Episode 11: The Gauntlet

"Alright guys, The Truung are striking again. Looks like they've got more plans. Better plans. They're experimenting one of Nefarilla's co-monkeys. And so lots of random joes will end up mutated." Phil said.

"Yeah yeah. We just need to fight with them now!" Jerry said, then jumped off the building they're standing on.

"Wait Jer--" Phil said.

"Woohoo!" Dave jumped.

"Booyakasha!" Stuart backflipped two times then jumped.

Phil just followed them.

Jerry destroyed three robots.

The other robots stared at them. "Looks like the ones who calls themselves the Minion-Turtles are striking again." said a robot.

"Hey that was m word! My phrase! You imitator!" Phil said, then jumped to destroy the robot who spoke.

"Hiy-ya!" He said while killing more robots.

Dave and Stuart spun their weapons and then hit the robots very loud and accurate.

Until shurikens flew on their way.

Instead of hitting them, it hit the Truung which destroyed them.

The four minions looked behind.

They saw Xever and Chrisford, together facing the minions.

"Well, well, well. Shelled-Miinons..how's it doing? Where's Master Splinter? Is his rabit brother alive?" Said Chrisford.

"You wouldn't have to know!" Phil said.

Xever threw more shurikens.

Jerry jumped. Phil lied down on the floor. Stuart backflipped. An Dave deflected them by his bo staff.

"Alright, Chopper's looking for ya. I tell you..Chopper's very powerful that if he hit you in the shell, you're dead!!!!" Xever boastfully said.

Suddenly, missiles flew from nowhere.

"What the heck?" Jerry said.

It hit the building where Xever and Chrisford were on, so Chrisford and Xever bumped each other and fell.

"Phil!!! Who called the missiles???" Stuart said.

"How many times do I have to tell you, nobody called the missiles, it is being controlled by somebody!!! Wait isn't this question and answer happened yesterday? At Drexler Starkmane?" Said Phil.

"Or is it BAXTER STOCKMAN!!!!!!!" Dave said.

Drexler appeared, he was sitting on a flying chair with a propeller on his head.

"So you thought I'm on armor again, FOOLS!!!! I shoot missiles by my weapons and this chair! And this remote! Mwahahahahahaha!!!" Said Drexler.

"Oh man, we've got 2 villain side right now in our Gauntlet!!!" Stuart said.

"Make that 3!" Nefarilla said, from a roof. Quickwings flew and howled from the sky. Roarbot made a very loud roar.

"Or 4!" Dave pointed to the Truung robot vans parkig infront of them.

"What to do now?" Stuart panic.

The four minions made a circle. Phil held his two katanas. Jerry spun his two sais in the air. Dave pointed his bo staff to the Truung. And Stuart, with full endurance and spinning speed, spun his nunchuks like an electric-fan in fastest speed mode.

Theme song:

Teenage Minion Ninja Turtles

Teenage Minion Ninja Turtles

Teenage Minion Ninja Turtles

Heroes in a half shell

Minion power!

Here we go! It's the lean, green, ninja team

On the scene, cool teens doing ninja things

So extreme, out the sewers like laser beams

Get rocked with the shell-shocked pizza kings

Can't stop these radical dudes

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few

Emerge from the shadows to make their move

The good guys win and the bad guys lose

PhilNardo is the leader in blue,

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Davenatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

RaphaJerry has the most attitude on the team

Stuartangelo, he's one of a kind,

And you know just where to find him when it's party time

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green incredible team

Teenage Minion Ninja Turtles

Teenage Minion Ninja Turtles

Teenage Minion Ninja Turtles

Heroes in a half shell

Turtle power!

"Alright Stuart, face Dexler Sharkmane. Dave, face the Truung and know what they're up to! Jerry, face Xever and Bradley. I'll face Nefarilla."

They split up.

"Hey Drexler Starkmane!!!!!" Yelled Stuart.


"Umm, am I even right about your name? My three bothers call you the correct names, alright I guess I'm different." Stuart said.

"So, are you gonna fight me?" Drexler asked, then made an evil laugh.

"Of course, Booyakasha!!!!!!!" Stuart yelled, then he hit Drexler's head with his nunchucks.

"Without any doubt, didnt you noticed me, cured of the bees which you made them attack me yesterday?" Drexler said

"Of course not, why would I?" Stuart said, while converting his kusarigama.

At Dave's combat.

