Episode 6: Meet Chopper

A/N: sorry for the super late update.

In Chopper's lair.

"Master Chopper. I still can't find Master Splinter's disciples." Chrisford said.

"Do not give up. I believe that those disciples are not yet dead. Because if do, that man will be killed. I almost killed his brother, which is a rabbit. Hahahahahahahahaahahhaayah muwahahahahahahahaahah. By the way, Bradley, how dare you call Splinter master Splinter gurrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!"

Chopper got mad.

He hit Chrisford with his screwdriver hand.

"Ouch, pardon me master Chopper. I really..wait rabbit, master? Thenn Splinter has his minions animals as well? Mutants??!" Bradley uttered.

"Why don't you just go with your idea, Chrisford?" Chopper chopped the statue of a minion beside him.

"Ahm okay yes..Master." Chrisford moved out.

"For 3 years I missed my family.... Nefario, Agnes, Edith, Margo, and my...my..wife Lucy." Gru started to cry.

Meanwhile, February, Dave,Jerry,Phil and Stuart were walking together.

"There's just something I'm not feeling good about." February stated.

"What is it, February?" Dave asked.

"Like someone's following us." February said.

"Oh come on, it might be just Phil, or Stuart right behind me and Dave." Jerry laughed.

"No way, he's big. Bigger. Not an animal."

"Well, I tired looking behind..but still no one." Phil said.

"Oh, oh, oh,oh meeeee!!!!!" Stuart raised his hand.

"Uh, yes." February smiled.

"He is the one and only air!" Stuart said.

"No..I can sense he or she is a person." February said.

"Where? We must find him now!" Dave grabbed his bo staff.

"Derp. It must be just your imagination.." Jerry said.


"I think he's invisible." Uttered Dave.

"Awww!!! Phil? Keep your pocket knife away from me!!!!" Stuart said.

Someone just hit Stuart with a pocket knife.

"That's not me, Stuart. My pocket knife is in my pocket."

"Oh yeah, then who did that? I'm not in the time and mood for pranking, dudow!" Stuart said.

Then, Phil was kicked.

"Hey, Hey what the heck!" He said.

"I really can sense him!!!! He's like an...an.....an....assasin! And he is behind....behind....behind....STUART!" February said.

Everybody stared at Stuart.

"Booyakasha!!!!!!" Stuart kicked the one behind him.

"I sensed him, he was hurt allot by Stuart's kick!!!!" February said.

"Invisible assasins, turtles, fight!" Phil said.

The turtles grabbed their weapons and attacked the invisible assasin.

"You're close to him, he's getting away!!!!!" February said.

The four ran.

"Hoh wih hawa ya!!!!!" Stuart used his kusarigama to pull the assasin.

"He's being pulled by a chain something...." February said.

"That's me, I got it!" Stuart pulled it harder.

"He's now lying at Dave's foot!" February uttered.

He spun his nunchucks at the foot of Dave

"Awww!!!!!! Hey!" Dave said.

The assassin stopped being invisible.

It shown a dark skinned, slim, curly-haired, Brazilian looking street fighter with red and black hair and a fighter. He wears a leather jacket with shurikens in the jacket pocket.

"Nexer Xever!" Phil said.

Xever looked at them with an evil smile.

"What's with all that invisibility, ah punk?" Jerry said.

"What's with all that kick to me?" Phil said.

"And what's with all that pocket knife to me?" Stuart said.

"Also what's with all that following us?" Dave said.

"Ah well..I just discovered you're Fightman's minions. Master Chopper told me to spy on them. And I discovered, that aliens mutated four minions with splinter into turtles and him as a creature....Chopper forgot." Xever stated.

"Get him!!!!" Phil commanded.

Jerry and Stuart jumped and spun their weapons.

Xever threw shurikens at the two.

Stuart had dodged the shurikens, so he spun his nunchucks at Xever.

Then, Dave hit his bo staff to Xever.

Xever threw butterfly knives to Phil and Jerry.

"Awwwwwsss!!!!!" Jerry said.

Both of them were stunned, due to the butterfly knife getting in their chest.

"Booyakasha!!!!!!!!" Stuart kicked Xever.

Then, Dave kicked him back.

Stuart spun his nunchucks at Xever.

