Chapter 30: The Ultimate Weapon (1/2)
[Season 3, Episode 30, "The Ultimate Weapon" A.T.]
This chapter begins in an unknown location, but judging by the three men, the heraldry on the wall, and the overall medieval atmosphere, we can assume this is a location used by a certain faction of knights.
Knight Leader: So, what is it you two have found...?
The one on his right stands, and holds up a circular ruby.
Knight 1: It cost us nearly a dozen men, Sir Urien, but we managed to acquire one of the power sources. With this, all we need do now is assault the historical museum, and the ultimate weapon shall be ours!
Calmly, and gingerly, the unmasked man steps down and approaches the speaking knight, taking the red jewel.
Urien: Indeed, it shall. (He looks down.) Hm,
He returned to his throne and produced a blue, electrical beam from his other hand, striking the knight and taking him down; the man doesn't get back up.
Knight 2: S-Sire?!
Urien: He was too wasteful, keeping him around would've been just as wasteful. With Enoch out on his expedition, we're severely under-manned. (He holds up the gemstone.) Tonight, we'll undermine the very foundation of this city...
Meanwhile, in the oil country of Texas, we see a pair of workers busy drilling a new hole; the supervisor kneels and checks his clipboard.
There was a small earthquake, just for a few seconds, but it was enough to put the man on alert.
Supervisor: I don't like this...something's wrong!
The machinery suddenly begins to crack. An earthquake begins anew, and the ground breaks up around them.
Supervisor: RUN!!
The workers narrowly outrun the very ground breaking, while behind them the tower falls into the newly created pit.
As the workers look on at a safe distance, the mysterious quake unearths a large tornado of flames reaching high into the air, taking on a strange shape before dissipating.
As the pillar of fire disappears, a stone, mask-like object is revealed, falling to the floor right before their eyes.
Supervisor: Uh...someone get me the phone...!
--Tito's Junkyard--
"Look out below...!"
A large dump truck poured from its container; mostly just standard rubbish, but also some worn out mechanical components. Funnily enough, some pieces still sparked and twitched as they were tossed among the now giant mound of metal and trash.
You see, ever since the Teen Titans last faced off against Deathstroke, his robot warriors were mysteriously dumped across Jump City to wreak havock, and, as of yet, there hasn't been a clear picture of who's responsible for it. And as it would be rude to leave his garbage lying around, the Titans made it a habit of gathering up the scrapped scrappers and taking them to the robotic equivalent to a jailhouse.
Cyborg: Think that's the last of 'em...for now!
Logan hops out the passenger seat, landing in the form of a kangaroo to soften his impact.
Beast Boy: Where did Slade get all these robot jobbers anyway? They're like printer paper!
Omni-Boy: (Strained) Ugh.. Some weird guy in goggles, don't know what he's all about, but he's a real tech wiz, I can tell you that much...!
The young man hauled a wheelbarrow full of mechanical limbs and added them to the pile, tossing the wheelbarrow itself and dusting his hands clean.
Omni-Boy: But one thing is for certain: both those creeps are real damn persistent! This is third time this month we had to play "Clean-up Crew" with his fancy toys, it's like he's just messing with us beyond the damn grave!
He kicks one of the robot heads out of frustration; it bounces three times before hitting something out of Morgan's view. Almost immediately, a car alarm is set off, causing Dev to let out an annoyed groan.
Omni-Boy: See?! Just like that!
He goes to quiet the vehicle, but once he's out of the boy's view, they do not hear from him for a few moments. Curious, they begin to move towards the sound, stepping over the robot parts.
Cyborg: Hey Dev, everything fine over there??
Omni-Boy: No way... No. Freaking. Way...
The boy was at a loss for words, standing before a large RV, with all of the tires long since removed and the vehicle itself graffitied.
Omni-Boy: H...How did this thing even end up here?! It's just like how I remember...
Beast Boy: Uh, dude? You good? It's just an old RV.
Omni-Boy: Guys! This isn't just any regular old RV, it's the Rust Bucket...!
Cyborg and BB: Yeah. (They share a glance.) ....We can tell it is.
Omni-Boy: No, no, I meant that it's CALLED the Rust Bucket! This was my grandpa's old mobile home, we used to take trips all across the country in this old thing! And talk about reliable, the battery's still good!
He went to open the door, but found it to be locked up tight.
Omni-Boy: Too bad I don't have the key...actually...