"Alright,then this! Bo, will never work at such stupid weird voiced robots." Dave said, while hitting the robots one by one and rapidly by his bo staff.

"The one who calls himself Davenatello will be astonished to the one we call mutagen which had the DNA of the ones human called Ice Cream and it is there with the one we called Truung Van." said a robot.

Dave immediately killed the robot speaking. "Now, that mutagen, even makes me, more sick of this stuff!!!" Dave slowly but furiously said.

The Truung went inside a van and carried a big canister of mutagen with ice cream DNA.

At Jerry's..

"Alright you two, it's time to fight!!!" Jerry said.

Xever and Bradley just laughed.

"Huwaaahhh!!!" Jerry threw his sais at the two opponents.

It made the two bump each other again and slip.

Jerry jumped and then gave them brawls.

At Phil..

"You'll never defeat us, Philnardo! Traitors!!!!!!!" Said Doctor Nefario.

"You'll get jungle fever with my Tranquilizer Darts Gun!!!!!" he added.

"Of course you will!" Phil said, then kicked Nefarilla. He grabbed the Dart Gun and shot this to Nefarilla. He immediately sedated Nefarilla. Nefarill had drained stamina and was less fortified this time. When Roarbot roared and angrily attacked Phil, he stitched Roarbot's chest by his katana, then threw shurikens on random places to hit Quickwings. When the shuririkens hit the basketball ring, it went to a window then went on a manhole lid, then went on a billboard then went on Quickwings. Qucikwings fell, weakened and lost some health power.

Nefarill shot Jelly from his jelly gun, but Roarbot was the one trapped by allot of Jelly. Phil evaded the jellies Nefarilla is givng him.

Back to Stuart..

He nearly defeated Drexler grabbed a kitty walking a made it scratch Stuart's face.

"Aw! Hey!" Stuart said, then kicked Drexler.

The kitty acidentally flew in the air.

"I'll save you kitty whoa.." Stuart said.

Stuart jumped to get the kitty but unfortunately, his body or hands made the kitty slip.

Dave who was fighting the Truung wth canisters had made the robots open the canister of mutagen.

When Stuart got the kitty, the kitty yelled and scratched Stuart's arms.

"Ouch! Hey!" Stuart uttered.

The kitty jumped off Stuart and had went on the mutagen canister!

The mutagen spilled on the kittty.

Dave and Stuart watch as they see the anial mutating. "She's turning into a..something like Ice Cream thing..Pink like strawberry, then some choco with vanilla, and ice!!!" Said Dave.

Stuart got an idea of what to name the mutant. "I'll call her Ice Cream Kity and I'll make her my pet" Stuart said.

"Are you sure you can take care of Ice Cream Kitty or just make quarrels?" Dave asked in sarcastic voice.

"I can!" Stuart said, while carrying the mutated cat.

"Sticky, but good. I'll put him in my freezer in my refrigirator." Said Stuart.

Drexler flew infront of Dave and Stuart.

"Mutagen!!! This is what I want!!!" said Drexler.

"We need to run!!!" said Dave.

"We really need to, a tactical retreat! Just look, the Despicable Clan are here! More Truung robots are arriving, Nefarillas monkeys, Roarbot clones and falcons are coming our way!!!" Phil instructed.

Phil jumped off a building and lead them running n their stealthy run. Stuart and Dave were second and third to run and last was Jerry, who was still furious at Xever and Chrisford.

"We gotta hurry!!!" Phil said, then jumped on a condominium roof. Dave followed him. Stuart followed and last was Jerry, whi was still throwing shurikens.

They jumped through roofs again. The Truung robots just blasted laser guns while the van is moving infront of the buildings they're jumping in..Xever and Chrisford hased them by doing the same, jumping through rooftops also. The falcons were flying their way, the monkeys were running below the roofs they're jumping. The other ninjas and robots follows the other villains in chasing them.

"Guys, be unpredictable!!!!" Phil instructed

"What do you mean?" Dave asked.

"Find places to trap them and make them hesitant!" Phil said.

"Oh, I get what you mean! Do it in different ways you can based on your skill!" Dave said.

Dave made his brain scan the places he can see. Algebra equation were seen.

He studied a pool, a playground, a factory and a football field.

"Guys, I know what to do! Stuart, go to the pool and use your swimming skills, ten do trick shots! I'll go to te playground..Phil, Jerry it's up to you of which of the factory and football field you would like to go to!" Dave said.