It came back at Dave, so he spun his bo staff.

"Hey I loved this game!!!!" Stuart used his nunchucks to throw Xever back to Dave.

"Stop, fools!!!!!" Xever become dizzy.

The two even made their hits harder.

They laughed and laughed.

Until Xever become super angry, he flipped and stepped at Dave's bo staff.

He broke it into pieces.

"No, my staff!!!!!" Dave said,

"Hay ya!!!!" Stuart converted his two nunchucks into a kusarigama to catch Xever.

"Not so fast, losers!" Xever got the kusarigama, then he pulled it, which made the force pull Stuart in the air.


"Stuart!!!!" Dave said, while picking up his broken pieces of bo staff.

February is very confused and besitant.

"Take this, loser!!!!!" Xever said, then he let go Stuart and his kusarigama in the air.

Stuart and his weapon had went inside a truck with boxes of pizzas.

The door of the packages closed.

Dave ran, silently kicked Xever.

He kicked him again, very far. Then, Phil and Jerry threw the butterfly knife at Xever, but Xever instead kicked them, which made it stitch their legs.


February ran and escaped.

"No, February!" Dave said.

He followed February,

But what he didn't knew, Xever picked up his three used shurikens.

He threw this on Dave's shell.

"Aw-ow-ouch-ah-ah buwewaw!!!" Dave fell on the floor.

Then, Xever grab his pocket knife and stitch the leg of Dave.

Then, he kicked Dave his hardest.

Then, he jumped and kicked him again.

Dave was flying in the air already.

"Not so slow!" Xever punched Dave his hardest, when he was about to land in the ground.

Dave bumped a taxi, with an open trunk.

Dave got inside the trunk with some luggage.

Xever quickly closed the trunk.

He escaped.

"Uh..I though I just opened my trunk." The taxi driver said.

"Yeah, phew or else my things might be stolen." The passenger uttered.

"Pardon me, I accidentally pressed something." The driver said, and went back to the car.

The passenger did as well.

The taxi moved.

Then, an angry Phil and Jerry approached Xever.

They punched and punched Xever, and threw his two butterfly knives at him, but he evaded it.

Only one butterfly knife is the one that hit him, in his shoulder.

Suddenly, the Despicable Clan surrounded the area.

From the roof, many jumped and surrounded Phil and Jerry.

They wore assassin suits and had butterfly knives, like Xever.

"Uh-oh. This is not good." Phil uttered.

Theme song:

Teenage Minion Ninja Turtles

Teenage Minion Ninja Turtles

Teenage Minion Ninja Turtles

Heroes in a half shell

Minion power!

Here we go! It's the lean, green, ninja team

On the scene, cool teens doing ninja things

So extreme, out the sewers like laser beams

Get rocked with the shell-shocked pizza kings

Can't stop these radical dudes

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few

Emerge from the shadows to make their move

The good guys win and the bad guys lose

PhilNardo is the leader in blue,

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Davenatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

RaphaJerry has the most attitude on the team

Stuartangelo, he's one of a kind,

And you know just where to find him when it's party time

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green incredible team

Teenage Minion Ninja Turtles

Teenage Minion Ninja Turtles

Teenage Minion Ninja Turtles

Heroes in a half shell

Turtle power!

"Oh, looks like a group just changed their suits. Now you're in assassin uniform." Jerry picked up his sais, that fell on the floor.

Phil grabbed his two katanas at his back.

They started killing the assassins.

"Raph, I don't think we are gonna take this assassins altogether surrounding us."

"Relax Phil. Just gonna take some more sweat and blood,"

"Xever, hoow come you can be invisible?" Asked Phil

"It's being an invisible assassin, okay? I learned being an assassin for allot of years and it's very special and worthful, but I can only use it occassionaly, not always or everyday." Xever said, while rising up.

"I still have wounds and bruises, Jerry we must get out!!!!!" Phil said.

"Find, I guess I can feel that too." Jerry said, while having killed three assassins.

"Okay, I have a plan, jump through these assassins." Phil elucidated.

"Oh, okay." Jerry jumped on the assassins.

Phil followed.

"Copy Stuart's flips. That's the best way. Master Splinter once told me to imitate an agile Stuart and a smart Dave." Jerry said.

