Titans Rise
Years have passed since the defeat of the brotherhood of evil and the sudden revival of Terra, who possesses no memory of her former life as a certain green skinned, pointy eared teen decided to let her go & be happy with the life she wanted.
While world threats have been stopped and peace returns to Jump City, evil never sleeps…… but neither do the heroes of this town, The Titans.
Narrator: Years later....
We cut to Jump City where an explosion in a bank occurred as Johnny Rancid appeared with bags of money and two pistols. He changed his style over the years, Johnny was now wearing a black and red leather jacket, same attire as before but a red studded belt instead as a gray one, red and black boots and longer slick back black hair with a red flame streak, he was a bit more muscular and had more tattoos on his arms.
He let out a sick laugh as he was shooting up the incoming cop cars, blowing them up as people ran for their lives, screaming.
Johnny Rancid: Hahaha! That's right, run and scream! No one has the guts to step up to Johnny Rancid!
He then got on his motorcycle as he was about to make a getaway but he was stopped in his tracks by a bird-a-rang, taking out his tire.
???: How about we step up to you, Johnny.
Johnny Rancid growled as he turned to see seven figures on a rooftop.
Johnny Rancid: Titans…
Upon the rooftop was the Titans themselves as they too have grown and changed over the years.
The first was Robin, The Leader; He was a tall man with light skin, black hair in the same spiky design and has a strong athletic build. He still wears a black and white mask over his eyes but has a different attire that consists of black & green tights, sleeveless black & green armored vest with the letter R over the left side, a longer black cape with a red interior, black & silver gloves, a yellow & red utility belt, black & green pants and ankle high steel toed boots.
The second was Starfire, The Peaceful yet Strong Tamaranian Warrior; She was a tall woman with bright orange skin, large green eyes, small round eyebrows, longer waist length, shiny & fiery red hair with short bangs and has a beautiful supermodel like figure. Her new uniform consists of a purple, silver and green crop top, custom skirt with a silver belt and thigh length boots. She also has a silver gorget with a green gem around her neck, silver shoulder armor, silver gauntlets with green gems and a silver armband on her upper right arm.
The third was Raven, The Dark and Gloomy, Human-Demon Hybrid Heroine; A slightly short woman with slightly long violet purple hair, violet eyes, gray-ish pale skin, a red gemstone upon her forehead & has a graceful, hourglass figure. She still wears her dark navy blue cloak, now wears a black & dark gray leotard bodysuit with the same gold belt with crimson jewels, dark navy blue gloves with the same gold & crimson jewel on it, black thigh length leggings and dark navy blue boots.
The fourth was Beast Boy, well... he's not a boy anymore but he goes by many names, Beast Man, BB, B, Beast Dude, Green machine & mostly Changeling but he's everyone's Fun Loving, Vegetarian, Joke making, sometimes focused and Animal Shape Shifting Hero; A slightly tall man with green skin, slightly short & spiky green hair, green eyes, pointy ears & fangs while sporting a lean athletic figure. He was wearing a black, white and purple custom bodysuit, silver & black gloves, a silver utility belt & silver & purple boots.
The fifth was Cyborg, the Brawn and Brains, Half Man & Half Machine Hero; He was the tallest man of the Titans, dark skin, right dark blue eye & a large muscular figure. His silver, white and black cybernetic armor parts were upgraded & changed to a different design, still has light blue circuitry showing & the same glowing red left robotic eye.
The sixth was Former H.I.V.E. five member & villain/Now Honorary Titan and Sorceress of Bad Luck, Jinx; A slightly short woman with pale skin, pink cat slit eyes, pink hair in a horseshoe-sharp curving outwards at the tip with metallic black bands, pink blush marks on her face & she possesses a graceful & curvaceous figure. She was wearing an alternate version of her jagged trimmed dress which was now black with a white & purple collar that covers her shoulders, had no sleeves, black & white striped leggings, black & purple platform boots & the same black choker with a violet charm around her neck.
And the seventh was Honorary Titan, The Quick Super Speed hero and jinx's boyfriend, Kid Flash; A slightly tall man with fair skin, spiked red hair, bright blue eyes & has an average athletic figure. He was wearing a slim but strong armor version of his yellow & red unitard suit with a red lightning symbol, yellow mask with two red lightning bolts on the sides on his head, red gloves, utility belt and yellow boots.
Johnny Rancid: The Bird Boy and his little flock of losers came to play?
Changeling (Beast Boy): (smirks) If you mean, kick your butt and put you back in jail then... yeah, we're here to play and win this game.
