I screamed. The burning sensation coursed through my very bone marrow. I could feel every nerve ending as if they were individually screaming in agony. I thrashed and shook and screamed and fought.
I was sobbing now, but it was cut up by the screams. It was high and loud. I almost wish that Lydia was screaming, because this was worse. It seemed to be like pins shoved in your ears. I swallowing fire and bleeding flame. And it didn't stop.
But then suddenly it did. I went limp in my chains, my head lolling down lifelessly and my chin slaking against my chest so that I bit my tongue. The pain was so little and insignificant, It didn't even register in my brain for its insignificance. "Tell. Is. What . You. Know," the voice growled in my ear.
My tongue wouldn't work at first. I mumbled, moving my tongue that refused to move. "Give her a second! You electrocuted the hell out of her. She won't be able to talk for at least an hour."
"Damn it! Why didn't you warm me?!"
"I tried. You're just incompetent. Plus you looked like you were having fun..."
I couldn't seem to recognize he voices or my surroundings. Everything around me seemed fuzzy and impossible to register. My brain was so muddled, but I somehow got my tongue in order. I had one thing pop in my head.
Of course. Lyrics.
"I will not... Bow," I managed, breathing hard.
"Is she talking?!"
"I will not break," I forced out again.
"What is she saying?"
"I will shut the world... Away. And I'll survive, paranoid... I have lost the... Will... To change. And I am not proud. Cold b-blooded fake..." I breathed hard. It was so ridiculously hard to speak that it was aping me of energy. "I will shut the world away." I looked up, hoping I met the eyes of my torturers through my blurry gaze. "I WILL NOT BOW! I WILL NOT BREAK!" I grit my teeth, forcing myself to stand. "You can beat me. TRY to break me. TRY to tame me. But I will NEVER give you what you want. I'd rather take a hundred times that then let you hurt my family."
"We don't want to hurt your family," one cooed. Female? "We want your friends."
"My friends... Are my family," I forced through labored breaths.
"So, like your brothers and sister?"
"Lydia's more a mom," I corrected. "And Scott's like the dad, even though Lydia and Scott are NOT a pair. Like a divorced couple that are friends. Actually, scratch that. Stiles is the worrier. Lydia's like the cool older sister that gives you make overs."
Someone slapped me. "Don't be smart!" They hissed.
I spit on the ground to get the blood out of my mouth. I smiled, knowing it coated my teeth. The man hissed and stepped back. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He hissed. It was different than the other one. The woman must have hit me.
"Your girlfriend hits like a girl," I rasped. "My mom's boyfriend hit harder than that."
"Ah yes. Mr. Lahey. The man the Kanima killed. How is Isaac, but the way?"
I growled, my eyes glowing. "Don't say his name like that," I forced out of my clenched jaw. I was angry and I was half dead and I was chained up.
"Ooh. Feisty. Yes. You're in love with him if I remember correctly."
"SHUT UP!" I screamed.
"Is that why you were so against your parents marrying? Or was it that he was abusive? I remember her clearly. Before he killed her... On accident. The. Got away with it."
I screamed in pure rage, pulling against my chains and wolfing out, reaching for the woman who was barely starting to become less blurry. I could see her silver hair. His blonde hair. I could smell them. (A/n: this is not a threat in the TW series. I made this up) I struggled again but nothing happened.
"Turn it up again."
The pain began again, immediately making me fall to the ground and turning me human. I screamed in pain, my back arching.
Even when the charges stopped running through me, my body still shook ever so slightly.
"Stand up." I didn't move. "STAND UP!" They kicked me.
I groaned, ever so slowly getting to my feet again. I stumbled but I refused to fall.
"Shit," the man gasped.
"I'm so happy we kidnapped you," the woman said with glee. "You're so much more fun then any of the others would be! They're so weak! So easily broken with their pathetic bodies. But you... Your will is ridiculously strong. Weak body or not, you not only refuse to die but refuse to even be grounded. It's amazing!" She clapped, giddy.
"I will... Not... Bow. I will... Not... Break. I will not fall.... I will not... Fade. I will.... Take your breath... Away. I will shut the world away..." I fell to my knees, red lining and black spotting my vision. I sat there a second before I stood up again.
"Oh, you took our breath away," the man said breathlessly. "Might as well break her. Put her under and control her. She's a specimen."
"Yes yes. But after our fun."
"Me might KILL her if we have anymore fun," the man insisted.
The woman hissed. "Who's in charge?"
The man paused. "You."
"Who makes the rules?"
"If I say we have fun until we kill her then we have fun until we KILL HER!"
"Of course."
The woman sighed. "Come here, baby. I'm sorry." She kissed him passionately, and he touched her. She moaned and I looked away. It reminded me too much of my own mother and "dad." Except the male being the dominant one.
Dad. What a line of bullshit.
I missed Isaac. I missed cuddling with him when the nightmares came and leaning on him when I had pain. I missed his hair, soft and curly. I missed his eyes, reflecting his emotions and always wide with concern for me when I seemed upset. I missed his arms which seemed to fit so perfectly around me. I missed his lips... Even though I didn't know what they felt like, I missed the way they pulled into the smile that could brighten hell. I missed the smile that surged warmth through my veins. I missed the smile that rid the chill in my bones and the fear in my mind.
I missed Isaac so much.
I fell to my knees again, the pain of missing him and realizing that even if he was here, I still wouldn't have him finally beginning to weaken me.
"What's her problem?" Someone approached me, grabbing my hair by the roots and jerking my head up. "What's your problem?"
I was crying. "I'm in love," I whispered. "You wouldn't understand."
She chuckled lightly. "Yes, I would. Men... Men are to be controlled. Beaten and controlled and ruled. If you give gem free reign of your heart, they destroy it. You should learn that before you give your heart to Isaac. He's lost and broken, a puppy looking for whoever to screw over. Men are whimsical and untrustworthy. Don't give me your heart. Your heart is strong. It would be a shame to see it destroyed." She let go of my hair. "We can take years to break your heart through physical pain. An eternity. We might not even be able to do it then, if you're truly as strong as you seem. But heartbreak... That can destroy even the strongest heart in a millisecond. Obliterate it."
I breathed for a second, then I responded. "You can break me. You can kill me. You can beat me and bruise me. But... Don't hurt him. Don't... Don't hurt him," I begged. "Please. I don't care if he doesn't love me. I don't care if I die and he doesn't give it a second thought. I don't care if he's having sec right now with Allison rather than looking for me. That's not what love is. Love is selfless and painful. Love is pure and bold. I love Isaac Lahey and I would die a million of your most painful deaths if it meant that he lived without any pain at all. So don't give me your speech about heartbreak! I've gone through heartbreak. Every time he calls me his sister or his best friend my heart explodes. But I don't care. It doesn't matter..."
She looked back at me. "Well. It seems that the only way to break you is to break him..."
"NO!" I stood, pulling to get to her.
"Through you," she added.
I fell to my knees again. My hands fell in my lap and I stared after her helplessly.
"Put her Under. We'll kill the boy through her then when she sees what she's done, she'll be ours."
"Yes, M'lady."
"See, my dear? That is how men should be. That is where men should be. Your previous love will be GONE. THEN you'll know heartbreak." And she turned and left.
The man approached me, sticking a syringe in my neck. "Goodnight, my dear. I really am terribly sorry...."
I fought the darkness, but it came, and as I fell I screamed one last time. "ISAAC!"
Then it was over.
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