"We'll meet at the football field. Me and Jerry will go to the factory." said Phil.

"Booyakasha!" Stuart jumped and split up from his three brothers, to go the pool.

The monkeys followed him.

The monkeys ran their fastest to get Stuart.

Stuart swum very fast, then dove underwater.

The monkeys stared at him for a while. Just then, a monkey fell in the water and splashed!!!

All the monkeys slipped and fell in the water and splashed. Then, Stuart jumped very high and agile, then flipped three times and the jumped very loud in the water!

SPLASH!!!!! Allot f water splashed. Some monkeys nearly drowned and allot pf them coughed.

Stuart jumped again, then did that loud splash.

This time, allot of monkeys drowned and some are asking for help, because the water was too deep and water entered their noses.. Some are distracted because of the water getting into their eyes.

Stuart managd his way to escape and go to the football field.

At the park..

The Truung followed Dave.

Dave played with the monkey bars. The Truung blasted him ith the plasma guns, which made Dave fly.

Then, Dave accelerated and made his bo staff convet into a naginata.

"BOOYAKASHA!!!" He yelled, imitating Stuart's voice and way of doing it.

He tenderized two robots.

Then, he kicked allot of robots, which made a domino effect to the Truung robots together, shooting him laser guns.

H ethen went to the swing and made himself ride on the swing very fast in the air so that the Truung will have a hard time to blast him with laser guns. He then flipped, with the Truung not expecting it, then bumped allot of Truung robots. Again, domino effect.

"Yuhoo! Join me in riding in the swing!!!" Dave said.

He made the Truung robots chase him around the swing.

He rode on the swing and did the fast movement in the air again, hich made hm bump the Truung robots one by one, making another domino effect.

Until he bumped a robot at the other swing beside his swing.

The robot blasted plasma to him. The robots had dismay when Dave's swing reached the roof of the swings, then jumped to bump the robot riding in the other swing very loud which made the robots beside him bump as well.

Dave threw shurikens from different places with boomerang style.

He then ran to go to the slide. The robots made the slide go BOOM, and so Dave jumped and made himself fly in the air again. This time, he jumped on the basketball court qhich was lower ground than the park.

The Truung robots kept on blasting plasma to that place until the basketball ring went BOOM also and it ousted at their place, making another domino effect. Until Dave was seen faraway from them, going to the football field which was near to the basketball court, holding a basketball, he threw this with his best strength far away.

It bounced and bounced and by the robots blasting plasma gun, it went faster and bumped all of them, making allot of robots distracted and defeated.

Dave was the second one to escape! He and Stuart met inside the football field.

t the factory, where Drexler,Xever,Chrisford and the Despicable Clan were..

Jerry and Phil got an idea: to trap allot of them in the factory's different producing places.

"Woohoo!!!" Jerry said, ten threw shurikens at the Despicable Can behind them. They're near the mill, which Phil and Jerry had jumped off. The clan all decided to evade the shurikens which made them close their eyes and be distracted while umping and it made them be in the mill! Some were stuck inside, many were being dizzy with the fan and many become like the products, on a plate lining up to be made, changed, reformed and so on. The rest were stunned.

"What's the next plan?" Jerry asked.

"We'll make them get to us." Phil said, then jumped to go to the part where the smoke is polluting the air outside.

Jerry followed. Drexler coughed and coughed, until Chrisford bumped him and he fell on the floor, which was 6 feet away from the place Chrisford is jumping. Starkmane had fracture already.

Xever was about to attack Phil when Phil sneezed infront of him.

Xever, stunned and astonished, fell on the part where there is the giant cheese grater. His shirt was grated by the material. hrisford was stunned and hesitant, he was afraid so he jumped and joined Xever to save him, but same thin happened to him. They're both shirtless and only wears boxers!!! Phil and Jerry laughed.

Some Despicable Clan members tried to save Chrisford and Xever, but they were nearly defeated by the cheese grater.

The two found a way to escape. They opened the window and jumped.

They saw Stuart and Dave waving. They smiled and head to there.

They saw nobody in their place attacking, so they ran with full speed then jumped to the building next to te football field. Until they saw a manhole lid..


In the sewers..

Master Splinter was smiling.

"I was so proud hearing what you did! I didn't expected you to do those incredible skills! Maybe for your team, it is fit to have four villain sides in every mission." Sad Splinter.

