Chapter 1; the Sins

We currently see our alien protagonist lying down tossing and turning from the fall he took. After about four more tosses he finally woke up "Ow... what hit me?" He asked sitting up.

"Oh nothing much just the ground" a voice said, a feminine voice, a surprisingly big and loud feminine voice. "Huh?" Opening his eyes Ben saw he was laying down on... a hand, a giant hand. And looking to what or rather Who it was attached to, his eyes met a violet eyed brown haired giant woman.

"Wow... you are one big girl" he uttered "not that there's anything wrong with that" he added. "Well I am a giant, also that was one weird stunt you pulled back there. How does a normal human suddenly fly out of a portal or whatever that was, hits the ground right on the head, and appears unscathed?" The giant asked. "If your me it happens on a near daily basis, Names Ben Ben Tennyson" the hero introduced himself.

"Hey, my name's Lady Diane of the giant, and the snake sin" the girl introduced herself. "Snake sin?" Ben inquired "Yeah I'm a member of a group of knights known as the seven deadly sins" she explained rising Ben to her eye level. "Our job was to help keep the peace in this country but we were framed a long time ago for killing the holy knight grand general, and have been wanted ever since" Diane went on.

"Oh that's harsh" Ben commented leaning against her thumb, "tell me about it, so what's your deal Ben?" Diane asked him. "Just a lost hero trying to find a world to call home" he answered "Wait. Our of curiosity have you heard of a monster called the Daigon?" Ben asked her. She flinched and nearly turned white "Daigon?! That beastly creature!! He terrorized these lands for a while and would come back to haunt them... so I've heard" she answered. "Well no need to worry because he was recently..." he was cute off by Diane "he was beaten by an emerald warrior who can change his shape. And his emblem was that of a green hour glass, the legend is in story and song" she said.

"You know your stuff" Ben smirked walking to the edge of the giant's palm "but were you able to see this coming?" The hero then jumped off the giant's hand and transformed.

In the transformation process, Ben's clothes had been replaced with a short sleeved full body jumpsuit, his skin turned a light pale green while his hair turned gark green, his fingers becme pointed but not claws, his face began to lengthen and become more reptilian, and he grew a long lizard like tail.

And along his body were multiple Omnitrix symbols each forming a diamond showing the silhouettes of all of Ben's aliens. The creature then grew Stink Fly's wings and hovered in front of her face.

Name Omni

Species Omnisapian

Description Omni appears as a large humanoid lizard with pale light green skin. He also has dark green hair along with emerald green eyes. The uniform provided to him by the omnitrix is similar to four arms except less bulky. The torso of the outfit resembles Ben's shirt, the pants area resembles diamond head's but has a hole in the back to compensate for his long tail. On his face, shoulders, elbows, hands both palm and back, knees, feet, top only, and on the dorsal surface of his tail are numerous Omnirix symbols. The omnitrix itself located on his chest.

Powers Omni is equipped with the powers of all the aliens of the Omnitrix. He can transform his features into those of the aliens and has the power to use their abilities. These capabilities that he has are what make him the most powerful being in the universe. Omni can also combine the powers of different aliens to create stronger powers along with making weapons out of alien DNA as inspired by Skuurd. He can even use the powers of a celestialsapian. Due to his unique powers Omni is far stronger compared to any other alien race.

Other knowledge this unique transformation Ben has gained was the result of an accident with the omnitrix. When Azmuth called Ben op Galvan Prime to give him an update on the omnitrix a few way bads appeared. After promptly defeating them The omnitrix malfunctioned and all the DNA got erased except for one from an unknown life form. As it turned out a few of Ben's bad guys planned to finally destroy him by erasing the omnitrix. After a slight trauma Ben turned into his new alien which had all the powers of all his aliens. Though he missed all the transformations he originally had, he was glad their demise hadn't been in vain, they were used to create a new member of his arsenal. So to put it in a way, Omni is the only one of his kind.

"Wow" she uttered seeing the alien reptile before her eyes, "Wait, those symbols! Green hourglass?! And your emerald green" the giant then pieced it together. "Oh my goodness you're the emerald warrior who stopped Daigon's reign of terror?!" Diane nearly exclaimed.

Ben nodded, the girl was literally shivering in her boots, "Wow.. I didn't think I'd get the chance to meet someone like you" she said blushing. "And I didn't think I'd get to see a girl who's several times taller than me. But looks like fate had different plans for us" he quipped returning back to his position on her palm.

She giggled "I guess your right", the alien then noticed the thing she was sitting against "so what's that thing behind you?" Ben asked. Diane blinked before turning to look at it "oh that's just Hawk's mom" she answered. "Who's Hawk?... YIPE?!?!" Ben looked and saw that the thing was actually a giant green sleeping pig. With some sort of house or something on its back, "is everything in this universe giant?" He asked bewildered.

"Not everything, there are people your size" Diane answered, Ben then looked at the small house on the pig's back. "Are they in there?" He asked, she nodded, "right... well maybe I can introduce myself tomorrow. For now I need to get some shut eye" he said seeing that it was night time already.

"But weren't you out cold a minute ago?" She asked confused "and I hadn't eaten before I got to this world, making me incredibly tired and hungry" he said before attaching a Snare Oh! hammock between two trees. "Well goodnight" he said, "goodnight" she replied laying down.