Raven and Jinx rolled their eyes.
Robin: Just give up, Johnny. You're outnumbered.
Johnny Rancid: (grins) Wrong!
Johnny Rancid gives a loud whistle as the Titans heard a loud rumbling sound coming from an abandoned building not too far from them, the building itself started to shake & break down, collapsing to the ground in a big cloud of smoke.
Kid Flash: A collapsing building is your ace in the hole?
Johnny Rancid: Look again, road runner reject!
Within the smoke, the Titans heard stomping as they prepared for what was coming. Out of the cloud of smoke was an army of 8 ft tall, silver and black riot looking, bulky robots almost resembling Rancid's monster, Wrexzilla.
Johnny Rancid: Say hello to the Rancid Rioters!
The Rancid Rioter bots were armed with loaded guns, built-in spiked hammers and chains.
Johnny Rancid: Destroy!
Robin: Titans, GO!
The Rancid Rioters charged at the Titans, who sprang into action to take on these Robotic Terrors while Robin himself deals with Johnny.
Kid Flash was running through the Rancid Rioters, who were firing strong bullets at him but couldn't get a hit on the super speed hero.
Kid Flash: Hey, where are you guys looking? I'm over here (instantly dodges some bullets) Nope, over here (dodges another shot & was behind the robots) Right behind you.
He dodges them again and proceeds to run circles around the Rancid Rioters, wind picking up as he formed a large red twister, engulfing the Rancid Rioters.
Soon, the twister faded with Kid Flash standing with a proud smile while broken parts of the Rancid Rioters fell in a huge pile behind him.
Kid Flash: Awesome.
Meanwhile, Jinx was dealing with her own share of the Rancid Rioters as she was avoiding the robots firepower with gymnastic flips and leaps.
Jinx: (sly smirk) This isn't even a challenge for me. Back to the scrap yard with you.
Eyes glowing pink, Jinx forms pink energy from her hands and fires a stream of lightning-like waves towards the Rancid Rioters, the pink energy short circuiting their systems and shaking as the robots fell apart to collapse.
Jinx: Hmph.
We now see Changeling formerly known as Beast Boy fairing with his cut of the Rancid Rioters. The cybernetic machines were trying to smash him with their spiked hammers.
Changeling: (Dodges the hit) Whoa! Dudes! (Dodges a hammer strike) I've heard of putting the hammer down (Dodges another strike) but that's going over the line there!
He dodges another strike, turning into a gorilla and catching the next hammer, ripping it out for it's metal arm and starts using the spiked hammer to whack a couple of Rancid Rioters heads off like a baseball player hitting the ball with a bat one by one until the headless robots fell to the ground.
Changeling revert back to his human form, doing his victory dance while holding a spiked hammer in hand.
Changeling: Oh yeah, that's right! Mess with the Green Machine, you get the hammer! (Gestures the spiked hammer in hand) Hahahahaha!
Raven groans in annoyance as she heard the Green shape shifter's puns not too far from her as she was dealing with her own share of the Rancid Rioters.
Raven: Years have passed and he's still making bad jokes in the middle of a battle.
Raven forms a telekinetic barrier of dark energy to deflect the incoming bullets from the Rancid Rioters shooting at her.
Raven: (eyes glowing white) Now they're just getting annoying... Azarath Metrion Zinthos!
Raven pushes the barrier forward which expands to scatter and engulfs each Rancid Rioter in dark energy, forcing the robots to fly and collide with the walls, the road and each other until they were nothing but scrap.
We then see Starfire flying through the air, avoiding the firepower of the Rancid Rioters while also shooting Star bolts at them. She then flew down, catching the hammer strike of one of the robots to deliver a strong punch that send it flying, delivers a swift kick to the next robot and she was keeping up the momentum until a chain wrapped itself around her arm.
Starfire: What the-
Starfire then received a chain wrapped itself around her waist, she grunts as the Rancid Rioters shot chains to wrap around her like a horde of snakes, soon ensnaring her into a ball of chains trying to squeeze the life out of her.
But the ball of chains started to expand, showing light of green as Starfire broke out of the chains with ease.
Starfire: I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I'm stronger than I look.
Eyes glowing green, Starfire shot lasers from her eyes at the nearest robots, destroying them. Then she proceeds to take down each robot in her path.
Cyborg: C'mon, show me whatcha got!