He held up the Omegamatrix to the door handle.
Maverick: Sending electromagnetic single, now...
With a small red pulse, the lock could be heard moving on its own, and the door slowly opened outward, granting the Titans entry. Immediately, Devan entered the less than mobile home with child-like glee, inspecting the dusty but surprisingly well kept interior.
Omni-Boy: I cannot even believe this, everything's still here! Just like how you left it, Max...
Beast Boy: Max? You mean your grandad, right?
Omni-Boy: ...Huh? Oh, wait, have I never told you guys about my Grandpa Max before?? I'm sure I've brought him up...
Cyborg: If I'm being honest, I can't remember a time you talked about your family once.
Omni-Boy: Well then, have I got some tales to tell ya! But first, let's get this thing home.
Beast Boy: But it has no whe-
(Ping... Flash!)
Bioware: Never stopped me before!
Melting into the floor, the Mechamorph spread himself across the entire RV, and with his control over technology he was able to create large red tires in the empty spaces, and now that the alarm had finally stopped blaring, the Titans sped on out the junkyard with their "bounty".
Once at the Tower, the other Titans joined the boys as they all stood before the Rust Bucket, now propped up by an elevated platform in order to inspect the underside.A
Devan: This beauty got me and my gramps from Washington to Florida so many times, I couldn't even count all the places we've seen on both hands! And when I left, I thought the old girl was sold off for scrap. To think, it somehow ended up here...
Raven: If that's what you call beautiful, I'd hate to see it ugly...
Devan: Yeah, yeah, it's a little dinged up...
Raven: It's rusty, dusty, and all six wheels are missing.
Starfire: Do not use such unkind words, Raven! I would find it to be a great honor to have such a relic in my kin's possession!
Devan: And now that it's here, I'd like to start a little project, it's about time the Teen Titans start fighting crime not JUST in Jump City!
Cyborg: Ain't that why we got the T-Car?
Devan: That's just the beginning, with something like this, we could move the whole team from city to city, state to state, the possibilities are makin' my head spin!
Cyborg: You got that right, never seen you this excited before..
Devan: You're damn right I am! So, are ya gonna help me fix this baby up, or just stand there??
(Ping... Flash!)
Slamming down on the Omegamatrix, Devan transforms into a small, green goblin of an alien, wearing a little red and black jumpsuit and goggles.
"Hehehehe!! Fixer's gotta fix!!"
Devan hopped up and swung open the Rust Bucket's hood, and immediately began inspecting the dusty interior.
Fixer: Gee, this engine went 'ta Hell and back!
He takes a large wrench in hand and began working on the engine block, somehow getting it to start with only a few bolt turns and a smack, much to his childlike glee.
Fixer: Yeah, baby!!
Nearby, Cyborg rolls in a number of shiny vehicle parts.
Cyborg: Don't get ahead of yourself, we got a lot of work before this thing's ready for the road.
Fixer: Then let's get to it!!
For some time, the two Titans spent the day restoring the Rust Bucket, taking out old parts and replacing them with those more up-to-date; large tires were bolted into place; entire sections of the RV were swapped out as the day turned into night. Soon, it went far beyond just making it run again, as the vehicle had new pieces welded on, and new paint applied to its clean exterior.
(Many hours later...)
The team stood before a cloth-covered construct, with Vic standing in front of them.
Cyborg: Ladies and gentlemen...and whatever Beast Boy is...
Beast Boy: Hey!!
Cyborg: It is with the greatest pleasure, that I present the newest form of Teen Titan transportation...
He pulls a massive blue tarp away, revealing the upgraded vehicle.
Cyborg: The Rust Bucket 2!!
The little gremlin hopped into the Titan's view from the roof of said RB2, firing off a hand-held confetti canon and playing celebratory music.
Cyborg: It's got a hundred thousand horsepower, all terrain wheels, not to mention the best sound systems money can buy!
Fixer: Hehehehe! And check THIS out...!
He taps the Omegamatrix on his belt, and instantly the RV began to speak with the voice of Devan's watch; the headlights flashed with each syllable spoken.
"The Rust Bucket 2 is fully operational, and ready for duty."
Cyborg: We linked up Maverick to the RV, just like the Tower's security system. He can drive himself, and he has access to the extra features we put in!
Fixer: It's friggin' awesome!! And -AND! He's got a handy dandy radar to find trouble for us!
Cyborg: (??) Speaking of trouble, I got a call coming in...
