Say Something

A/n: listen to the song while you read this. I'll add to the effect. I know. I'm evil. I'm sorry.

But for real don't kill me. 😬


I tapped my hand on my chair, looking at the time. Stiles was late.


He seemed to be everywhere but with me recently. All my friends seemed to be anywhere but with me recently.

Lydia had been acting weird. Seeing things and writing backwards had been the start of it all, but she just got weirder from there. Allison suddenly had skills with the bow and arrow and often ditched me to practice.

Malia and Kira had kind of popped out of nowhere, if you ask me. Scott had been acting strange even before Allison. And Stiles... Stiles had been distant ever since Scott started acting weird.

We'd been dating since the beginning of sophomore year and after that summer, it felt like he just totally lost interest in me. It was always "Lydia needs this" or "Scott needs that."

He blew me off all the time. When Kira had basically forced me in a basement armed with a friggin sword, I'd almost had a panic attack but no one seemed to care.

No one cared.

I'd been fighting with Stiles for a while but then I couldn't anymore. I didn't see him enough to.

And then the absolute unthinkable happened.

Allison died.

Scott seemed to cling to Kira and Lydia to Stiles. I was left with no one has everyone clung to someone. Everyone but me.

I'd fallen away from Stiles and honestly, no one had noticed.

But the real problems happened before that. When Stiles had come home pale with bags under his eyes and had almost beat the crap out of me. He'd threatened it, screaming and yelling, and in that second, I was more terrified than I'd ever been.

He'd never even said sorry. One day he came home and yelled at me then ignored me completely. Then Allison died.

So Stiles was late. Again. Nothing new.

I stood, resolving then and there to make a decision. If he don't care to be around me, I was going to stop fighting him. He walked in the door right as my mind was made up and I walked up to him.

"Hi, Y/n," he said tiredly, destractedlyx

"Stiles, we need to talk." I took a deep breath. I would at least try talking to him first.


"Stiles, we-"

His phone went off. He took it out of his pocket.

"Stiles, if you take that, we're fucking done," I said sternly. I was tearing up. It was Scott and I was far from done.

"Y/n, I have important-"

"More important than me?! I've been with you since summer before sophomore year! Remember that summer? It was amazing! I loved you as you loved me and we didn't need to say it to know it. After... You just father and farther away until-"

"Y/n, I love you, ok? I really need to take this!" Stiles said impatiently.

I stopped. My heart shattered. "Okay." Stiles stalked off, agitated, but I slipped in to our room. I calmly filled one box with all my stuff and put that box in my car. I'm glad I don't have a ton of stuff. I grabbed my bag and got in my car.

Good bye, Stiles.

I started driving. My mom had called. They wanted me to come back home anyway. They missed me and hated that I was so far away.

I hope your phone call was worth it.

And then I drove away. Right then Stiles came out of the house and his eyes caught mine. I glared at him and it clicked what was happening as I pulled away. By then it was too late.

I was gone.

I drive down the street and I looked down for a second to start the music.

"Say Something" by A Great Big World comes on and I'm crying in seconds. In my misty eyes, I miss the bright lights.

Until it's too late.

BAM. And everything goes dark.


-Stiles' POV-

I sat in my house with my fists clenched.

Maybe it's better this way. Now I don't have to tell her and she'll be safe. She won't be our next Allison. She'll be safe.

There was a knocking on my door and I hefted myself to my feet as it got more intense.

I swung my door opened and my dad's partner was there.

"Hello?" I greeted.

"Are you Stiles?" He asked.


"Y/N's boyfriend, right?"

I cleared my throat. But then I realized... Why was he looking for me? "Yeah...?" I said cautiously.

"She's in the hospital. A nurse suggested I went and got you." The cop pursed his lips and then left, not sure what to do after delivering his news.

I collapsed against the door frame, staring at the floor, guilt crushing me. No....

I got in my car shakily and drove to the hospital. Once I got there, I raced to the front desk. Scott's mom saw me and silently took me to her.

She was hooked up to wires and pale. I covered my mouth as I was literally crushed. I basically fell into a chair and shakily took her hand. Scott raced in the room and I busted up crying. Scott's mom left and Scott sat next to me.

After I stopped it stayed quiet. Scott got up and brought back everyone.
They all stared at her in shock. We just lost Allison-we couldn't lose her too. Not her. Anyone but her.

Which might have been selfish of me, but she was all I had. The girl I loved. My mom was dead, my friends were almost dead on a daily basis, and my dad... Well... He was pleasant unless he was drunk. Then the painful truth/not truth came out.

I kissed her hand and didn't talk to anyone. They tried to strike conversation but nothing stuck for more than a few sentences.

Hours passed and eventually everyone left. They let me stay since she had no close family-that and everyone knew I'd freak out if they forced me out.

I stayed awake all night, staring at her beautiful face, begging her mentally to wake up.

Suddenly my mouth opened and I whispered one sentence. "I love you."

Once I said that it all came out. I told her everything, knowing she wasn't awake to hear it. I let it all come out in a whisper, so no one outside could hear. I told her every detail since Scott had gotten bitten, including Malia coming on to me and us having sex when I was the Nogitsune. I told her every. Single. Thing.

After I was done I felt so empty. I cried again, squeezing her hand. "Say something," I begged. "Yell at me. Curse at me. Leave me, I don't care. Just wake up. Just be okay. Go back to your parents and be safe. Grow old and have kids with a man that you love. Even if it's not me... Forget me, I don't care. I don't care, Y/n. Just wake up."

"I would never forget you," a soft voice croaked.

I gasped. "Y/n?"

She opened her eyes. They were teary and startled but she looked at me. "Thank you," was all she said.

"You- you heard?"

She nodded. "And you've simply protecting me this whole time. I'm so sorry, Stiles. I'm so sorry. I love you so much and I thought-" she chocked back a sob and I stood up, taking her in my arms.

"I love you, Stiles. And I won't go anywhere. I will never leave you. I love you more than I should be able to at my age. We've been through so much and I just... I really love you, damn it."

I stayed silent, not sure if I was hearing her right.

"Say something," she whispered.

"I love you too."

She leaned back and kissed me for the first time in what seemed like forever.

"I want to help you now. I want to help you, even if I have to just sit and research with you. I want to be with you all the time. Right next to you." She looked me in the eye, begging. "I can't be away from you. Not anymore."

I nodded. "As long as you're safe."

"I will be."

"You can't promise that."

"I can promise that I love you."

I smiled and she smiled back. "I should probably call the doctors," I said to her.

She nodded.

That started the best part of my life. That started my adventures with the love of my life by my side.

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