Cyborg was brawling with each Rancid Rioter Robot that was attacking him. They were soon ganging up on him to pin & beat down on the half human/half machine hero but Cyborg with a battle cry and broke out of the hold, battling back until he let out a pained yelp.
Cyborg: Ouch! Hey!
He sees one of the Rancid Rioters biting him on the shoulders.
Cyborg: Really?! You-You biting on me?!
Cyborg hits a big right to the robot's metal teeth, breaking it along with it's entire jaw. He then avoided the firepower the Rancid Rioters were shooting, gearing up his arm which transformed into a sonic cannon.
Cyborg: Try this!
Cyborg fires his own firepower at the Rancid Rioters one by one until they exploded into pieces.
Cyborg: Booyah!
We now see Robin taking on Johnny Rancid, who was firing bullets at him but Robin was blocking the bullets with his steel bo staff via spin cycle as he then pulls out two bird-a-bangs and throws at Johnny Rancid, knocking the guns out of his hands.
Johnny Rancid: Agh! Grrrr!
Robin: Can't fight without your guns, Johnny?
Johnny Rancid: Very funny but will see who's laughing when I clip your wing like I did years ago only this time, you don't have that mini bird boy to help you!
Robin retracts his staff and does a mocking gesture with his right hand, telling Johnny to Bring. It. On. Johnny Rancid growled as he charges at Robin, exchanging in hand to hand combat, while Johnny had height & power advantage Robin was used to fighting opponents bigger than him.
Johnny was landing a couple of strong punches, kicks & forearm strikes to Robin but the young man went on the defensive for a moment to block Johnny's offense until he found an opening to land 10 strikes to his midsection, 5 strikes to the face and finally finishing his combo with a quick spin kick to face of Johnny Rancid, sending him plummeting into the ground.
Johnny Rancid groans as he loses consciousness.
Robin: Riot's over, Johnny.
After taking Johnny Rancid to jail, the heroes return to Titans Towers. The place looks the same on the outside but the inside has been changed a bit with a few additional rooms, including new rooms for Honorary Titans Jinx and Kid Flash, who moved in, new security system and technology, etc.
Changeling: (smiles) Now that the bad guy is put behind bars, let's have a little R&R. Who wants tofu burgers?!
Cyborg: BB, nobody wants tofu burgers!
Changeling: Well I do, pass me the soy milk.
Cyborg: I told you once I'mma tell you again, I ain't going anywhere near that stuff.
Changeling: Cy, don't be a wimp. Pass me the soy milk and tofu burgers.
As the two argued, Starfire cuts in.
Starfire: Friends. No need to fight over the feast of our day, I shall have the burger with extra mustard, ice cream and anchovies.
Everyone looked at Starfire with wide eyes and expressions of shock, disgust and awkwardness.
Robin: Uhhh Star... not everything has to be a topping on a burger.
Starfire: Oh (rubs the back of her head with a sheepish smile) Hehehe.
Kid Flash: I'm all for a regular burger. What about you, Jinx?
Jinx: Eh, I'm good for now.
Changeling: What about you, Raven?
Raven: I'm not hungry.
Changeling: Oh c'mon Rae, at least try some-
Raven gave him a warning glare.
Changeling: Okay, okay, geez. More tofu burgers for me then.
Cyborg: Well I'll start getting the grill ready for outside.
Cyborg leaves.
Changeling: Hey K. Flash, wanna go a few rounds (holding a video game controller with a competitive grin)
Kid Flash: (confident smile) You're on.
The two ran to the sofa to play some video games. Raven decides to go to her room and meditate while Jinx was asked by Changeling and Kid Flash if she wanted to join them in a few rounds but she declined and decided to just watch.
Starfire: Robin?
Robin: Yes Star?
Starfire: While friend Cyborg is preparing the feast of the barbecue, would you like to get the ice cream sundaes with me?
Robin had a slight smile.
Robin: Sure.
Starfire smiles too.
Starfire: Thank you.
The two then head out.
To be continued...
(Chapter 1 is finished! Please vote and comment on the chapter and let me know what you think of it! As I said before in the previous chapter/character bio, The titans are all aged up & Jinx and Kid Flash are apart of the team now. I hope you like the appearance designs I came up with for Robin, Cyborg, Beast Boy now known as Changeling, Raven, Starfire, Jinx and Kid Flash, I didn't draw any fan art for them yet but I will in time. Any thoughts on them, if you have any episode ideas and suggestions for the teen titans story, I'll all ears. What's next for the team? Find out next chapter on Teen Titans: Heroes of the future. This is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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