate. I snapped my head straight forward again and took a deep breath. "They aren't taking me back there!" I grumbled under my breath. Doing so only caused sparks to fuel my anger, and I took off running as fast as I could, not looking back. The world was a blur of lights around me and the sounds were quiet. It was just the sound of my converse hitting the pavement below and my rapid breathing. My legs were getting heavy, but I had to keep going for Neal. I was so focused on getting out of the way, I didn't even realize I had knocked over a brunette who was wearing a very nice blazer and dress pants. I decided to cut through an alley way, climbing a chain link fence to get into it. Half way up, I realized just how heavy the watches were and there was no possible way for me to get over the fence. I threw the strap of the duffle bag off my shoulder and watched the bag hit the pavement below with a thud and what sounded like glass breaking. The yells and running footsteps from the officers pulled me back into reality. I climbed up the rest of the fence as fast as I could and just as I was about to jump into the alley way, my belt loop caught on a piece of wire that was bent in a very odd manner. As the voices got closer, the louder my heart beat became and the wider my eyes got. I tried and tried to get the stupid belt loop detached from the wire. "Come on you fucking piece of shit!" I mumbled as I fidgeted with it. "There she is!" An officer yelled and the officers quickly hurried over to me. "Fuck it." I swore quietly and jumped down from the fence, hearing the rip from my belt loop as it detached from my jeans. I landed with a thud and the wind was knocked out of me. I felt a few pieces of glass cut into my hands and knees, but I couldn't stop. I had to get back to Neal. When the alley finally opened up to another busy street, I slowed down and took a deep breath and taking in my surroundings, not recognizing where I am one bit. "Fuck" I said when I realized I was lost but I knew there was no way I could go back the way I came. I sighed and began walking down the street as I stared at my feet.
I can't go back to Neal now, he will just think I was a coward and didn't try enough. I knew I should have paid more attention to my gut instinct!
I thought, mentally kicking myself for my stupidity. "Hey!" I here come from next to me. I tensed up, but then relaxed at the realization that it was a woman's voice. I sighed and looked over to my left, where the same brunette I accidentally ran into earlier was sticking her head out of the back window of a very nice and expensive looking car. I looked at her for a second confused, before I heard those voices again. I turned my head in the direction they were coming from and so did the brunette. "Come here quick, get in." She said hurriedly. I didn't hesitate. I ran to the car and flew open the door. The brunette slid over to the other side of the car as I got in. Once the door was closed, my new hero wasted no time in hurrying the driver to drive. I learned back into the black leather seats, resting my head on the head rest as I caught my breath with my eyes closed. I could feel her eyes on me and finally she spoke. "What was that all about?" She asked, a worried look in her eyes. "It's nothing bad... Well nothing you need to worry about anyways." I say as my lungs finally feel full of air. "I'm sorry about knocking you over earlier." I say embarrassed as I notice the rip in her dress pants.
I look over at my strange companion, my mind whirring and confused about what just happened, well more like what I had just done. Normally I would have had a much stronger approach when it came to talking to people who caused me to fall and rip an article of clothing, but there was just something about the blonde that was sitting next to me. A new feeling became present in the air between us. Something familiar, like seeing an old friend again, but I've never seen this young girl in my life. Still something about her made me feel differently than I had in years. It felt comfortable, like home almost. I scan her body while her eyes were closed and her head up against the headrest in attempt to calm her breathing. "What was that about?" I finally asked a bit worried as a sudden thought occurred to me.
She was just running from the police. What if she murdered someone? What if I'm her next victim?
But all the thoughts were subsided as soon as I heard her soft voice. "It's nothing bad... Well nothing you need to worry about anyways" she responded. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, but for some reason, even though I had that crazy thought of her being a murder, something told me she could never be capable of such atrocities, especially at her young age. "I'm sorry for knocking you over earlier." She says, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. I can't help but smile at her awkwardness and realizing how cute it was and suddenly some ungodly images of me fucking her entered my mind and this time I was the one blushing.
Cute? Come on Regina! You are not about to fall for a girl, not this time.
Unfortunately, my strange blonde companion noticed. "What? A fancy woman like you blushing at something someone like me said? Man people here are so strange." She said mumbling the last little bit. I shook the thoughts out of my head and turned my attention back to the curious blonde that some how made me feel more comfortable than anyone else ever has, and I can't help but smile. "Don't worry about it dear. As for what you just said what on earth did you mean by 'a fancy woman like me blushing at something someone like you said'? I asked. She looked down at her hands in her laps, and I stared at her until she finally answered. "If you knew anything about me, I'm sure you would understand what that meant. I'm broken." She said sadly.
Damn it Emma! You just met this woman and your already telling her how you feel? What is wrong with you?
I sigh, realizing that I have never been so open or vulnerable to anyone else in my life, and I'm telling someone I just met! I looked over at her, slightly embarrassed but also curious to see her reaction. She looked sad, her eyes filled with something I recognized as familiarity. She smiled at me. "Well why don't you start with your name and why you were running from the police back there." She said. I nodded not knowing how else to respond except by just answering her question. "My name is Emma Swan and I was running from the police because I stole some very expensive watches."
A/N: well here's the first chapter, I hope you like it. Each chapter is going to be pretty long and there for it will take me a long time to update, but don't worry, my last day of school is tomorrow, and I graduate on wednesday. After that, I'll be out for summer, so you can almost count on daily updates👌 please comment what you guys think so far. Hope you like it!
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