He opens his forearm panel, and on a small screen is the face of a blue Mechamorph.
Cyborg: Oh, it's you again!
Agent J: Hello there, Titan Squad! I assume you're all well?
Cyborg: Yeah, is something up?
Agent J: As a matter of fact, TWO things, actually. And thankfully, you're already stationed on Earth to accomplish them.
Fixer: Eh?? The heck are you on about??
Vic's arm now displays the recently discovered mask, along with the Forever Knight logo.
Agent J: Now, I'm sure you remember those members of the, Forever Knights, yes?
Fixer: Ugh, wish I could forget...!
Cyborg: You know these guys, too?
Agent J: Yes, they've been operating on Earth longer than any Rooter has; they've been around for centuries, but manage to conceal their actions through a number of splinter cells. However, we've discovered one such cell, and they're after a set of...artifacts.
Starfire: Artifacts?
Agent J: There are two pieces of technology, thought to be on Earth, but never found by any of our Recon Squads. One is known as "Toltech Battle Armor", the other being the Mask of Ah Puch.
Raven: Ah Puch? Isn't that a Mayan name?
Agent J: I'm not entirely versed on Human history, but it is believed to be linked with the armor in some way. Anyway, I'm entrusting you all to secure both of these weapons, or at least keep them away from the Forever Knights. If either one is claimed by them, they could cause untold amounts of damage!
Fixer: You got it, boss! Just tell us where to start!
Agent J: Enthusiastic as ever, I see! Well then, the first place I'd recommend checking is the last place the Mask was seen; an oil field out in the region of Texas...
Sometime later, we see the Rust Bucket 2 on the road. Inside, we see Devan, Cyborg, and Starfire in the kitchen area, each eating something in a large bowl.
Devan: Well, what do you think? Bet you never tasted anything like that before!
Starfire: This stew is remarkable!
The three happily much away.
Cyborg: Never took you for a chef, D, but this ain't have bad! (Through a mouthful of food.) Mm, hey. What's this crunchy stuff?
Devan: (Without even a hint of humor.) One of Max's specialties: dung beetles!
Hearing that, the cybernetic Titan freezes up, before turning his head and spitting out the food dramatically. The Tamaranean doesn't react nearly as badly, and resumes her meal.
Devan: What, too spicy? Don't worry, you'll get used to it.
Morgan activates his watch and displays the Mask of Ah Puch.
Devan: Let's see now...says here on the web that some group of Aztecs made a sword in honor of this mask guy. Said the thing was so powerful, it could level entire cities just by swinging it at 'em! And the weapon's called...the "Sword of Ek Chuaj." The Rooters apparently searched for it for decades without any luck.
Starfire: Ek Chuaj? Is this some form of alien?
Devan: Not alien, Star. Mayan. They were one of the first major Human empires, out where Mexico is, and they worshipped all sorts of Gods. I think Ek was their God of...well, DEATH.
Cyborg: (Wiping his tongue.) wonder these knight dudes want to find it so bad...
Devan: That just means we'll find it first!
The three Titans arrive at their location, a large white building in the desert surrounded by oil rigs. Behind the building, the RV is hidden at a safe distance.
Devan: I know we're heroes and all, but I got a feeling they won't just hand the mask over, even if we explained it to them...
Cyborg: We'll need to sneak in, then.
Starfire: How are we to accomplish the sneaking?
(Ping... Flash!)
They turn and look down to face the Galvanized Titan.
Tech-Head: Simple, we'll just use our heads!
TH is seen behind the guard, heading inside the building via a gutter pipe. Inside, the Galvan pops his head out of a restroom drain, and looks up to see a wad of gum stuck to his head.
Tech-Head: Aw, yuck!! (He tears it off.) 'Using our heads'...I should have turned into Frost, or maybe Phantom, and phased through the...
He suddenly finds himself surrounded by two German shepherds, growling at him.
Tech-Head: Wall...
They leap at him at once, but quick thinking allows Omni to hop out and towards the door. Just as he reaches for it, though, one of the dogs recovers and goes to snap at the frog-like alien.
It looks as though he was swallowed whole, but after a few seconds, Tech flies from the canine's jaws via his gravitational jetpack. He then exits the room, making sure to hold it shut with a nearby janitor's bucket.
Tech-Head: Heh! Who's the big dog, now, eh??
Outside the building, Cyborg and Starfire look down to see the cellar doors open up.