"No!" -Jerry and Stuart

"Heck why?" -Dave

"Possibly." -Phil

"You have allot of villains being encountered this time. It will be harder for you then. You might not know they'll eam up sooner but I think it'll be easier for you if they all team up.So you got to have allot of training first. Let me teach you of finding someone's weakness. Another unpredictable technique."said Splinter.

"I may agree with that.." said Phil.

"Lets start. You'll have this competition called The Last Of The Weak Standing. I'm gonna defeat you by knowing your weaknesses in every move shown. Start! Face me." Said Master Splinter.

They had their positions. At the middle was Jerry, at the left was Dave, right is Stuart and at the back is Phil.

Jerry was first, he jumped to attack Splinter.

Splinter kept on evading his fists. When Jerry tried kicking Splinter, Splinter jumped and pricked Jerry's leg. Jerry was stunned.

Splinter pulled his leg and spun him like Stuart's nunchuck and with same endurance Stuart used to have.

Splinter threw Jerry on the floor afterwards. Jerry was dizzy, his eyes shown a spiral look.

"Who's next?" Splinter asked.

Dave immediately volunteered, he ran his fastest and kicked Splinter.

Splinter quickly stood up and jumped very high, passing Dave.

Dave rollflip to kick Splinter again.

When he kicked Splinter, Splinter had balanced his body and tackled. "You must always balanced yourself in a hit like this."  He enunciated.

"You may also try random things that you think will never happen in you and your opponent's combat." Splinter licked Dave's neck.

"Ahh" Dave uttered, then was stunned. He then kicked Dave faraway.

Dave bounced, hitting the wall, but the wall deflected him, so he went back to Splinter. He was very dizzy, even more dizzy than Jerry.

"Next." Splinter said.

Stuart ran in a super fast speed to reach Splinter

Splinter tried attacking Stuart, but Stuart imediately jumped behind Splinter,

"When itcomes to an agile opponent, try your best to be agile too. Try copying the agility and flexibility, just like robots activated." said Splinter

Splinter imitated Stuart's flips, which challenged Stuart to be the one to attack Splinter. Phil was full of astonishment and amazement, he clapped. Jerry and Dave smiled, while recovering.

Master Splinter did a flip in a style that his body is lying down, which made Stuart laugh.

"Sometimes make a person distracted in many ways if he is too fast. Get the oportunity quickly." said Master Splinter.

Stuart, who start to stop and make his laugh softer, was tickled by Splinter.

"Sometimes it's better fighting someone which you know already." Splinter said.

"Stuartangelo my son, I had confirmed to allot of people that leprechauns weren't real." said Splinter.

"What? Leprechauns were not real?" Stuart said.

Dave and Jerry were making a wave or hand signs that signifies or tells Splinter to make him still believe in leprechauns.

Splinter tickled Stuart which made him laugh loud and cute, then Splinter kicked him, then flipped.

Stusrt balanced himself and hid in his shell.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE LEPRECHAUNS WEREN'T REAL!!!" He said in a softer quality voice because he was hiding in his shell.

Splinter carried him hiding in his shell, then played with itit like volleyball style, so the shell was threw in the air. While the shell is flying in the air and almost falling down, Stuart stopped hiding in his shell and went bck to normal body but he immediately fell. "Ouh" he said, but he wasn't that dizzy, he just felt pain.

"And Philnardo.." Splinter said.

Phil jumped and aited for Splinter to attack him.

He evaded Splinter's hands.

He made Splinter's fists punch and punch him. Splinter immediately understod what he was doing, so he tried continuing what he does to see if he was right. "He's making a distraction to me, he has a plan..a trap.." he said in his mind.

Splinter flipped and kicked Phil, but Phil backflipped and tackled.

He remembered all Splinter's moves thst happened in his three brothers' combat.

He imitated Splinter's agility, then threw shurikens which made Splinter dismayed, because he didn't asked for weapons in the training.

Splinter's arms were hit by one of the shurikens, so Pil licked it which made Splinter stunned. Before Splinter could kick Phil Phil kicked him so both of them had pain in their feet and nobody was kciked.

"Splinter, I'm sorry but we lied, we faced Chopper a while ago, but the thee sides of villains except the Truung saved us and we were shy and afraid to tell you.." Phil said.

"What?" an astonished Splinter said

Phil kicked him, then carried him and threw him somewhere "Of course we never lie!" Said Phil.

