
(Or maybe the same game?)

Once we get out the door, Frisk turns around to admire the beauty of the small neat house, and then they start running.

They run past the old tree, and take a sharp left, hopping over some green vines. "yOU ACt lIKe yOu kNOw tHE pLACe!" I remark. Frisk glances up at me and says "I don't know, I just want to see everywhere." "mE tOO" I agree.

We go into a covered set of stairs and come up to a higher ledge. It has a nice view of the city. Frisk stops to admire the view for a moment, and I can't blame them. When I first left Temmie Village, I thought the city was so pretty. But now it's so normal.

Something catches my eye and tell Frisk "wHATs tHAT oVEr tHERE? WE SHOUld cHEcK It OUt." Frisk runs over. It appears to be a stabby-stab-stab! "Is it real? That'd be dangerous. There are kids like us running around!" Frisk mutters worriedly. I jump down and pick up the stabby-stab-stab in my mouth, but then a black box appeared. It read "Toy Knife added to Temmielynn ' s Inventory: Inventory 1/8"

This is just like the savey thingy! I only tried that a couple times. Ahh! What if me saving is like saving a game? That's weird! But you need Determination to do that! Temmies can't get Determination. The only possibility is... Detemmienation! Do I have enough Detemmienation to do things a human can do? This is scary.

"fRISk." I say "lETS Go tO oNE OF THOse gOLDEn thINGYs." Frisk hesitated "Wait. You can see the save points? No offense, but you don't seem to have determination. I mean, you're nice, and derpily cute, but you don't seem to have anything to be determined about. Again, no offense" "DeTEMMIENation." I reply simply.

"What?" Frisk asks, beginning to walk. I inhale deeply.

"iT aLL STARted WHen tHE kINg bECaMe fasCINAted wITH uS TEMMies, nOt tOO lOng AGo. WHen I wAS a BAby TEMMie, I bECaMe HiS  FRieND, aND intRODUceD HiM tO tHe oTHEr TEMMies. HiS RoYaL ScIeNtIsT, AlPHyS, dECIded tO iNJEct ONe oF uS wITh deTERMINATion, sinCE THe kINg, ASgOre, wAs sO fasCINAted wITh uS. iT wAsn'T mE oF cOUrse. iT wAs PRofTeMMie. SHe WAs bRAve, buT sHE aLSo dIDn't kNOw wHat wAs goiNG tO haPPEn. EVen I dOn't kNOw wHAt haPPENed.

sHE wAS gONe fOR abOUt a wEEk aNd nONe oF uS WorRIEd. ShE EVen cAme bACk FINe, wiTH AlPHys. 'THis TeMMie doEs nOt hAVe deTERMINaTion. BECaUse wHen I injECTed hEr wITh iT, iT beCAMe somETHIng I cALl DetEMMienation. DETeMmIENATion iS vERy siMILar tO DeTeERMInatIOn. I aM nOt sURe oF tHE rEQuiREMentOs FOr iT tO dEvELOp natURAllY, oR eVEn iF iT caAN. BUt oNE oF THe diFFERenCEs iS: DeTERMINATiOn iS ReD, aNd DETEMMIEnaTioN HAs nO obSERVaBLe cOLor - yEt' AlPHYs anNOuNCed. I DOn't rEMEmBer tHE otHER dIFFeRENces.

PROfTeMmIE cOULd SAVe! AlL oF uS oTHer TeMMies wERe uTTErlY bEWildEREd, aNd fASCINatEd. PrOFfy WaS a cELEBrITy, uNTil SHe tURnEd tO DUst alL oF a SuDDeN. ShE wAs evEN HaVIng a conVERSatIOn wITh TeMMieCoDy wHEn iT hapAPPEned.

AlPHys rETuRNed aND sAid tHAt DeTEmMIeNAtIOn WaS posSIBle, bUt tHat ProFFy jUsT waSN't DeTEMmIed enOUGh. AnD tHAt wAs tHAt. I dIDn't reMEMbeR unTIl juST nOw."

All Frisk could manage was a faint "Wow..." and later, a "Here we are." At the golde-save point right outside King Lady's house. I kind of swatted towards it, afraid this time. The same black box appeared, reading: "You were filled with Detemmienation"

I nearly fell off Frisk's head. Well I did fall off, but they caught me.

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