"Okay sure." Phil flipped.

The two flipped, until they kicked a group of assassins.

"Presence of mind, Raph, go to the condo!!!!!!" Phil bowed his head and whole body while running, to avoid the shurikens.

Until nineteen shurikens hit the door, it fell on the floor.

The two quickly ran and took the elevator.

"So this is a Condotel, right?" Phil asked,

"Of course! Didn't you see?" Whispered Jerry.

"Uh-oh! A shuriken was left.." Phil said, then took the shuriken.

On the other hand...

"Assassin minions, scatter, compressss!!!!!! Split up by grouping yourselves into in each floor!!!!!!" Xever enunciated.

"Yah, Lance,Carl,Kevin,Mark come with me!!!!!" Tim commanded,

Tim and Carl are the only ones who wore a different suit, Tim wore a businessman's suit, while Carl wears a fireman suit.

But Lance,Kevin and Mark wears yellow jacket and cap with the assassin costume.

The four minions followed Tim into the last floor, which is the 21st.

Back to Phil and Jerry,

"Okay, we are here, hurry up!!!!" Phil ran his fastest, then he used his two katanas to destroy the door of a unit.

"This is an occupied room, but the tenant isn't here, hurry to the toilet!!!!!" Phil said.

Then, three minions had followed them,

"Move, fools!" Jerry tenderize the three.

Then, he followed Phil.

Jerrry quickly jumped on the toilet.

Phil pressed the flush button.

Then, he jumped while Jerry is being flushed,

"Ayayayayayayayayaayayayayayayayayaay wiyiyiyiyiyiyyiyiiyyiyiyiyiyiyiyiy hayayayayayahay!!!!!" Jerry's reaction when he was being flushed on the toilet.

Then, Phil raised his hand to reach the toilet bowl flush button.

"Uwauwauwauwauwauwuwuwuwuwuwwuuwuwwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu yawayawawawawawaawawawawawawawayawawawawawaawwa!!!!!!!!!!!!" Phil's reaction when he was being flushed,

Then, Tim,Carl,Kevin,Mark and Lance had went in the room and scattered.

Kevin and Carl found themselves in the CR, watching Phil flushing.

"Emeygesh their best way to escape it to flush themselves in the toilet bowl, what a disgusting hub!" Kevin stated.

"Yeah, yeah yeah. So they like to go in the sewers, eeeewwww!!!!!!! But what do we do now, they had escaped! Flush ourselves in the toilet?" Carl said.

"No. Let me poop first. This is since a while ago. I'm just a bit shy to tell I'll quit fight and poop. Also, the five of us were the most trusted minions of Xever. We must not fail him anyway. And it's a valid reason for what just happened." Kevin said, while sitting on the toilet and getting ready to poop.

"Okay I just hope so he can still trust us." Carl said.

The flushing of the toilet stopped,

"BEE-DO, BEE-DO! A DISGUSTING POOP ALERT!" Carl hilariously uttered.

"Dude. Shut up." Kevin said, while pushing the poop to go out,

The poop fell on the toilet.

"Yuck, I can't look!" Carl said.

Meanwhile, Stuart in the truck.

"Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom." I loved eating all these pizzas.

"Hey, who's in there? I keep hearing your voice?" The driver said.

"Aha! A weird turtle! Get outta here and what did you just do to my pizza????"

The driver jumped off the frontseat to attack Stuart.

"Uhm, sorry dude." Stuart said, then he threw his kusarigama accidentally at the driver.


"Oops, sorry." Stuart said.

"But since you're attempting to attaok me, you don't know I'm a ninja." Stuart said,then he kicked the driver to the door.

"Booyakasha!!!!!!!" Stuart spun his nunchucks at the driver and the door.

The driver fell off the vehicle.

Stuart quickly locked the door, he double locked it by bis kusarigama.

Then, he jumped through the frontseat and drove the car.

"I don't know how to drive much, but I love this!!!!!" Stuart said.

He drove the truck improperly and incorrectly.

The driver chased his truck, but a taxi bumped him.

It was the taxi where Dave is trapped.

"Alright, what could I do now? Ummm? Any guns in this luggages?" Dave said.

He started to look for knifes or any weapons in the bags.