Tech-Head: Not too shabby for an organism only six inches tall, I'd say!
Cyborg: About time, I thought it was a guard!
They step down and head inside.
Starfire: ...(??) (She stops, smelling something.) Galvan Devan, why is it you smell of dog saliva?
Tech-Head: Eh...don't worry about it!
At the end of a long hallway, Vic opens the door to a small room, and in it lies a safe.
Cyborg: Guess it's in there.
Tech-Head: Allow me, then...
TH flies over to the safe, and with his "ear" pressed against it, he begins slowly rotating the combination...
The safe swings wide open, revealing Ah Puch's mask.
Cyborg: Nice work, D! (He retrieves the artifact and holds it to his face.) Huh, freaky-looking thing, isn't it?
Tech-Head: Think about it! Over forty years going unfound by the best and brightest. Then suddenly, a group of random teens end up finding it in ten ho-
"Yes, how unusual indeed..."
Clattering sounds of armored footsteps from behind him cause the trio to pause. Turning around, Morgan is the first to respond.
"Nice to meet the Teen Titans in person. Hello, Omni-Boy. Or...should I use the name, Devan Tennyson?"
Tech-Head: YOU! You're with the knights from before, aren't you?? Tried to slice me up and steal Frostbite's offspring!
It was none other than the Forever Knight known as Enoch, along with his two identical trenchcoat lackeys.
Enoch: How nice of you to remember us. And of course, how can I forget the children who left the Forever Knights without a castle?
Cyborg: Hey, that was your own fault! (He breaks out his arm cannon.) So, I suggest you get lost before we do it for you!!
Enoch: Hahaha! My, aren't we the feisty sewer rat? While I'd love to stay and converse, I'm terribly late for holding the world at my mercy. (Outstretching his hand.) So, I'll be taking that mask now.
Cyborg: Over my dead body, gramps!
Enoch: Good suggestion! Gentlemen...
Just then, the two knights took out a pair of blue, energy-coated based blades, preparing for a fight.
When suddenly...
"Hey, what's going on here?!"
Enoch turns around as a security guard enters the room, understandably shocked by the bizarre cast of characters inside, as well as one of them holding the very mask he was told to guard.
Tech jumps onto the distracted Enoch's face to cover up the eye holes in his mask, and while he falls to the floor, Cyborg and Starfire rush out to get the mask to safety; Vic shoulder barges the security, as the two make a break for it, the twin knights following them out the door.
Enoch rips the Galvan off of himself and tosses him across the room, knocking Devan onto the edge of a table, and accidentally activating a shredder beneath by a falling mug. Dazed and confused, he attempts to run from the sound, only resulting in the stack of papers under his foot to fall one by one, each copy being cut to ribbons.
Tech-Head: Oh, jeez-!!
Reaching the last sheet, Devan nearly falls to his death and hangs over the edge of the table.
Tech-Head: No way I'm winding up as galvanized coleslaw...!
He manages to kick himself off the edge and to safety; the knocked out guard comes to as the tiny Titan leaps into an open pipe.
Security Guard: head... (Through a radio.) We've got burglars, seal the exits!
(Alert! Alert!)
Alarms blare as the two Titans rush to escape. They come to an exit, but see a small group of armored guards stationed there, blocking their way.
Cyborg: ...Detour!
He and Starfire turn a corner to avoid them, but as they do...
A grappling claw latches onto the mask, snatching it from Stone, and placing it in the hands of Enoch.
Enoch: Your loss, MY gain...
Cyborg: Hey!! Get back here-!
A shutter slams shut, cutting the Knights off from our heroes. With little options where they stood, the two run straight at the steel barricade, using their brute strength to go through it. As metal and concrete falls, the two spot a limousine zooming off, undoubtedly Enoch's getaway vehicle.
Cyborg: We gotta get that mask back, and fast!
Starfire: (Looking around.) But, where is Devan??
TH manages to get out also, but lands into a dumpster, just as he reverts back into a suited up Devan.
Omni-Boy: Oh man, I --HATE-- it, when that happens...
Meanwhile, back in Jump City's sewer system, we see the other group of knights, led by Urien. In one of the many tunnels, they stop to face the wall on their left.
Knight 1: (Reading a blue map.) We should be directly underneath the museum entrance, Sire.
Urien: Good, place the drill here then.
Knight 2: At once, sir!
