Chapter 9: Threats

AN: here's chapter 9. Enjoy, people.

Lexi's POV: (one week later)

The last few days have been quite nice, to be honest. I and my half-brothers have definitely gotten closer.

"Lexi, you coming?" Noah shouted. He'd offered to drop me off at school; we'd become close after the whole 'necklace' incident.

"Yep!" I called back, grabbing my bag and running downstairs. Some of my scars and bruises were fading, but most of them were still there.

"Let's go," I smiled at Noah and we got into his car. We blasted the music and sang along to it- he was surprisingly good.

"Bye!" I waved and got out of the car when we reached school, the smile on my face never wavering.

During my first lesson- English- I noticed some guy staring at me. I pretended I didn't notice, but kept an eye out just in case.

Throughout the day, I observed about five boys 'stalking' me. But I brushed it off as a coincidence. I probably should've mentioned it to Jackson at Lunch, but I didn't.

After school, I began my journey home. When I was some distance away from the school, the same five boys from before appeared.

"Hello Alexandra," Stalker no.1 said.

"Sorry, do I know you?" I asked, frantically thinking of ways to escape. I could easily take down two men, three if I was lucky. Five? Doubtful.

"No, but we know your family- the DeLescos and the DeLaCruzs," he smirked, "and we're their enemies. We know they've grown fond of you and we want you to act all cold and harsh towards them and betray them when we say so... Black Rose."

My expression was neutral, but I recoiled slightly at my old code name for gangs and fighting. It was a subtle threat- distance myself from my half-brothers, or they would spill my secret.

"I'm sorry, who?" I asked, feigning innocence, "also, I won't do what you ask."

"Then we'll kill you and them," Stalker no.1 answered promptly, "here's a little taster."

Within a blink of an eye, the remaining four surrounded me and grabbed my arms. I thrashed and flailed, but it was no use. They punched and kicked me. Even so, I continued taunting them. I think it angered them that I wasn't begging for mercy. Sorry boys, I'm used to pain. Both physical and mental.

"Enough!" Stalker no.1 roared, "let's go," he added in an undertone. The boys holding me dropped me unceremoniously and left.

Groaning softly, I dragged myself over to the building wall and leaned against it. I quickly checked for any life-threatening injuries and found none. I knew I had to do what they asked me to- for my half-brothers safety. I honestly didn't care what they did to me, but I wasn't going to drag another person down because of my mistake. Not again.

I put on my comforting hoodie- which I found out was Ryan's- and wrapped my arms around myself for a minute, formulating a successful plan. Once satisfied, I stood up and brushed myself off and went home, trying not to put pressure on my sprained ankle. Those morons had opened up old wounds- I would have to clean them at home.

I pulled up my hood- to hide my red eyes and bruises- and built up my walls sky high before entering.

"Hey Lex!" Jack said cheerfully, "how was school?"

"Good," I replied shortly, stuffing my hands in my pockets.

"Lexi, are you okay?" Ryan asked, "did something happen at school?"

"I'm fine!" I snapped coldly, "and it's none of your business!" Push them away. Keep them safe.

"No... something's wrong," William frowned, joining the other two in the hallway.

"For God's sake can you mind your own business?!" I practically shouted.

"Lexi, what's wrong? You're not normally like this," William questioned gently. Why can't they hate me? They were fine with it about two weeks ago.

"Nothing is wrong!" I protested, angling my face away from them, "I'm just tired. Please let me go."

I was too busy arguing to notice Luke creep behind me and pull my hood down.

Everyone gasped and I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Guys!" Noah shouted and I flinched slightly, "come down quick!"

"Someone better be dead or dying," Simon grumbled. He did a double take when he saw me, "woah, you look awful."

"Thanks," I deadpanned, my eyes opening, "I didn't notice."

"Who did this to you?" Hayden asked coldly.

I shrugged, "I don't know... but they seem to know you."

They all froze and exchanged looks.

"Describe them to us," Antonio said in a flat voice.

I did and their jaws clenched, anger radiating off of them.

Luke gently grabbed my arm and tugged me to a chair in the kitchen, "Lexi? Can you take off your hoodie please?"

I shook my head adamantly, "no. Just please give me the first aid kit and I'll do it myself."


"Please," my voice cracked a tiny bit. Luke hesitated, but handed it over to me. I stood up and he helped me to my room.

"Thanks," I mumbled, going inside the bathroom. Inside, I began cleaning and bandaging my wounds, having had years of practice.