Until he saw a pistol.

"Oh wow. It's beautiful." Dave said.

"Nah, February is prettier."

"So how to do this? Ah umm..."

He placed the pistol infront of the trunk's center.

Then, he pressed the button his hardest.


The trunk had a big hole.

And it opened.

He quickly got out, with the pistol on his bo staff pocket.

He passed through the corner, and crawled.

He imitated the Truung.

"Who did that? My trunk?" The driver uttered.

"Our things!" The passengers said.

Then, Dave ran and ran.

Until he climbed a truck's roof.

It is where Stuart is driving.

"Oh man, what's the problem with this truck?"

Dave decided to jump off the truck.

But instead, he fell on the frontseat window.

"Stuart? What are you doing here?"

"The what?"

"Nevermind but first STOP the car, stop the car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dave spoke.

Stuart turned the driving wheel, then controlled the brake, as well as the part where your foot is.

"Okay, so tell me how'd you get in this situation?" Dave said.

"Well...Never threw me here in this truck of pizzas so,."

"Wait, Never?" Dave asked

"I follow one rule of mine: never say the name of your enemy directly. So NEVER SAY XEVER." Stuart said.

"Oh, okay continue!"

"Then, I kept eating and eating the pizzas, until the driver heard me, he attempts to fight me, so I kicked him, then by my kusarigama power, he fell and I locked the truck door, and double locked by my kusarigama! And..I decided to drive the car to avoid him.." Stuart said.

"Oh shoot! Did you just said pizzas? Let me eat them!!!! Share your blessings!" Dave jumped off the frontseat to get to the backseat with pizzas.

He started eating them.

Then, Stuart did the same and ate with Dave.

They enjoyed eating and eating.

Back to Phil and Jerry...

"Okay, almost there, keep swimming!!!!!" Phil said.

After a few minutes, they reached a landing part.

"Okay ummm...two sais used to lock nunchucks...then the kusarigama is used to lock a bo staff..and two katanas being locked by the bo staff. What a trap." Jerry said.

"This must be the weapon hall. Lets go another door." Phil spoke.

The two walked away and searched for doorways.

Until they saw a sign that says "One big shortcut you'll be shocked of. Locked. Only Stuart,Phil,Jerry,Dave or Splinter may enter."

"This seems like Stuart's language used in signs. All signs were made by him. And this is his handwriting. Anyways, there isn't padlock but it's locked. Key?" Jerry said.

"I don't think there's padlock. There is a hand thingy or where you put your hand and a camera moving there, look. Dave invention. Must be Stuart's imagination and Dave's creation, right?" Phil said,while putting his hand at the authorizing area.

Then, a lantern went green, and silent.

The camera went down near to him.

"Authorized person, please come!" Stuart's voice said.

"Is Stuart here? Or really Dave's creation to record Stue's voice?"

"It is Dave's creation, dude. If he was here all along before us and spread the news, Splinter will train him. Also, you know Stuart, he can't keep secrets as always." Phil enunciated.

"Okay, next me." Jerry did the same.

The lantern's light turned green.

"Another authorized person, please come!" Dave's voice uttered.

"Wow, this time it is the record of Dave's voice...then the next time it is my voice, right?" Jerry said.

"Now get ready for the shortcut." Jerry's voice spoke.

"What? No, that is not me!!!!!! And what I said come true, why am i here????"

Phil laughed and laughed.

"It's not funnyy....dude it is not!!!!" Jerry was really astonished and hesitant.

Then, two tentacles grabbed the two.

"Now here it comes!!!!" Phil's voice stated.

"What? Is that you?"

"No, Raph. I think my voice is also recorded!!!!!" Phil said.

Jerry laughed and laughed.

"Hey man, it's not funny, it is really not!!!!" Phil had the same expression like Jerry had a while ago.

Then, they had been took by the slides.

"Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!" They said while falling off the slides.

It was a very long slide, like a tapeworm.

But the slide is not only going down, but also like a rollercoaster.

"Booyakasha!!!!!!!" Stuart's voice spoke.

"What the heeeeccckkkk uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jerry said.

They screamed and seem to panic allot.

Until there is mud, where a big hand appeared, carried them and threw them in a bucket.

