Day 1 Settling in

It was 7 in the morning and (Y/N) was already seeing some disgusting people walk past the dinner. Such as a man with his pants dragging behind him, a girl eating some hot chips, and the loudest yet slowest car driving by. Another day in Gotham. Then, a few minutes later, the same luxury car pulls in and stops in front of (Y/N). He could feel the people staring at him, so he got in as quickly as possible.

Alfred: Good morning, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Morning Mr. Pennyworth. Can we get going please.

He says while holding his hand over his face, blocking the view from bystander passing by.

Alfred: Afraid of the spotlight?

(Y/N): More like afraid of someone remembering. Don't need more reasons to come rob us.

Alfred: I assure you that your family's business will be safe from harm I'll make sure of it.

(Y/N): That's not..... ominous. Not at all.

Soon as they arrived at the manor and (Y/N) notices the empty lot in front if the manor. Empty as in 1 out of the 12 luxury cars is missing. Deciding that it wasn't any of his business to begin with, (Y/N) ignores the small detail.

Alfred drives around the house, to the back, and drives into the garage of the manor. They then take a elevator, not before (Y/N) took several pictures of the cars, up into the office he was shown yesterday. Alfred then walks up to the desk and lifts a tailored suit, similar to his own.

Alfred: I have asked for a tailored suit in your size. You could say it's your uniform of sorts, you don't have to wear it but it's preferable that you do.

(Y/N): How'd you know my size?

Alfred: Let's not focus on the hows, (Y/N). I'll be gone by the end of the day so I would like to see how you will work while I'm gone.

(Y/N): Oh sure thing Mr. Pennyworth. Uh where should I start?

Alfred: You're the butler, you should know.

(Y/N): Right... uhh... I'll clean the manor.... yeah.

He goes to the broom closet nearby the office, one of many, and opens the door. But instead of a broom he finds....

(Y/N): JESUS!!!!!

A mute Asian girl.

(Y/N): Uhm excuse me.


He fearfully reaches over her and grabs a broom. After successfully acquiring the broom he moves aside to let her out but she just stands and stares. So he just slowly closes the closet door and walks away.

(Y/N): There's a quiet Asian girl in your broom closet.

Alfred: I beg your pardon?

That's when he notices the mute girl from the closet sitting down on the rolly chair.

(Y/N): Wah? How? Huh?

Alfred: Nevermind that? Let's see how you work now.

(Y/N): Right!

He leaves the office to start in the family room while Alfred stays with Cassandra. Once he knows he's far enough from hearing he reprimanded Cassandra.

Alfred: in the future, please refrain from moving at super human speeds.

Cassandra just nods, understandably.

After that Alfred went to observe the boy work. It wasn't the worse job he's seen, definitely better than Jason ever did, little bit better than Dick. He did have to correct him here and there but after showing him how to do things once (Y/N) seemed to have already mastered it. After helping (Y/N) for a while Alfred had to finish packing.

So now it was just (Y/N), cleaning and sweeping. And the unbearable feeling of the walls staring at you. But (Y/N) already knew who was staring at him, the same girl who keeps spooking him with her presence. He could already see her sitting on an expensive looking leather chair from the corner of his eye.

(Y/N): So.... you like jazz?

She shakes her head.

(Y/N): Movies?

She tilts her head.

(Y/N): Music?

She tilts her head.... again.

(Y/N): Favorite food?

She shrugs.

(Y/N): What do you like?

She paused for a moment, deep in thought as it looked, then shrugged.

(Y/N): Jesus. Must be lucky to have the richest man alive adopt you huh? From having nothing to having everything. You definitely won the orphan lottery.

He laughs shakily but gets no reaction from her.

(Y/N): Do you understand what I'm saying.

She shakes her head.



(Y/N): See, I'm inclined not to believe you.... because if you didn't understand... you wouldn't have answered.

This time she didn't answer him and kept quiet while he worked. Luckily the sound of the front door opening was a good escape from the mute girl.

(Y/N): Oh thank God.

He immediately dropped what he was doing and walked to the front door. There he spots a man, and child, taking his jacket off and placing it on a coat rack beside the door. He looks to be at least 6'2, maybe taller, and built like monster truck. It didn't take a genius to tell that the man had muscle under his clothing. But what's more surprising was the fact that Bruce Wayne was the owner of the mansion.

The child on the other hand was short compared to Bruce. Sitting at about 5'4 and at a darker complexion than Bruce, it'd be hard to believe that he was his kid..... probably adopted along with the 4 other kids.

Bruce: Oh hello there. I didn't know Alfred was bringing you in this early.

(Y/N): He wanted to show me some parts of the job we couldn't get to yesterday.