The other one takes out a red, circular device and places it on the brick wall, activating a series of flashing lights.
It sparks to life and spins, using yellow energy to bore a massive tunnel through the brick and wires behind it.
Urien: Excellent. (He smirks) Now, onward, my knights. We are so very of close now, to obtaining a power beyond reckoning!
The trio head down the tunnel, and unbeknownst to them, a strange, green rodent followed close by...
Back on the road, Enoch is in his car, and he looks at the mask with amazement.
Enoch: Hahaha, excellent...
The driver turns to the rearview mirror and sees the RV coming up from the distance, and Vic is behind the wheel.
Pressing a button on the dashboard, the Rust Bucket extends a pair of jet boosters, using the extra speed to ram into the limo. In retaliation, the Forever Knights' car activates a saw blade that comes from the trunk, causing Cyborg to back up and to revert the front bumper back to its main configuration.
Cyborg: Hey! Watch the paint, buddy! We JUST got this thing moving again!!
Maverick: (Ping!) Autopilot engaged.
Getting from his seat, the RV maneuvers itself so that it was right beside the Knights' car. Opening the door, Vic taps his wrists before leaping onto Enoch's limousine's roof, using magnetic plates in his hands to maintain a literal iron grip. Looking down through the sunroof, he sees the mask, but Enoch activates a blade of his own to protect it, stabbing through the car's roofing at the cybernetic hero. He slips off from the top of the car after avoiding getting pierced by the sword, and his feet scrap against the road, sending a monstrous amount of sparks.
Starfire: Cyborg, be careful!!
It takes a moment, but Vic regains his hold and hauls himself back up on the roof.
Cyborg: Ain't shakin' me that easy...!
Using a similar strategy, two of Enoch's men climbed atop the Rust Bucket, and one pounds the roof in with an advanced mace. Another wielding a sword swung in via the open door, and approaches the still-Human Devan.
(Shing-! Slash!!)
He just narrowly dodges the swipe and rolls under the knight, whose sword embeds itself in the dashboard. He turns and runs after the boy, only to receive a Tamaranean right hook to the face, knocking the man clear out the window and tumbling across the road. As he watches the two vehicles leave him, he looks to his left and notices a sign marked "MEXICO - 40 Miles".
Back at the RV, the mace wielding Knight knocks a hole through the roof, only to get blasted back by Starfire's energy blast.
As Cyborg clambers back onto the car, Enoch still stabbing straight through the roof, the car itself knocks into the RV, causing it to swerve as it passes over a bridge; the second Knight falls off and into the water.
Cyborg: Gotcha!!
Using the fact that Enoch's energy sword still possessed a metal blade, Vic was able to grab his weapon and prevent Enoch from bringing it back down to strike again. As Enoch struggles with it, he stops, realizing too late that this was merely a distraction; Vic reached down and snagged the mask again. Caught off guard, be turns to the RV, where he saw Vic and company, waving the mask around and taunting him like small children.
Omni-Boy: Hey!! Your loss, OUR gain, Forever Farks!!
Enoch: Grr.... (Smacking the roof in frustration.) DAMN THOSE KIDS!!!
He doesn't have long to brood, though. As both parties look ahead and spot a massive truck, horns blaring.
Cyborg: (Getting into his seat.) Hold on-!
He turns on the rocket thrusters a second time, boosting it forward and ahead of Enoch's car. The truck continues ahead, its horn beeping, but thanks to the booster, our trio is able to narrowly avoid the passing semi, just scratching past the side of it.
And, realizing that Enoch is still behind them, a back hatch opens up and releases tire spikes to slow them down. With the mask in tow, the RV successfully drives away, leaving Enoch in the dust.
Enoch: They're more resourceful than I thought. (He looks on, then sighs.) No matter... (He takes out a small radio.) Send in the bird...
In the RV, the group sits at the kitchen table, eyeing the mask in wonderment.
Starfire: Those men were quite eager to obtain this.
Omni-Boy: Well, it IS the key to that sword...somehow. (He picks it up.) I mean, how's a fancy rock gonna help u-
Omni-Boy: Woah-!
Without warning, the eyes began to glow, and the mask projects a green hologram of a traditional Aztec Temple.
Starfire: (Gasping.) It's not just a key; it's a map, to the temple of Ek Chuaj!
Omni-Boy: Indeed it is...
Cyborg: We need to beat them to that temple, but, the engine's pretty messed up from Enoch's little buzz cut trick.