Another hand appeared, which cleaned them.

They're clean as new.

Next, there is a big mattress which made them jump high.


Until they bumped a door with blue,red,purple and orange colors.

And they got out of the shortcut.

They're already in the hall.

"I was so dizzy..." Jerry said.

The two were dizzy,exposed,weakened and slowed.

"Oh my sons, did you just came from the shortcut beside Jerry's room? There look,it's like a mousehole or some fire escape but no." Splinter said.

The two were still in bad feeling.

They're so weakened,exposed,slowed and dizzy.

"So, tell me what happened before that shortcut?"

"Why would it have to have a shortcut? Why would it have to be?!?!?!?" Jerry complained.

"That is in case of emergency when you're lost in the sewers. There are many doorways for the shortcut. But only five of us can enter. And the four of you had your voice recorded, but mainly only Dave and Stuart. It is just when you two arrive there, your voice is gonna be used after Dave and Stuart. That's the power. Stuart imagined that so far and Dave created it." Splinter enunciated.

"I was right! I was right!" Phil said.

"Now,tell me."

"Master Splinter...February just sensed by her brain an invisible person..or should I say assassin which is Nexer Xever, Chopper's most trusted henceman. And wait...who knew and when was the last time we were aware of February's brain power?" Jerry said.

"I can't explain it...but...February and Xever were both different from humans!!!!!!! Ummm...no one can ever use her brain to sense invisible things, see it and such. And Xever, where did he came from? Is he a very powerful assassin? Yes, he is very popular but I never knew how more powerful he was.." Master Splinter said.

"My eyes was sick of him, Xever." Jerry said, then starts to enrage.

"Where are your two younger brothers, Davenatello and Stuartangelo?" Splinter asked.

"Sadly Nexer Xever made them far. Stuart in the truck, Dave in a taxi. Plus, Dave's bo staff broke again." Phil said.

"Why did you become self centered that you go here without finding them? What if it is a trap for Chopper to get them! And if Xever turns invisible, I may predict he is spying on you! Also, I need February here. At first I want her because they say there's problem with her against aliens...now I prove she's very different." Master Splinter said.

"Apology. Sensei. We didn't mea-" Phil was interrupted.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not retreat when you're not together. You disappointed me today."

Jerry and Phil bowed their heads and frowned.

"And no. I mean..go to your brothers now! If you don't find them, we'll be in great trouble." Said Master Splinter.

"On it, sensei." Phil said.

Stuart and Dave suddenly passed by Chopper's lair, while driving.

"Alright I'm bored. i wanna rest. All the pizzas were finished. Ah blak!!!" Stuart said.

"I know but there is something mysterious about this place..this was never built in New York."

Stuart just laughed.

"I'm serious, Stuart." Dave frowned.

"Alright. Alright. I see your serious. But I'm not."

Suddenly, Xever was seen going inside with some ninja minions.

"Xener VeXer? What's he even doing here?"

"Ah actually Stuart, it's Nexer Xever. Nec-Ser Xe-ver. Get it?"

"Yeah but I still want to call him Never say Xever. But ah Dave, looks like it's not only Never Say Xever who is living here but some assassin-like minions! Same like us!" Stuart said.

"Oh no. I think we discovered another headquarter.." Dave said.

"Hey Dave I want to go here and see what is inside and seriusly man? This place looks like the headquarters of the DARK TALKING CUPCAKES!!!" said Stuart.

"You know Stuart, you gotta stop believing in those things! They're never real! What's real right now is the secret between this!" Dave said jarringly.

They alighted from the stolen truck and dreadly walked heading through the headquarters.

"I think its not locked..is it?" a strickened Dave said.

"Yup, get ready for the talking cupcakes.." Stuart tremulously said.

Dave just gave Stuart a grin.

Stuart kicked the door very loud and in a frantical way.

Stuart start to spin his nunchcks. Dave grab his staff at his back.

"I haven't seen Splinter for years.I believe he's training his disciples to be like him and if they're the four minions I lost, they'll learn it easily because those four are like robots they master a skill easily, no need for a decade." said a voice.

"Hey that was familiar!" whispered Dave.