He holds out his hand, expecting a hand shake, so (Y/N) grabs a hold of it.

(Y/N): Jesus!

He immediately took notice of how firm Bruce's hand was, not only that but his grip on his hand felt like a gorila more than a human.

Bruce: Is everything alright?

(Y/N): You have a strong grip!

Bruce: Well I do work out every now and then. It takes a lot of work to look this good.

(Y/N): I can tell, you look like your bilt like a gorila under your clothes.

Bruce: Uh.... Thanks.

Bruce's face clearly showed some discomfort from the comment. But he hid it easily the only one who noticed was Cassandra who was standing behind (Y/N), who hasn't noticed her.

(Y/N): Hey little guy.

???: Don't call me that, in a few years I'll be taller than you so save yourself the embarrassment.

(Y/N): Damn, okay. Rude ass kid.

???: What was that?!

Bruce: Damien be nice!

Damien calmed down and crossed his arms, clearly unhappy with (Y/N)..... or everything.

Alfred: Ah Master Bruce, you're back early.

Alfred made his presence known as he walks down the stairs with some luggage in hand. That's when (Y/N) finally noticed Cassandra standing behind him, startling him a tad bit.

Bruce: We wanted to catch you before left.

Alfred: Well your timing is impecable, I was just packing to leave.

Bruce: Let us take you.

Alfred: I assure you, master Bruce, I am capable of getting to the airport by myself. There's no need.

Bruce: I know, but I'm taking you anyway.

Alfred: Always the persistent one. Well I know better than to argue with a wall. Very well allow me show (Y/N) his room.

Bruce nods and Alfred proceeded to lead (Y/N) to his room. On the way to his room they walk by suits of armor adoring weapons and armor. Not only that but some expensive pieces of art were-


Alfred: Yes, Master Bruce bought it on a whim in his younger years.

(Y/N): How rich is Bruce Wayne?

Alfred: Rich enough to buy the Mona Lisa it seems. Let's carry on.

After turning the corner (Y/N) arrives at his room. Once inside Alfred walks up to a box sitting on a shelf along with several other books. Alfred grabs the box and places it on his bed, next to (Y/N), and opens it then steps aside for (Y/N) to look inside.

(Y/N) leans over the box to check what was inside the box and gets genuinely surprised about the context of said box.

Alfred: I'm sure I don't need to tell you that it's not a toy. Please only use it only when it's absolutely necessary.

He closes the box and hands it to (Y/N) who takes it carefully. (Y/N) could only chuckle nervously, hiding his discomfort.

(Y/N): You really don't strike me as a man who would own one of these.

Alfred: I'm an old man who's in much need of a vacation, not Batman. With that out of the way it's time I make my leave, I trust everything will be fine in your hands.

(Y/N): I would hope so too. Pretty sure if I mess anything up here it would give me generational debt.

Alfred: Only a few generations. Well I better be off now, Master Bruce wouldn't like if I stall for too long.

He responds before leaving (Y/N) with the box. (Y/N) quickly goes to his bed and places the box under his bed. Meanwhile Alfred was outside with the rest of the Waynes.

Bruce: Dick said he might not make it in time, he wanted to see you leaving for himself.

Alfred: I'm sure he has his reasons for being late and he can see it for himself when he arrives and I'm not here.

Bruce: I guess he will.

Damian: Pennyworth why hire the fool? We are more than capable to clean the house ourselves. Faster as well.

Cassandra nodded as she looked at the front door of the manor.

Alfred: I'm just helping a stubborn family who's desperately in need.

Damien: Does he at least make good food?

Alfred: I eat at his family restaurant and his mother is an excellent cook.

Damien: His mother, but what about him?

Alfred: Well he had to learn from somebody didn't he? I trust I put the manor in good hands. Now if you excuse me, I have a plane to catch.

Bruce: You know the pilot will wait for as long as you need right?

Alfred: It's courtesy, master Bruce. Plus I hate making people wait.

He then pulls both Damien and Cassandra into a hug. Cassandra hugs back, Damien not so much but accepts nonetheless.

Alfred: Please don't give him a hard time, Master Damien. And please give the boy a chance, Miss Cassandra, I trust him enough to bring him into the manor.

He breaks the hug and gets in the car with Bruce, who was already in the car.

Alfred: I'll be back at the end of summer, please take care of yourselves.

Both of them nod and Alfred leaves to the airport with Bruce. Shortly after (Y/N) comes outside, Damien not even looking at him and Cassandra not looking away from him.

(Y/N): Did they leave already?

Damien: They just left.

(Y/N): Damn! I forgot to ask him when my days off are.

Damien sighed and face palms, the manors future was not looking good at all.

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