"Yeah, wow! Go Phil, you did it!" Phil said.

"Booyafudgers!!!" said Stuart.

"Good job Phil! And that's how you'll be in your misison. Good luck. I think enough training. I don't want to tire you much. You'll be less relentess then. Remember all I thought and make that combat you had with the four villain sides a guide." Splinter said. The minions got ready, they get their weapons hanging on the wall. They entered the turnstile to leave the sewers.

At a building elsewhere..

Phil and Jerry were searching for villains using the big telescope located at the building. Stuart uses binoculars to search for villains. And Dave scans with his minds what places can be used for their incredible skills.

"Hey guys! Is that Chopper, the guy with hammers?" Stuart said.

Jerry immediately ran and shared binoculars with Stuart.

"It's him! And he's not alone..he's with his two top lieutenants. Everyone knows who." Jerry said.

Stuart smiled and sighed.

"Or should  I rephrase everyone but Stuart knows who." Dave said.

Stuart gaves a thumbs up.

"Alright guys. We'll fight them. Xever and Chrisford ah umm...we'll make a way so that we'll face only Chopper." Phil said.

"Guys wait, look! Aren't those the Despicable Clan? Stealing mutagen from the Truung? Dave pointed to the place, without a binocular or telescope because he can scan and study things easily.

Suddenly, February appeared in the street.

"Hey February!!! Long time no see!!! Can you give us a favor?" asked Dave shyly.

"Sure! What is it?" February asked.

"Make an acting infront of Xever and Chrisford of your powers. And then, give tricks. Have Stuart taught you of pranks?" Phil said.

February was stunned, then smiled. "Yeah, Stuart told me some pranks which made my classmates happy to go prank with me a school." February said.

"Alright, in many ways be unpredictable to them and we'll face Chopper." said Jerry.

"Sure!" February said.

February ran to go to the place where Xever and Chrisford are. Our four heroes jumped through buildings to get neae to Chopper and heaar them talking..

"We'll use the Truung as bait for these minions to go here and be mutated into nasty-looking creatures. Two Dogs, Two Fishes!!!" Said Chopper.

"Oh man, I'd rather be a mutant than a fish!" Stuart said.

"But you're already a mutant! You only realize now?" Phil asked.

"Wha I mean is..other mutants! Umm like Nefarilla.." said Stuart.

"Okay fine quiet now." Phil said.

"Lets jump through that street, okay?" Phil said.

They all nodded. Phil jumped. Followed by Jerry. Then Dave. And Stuart.

They saw February who was acting like having pain already.


"My clan?" Xever asked.

"Yes, you lieutenant!! Yes your clan!!!" said February.

"Alright guys, lets attack Chopper. In 3,2 and 1!" said Phil.

The four immediately jumped to attacl Chopper. Jerry gave him punches. Dave hit Chopper's head with his bo staff. Stuart stithed Chopper with his kusarigama. And Phil tenderized Chopper with katanas. But Chopper immediately bumped them all; Dave fell in the billboard, Jerry fell in the wires near the billboard which electrocuted him, Stuart fell on the roof of a building elsehwere near to Jerry and Dave and Phil had went inside a room of the building Stuart was threw.

Chopper jumped through the terraces of the building to reach the four.

"You traitors!!!! You always show how bad you are in my sight, my feelings and what life I had now!!! You made me ungrateful for my life, you and your stupid ninja master!!!!!" Chopper said.

"Why do you keep on saying traitor to us even if we didn't really want to betray you! We just want to meet up with you and save you that's why we studied the art of ninjutsu ad you're the one who started to make us traitor because you are the traitor!!!" Said Phil.

"Who said I am a traitor, you fools! Fightman really teaches the wrong and influenced you to do the bad!!!" said Chopper, then he unleashed his strong and high-damaged axe.

A rising Stuart spun with fastest endurance his nunchucks.

"Guwaaaaaarrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Chopper yelled, then broke Stuart's nunchucks with his axe.

"NO!" Stuart said.

Then, he kicked with his hammer foot Stuart faraway.

He fell off the building.

"Stuart!" Dave and Phil said. Jerry was electrocuted and intimidated.

February, on the other hand immediately felt Stuart, so she saw Stuart fell on the floor.

"Stuart!" February said.

"Aha! I knew it! You're teaming up with the Minion-Turtles. And so, they used you for us to be distracted Get her!!!" Xever said.