Omni-Boy: Hey, we don't NEED wheels where we're going...
High above the dense jungles of Mexico, Starfire carries Vic by the shoulders, whilst Devan follows right next to them via his hoverboard.
Omni-Boy: You see the temple yet, Vic?
Cyborg: (Scanning the ground.) Should be around here somewhere... Wait, over there!
In the horizon, Cyborg points to a massive structure poking out from the trees, in disrepair, yet still standing strong.
Cyborg: Gotta be the place! (To Starfire.) Let's find a clearing and head on in.
They arrive at the pyramid on foot, only to see that the Forever Knights have arrived before them, via a personal helicopter. They hide in some bushes, and find that Enoch and his men are already at the site, trying to open the pyramid doors with dynamite, but it seems that the stone doors are strong enough to stay shut.
Forever Knight: (Shouting as he runs.) Fire in the hole...!
From the cover the Knights look out to see only a scorch mark on the temple entrance. The stone wasn't even chipped or cracked; those Aztecs sure went all out with security.
Enoch: STILL, not, open... Use a bigger charge this time, you idiots!
The Titans turn around to avoid detection, coming to another side of the pyramid.
Cyborg: Won't be going in through the front door then. (He turns to the wall, inspecting it.) Let's see, there's always a secret entrance to these temples...
He attempts to find a loose brick or lever, or...ANYTHING of note, and as he does, Star notices the mask at his hip, its eyes glowing once again.
Starfire: How strange...
She takes the mask and holds it in front of her, so that she could see through its eyes; it gave the world a green hue, along with mysterious ripples in certain places.
Omni-Boy: Hm? What're you doing?
Starfire: If this is the key to the sword, then it might be for the temple as well...there!
She points out one of the bricks, visually identical to all the others, but with Ah Puch's mask, it was a bright light.
Cyborg pressed the brick inward, and within seconds, it shifts backwards and lifts up, creating an entrance for our Titans to enter.
Omni-Boy: Hey, good thinkin', Star! I never would've thought to do that!
Cyborg: (He turns on his light.) Now then, based on every movie I've seen, the sword should be in the center of this place.
Omni-Boy: Let's hope we don't run into anymore-AH!
Being in the very back, Devan is mostly unaware of his darkened surroundings, which is evident when he steps on a rigged floor panel, causing the ground beneath him to slide open to a pit of spikes; Starfire manages to grab him by the wrist, and pull him back up.
Omni-Boy: ...Surprises. (Shaken up.) O-Ok!! Note to self: make sure to watch where you step...!
Cyborg: (He walks forward.) Careful, D! The Mayans were notorious for setting up all sorts of-
Omni-Boy: Booby traps??
Stone had unknowingly walked straight through a tripwire, and just then, the temple starts to rumble, and a ceiling panel slides open to release large boulders from above, breaking their rickety path in all directions.
Cyborg: Move it-!
Barely making the jumps from one platform the other, the trio rush down the crumbing stairs.
Omni-Boy: (Going through his watch.) Come on, gimme something good!! Out of all the traps the Aztecs could of done here, I'd rather take snakes, than end up as- PANCAKES!!!
A rock smashes the stairs merely inches behind them, the destruction following them as they run.
Cyborg: (He points.) Over there!!
The rocks finally destroy the stairs completely, leaving the trio on only a single platform, barely in the air and quickly crumbling. Spotting a ledge, Vic was able to use a grappling hook from his arm to get him and Morgan to safety; Star leaps the massive gap and rolls to a stop.
The two boys make it to a stone floor soon after, thudding on the ground. Devan and Cyborg then get to their knees as they catch their breath.
Omni-Boy: Phew...! Thanks for the save, Vic.
Cyborg: Don't mention it... (He helps Dev up.) Well, let's see if we're going the right way...
Starfire: I do hope our friends are fairing better than us...
We return to the museum, well, the tunnels underneath the museum to be exact.
Urien: We've been walking for ages now, are we getting close??
Map Knight: Uh, I believe so...
Urien: You BELIEVE, or you KNOW?
Map Knight: Um, Sire, if I'm to be honest, these blueprints are quite old.
Urien: Then you better hope they're still accurate! I have no patience for failure, Knight, remember that well...
They continue on, meanwhile...
"Yep, they've been through here alright..."
Raven and Terra stand outside the Knight's tunnel, the latter inspecting the damage.