"Master Chopper, may I just ask? Our Foot Clan are minions and minions never die so the minions deceased can ressurect, they served for dracula and blah blah..they are alive and will never end..and those disciples will never know my secret that..you know..." Xever said.

"I'll attack them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled Stuart.

"No, Stew!" Dave said, peeved.

Stuart used his maximium speed and endurance, (he is used to be the fastest turtle with the most endurance)

Stuart ignored Dave and seemed to not hear him at all.

"BOOYAKASHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yelled Stuart and quickly jump to hit Chopper with his kusarigama(converted by his two nunchakus)


Chopper was quickly tied by the kusarigama chain.

"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO MY FATHER!!!!!!!" Stuart screamed.

"Stuart? Oh dear minion? I am your father, will you go back to me?" said Chopper.

Stuart ignored him and continued attacking. Until Chopper's helmet was removed and it showed Felonius Gru's face: full of vicious scars and some burns.

"Gru? Father? What happened?" Stuart said.

Xever was about to stitch Stuart with his butterfly knife when Dave jumped and hit him with his bo staff that made him oust from a far place.

"Father, Gru! It's great to see you!" Dave said.

When Dave immediately saw Xever rising, he went back attacking.

"My sons, it's been so long, it's been so long. We haven't see each other, I can't belive you're so great ninjas! I'm sorry we left you.." Chopper said.

"We have our new father, not someone evil like you!!!!!" Stuart said and kiced Chopper's metal body.

Chopper quickly enraged and broke the kusarigama chain, which made his dual nunchucks be back though shortened chain.

He made his hammer hit Stuartangelo, but Stuart quickly dodged it by his backflips. He repeated the move but Stuart still keep on dodging it.

"Very well agility, Stuart! I'm surprised!" Chopper exclaimed.

"My name's not just Stuart, it's Stuartangelo." Stuart replied then was kicked by Chrisford very strongand accurate. Due to Chrisford, he ousted to a far place then fell on the aquiarium.

"Good thing he can swim, sir." Chrisford said.

On the other hand, Dave and Xever fighting..

"I tell you Davenatello you'll never beat me! You're just a stupid minion-turtle who studided ninjutsu art!!!!!!" Xever said, making his sword fight Dave's staff.

Suddenly, Chrsford threw an axe heading to them.

Xever jumped and summersaulted away from it while Dave made his bo staff cover his body and moved far but he didn't noticed that is the place where the axe is heading.

The axe hit his bo staff, it completely broke

"No!" Dave exclaimed.

Chpper, from far clicked the triger of his gun that shoots net.

Dave had few seconds sighing and thinking of what to do hence his bo staff destroyed. After the few seconds he recovered, the net went on his body.

"You're also caught, Davenatello!" Chopper said.

Dave was in the state of panic already.

"And we'e got Stuart swimming like a fool fish in our aq--what the heck, he's completely gone!!!" Xever said, looking at the aquarium.

"He must have escaped!" said Chopper.

"Xever,Chrisford go with the foot to search for that fool!" Chopper said.


"Jerry, Phil we gotta keep quiet, good thing you knew where we are? How?" asked Stuart.

"Dave's detectr, we detected you're in the truck and so we went into the manhole infront of this headquarters and we hid in the aquiarium and when you fell, there you go!" Phil whispered.

"Alright, lets do this!" Jerry agressively said.

They swum inside the aquarium again and saw Dave in a net, with Chopper confronting him.

"That stupid man has kidnapped you! I miss having a technological minion, you know that?" said Chopper.

"Before we attack we must turn on Dave's de--" Phil said but Jerry broke out the glass already and yelled"CHOPPER!!!"

Next, Stuart broke out the glass and yelled "BOOYAKASHA!"

Phil just shook his head and followed them.

The two ran and attacked the Chopper.

Chopper is slow, due to his hammers and axe but he can bump opponents easily, so he had kicked Stuart accurately already.

"Stuart!" Dave and Phil exclaimed.

Phil went to a recovering Stuart.

"I'm alright, dude! Care about the others!" Stuart said.

Phil ran and wielded a shuriken to Chopper but instead, it hit Jerry in the right arm whose sais was competing with Choppers's hammers.

"Sorry Jerry bro!" said Phil.

"You need more accuracy man!" Stuart said, while running

"Stuart, free Dave and I'll help Jerry." Phil made a plan.