After that, I leaned against the sink and stared at my reflection in the mirror. Tears slipped down my cheeks and I found I couldn't stop them. It was like a dam had broken inside of me and the pent up emotions were being released. I cried for my old awful home life. I cried because Ace was gone and there was practically no chance of him coming back. I cried because I finally had a home with my half-brothers, but it wasn't going to last as I would be leaving soon.

Third person's POV:

Meanwhile- downstairs- the brothers were furious. They all had a 'secret' soft spot for Lexi and were enraged that someone had dared hurt her.

"I'm going to kill them," Noah declared.

"Let's not act too rashly," Antonio reminded his brother.

"Rashly? They harmed our sister!" Noah exclaimed.

"Okay, not the time, but you just called Lexi your sister!" Ryan grinned and Noah swatted his arm.

"So?" He grumbled.

"I think we should tell Lexi about our real jobs," Flynn said suddenly.

"Are you crazy?" Hayden asked.

"No. But now that she's been threatened, I think we should tell her."

"Tell me what?" Lexi asked, coming into the kitchen and raising an eyebrow.

"Ah. Lexi. You're here," Luke said nervously.

"Yeah I am. Now tell me what?" Lexi repeated her question and all the brothers suddenly became interested in the wall.

"Well- ahem- we've decided to tell you about our family business," Simon said.

"Okay," Lexi replied slowly, "what is it?"

"We're in two gangs," Flynn answered, "I lead 'The Devils' and Antonio leads 'The Silver Skulls'."

Lexi nodded, everything suddenly making sense. She'd suspected it before, but now it was confirmed, "okay. Cool."

All twelve heads snapped up.

"What?" Hayden asked.

"I also have a confession to make," Lexi chuckled nervously, "and- um- it might things very weird between us. I used to be the 'Black Rose'."

"WHAT?!" The boys exploded.

Lexi winced, "yeah... but I've left that life behind me now... however, they still want me to join and that's why I'm running away from the assassin- Ben Garcia."

"That's... wow," William whistled and sat on a chair, "any other major secrets?"

"Nah," Lexi lied, "just that one. So..." she shuffled awkwardly, "you guys aren't going to kill me, right?"

"Why the hell would we do that?" Hayden asked in disbelief.

"Oh thank God," Lexi sighed in relief, "just because I used to occasionally hinder your deals and stuff?"

"Yeah well you're family now," Sam said, his eyes glued to his phone, "we're not going to kill or harm you."

"Thanks," Lexi smiled happily.

She walked over to sit next to Sam, but tripped and crashed into the table. Her stomach rammed into the sharp corner and she gasped, feeling old and new wounds tear. Blood began seeping through the cloth and she fell down, hitting her head hard on the floor.

Lexi's POV:

"Lexi!" My half-brothers shouted.

I curled up into the foetal position on the floor, clutching the wound on my stomach and groaning in pain.

"We have to go to the hospital!" Ryan said, gently picking me up.

"No hospital!" I groaned weakly, "please Ry, no hospital."

"Lex, you're hurt!" Ryan exclaimed.

"No hospital," I said more forcefully, looking at him in the eye, "please."

I closed my eyes and sank into a pool of black.

Third person's POV:

After Lexi fainted, the brothers started panicking.

"We should take her to the hospital!" Hayden insisted. Normally, he was a big believer in respecting peoples' wishes. But all those thoughts flew out the window when his little sister started bleeding.

"But Lexi said not to!" Ryan said, "we can take her to our medical buildings."

"What are we waiting for?!" Antonio growled, "let's go, people!"


Twenty minutes later, the twelve men watched their little sister being wheeled away on a gurney by doctors in white coats. Since they owned the building, they knew most of the doctors and their sister was in safe hands.

They all slumped into the black chairs. Less than a month ago, they probably wouldn't have cared. But now, they were starting to feel brotherly love their baby sister.

A few hours later, a serious faced doctor comes out of the operating theatre. She had black hair in a pony tail and sharp green eyes.

"Mr DeLesco and Mr DeLaCruz?" She asked. The men didn't recognise her so she must've been new.

"Yes?" Antonio and Flynn replied.

"Hello. I'm Dr. Rayne. Alexandra is stable, but..." she hesitated.

"What is it?" Jack asked.

"She has multiple bruises, cuts and burns all over her body. Some of them are recent," she clenched her jaw and looked at them, "can you explain them?"

"We're not abusing her, if that's what you're saying!" Kyle snapped.