Ben wasn't so comfortable seeing her lay on the hard ground like that, granted she could've been used to it, so he used WildVine's plant powers to create several soft fern bushes as a cushion for her. And after Snare Oh's bandages to give at least give Diane something to cover herself.

"There" he then went to sleep, the next morning the hero had woke up and flew up to the house on the giant swine's back. "So what's a place like this doing on a giant pig's back?" He asked himself before seeing a sign next to the door. "The boat hat?" Ben inquired "that's the name of the tavern" Diane informed him scaring the daylights out of the shapeshifter.

"Jeez don't sneak up on me like that!" He exclaimed, "oops sorry" she apologized. "Scare a guy out of his pants" he said before she tapped the side of the window. "Hey captain, I have someone I think you should meet" she said, then the door opened to reveal a small blonde boy with a sword on his back.

"Oh I take it your the person Diane had found last night" he asked in a happy go lucky voice. "Uh yeah that's me" Ben answered "well what are you waiting for come in" the boy said as they walked in. Other than the boy there was also a girl with white hair wand a green eye. The other eye being covered by her bangs, she was wearing a tight pink shirt and black skirt with one sticking on her left leg.

"Oh you must be the person Lady Diane found last night" she said to him, "Yeah nice to meet you the Names Ben Tennyson" Ben introduced himself. "Oh hello, my name is Elizabeth Liones, nice to meet you too" she replied shaking his hand. "And I'm Meliodas, this is actually my tavern and I'm the former captain of the seven deadly sins" the boy said.

"What? How you look so young?" Ben asked "That's a story for another time" the blonde said as the hero sat down. Only for there to be a squeal scaring him into getting off "hey buddy, I may be a pig but I'm not some seat for you" a voice said. Looking to who he accidentally sat on Ben saw it was a large pig, not as gigantic as the behemoth the tavern stood ok but a fairly large one by normal standards.

"Oh sorry little buddy, I didn't see you there" he apologized, the pig looked bewildered. "So you're not gonna ask how I can talk?" He asked Ben, "I also knew a talking animal once... well actually a few so you don't exactly bother me too much" Ben explained.

"Well you certainly get around, I'm the main attraction of this place. My name is Hawk" the pig introduced himself. "Nice to meet you Hawk? Wait would the large pig were currently standing on be your mother?" He asked. "Hey yeah how did you know?" He asked, "I remember Diane saying that the large entity that was behind her was "Hawk's mom so I sorta connected the dots" he explained.

"Not only that, but as it turns out Ben here is the slayer of Daigon" Diane said making the two humans gasp "no way" Meliodas uttered. "I though Daigon was only a legend" Elizabeth trembled "well if you want proof" Ben then turned his skull into Brainstorms. Then used his telepathy to transfer his memories into their minds, little to say they were quite shocked about seeing his life. "Wow... you are he who stopped Daigon's reign of terror" Meliodas said, "oh you poor man, your family was stripped from you..." Elizabeth sympathized.

"It's fine, after all the best way to keep my family alive is to live my life to the fullest. Because only through you does your family exist" Ben said making them nod in agreement. "So mind explaining to me what's going on?" The hero asked, Elizabeth explained that she was one of the princesses of the kingdom of Liones and a few months ago the Holy Knights had turned against the her father and became the new tyrannical rulers of the land.

Now it was up to her to find the remaining seven deadly sins and stop their rule once and for all. With that in mind Ben pledged to help her fight back with whatever it takes.

"Wow really?!?! Thank you Ben" the princess said with a lot of gratitude, "it's what I do, so Meliodas and Diane are two of the Sins?" He asked. "Yup you can tell because each sin is branded with the mark of a beast that represents their sin. I'm the Dragon Sin or Wrath" the boy said pulling up his sleeve to reveal a mark of a dragon.

"And I'm the serpent Sin of Envy" Diane said as they went to the window as she showed off a snake shaped mark on her hip. "Neat" Ben commented, "so where are we off to now?" He asked, "a town a little far off. You see the Boar Hat travels so I can get information on any whereabouts of the other sins" Meliodas explained.

"Okay then let's head out" Ben said "if that's the case you may want to buckle your seatbelt because it's gonna be a bumpy ride" the Dragon Sin warned before Hawk's mother sped forward at blinding speed. Which made Ben caneer back into the wall, "could've given me a heads up ahead of time!!" He yelled trying to hang on.

Later on they found themselves on a path to the next town, and thankfully for Ben's stomach the giant green pig had slowed town to a tolerable speed. As for the hero in question he looked about as green as the Omnitrix, "I feel sick to my stomach" the shapeshifter said in a dazed state.

"Yeah mom likes do that sometimes" Hawk said, the hero then noticed that Elizabeth seemed a little downcast. "You Okay Elizabeth?" He asked "oh... well" she stuttered "the thing is before we met you a Holy Knight attacked us and turns out Elizabeth knew him" Hawk said. "When we were all younger Gilthunder was assigned to guard my older sister Margaret but he felt like a big brother to me because he watched over us as if he was part of the family" she explained.

"His father was the Holy Knight Grandmaster And even after his passing he still served us. So why" she looked even more downcast. "I'm gonna get some fresh air" Ben said wanting to keep old wounds from opening up, he opened the window and flew out besides the giant swine.

"Just what troubles will this new world bring us?" He asked himself as he continuously flew forward.

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