"But whose gonna fight with Gru?" Stuart asked frantically

"We'll deal with it, just free Dave so that we'll have more synergy!" Phil exclaimed

Stuart ran his fastest and reached Dave in a net hung on the wall.

He waited before Chopper headed to Phil and Jerry.

Stuart picked up the pocket knife he saw on the floor and sliced the net until it had a big hole enough for Dave to esape.

"Thank you but now I don't have my staff, what should we do?" asked Dave.

"Phil brought an extra bo staff cause he knows your staff might broke again, umm how could we sneak in there?" Stuart said.

"Use your agility and I'll distract the Chopper." Dave said.

"Alright HI-3!" Stuart said.

"Not now" Dave said and immediately ran for the plan.

Stuart kicked Phil to make him fall down on the floor. Jerry was fighting Chopper.

"What was that for?" Phil asked.

"For Dave's bo staff, I freed him!" Stuart said and quickly took the bo staff.

"Hey Dave!!!!!!!!" yelled Stuart and threw the bo staff.

Dave immediately got it and hit Chopper at the leg very hard.

Next, Jerry gave Chopper accurate and strong punches on the stomach, chest and arm.

Then, Stuart jumped and hit Chopper on the neck using his two spinning nunchucks.

And Phil ran and stitch Chopper's legs.

But afterwards, Chopper quickly bumped them all and made them far from him.

Dave was kicked hard and bumped the wall very hard.

Jerry was bumped very hard, he broke and fell on the big camera located at the ceiling.

Stuart was punched, he fell on the aquarium once again but this time, with giant splashes and tides given.

And Phil was kicked very hard, he was made very far, he bumped the doorway.

"You four are traitors like your new so called father Fightman!!!!!! And so now, we are rivals like your so called father!!!!! That is how powwrful I am, stronger than your stupid freaking father!!!!!!!" Chopper said.

The four had allot of wounds and bruises, except for Stuartangelo who was only threw in the aquarium that is connected to the sewers.

Dave had dislocation on his left arm and right foot. Jerry had sprain on the left foot and right arm. Phil had fractures on both arms.

"Seems like you're still my sons so I feel pity on you, you may escape for this time but sooner or later I will take revenge!!!!!!!" Chopper said.

He left the hallway and went to another place in the headquarters

Dave, crying and resisting the pain walked fast and joined Stuart in the aquarium.

Phil ran and resist the pain, ad then helped Jerry to join their younger brothers in the aquarium.

A day passed...

At the sewers..

"My sons..that's how hard to fight with Chopper, that's why you need more training. 3 years isn't enough." Master Splinter said.

Dave had cast on his left arm in right foot and was riding on a wheelchair. Jerry is using a rutch though he had a cast on his right arm.

Phil had cast on both arms and assists Jerry.

Stuart, who doesn't have any worse injury assists Dave.

"My sons, may I ask all of you to leave except for Stuartangelo. Stuartangelo, may I talk to you?" said Splinter.

"Sure sensei" they said.

"Yeah sensei, what is it you want us to talk about?" Stuart asked.

"I notice that yesterday, it's like you lost your dimwittedness or you showed great intelligence..well your brothers told me the turth and story and I'm impessed! You showed how witty you can be! You know son, if you can show the trait opposite to your trait you're a true ninja! Remember that intelligence doesn't depend or work well by or on a person, it depends on how a person acts on it! Hope you can keep up the good work you had." Master Splinter said.

"I don't get it sensei but thanks." Stuart happily said, though confused.

Master Splinter just tapped his head and laughed.


Stuartangelo -------- Ashton Irwin

Philnardo ---------- Calum. Hood

Davenatello -------- Luke Hemmings

RaphaJerry -------- Michael Clifford

Aivam Fightman/Master Splinter-------- Niall Horan

The Truung ------- Zayn Malik

The Chopper ------- Louis Tomlinson

Nexer Xever -------- Harry Styles

Bradley Chrisford ------ Liam Payne

Minions Kevin,Mark,Lance and other ninja minions ------- Chandler Riggs

Minions Carl,Tim and other ninja minions ------ Pharell Williams

Pictures by: Matthew Kris Celino


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