Chrisford and Xever managed to beat up and defeat February, but February ran her fatest until she saw the mutagen canister, so she ot an idea. She carried the two canisters with full strength of muscles. He threw it to Xever and Chrisford.

"Take this, freaks!!!" February said.

It's glass broke, so the mutagen immediately spilled on Xever and Chrisford.

Xever turned into a maroon-colored fish while Bradley turned into a yellow big dog with spikes on arms and with muscular arms and body, with left arm bigger than right arm. He also has some brown and white on his body..

"More mutants..I guess I'll need to show you to Chopper so he'll be stunned." February said, then he decided to borrow the ice bucket she always borrows from the house beside the building.

Back to the Gauntlet.

"The four of you never returned for five years because you want to forget bout me, although it is just a simple mutation happened on me!!!! You're really excellent at doofusness!!!" Chpper said, then hit Dave very hard with his screwdriver hand. Dave's face had wounds.

Suddenly, Copper's screwdriver hit Dave's eyes.."AAAAAWWWWWW!!!!!!!" He exclaimed.

Then, Chopper kicked Phil who was about to attack him.

Next, Stuart came, recovered from the injury he had. He immediately kicked Chopper.

Phil had the chance to brawl Chopper and remove his helmet. They didn't used signature weapons because Chopper maade his axe broke their weapons.

Stuart helped in removing the helmet.

"BOOYAKASHA!!!!!!!" Stuart said, then kicked Chopper's dirty and burned head.

Suddenly, February threw Xever, who was a fish going to the roof. Followed by Chrisford, who was a dog.

Chopper, who was rising saw his two lieutenants, and recognized them easily. "Nexer Xever? Bradley Chrisford?" said Chopper.

"NO!!!!!!!" He exclaimed.

"Guys!!! I got this ice bucket from the house beside this building, hurry up!!!" February said.

Only Stuart and Dave heard her. The two immediately jmped and helped each other to carry it.

"BOOYAKASHA!!!!" They yelled together, spilling it to Chopper,Xever and Chrisford.

They all exclaimed and felt cold.

"So long, Fishface and Dogthump!!!!" Stuart said, while kicking them far. They nearly fell off the roof.

"Fishface? Dogthump? Wow! And uhh, those were Xever and Chrisford right? Lets get used to calling them in funny mutant names." said Dave, while curing his right eye.

Phil and Jerry ran together, then kicked with their hardest Fishface,Dogthump and Chopper to make them completely fall and be faraway.


"Guys, escape now!" Phil said.

The four minions raced in escaping. First Stuart, second Dave, third Phil and last Jerry. February was following them..

At the sewers..

"Before anything, I thank February for always helping the four of you in misisons like this. You've been always a help, February! So now February, would you mind stay here and I'll train you as a kunouichi or a female ninja to help my sons more." said Master Splinter.

"Really?" asked February.

"Yes. Well in fact, you have psychic powers which is different from entire humans. Maybe we can discover the whole truth about this." Splinter said.

"YIPEE YUHOO YEHEY ALRIGHT!!!! My sweet princess was complimented and will be like us!!! Dave happily said

"Sooner." Jerry said, while punching in his punching bag.

"But lets not forget  to give compliments to my four sons. You did great for today. Now that Xever and Chrisford were mutants like you and most of your villains, it might be harder because they changed into different creatures--in every animal form plus a person's DNA, there are changes in strength. Like you my minions thst were mutated into half turtles and half minions..you become easier and stronger to be ninjas and like me who turned into rabbit, stronger martial arts skills.." Said Splinter.

"Meow!" said Ice Cream KItty, whose playing with Stuartangelo.

"I think you guys need rest. And you need training together with February, a deep training." said Splinter.



Director/Creator: A.M Hermosa

Executive Producer: A.M Hermosa


PhilNardo --------- Calum Hood

Davenatello ---------- Luke Hemmings

Stuartangelo -------- Ashton Irwin

RaphaJerry ------- Calum Hood

Aivam Fightman/Master Splinter-------- Niall Horan

The Chopper/Felonius Gru --------- Louis Tomlinson

Nexer Xever/Fishface -------- Harrry Styles

Bradley Chrisford/Dogthump ------ Liam Payne

The Truung ------- Zayn Malik

Drexler Starkmane ----- David Cross

Jason Biggs ------ Doctor Nefario/Dr.Nefarilla,M.D

Pictures by: Matthew Kris Celino


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