Terra: How'd they do this so quick??
In response, Raven takes out a small leather pouch from within her cloak, and retrieves her Rooter's Badge; it projects a red grid around the entrance, and starts to flash.
Raven: Looks like they used something called a Deterion energy mine.
Terra: That dangerous?
Raven: Apparently they're strong enough to melt through solid concrete, so...yeah, pretty dangerous.
Terra: The heck was that?!
Raven: Either they just set another one off, or Beast Boy got found out...
Flashlight Knight: Who dares intrude on the -
Out from a dust cloud behind the Knights, BB emerges in human form, looking quite confident in his odds.
Beast Boy: Alright, we can do this the easy way, or the painful way! (He cracks his knuckles.) Your choice, dudes...
Urien: ...It's just the Titan's Changeling lackey, DESTROY HIM!
Beast Boy: (?!) Huh, lackey?!?
(Blam, Blam!)
As Urien makes a run for it, his two knights take aim and fire laser lances at Logan. He is nearly shot for a few moments, leaping here and there to avoid their fire, but he soon regains his composer and morphs into a charging ram.
With his dark green horns, Logan bats the first man into the wall, and then delivers both hind legs into the other's chest, knocking him out as well. Seconds later, the two girls join him as he becomes human again. Then, the trio rush after Urien, eventually reaching the end of another drilled out tunnel.
They found themselves in the museum's basement area, where several exhibits lay in dust and darkness. However, they spot the Forever Knight standing at the far end of the room, before a massive depiction of an Aztec deity on the wall.
In front of the picture is a glass display case, which contained an identical ruby. Urien wastes no time and shatters the case, taking the gemstone in his possession.
Urien: Yes! At long last, the power is finally mine...!
Beast Boy: Uh, hey! Knight dude? (He holds up a sign.) It clearly says "Hands Off!"
Without giving him any attention, Urien places both rubies into the skull design. Immediately, it lights up with energy, and before Urien could react, he was suddenly lifted up by great, stone-like appendages. After that, the material on the wall began to encase his body, taking on a cylindrical, humanoid shape, and leaving his face exposed.
Urien: This, my dear adversaries, is the Toltech Battle Armor! It was a parting gift to the ancient Aztecs, from a grateful alien species many years ago... It was said that only the Spanish invasion was enough to defeat the original user of this suit!
Beast Boy: WAIT....there were aliens in Central America???
Raven: Guess they enjoyed the scenery, oh. And probably because of the human sacrifice, just putting that out.
Urien: And now, its power is all MINE!!!
Despite its great size and weight, Urien closes the gap between him and the Titans in seconds, smashing the ground with his fists and scattering the three teens.
...Back to the Temple, we see the other group in a larger chamber now, this one with a massive door, and a strange looking pedestal.
Omni-Boy: Hey, this looks just like the mask...
Morgan takes the artifact and was just about to place it on the alter. But as he mere inches from it...
He turns around to see both his allies receive an electric shock, and I'm seconds they were dragged towards the darkness via grappling hooks.
"Hahaha! Guess the Titans aren't so troublesome after all..."
The speaker ignites a torch, revealing Enoch and his cronies, the latter holding Vic and Starfire hostage.
Enoch: If we never allowed you take the mask from me, we may never have found the secret entrance. And the traps? How nice of you to set them off for us.
Omni-Boy: Hey!! Let them go, you medieval maniac!
Enoch: Oh, that is no issue at all, well...unless you're unwilling to trade?
Omni-Boy: What are you...?
Enoch: Your friends' lives in exchange for the mask, it's your choice, Tennyson...
Omni-Boy: Fine. Just take the stupid thing...
Without a fight, Enoch approached Devan and took Ah Puch's mask.
Enoch: And now...I believe it's time to toss out the rubbish!
Without warning, the two Knights threw their hostages into a massive hole behind them.
Omni-Boy: NO!!!
Pushing past the Knight Commander, Devan runs towards the pit and leaps in without hesitation. And as the masked men watch, all three Titans disappeared into the darkness.
Enoch: How selfless, albeit pointless. They say this pit, The Pit of Despair, is bottomless...hehehe, guess they'll find out if it's true.
With that, he turns back to the pedestal, placed the mask in the keyhole, and very slowly, the stone gates open to allow the men entry. Immediately, Enoch spots what they came for; the ultimate weapon...the Sword of Ej Chuaj...
(To be continued...)
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