"That's what they all say," Dr. Rayne replied coldly, "how long has Alexandra been staying with you?"

"About a month," Flynn replied.

Dr. Rayne frowned, "some of the injuries are less than a few hours old. But the majority of them are more than a month old."

"The first injuries you mentioned were caused by five boys beating up our sister a few hours ago," Flynn said quietly, dread slowly filling him as he reached a terrible conclusion as to how Lexi received the older bruises, "but we don't know anything about the other ones."

"I see," Dr. Rayne nodded, "well, we will need to keep her in for a few days. I suspect that the- the whip marks on her back are infected," her heart ached slightly as she said that, but refused to let it show, "and several others have been poorly self treated. You can see her in a bit," she nodded curtly and left.

"Whip marks..." Ryan said hoarsely.

The men exchanged dark and sad looks as they each arrived at the horrible conclusion.

"I'll kill them," Noah growled, glaring at the white floor underneath him, "I'll kill whoever did this to her."

"Her foster parents," his twin said sadly, leaning his head against the wall. It was painfully obvious now they thought about it.

About an hour later, Dr. Rayne told them they could see Lexi now.

When the men saw Lexi, their hearts shattered. She was pale and lying on the hospital bed, staring brokenly outside the window. Bandages covered her small body and a heart monitor steadily beeped in the background.

"Hi," Lexi croaked, knowing that they already knew, but wanting to prolong the inevitable conversation for as long as possible, "I said I didn't want to go to a hospital."

"This isn't a hospital per say," Jack said softly, "it's one of our medical buildings.

Lexi nodded and started fiddling with the corner of her blanket. She didn't look them in the eye, not wanting to see the pity that she was sure was burning in them.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Hayden asked.

Lexi's lips twisted into a cynical smile, "up until about a week ago, you all hated my guts. Why would I tell you then?"

"What about during that week?"

Lexi looked up, her eyes were cold and dead and her expression was blank, "I have spent my entire life being broken down and left to pick up the remains on my own. I've pieced myself back together and only one person cared about me. But then he left. Why should I open up to you guys? How do I know that you won't break me down too?"

Her words were like daggers cutting in the men's hearts. They knew she was right to be cautious, yet they wanted nothing more than to help her. To show her that they would not break her down, but rather help build her up.

Ryan sat in the chair next to Lexi, "we won't force you to tell us anything. But just know, we will always be there for you."

"Thanks Ryan," Lexi suddenly found herself robbed of speech. With some difficultly, she moved herself and hugged Ryan.

"Lexi- you don't have to answer this if you don't want to- but, who's Ace?" Hayden asked.

Lexi smiled slightly at the thought of her non-biological brother, "I don't mind telling you about him. Sit down, though, it's a long story."

Wordlessly, the men all sat on the chairs in the room, or stole some from outside the room. They looked at Lexi, waiting for her to begin.

"Ace was- is- my best friend," she started, feeling herself getting lost in the memories, "he had black hair, brown eyes and the kindest soul you will ever see. We met under an... odd situation," she chuckled slightly, "I was five and he was eight. We just... clicked almost instantly- became best friends shortly after.

He used to sing to me at night when I had trouble sleeping. He would constantly try to keep my mood up and was always there to talk. Even if it was about small matters. He would defend me from bullies, but at the same time taught me to fight my own battles. I love him- he was my big brother," tears welled in Lexi's eyes, but she blinked them away, "nearly two years ago, his parents forced him to move and cut off all contact with me.

He told me he loved me and that he would find me again. He was the one who gave me this necklace and I miss him every damn day," a lone tear traced a silvery path down her cheek and she gripped the necklace tightly. Lexi coughed, "um so now you know."

Ryan leaned over and wrapped Lexi in another hug. She buried her head in his chest and closed her eyes, allowing her walls to crumble for a moment.

Seeing their sister so sad and broken sparked something in the men. As their gaze fell on each wound and Dr. Rayne's words echoed in their minds, their anger grew.

Soon, Lexi fell asleep from sheer exhaustion and the DeLaCruzs and DeLescos went outside.

"Okay, I've asked our men to try and find out which prison Liam and Isla are being kept," Antonio said.

"Good... how long do you think they'll be?" Sam asked.

"Couple days."

"I'll help," Flynn responded, "we can work faster that way."

"What do we do when we find them?" Hayden questioned.

A cold smile made its way on Antonio's face, "give them hell for hurting our sister."

All the men were in agreement.

End of chapter 9.

I hope you guys liked it!

Stay safe and thanks for reading :)

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